Seven or eight kilometers in the air.

“Boom!” of a sound.

It’s like a meteorite hitting the earth.

The ground has smashed into seven or eight meters of deep pits.

Invincible defensive state.

Not to mention the altitude of seven or eight meters, even if it falls from an exotic starry sky.

Li Mo came to a wave of prostate brakes, and it was not a big problem.

The rocky ground twenty or thirty meters of Fang Yuan was all cracked.

They even killed seven or eight Zerg on the spot.

Li Mo broke free from the bottom of the big pit.

“The hegemonic state, although it will not be hindered by the energy barrier, but the obstruction of entities such as the earth and the wall will still block my progress.”

Li Moshun summed up a wave of [Invincible Overlord] characteristics.

Look around.

Densely packed with Zerg.

These zergs are similar to long-legged spiders.

Earthy yellow throughout.

And barren earth a color, with good camouflage characteristics.

They have hard carapaces in various parts of their bodies.

The body size can be large and small, the small one is about half a meter, and the large one is even three or four meters large.

The level also ranges from twenty or thirty to more than a hundred.

But overall the level is not high.




The disturbed Zerg emitted various sharp hissing sounds.

Then the restless Zerg attacked Li Mo.

Armed with a shield gun, Li Mo entered the state of imperial soul and began his cultivation of the [Blood Injury] path.

“Attack with HP stats.”

“It’s obviously easier to consume HP to convert it into damage.”

“The difficulty is that with the value of health, it is converted into damage, and while hitting out, I will not reduce my health myself.”

“The former is to hurt each other, and the latter is the real control of the blood bar attribute.”

“But the amount of health consumed to hit the value can be used as a killer tool, but it certainly cannot be used as a conventional means.”

“Otherwise, if I fight, I will be bloodied, and it will be uncomfortable.”

“Even if I have a long blood strip, I can’t waste it so wantonly, and the landlord’s family has to stock up on more surplus food.”

“So, the focus direction is to fix the blood wound with my health points, the kind that kills the damage and does not reduce the health points.”

“Everything is difficult at the beginning, let’s hit the special damage of 1 bloody injury first.”

Li Mo, who is not afraid of enemy attacks.

The mind was completely immersed in the blood bar, constantly hitting one blow after another.


Li Mo also studied when he was in the Professional College.

With a certain foundation, the use of shield guns is naturally not a big problem.

With common sense again and again.

After killing hundreds of Zergs in a row.

Li Mo has always had difficulty mobilizing the blood bar attribute to attach damage to himself.

“Sure enough, as the elder of Long Drink said, the deep cultivation of attributes is not as easy as imagined.”

“It’s unrealistic to want to have an effect in a short time.”

“Just according to what the dragon drink seniors said.”

“Start with the deep perception of the blood bar.”

“First sense the fit between the health bar attribute and the attack, and try to deal damage.”

Immediately, Li Mo converged his mind.

Don’t rush and want to hit damage directly.

Instead, start from the most basic blood bar perception.

Li Mo, who had calmed his mind, was like a seasoned knight, and his whole mind was completely immersed in the blood bar.

Feel your attack in detail.

Bursts of damage attributes.

Various subtle changes in the health bar attribute as damage bursts.

The more detailed his perception, the more Li Mo could perceive those subtle changes becoming clearer.

And where Li Mo could not see.

Dragon Drink, standing not far away.

Seeing that Li Mo had already entered the realm of his own blood bar, he completely forgot about the situation in the outside world.

Long Yu couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

“That’s talent!”

“I want to be a seven-star professional and feel that my agility is suitable for my attacks.”

“I even realized that my health bar characteristics fit my agile dodge characteristics.”

“It took a long time.”

“And just entering the state of comprehending the agility attribute takes more than a week.”

“And Li Mo, after falling for ten minutes, he entered the state of feeling the blood bar.”

“This talent gap, you want to say that there are no two or three orders of magnitude, I obviously don’t believe it.”

“The characteristics of a six-star profession are definitely not so high.”

“According to Guo Mirage, this Li Mo has at least one hidden 10-star professional characteristic.”

“However, the test of Li Mo in the past few days, I am afraid that this Li Mo’s hidden professional characteristics are definitely more than 10 stars, the legendary 11 stars? 12 stars? ”

“I haven’t seen such a high-star rank profession, it’s hard to say.”

“But anyway, this Li Mo’s cultivation in terms of blood bars is absolutely upper limit.”

“After all, this guy’s blood bar is constantly improving!”

“With each kill, I can feel something absorbed by him, very subtle, very hidden, if I don’t observe it up close, I definitely can’t detect it.”

“Chaos Knights kill boss creatures to increase health.”

His property was obviously magnified countless times more than it had been. Killing normal units also increases health. ”

“In the framework of the career system, health is the core foundation of everything.”

“After all, having a blood bar is considered a ‘alive’ state.”

“Therefore, it is difficult to grow the health bar.”

“And the blood bar grows to a certain amount, the blood bar will be suppressed to a certain extent, the more it grows, the less it will be, reaching the limit of additional health bar growth, and even the blood bar will not increase more.”

“However, Li Mo seems to completely ignore this attribute rule.”

“It’s really incomprehensible!”

Long Yu shook his head.

The more so, the more he valued Li Mo.

It can be said that this Li Mo is definitely expected to become a top powerhouse in the future.

Be bold, and it’s not a big problem to become the number one powerhouse of mankind.

“Hmm… The higher the level, the easier it is to cultivate attributes, do you want to let him break through and then upgrade? ”

“Forget it, just let him get stuck at level 299 for a while!”

“After the general professional turns, that is, level 100, he will start cultivating.”

“This Li Mo is already level 299, and he is not in a hurry to break through, anyway, experience cannot be wasted.”

“This hurts … Gee…… The high is simply a little frightening. ”

“It’s this marksmanship, a little crotch-pulling.”

“Li Mo became a professional for less than a month, and he basically poured experience all the way up.”

“Even if there is level 299, it is actually just a novice who has just become a professional.”

“The basic combat capability is almost nothing, the problem is not big.”

“Just practice more.”

“Training such a peerless jade is quite rewarding.”

“It’s just that I lost so many materials, and it was a bit wasteful not to pick them up.”

“This guy doesn’t have a mount yet, and if he has a mount, just let the mount pick it up automatically.”

“In the depths of the Shattered Star Sea, there are also many powerful boss creatures.”

“Directly enslave boss creatures, ready-made mounts are okay, hatching pet eggs can also be cultivated by yourself.”

“But Li Mo definitely can’t look at these ordinary mounts.”

“The mount of the phantom beast system is the best.”

“We humans are not far from the world of the phantom beast lineage, wait until Li Mo’s strength is strong enough, and he doesn’t even need me to carry it, he can go over by himself.”

In the observation of the dragon drink.

Li Mo was completely immersed in the fit of the blood bar and the attack.

It has begun to gradually explore certain characteristics and begin to gradually master it.

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