Chapter 53: Can’t kill the gods, it’s still no problem to poke you to death!.

Although the star god tried in every possible way to kill Li Mo.

But this did not delay Li Mo from asking questions.

Unfortunately, Li Mo’s question, that Star God did not pay attention to it at all.

She just wants to give Li Mo a big pocket now, so that Li Mo quickly shut up.

“Don’t answer, Dragon Drink Senior should know.”

“Anyway, after this idea is developed, I will collect these similar things myself, can’t I?”

“Keep rushing her to death!”

Immediately, Li Mo began to mobilize his strength, forcefully locked the Star God, and continued to charge invincible. Star God saw Li Mo’s speed getting faster and faster.

She gritted her teeth and didn’t dodge. Chose to resist Li Mo hard.

After all, she is a life, and her blood bar is close to 60 billion.


of a sound.

Li Mo hit the Star God with a gun.

Invincible Charge also has a powerful invincible stun effect.

The star god who was hit by Li Mo was in a state of vertigo.

“Good opportunity!”

Li Mo’s eyes lit up.

Let me get close, but there will be no good fruit for you to eat.

“Dragon Breath Spear Edge.”

A twelve-shot combo erupted.

A barrage of damage floated out over the head of the Star God. -1, -28,000.

-1, -38 thousand. -1, -48 thousand.


-1, -140,000.

The front damage is Li Mo’s soul damage, while the back is Li Mo’s invincible blood demon damage. Li Mo’s soul system special damage hit the thousand-level powerhouse of the law system.

All have good results.

If it is hit on the strong of the war system, the probability will be more than seven million damage. And at this time, hitting the star god, each segment is only -1.

These basic special damages, facing professionals of the same level, must have a high-intensity real damage effect, and will be directly hit. However, for these thousand-level high-level professionals with many means, they will be much weaker.

After all, the strong will have corresponding means of fixing special damage reduction. The stronger the person, the more he will stack his own special attribute defense.

After all, everyone is not stupid and knows that special damage can be amazing. Naturally will find a way to cope.

And for the gods, the attribute itself is strong.

This section only had more than 200,000 damage, which was completely resisted by damage reduction and defense. Although soul damage can be resisted.

But [Invincible Blood Demon Damage], that is the damage blessed by the system. Even if it is a god, it must be full.

“Damage stacked! And the stacking is very fast, and the upper limit is high! ”

Even if it is a stunned star god, the soul will can still keep running. Hit twelve pieces of damage in an instant.

Li Mo directly put his face to face.

[Invincible Taunt] accompanied by Li Mo’s roar.

The saliva splashed on the face of the gods.

This hand [Invincible Taunt], that can be described as a double mocking effect at the skill level and the physical level.

Li Mo’s ascetic [Invincible Mockery] poured into the body of the gods like steel needles, poured into the depths of her divine framework. And Li Mo’s mocking performance art.

It also completely angered the gods. The anger in Star God’s heart was instantly ignited by Li Mo.

“Snatch my treasure.”

“And by such despicable and shameless means.”

“It shakes my rule as a god.”

“Even dared to spit on the great gods.”

The anger in my heart roared like a volcano and burst out.

“Give me death!”

The screaming gods are like crazy shrews. The moment the vertigo ends.

A massive number of attacks rushed towards him, and all of them smashed on Li Mo’s face. This attack does not matter.

– 26 million.

– 49 million. – 126 million. -125 million.


Big skills are mixed with small skills, interspersed with attacks of ordinary energy.

Without restraint, the Star God directly hit millions, or even tens of millions of damage. And ten times the real damage rebound is tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of high damage. Even a star god with more than 50 billion health points.

This wave of attacks under Li Mo.

Her health is also falling wildly.

Little Tail’s invincible blood demon damage also rose all the way, soaring to more than 300,000. Although it is not high, it is very comfortable to look at the superimposed damage.

Li Mo’s hand did not stop. Twist the shield gun while attacking. Unleash an invincible taunt over and over again.

Since the other party is angry, then add fuel to the fire. Let the other person completely go crazy.

Seeing that the situation began to enter the standing link. The three thousand-level powerhouses of the Star God City-State.

It was finally at this time that he struck.

After all, if you don’t make a move, the star god may not break free if he doesn’t get it right. Although the star gods have the means and abilities to resurrect.

But once reborn after death, the blow to the divine characteristics of the heart god is still very significant. Even if he can never advance to the 2000 level again for the rest of his life.

These three thousand-level formers, a summoner, a fire mage, and a night priest. The Night Priest frenzy adds shields and blood to the Star God.

At the same time, he constantly releases skills such as purification and clarity to the star god.

The summoner quickly summoned various elemental creatures to attack Li Mo. His own core summoning beast obviously couldn’t be taken out.

Even the gods would be taunted by Li Mo, and his core summoned beasts came out one by one to die. And elemental creatures, simple to summon, do not cost to die.

Dealing with Li Mo’s high-value anti-damage meat shield tank theoretically works very well. But actually.

-1。 -1。


The -1 damage of those elemental summoning creatures made the thousand-level summoners twitch slightly in the corners of their eyes.

“Lord Star God, calm down, then Li Mo’s counter-injury is too high, you can’t attack like this.”

But the help of a few people obviously did not help. Star God was still frantically exporting to Li Mo.

Her own health is even more crazy.

Just when that fire system former mage Larov was trying to calm down the Star God. A figure instantly appeared behind him.

“Not good!”

Larov’s heart moved. He just wanted to hold up his shield.

That mythical thousand-level dagger had already fallen. Accumulated high-intensity detonation.

– 14.8 million horror damage, floating. Larov instantly turned into flames and disappeared.

With such an attack, two blows, he is afraid that he will die.

“Add blood to me!”

Shouting and adding blood over and over again, Larov blessed himself with a flame shield. One blow sneaked up on the falling dragon drink, and disappeared directly.

It doesn’t take a moment to come and go.

The three of them wanted to counter that damn thousand-level assassin, but they couldn’t. With the restraint of dragon drink.

They couldn’t help Star God deal with Li Mo wholeheartedly.

In this way, not only will the gods be dangerous, but the three of them will probably be damaged here. It was in the midst of a stalemate.

The mountain not far away suddenly shook. And then.

A creature with a body size of 70 or 80 meters and a huge turtle and frog combination 100 meters wide appeared on the ground, which is a world-class BOSS of 600 levels – mixed element gluttony!

The “mixed element gluttony” suddenly opened his mouth.

Facing the position where Li Mo and Xinshen were, it was suddenly a release of a devouring talent. Thousands of meters apart.

Li Mo felt that his position was distorted, and he even had a tendency to be pulled over and eaten. Fortunately, the invincible hegemon is strong enough.

It can withstand the devouring of this 600-level mixed element.

Li Mo could bear it, but the angry star god could not bear it. With the fierce swallowing of the mixed gluttony.

The surrounding scenes, along with the Star God, were all swallowed by that bastard gluttony, and they were all swallowed from afar. Seeing the star god swallowed.

The three thousand-level powerhouses immediately ran away without turning their heads. They knew that the bastard was here to help. But now there is no attraction of the mind as firepower.

Li Mo has no target, and once he locks them in, they will all die. glanced at Li Mo.

That bastard did not dare to stay longer, turned around and fled. As a living being with great intelligence.

The mixed yuan was gluttonous and watched the battle for a long time, and he had already realized Li Mo’s terrifying characteristics. The gods can’t help Li Mo, let alone it.

It can be said that it came this time, risking its life. But.

Star God and I have known each other a long time ago.

If it weren’t for the Star God helping it, I am afraid that he would have been killed by a thousand-level powerhouse long ago. Now that the Star God is in trouble, it naturally will not sit idly by.

Swallowing the Star God’s Mixed Yuan Gluttony, one jump jumped from one mountain to another. One jump is a distance of more than a dozen kilometers.

With a wave of shaking.

That mixed element BOSS is also amazingly fast. This operation, Li Mo was also stunned. The operation of this powerful creature is also outrageous.


Where is Li Mo willing to let go of the opportunity to slaughter the gods. Immediately chased after the bastard. Li Mo flew fast at the same time.

The dragon drink in the rear also finally appeared at this time.

The speed of Long Drink was much faster than Li Mo, and he easily caught up with Li Mo.

“Senior, how did the world boss bastard run so fast?”

Seeing that the bastard gluttony jumped farther and farther, Li Mo’s brows frowned slightly.

“The boss who doesn’t run fast has long been killed, and naturally there are only those who run fast.”

Long Jiu answered, and it seemed that there was no answer.

“Li Mo, you can’t catch up with the world boss like this.”

“Then let them go?”

Li Mo was obviously a little unwilling.

That mind plotted to make his own wine, and he chased and killed the dragon drink five times over and over again. The eldest husband does not take revenge overnight, and if there is revenge, he will definitely repay it on the spot.

“Team up, follow me!”

If he didn’t form a team, Li Mo’s body state would definitely resist the teleportation of the dragon drink. Two people team up, then there is no problem.

As Dragon Drink sent the team application, the two teamed up.

Long Drink grabbed Li Mo, and it was directly an ultra-long-distance teleportation. As soon as it fell.

Li Mo looked at it, and the position of the two was already far away from the core area.

“Where is this?”

Li Mo asked.

“It’s the old nest of the gluttonous boss of the mixed yuan, after all.”

During this time, Long Jiu was very clear about the terrain here.

“Do you see clearly this Twin Peaks Canyon in the back?”

Li Mo turned around. As far as the eye can see, the canyon road looks unremarkable.

Within the scope of attribute vision, there are strange spatial channels.

“This is a world barrier?”

Li Mo’s brows frowned slightly.

“Yes, this is the World Barrier between the Shattered Star Sea and another alien race.”

“The alien world on the opposite side is a world that is 90% oceanic.”

“Mixed Yuan Gluttonous BOSS, as long as you enter the deep sea world, it will be troublesome.”

“It’s really troublesome.”

Of course, Li Mo can fly and launch into the water.

But the problem is that in the water, Li Moke may not be able to exert such a good effect. That bastard gluttony is itself a water system world BOSS.

Going into the water, it’s like going home, if you can’t stop it on the ground, when you get underwater, Li Mo can’t do it. That god is not easy to kill, but that bastard gluttonous boss must stay today.

Li Moke is counting on this world boss to explode artifacts, experience points, and massive resources for himself! It was in Li Mo’s mind.

The gluttonous boss of the mixed element is already like a huge ground tank, speeding forward.

“Invincible Charge!”

Towards the Mixed Yuan Gluttonous BOSS, Li Mo launched a charge. Saw Li Mo blocking his way to escape.

The mixed element gluttonous boss did not escape again this time. Instead, he directly resisted Li Mo and rushed over. Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

This world boss is amazingly fast, huge, and heavily defended. And Li Mo, invincible hegemonic, cooperates with the invincible charge and is not afraid of any confrontation. One person, -BOSS, did not have the slightest intention of retreating.

With the roar of the earth.

The pure attributes confronted head-on, crashing together. A shockwave of energy visible to the naked eye escapes.

The attributes in Li Mo’s line of sight were a little blurred.

That world boss is not comfortable, Li Mo does not know. But Li Mo obviously had nothing to do.

Invincible charge, born to be head iron confrontation, knights are good at this kind of positive real man confrontation. The invincible hegemony, on the other hand, is immune to many negative traits in collision.

The more fierce the collision.

Li Moyue felt his blood boiling.

Especially this kind of frontal extreme confrontation, which even made Li Mo feel that his knight sequence framework was absorbing the characteristics of this frontal savage collision confrontation.

“The more intense the confrontation, the more it will allow my framework to absorb solid characteristics from it?”

This new discovery gave Li Mo a big surprise.

“All along, I have used invincible defense and invincible hegemony to avoid this head-on confrontational collision.”

“And actually, knight, what is needed is the impact of this head-on confrontation.”

“Simply put, knight, you need to be beaten.”

“The harder you get beaten.”

“The framework can be more stable.”

“As long as I suffer enough beatings, my professional framework is as stable as Mount Tai.”


This confrontation of frontal pure strength and defense and health bars. -68,000.

-68,000. -68,000.

Three injuries in quick succession floated over Li Mo’s head. And on the world BOSS.

– 54 million – 54 million. – 54 million.

Three fifty million injuries floated.

Head-to-head confrontation, Li Mo defeated the world boss.

[Invincible taunt! ] 】

Sticking to the world BOSS, Li Mo is an invincible taunt. The resistance of world bosses is obviously not as strong as that of gods.

He was pulled by Li Mo on the spot.

Mixed Yuan Gluttony raised his hand to Li Mo is a big attack. Hit Li Mo – 68,000 damage.

He himself rebounded more than 60 million damage. Li Mo was not idle either.

The dragon’s breath spear erupted in a series of bursts.

Pulling the mixed element gluttonous boss, Li Mo began to output wildly. Of course, more output is made by the mixed element gluttony himself.

This mixed element gluttonous BOSS, as a world-class BOSS, the blood bar is not to say four or five billion. But even so.

In tens of millions of levels of counter-injury.

His blood bar also fell down rubbishly. Li Mo’s invincible taunts, wave after wave. Hold the bastard gluttonous boss steadily. Single-handedly play world-class bosses, right now. As the Invincible Blood Demon damage continues to stack. Li Mo’s output also grew rapidly. In a moment, it reached more than half a million. Another dragon breath.

Twelve combos, basic soul damage, more than four million. The Invincible Blood Demon has more than six million damages.

With one skill, he defeated the Mixed Element Gluttonous BOSS with more than 10 million damage.

At this time, the health value of the mixed element gluttonous BOSS has been defeated by nearly 5 billion under the “friendly cooperation” of the two.

“Li Mo!”

At this moment, on the body of the mixed element gluttonous BOSS, the “beast soul projection” of the world boss mixed yuan gluttony emerged, and its voice was old and thick.

“Huh? Pulled by hatred, this bastard gluttonous BOSS, can still independently condense self-awareness? ”

Li Mo raised his eyebrows.

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