Attack after attack.

Li Mo, who was immersed in blood bars and attacks.

Completely forgot about the time outside.

Anyway, Li Mo was holding a shield gun and was not afraid of injury at all.

Moreover, the strong physique makes Li Mo’s life recovery ability more than 300 in a second.

Those mandatory 1 damage of -1, -1, -1 cannot reduce Li Mo’s health at all.

Li Mo didn’t know how many times he attacked.

10,000 times, 20,000 times, 50,000 times, 100,000 times.

The action of attack, as if it became instinctive.

Every time a gun is fired, it is competent.

Fast, accurate, steady, ruthless!

And a lot about health bar characteristics and attack characteristics.

Constantly absorbed by Li Mo in Li Mo’s perception, absorbed, and precipitated.

When enough has accumulated.

Li Mo finally ushered in his own accumulation.

Accompanied by an attack at the same time.

A large amount of accumulation bursts out like a volcano.

A vein that runs through the health bar to the attack.

In Li Mo’s mind, water came to fruition.

“One attack, guide the health bar characteristics, and hit it out along the vein of the attack.”

“That’s obviously the perfect feature.”

“It neither disturbs my health bar health, nor does it reduce my health points, and even my health bar fluctuations, the enemy can’t feel it.”

“And my attack will have a powerful blood damage effect.”

“The whole vein of the attack is as smooth as breathing.”

“It was completely natural.”

Although the process is simple, it seems simple.

However, it does not experience hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of attacks, groping, and deep perception.

It is impossible to follow this attack line, let alone inflict such damage.

Take a deep breath.

Li Mo’s shot burst out.

A shot was like a heavy cannon.

Behind hundreds of thousands of ordinary white damage.

-24 Blood damage emerges.

Although not high, it is a real blood wound.

At the same time that Li Mo hit this blow damage.

The system prompt should sound.

“Ding, master the [Blood Demon Damage] talent, and automatically transform into the [Invincible Blood Demon Damage] talent.”


The system’s prompt tone interrupted Li Mo’s immersion state.

“Blood Demon Damage? What is it? Isn’t it a bloody wound? ”

“And this invincible blood demon damage, what is it?”

Immediately, Li Mo looked at his talent column.

Sure enough.

In addition to the previous [Invincible Chaos Physique].

A brand new [Invincible Blood Demon Damage] has appeared again.

[Invincible Blood Demon Damage].

Grade: LV1

When you deal damage to an enemy, it comes with “24 points” Invincible Blood Demon Damage, which ignores all defense characteristics and is invincible real damage.

Li Mo carefully examined this “Invincible Blood Demon Damage” explanation.

But no matter how you look at it, Li Mo doesn’t feel quite right.

“This is a fake invincible damage!”

“24 o’clock? Hairy use? ”

“There is still 1 point for mandatory damage!”

As Li Mo looked around.

A large number of zergs around, attack yourself.

The damage that bounced out was fifty or sixty thousand, seventy or eighty thousand, or even hundreds of thousands.

And behind these injuries, there is a small tail.

That’s with this -24 point invincible blood demon damage.

But soon, Li Mo’s eyes lit up.

I found this place where the invincible blood demon hurts specially.

“This hurts … Seem…… It can be stacked! ”

Those Zerg attack after Li Mo received rebound damage.

The first damage to Little Tail is -24.

The second little tail became -48.

The third time it became -72.

“Invincible blood demon damage can be continuously superimposed, according to the invincible characteristics, it is very likely to be – unlimited superposition!”

In an instant, Li Mo comprehended the characteristics of this invincible blood demon damage.

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

“These 24 points of damage, but I only grasped the damage value of the blood demon damage.”

“With cultivation, this damage value will definitely increase gradually.”

“At that time, having an invincible blood demon damage of 5,000 is not excessive!”

“One attack is 5,000.”

“Ten attacks is 50,000.”

“A hundred attacks, the damage stacked up is 500,000.”

“And every stack can make my damage reach a new high.”

“Unlimited superposition, this thing is a magic skill for fighting bosses and protracted battles!”

“In itself, if I can fight and resist, I am not afraid to fight a protracted war with the enemy.”

“And now with this invincible blood demon damage, and the enemy is strong, the proper advantage is in me.”

“The point is that this invincible blood demon damage is stacked when damage is done, and rebound damage can also be stacked.”

“The enemy hits me, fold myself, I hit the enemy, or stack!”

“Stacking it properly!”


Li Mo laughed softly.

“This blood demon damage I developed is logically an output feature.”

“It doesn’t fit the Invincible Meat Shield system.”

“However, this trait is derived from the health bar.”

“Therefore, it has the characteristics of the life of the meat shield, so it is also given characteristics by the system.”

“And the blood demon damage, which can be blessed in the rebound damage, is also relatively good.”

“My attack, because it is equipped with mythical equipment weapons, is all soul damage, but this invincible blood demon damage is independent, obviously, the characteristics of mythical equipment cannot assimilate the characteristics of this invincible blood demon damage of mine.”

“In other words, invincible blood demon damage, deep depth.”

“More powerful than the characteristics of mythical equipment.”

Mastered the Blood Demon Damage.

Damage can be dealt from the health bar.

At the same time, it was also enhanced by the system to damage this blood demon.

At this time, Li Mo was in a good mood.

Immediately, Li Mo began to increase his blood demon damage in the direction of increasing his blood demon damage.

As the senior of Long Drink said, everything is difficult at the beginning, which is indeed good.

Li Mo didn’t know how long it took him to guide the Blood Demon Damage.

But the growth of invincible blood demon damage is very rapid.

From 24 damage, soaring all the way.

25 points.

26 points.


32 points.


All the way down.

The efficiency is also quite fast.

Unknowingly, Li Mo had already reached 100 points of invincible blood demon damage.

“Li Mo, don’t practice first, there is a situation!”

Just as Li Mo continued to work hard to stack his invincible blood demon damage.

The voice of the dragon drink suddenly sounded.

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