Chapter 52: Don’t stop, please step up!.

Li Mo set his sights on the last treasure in this barrier area not far away.

[Star Shield].

Looking at it for a moment, Li Mo directly grabbed the [Star Shield] in his hand. With the core skill [Star Shield] in hand.

The energy barrier began to slowly disappear. Li Mo is also not polite.

Rub directly at the skill scroll.

“Ding! Learn [Star Shield] and automatically promote to [Invincible Shield]. ”

[Invincible Shield] LV1 level.

After taking damage, damage will be stored and converted into 100% shield value, and your life form will be converted into an invincible single-block health bar.

The shield also has a single-block health bar feature.


Just as Li Mo was examining his new [Invincible Shield] characteristic that he had acquired. The system’s beep sounded again.


[Life Blood Bar] transforms into [Invincible Single Blood Bar]. ”

“The current single health bar is 68,000.”

Glancing outside.

As the energy barrier is about to disappear. Star God, do it.

The originally clear sky quickly dimmed, and then entered the night starry sky. Night!

It’s coming!

The celestial environment is easily reversed in the hands of the gods.

The attacks were converging, and Li Mo looked unhurriedly at his invincible shield skill.

“Now, my life form has changed, and the maximum number of injuries in a single injury is not more than 68,000.”

“Although most of the time, I can defend myself invincible and achieve absolute immunity from damage.”

“But, in the world of attributes, there will always be some strange areas.”

“For example, a special area will have the characteristics of disarming rules.”

“Even powerful traits that cause equipment to fail are there.”

“The invincible attribute is also manifested in the attribute rule system.”

“Once disarmed, or suppressed, the invincible defense cannot function.”


Li Mo laughed softly.

“The transformation of the blood bar allows me to bear no more than 68,000 injuries in a single time.”

“It also gives me a terrifying openness when I can’t defend.”

“A single-compartment health bar is the perfect redundant design for me as a meat shield class.”

“After all, as a knight of the human shield, you not only need meat, but also be able to adapt to a variety of complex, harsh, and desperate environments25.”

“And this invincible shield single-grid health bar will be the thickest wall in my knight’s class framework system. Previously, if Li Mo could not hold a shield, he entered a defensive posture. ”

Although you have a lot of HP, you will still be quickly defeated by the enemy’s powerful attacks. And now.

Single cell blood bar on top.

With Li Mo’s current amount of health, the enemy attacked Li Mo once a second, knocking out 68,000 blood. Emptying Li Mo’s blood bar, it would also take two months to go on.

Add in the shields, and that’s four months.

Not to mention that in the future, Li Mo can also build a [Blood Pool] to continuously restore health points. Now Li Mo can be called a real meat shield tank.

Even if the shield is abandoned, it is still outrageous. Li Mo, who took a deep breath, looked up at the sky dome. The energy barrier disappeared with a bang.

And the attack of the gods was like heavy thunder, roaring down.

“Today, let me show you what a real meat shield is!”

Li Mo squeezed it with one hand, rushed at the attack of the gods, and roared with all his might.

But the next moment, Li Mo’s roar was completely drowned out by a huge rumble.

“Boom —-”

The sky is shattering in the midst of an explosion.

The earth bulged suddenly, and then collapsed, cracking in large areas. A terrifying hurricane wave swept through several surrounding mountains.

Flowers and trees were uprooted.

Even the snow on the mountain peaks was blown away and melted. Then.

A huge mushroom cloud, slowly rising.

Even the stars in the night sky are covered. A number of thousand-level powerhouses in the distance.

Examining the blow.

All of them looked solemn. Inside the corner.

Watch the gigantic mushroom cloud rise.

The face of the dragon drink was unprecedentedly ugly.

“An attack with the Void Imprint feature?”

“This Star God, is it already so powerful?”

“Hmm… No, this kind of power is obviously not something that a level 500 god can master. ”

“This is the power of the true gods.”

“This star god is a god from the void, it should only borrow the realm of gods, and in such a long time, constantly extracting the power of the void imprint is the blow that was released.”

“It’s just a long-term charge attack, not her real attack.”

“But… Anyway, this is an attack at the Void Imprint level after all. ”

“Even the attributes and equipment of a thousand-level meat shield powerhouse cannot be confronted head-on, and it will be dismembered in an instant.”

With this thought, Long Yu was also a little apprehensive in his heart.

“Li Mo… Can it be carried? ”

And at this time.

Li Mo, who was suffering from a huge explosion.

Look at the -68,000, -68,000, -68,000 damage that keeps floating out of his head. Feel the gray state of your entire body equipment almost frozen.

In my heart, 10,000 grass and mud horses galloped by.

“This Star God, did she hide a nuclear bomb?”

“Directly suppressed my level 280 mythical equipment.”

“The damage almost poured into my Heavenly Spirit Cover.”

“Fortunately… My career framework is strong enough. ”

“The single-block nature of the invincible health bar is tough enough.”

“Otherwise, this blow down may be more than a billion, or even billions of devastating damage.”

The gas wave of the explosion is still raging.

Obviously, this is not a one-time move, but a continuous move. However, the follow-up attack was obviously not as fierce as at the beginning. And Li Mo’s invincible hegemonic body is in an open state.

The invincible overlord constantly disperses various negative characteristics. During this time in the Shattered Star Sea, there were also various chaotic characteristics that would interfere with Li Mo’s attributes.

Li Moke relies on the characteristics of the invincible hegemonic body to be immune to all kinds of negative interference. In the aftermath of this explosion, the subsequent suppressive power began to weaken.

The immunity dispersal effect of the invincible overlord body began to be powerful.

The effect of the domineering red anger on Li Mo’s body began to emerge. Like a bloody god of war.

Li Mo’s mythical equipment was the first to be restored. With the restoration of mythical equipment.

Li Mo entered a defensive stance. Then those injuries decay again.

Superficial blood streaks come into play. -50 thousand.

-50 thousand. -50 thousand.


“This damage is still high.”

“At least 4 million more high damage.”

“It’s just… These injuries only work on my superficial blood bar. ”

“The core blood bar is directly the invincible immunity.”

“The attack just now should be a big move, not the regular output of that star god.”

“The regular output of this star god is now to me… Completely exempt. ”

“Many of the treasures in this are not eaten in vain!”

Several heavy treasures in the core area of the Shattered Star Sea indeed made Li Mo undergo a high-intensity transformation. Now, Li Mo’s natural deity with a low level can support the invincibility of the line.

After confirming that there is no problem on the defensive end.

Only then did Li Mo look high in the sky, looking for the trace of the star god. Finding the target, Li Mo unfolded his “gilded light feather”.

“Soul State!”

“Invincible Charge!”

Li Mo’s feet suddenly burst with power.

The whole person was launched like a missile.

The area where the feet exert force is directly a depression and explosion.

Li Mo, who was holding a shield gun, was like a meteorite, and rushed towards the star god.


Even in the face of the gods, Li Mo still dared to charge. Star God in the Sky.

At this time, a huge wave was also set off in my heart. That professional is only over 400 levels.

It actually resisted the attack of the Void Imprint that she had guided for half a month.

You know, a thousand-level strong person who supports the shield will definitely die in the face of this blow. That’s just 68,000 damages, jumping out one after another.

It was a complete insult to her.

And the subsequent damage, not even 68,000. What drove her crazy was that little human being. Actually carrying the injury, she charged.

The slender arm makes a one-handed move.

A layer of confinement shield appeared directly in front of Li Mo. Crashing into this shield, Li Mo’s speed decreased sharply.

But he still passed through smoothly and continued to charge towards the star god.

“Can’t you really stop it?”

In the information I learned before, this Li Mo has a hegemonic body and charging ability. Star God is a knife with one hand.

Towards Li Mo is a slash.

The huge starlight blade instantly slashed at Li Mo.

And this ordinary blow fell on Li Mo, almost breaking the defense of the star god. Because this damage is -1.

95% of the surface health bar is invincible damage, plus 140,000 strong defenses. Damage under 2.8 million.

For Li Mo, it’s all -1 damage.

On the head of the Star God, -1.2 million damage floated out. This high amount of damage made the star god’s heart jump suddenly.

“I used the void power accumulated by natural starlight to attack it, cutting off my own output vein.”

“So don’t be attacked by counter-injury.”

“However, once I personally strike, it will also rebound damage, although this rebound damage will be exempted by me for most of it, but this damage is still very special and can fall on me.”

“This kind of rebound damage that follows the attack vein is too strong.”

“Even I can’t avoid it.”

Felt Li Mo’s rebound characteristics. The Star God did not dare to ignore it.

Even she secretly said luck in her heart.

“Fortunately, Larov warned me before that this Li Mo has a strong rebound damage characteristic that follows the output vein.”

“That’s when I cut off the output vein.”

“Otherwise, the devastating blow just now, according to this Li Mo’s anti-injury characteristics, I’m afraid I myself will be half bloody.” Although her blood volume is also thick. ”

But hit each other -1.

Own rebound – 1.2 million.

This kind of loss-making business, she obviously will not do. Immediately, the star god quickly pulled the distance.

At the same time, while releasing the confinement barrier to block Li Mo’s advance, he changed his law to attack Li Mo. But Li Mo is invincible to charge, with flying ability, and is very fast.

So that the star god also had to change his position quickly. She was also alert to Li Mo’s approach.

She knew that this Li Mo had a strong taunting skill. Although it is uncertain whether it will work for her.

But now she already hates Li Mo.

The anger in my heart is like a suppressed volcano. In case it is ignited by Li Mo.

That’s not easy to clean up. Although angry. But the sanity of the star god is still there. Knowing that you can’t harden steel with Li Mo.

Locking onto that star god, Li Mo’s charge became faster and faster. At this time, the dragon drinking from below watching the battle.

He was completely stunned by Li Mo’s performance. That Li Mo not only resisted the explosion damage of the gods. It even launched a charge against the gods.

On the contrary, after the god’s tentative attack, he did not dare to face the hard steel with Li Mo. You must know that it is a god of more than five hundred levels, which is higher than Li Mo’s level.

In the face of Li Mo’s rebound injury, the gods were also afraid of abnormalities.

At this time, Li Mo opened the charge, completely chasing and killing the gods. This completely subverted his perception of Li Mo.

You know, in the previous time, Li Mo was still very weak. At this time, the three thousand-level powerhouses of the Star God City-State.

Watch Li Mo fight with the Star God’s immortals. One by one, they were also stunned.

That Li Mo not only launched a crazy charge against the gods. And the gods do not dare to resist hard.

At the same time, that god was unable to effectively restrain Li Mo. This made the three thousand-level powerhouses also worry in their hearts. They cast their service to the gods, naturally because they saw the potential of the star gods. After all, it’s a god.

But now the situation makes them doubt their decision to invest. Is it difficult?

Is the sea of broken stars about to change the sky? High in the air.

Li Mo turned to charge again and again, and the 863 became faster and faster. And Star God is also constantly trying various attack methods.

A direct attack will definitely not work. The back injury is too high.

This Li Mo is like a steel-armored hedgehog, and she can’t get off at all.

However, with constant attempts to attack, soon the Star God found a way that was not a way. One after another of the starlight was released by her.

Then she cut off the attack vein, allowing Starlight to automatically carry out a long-range attack on Li Mo. In this way, she does not have to bear the backlash.


Those ordinary starlight, the attacks released, hit Li Mo. One.

-1-1-1 is tickling Li Mo no matter how you look at it. Can this method be used to grind Li Mo to death? Even the Star God knew that this was unreliable.

But there seems to be only one way. No way! Keep trying.

When the two were pulling wildly in the air.

On the contrary, Li Mo felt the damage of this dense-1. A heavenly sound sounded in my ears.

“Withstand attacks, health cap +10.”

“Withstand attacks, health cap +10.”

“Withstand attacks, health cap +10.”


Watch these more and more starlight. Li Mo was overjoyed.

“This peculiar starlight that does not have life.”

“Although it is weak, it will not be killed by counter-injury.”

“If this star god releases more, for example… Release 10 thousand. ”

“One wave down can knock me out 10,000 blood.”

“But I raised 100,000 blood.”

“This is a great way to brush up on health!”

Even Li Mo had the leisure to calculate the effect of these starlight superimposed on health points.

Finding ways to brush up on health is the basic work ethic of an invincible meat shield knight.

“These starlight attack about three times a second.”

“And it’s a feature-locking attack.”

“If 10,000 attack me together.”

“One second is 300,000 health points.”

“An hour is… 1.08 billion health points. ”

“Although not as good as brushing copies.”

“But this thing can be stacked!”

“If there are 100,000…”

“One hour, that’s 10.8 billion health points!”

“If 1 million, that hour is 108 billion, a day, two trillion health points.”

For a while, Li Mo’s eyes glowed green.

What a quick way to get rich!

“Hey, Star God!”

“What is this little star cluster you released?”

“Where can I get it?”

“Do you sell it?”

“Anyway, you can take out so much, there must be no shortage of it, give me one!”

“Your little star cluster’s attack is pretty good.”

“Don’t stop, please step up!”

Li Mo began to chatter. Mockery is a technical job. It’s not just about skills.

Provoking each other in the physical sense is better!.

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