Chapter 117 Fight! (55)

  With the number of dungeons reduced to only 32, Chen Mo knew that sooner or later the remaining two teams would go to war.

  The aristocratic family Chen Mo unconditionally chose to cover himself before, reciprocating, Chen Mo will naturally cover him, but he really doesn't have much affection for the children of other aristocratic families.

   Right now there is no conflict between the two sides, and Chen Mo doesn't bother to care about it.

  Now he only concentrates on finding the mission, in order to find the last Thunder Lingzhu.

  In the past four days, he and Yan Yingyue have searched for several hidden missions and special bosses.

  But the tricky thing is that they didn't meet Lei Lingzhu.

   This made him very speechless.

  However, the rewards for completing ten times the tasks in these four days are not bad.

  Among them, he obtained two more sacred fruits of Zhuyan, which Chen Mo planned to take back for his grandparents to eat.

   Also got two "Resurrection Cross"!

  [Resurrection Cross]: consumable, when carried on the body (including in the backpack), after death, it can be directly resurrected on the spot within 3 seconds.

   This kind of resurrection item is a good thing for life-saving, but it is also very scarce, and there are basically no circulating goods on the market.

   After all, this is something related to life. If you can get this thing, who is willing to sell it.

   Even if there are, they are very few.

  However, compared to conventional resurrection, this thing can only be resurrected on the spot. In fact, it is not difficult to get rid of danger completely.

   Talking is better than nothing, Chen Mo is going to take it back to sister Yiyi and grandparents.

   Originally, Chen Mo thought that the remaining two forces would soon fight.

   But unexpectedly, the sixteenth day has already arrived.

   Four full days have passed, and the two groups of people have not yet started fighting.

   And still strong at least finish the task every day.

   It was only the sixteenth day, and they were already a bit overwhelmed.

   Now the daily tasks have become very difficult.

   Not only do you have to kill the mutated boss, but the mutated BOSS that you kill has a chance of further mutations.

   It can change up to four times.

   Every time will be better than before!

  At this time, whether it is the children of the family or the anti-family alliance, they have already killed very hard.

  They all know that it is already difficult to double the task completion rate.

  Then the only way to improve the score is to exclude the existing number of dungeons.

   Regarding Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue, both sides have no idea at all for the time being.

  The children of the aristocratic family naturally don't think about it because of the relationship between Chen Mo of the aristocratic family.

  The anti-family alliance is also because of this.

  They knew that Chen Mo of the family had a good relationship with Chen Mo.

  If you go directly to trouble Chen Mo now, it is tantamount to pushing Chen Mo into the arms of the children of the aristocratic family.

   Originally, Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue were able to kill a flight-type SS-level difficulty boss in a very short period of time, which made Jiang Jie very afraid.

  Even if he took twenty people to find Chen Mo and the other two, he was somewhat uncertain.

   Not to mention pushing Chen Mo to the children of the aristocratic family to make them unite.

  Once they unite, the anti-family alliance on their side will definitely lose.

  So Jiang Jie felt that even if he really wanted to do something, he would do it against the Family Alliance first.

  According to the previous situation, it is possible for Chen Mo to choose neutrality.

   Of course, he may also join the children of the family.

   But no matter what, it is better for them to fight directly with the children of the aristocratic family than to directly fight with Chen Mo.

  They knew that today's mission would be difficult, and the same was true for the children of the family, so the two groups deliberately started looking for each other.

   Soon the two will meet each other.

   "It seems that you are also looking for us."

   Seeing Jiang Jie and others looking around, Zhao Wuming sneered immediately.

   "It's not the same with you! Although the people in your family have a bad temper and have high self-esteem, they are indeed quite kind. Ten people dare to find twenty of us!"

   "Stop talking nonsense, let's do it!"

   "When you really fight, you can easily lose control of your strength and make trouble out of control.

   How about playing one-on-two to three games? You send three on your side, and I send six on my side to play three games. The side that loses two games will automatically withdraw from the dungeon and give up the ranking! "

   "How dare you bring up one-on-two." Chen Mo said speechlessly.

   "Ten of you and twenty of us. If you are in a group, it is still not one-on-two. Now narrow down the battle circle so that you don't get out of control in the back. You don't want to make a fuss, don't you?"

  The children of the aristocratic family have been squeezed out by the academy alliance. If they kill the members of the academy alliance, they will obviously be criticized.

   Unless it is someone from the academy alliance who troubles them first.

  But the current situation is more like a dating match, so it is naturally different.

  Zhao Wuming patted Chen Mo on the shoulder and said: "It's okay, one to two is one to two! Don't regret losing."

   "It's hard to chase after a man's words!" Jiang Jie said with a sneer.

   "Okay, let's get started."

   "Wait a minute, let's call a witness, lest you think we will default."

  As soon as Jiang Jie said this, Zhao Wuming and others couldn't help but think of Chen Mo instantly.

   Indeed, if Chen Mo came to act as a middleman, once one party cheated, it would definitely be a suppressive fighting force for Chen Mo and the others to join the other party.

   No one would do such a stupid thing.

   "Who can reach him?"

   "I have his friend."

   Family Chen Mo sent a message to Chen Mo after finishing speaking.

  【Brother, what are you doing? 】

  【I’m missing a dungeon item, I’m looking for it, I’ve been looking for it for several days and I still can’t find it, it’s a real headache. 】

  【What is it? I'll see if we have it. 】

  【Thunder Lingzhu. 】

  【If you find it for you, are you free later? 】

  【If you find this, then I will be too free in the future. If someone from your side has it, I can exchange it. 】

  【Wait a minute...】

   Family Chen Mo finished speaking, and immediately said to everyone: "My brother is a bit busy now, he needs a Thunder Spirit Orb, who has one of you? If he has one, he can come over and exchange it immediately."

  As soon as the words came out, Jiang Jie said immediately: "I have this thing, and there are several more. You can give him one for free. You can let him come directly."

  【Jiang Jie said he has a lot of them, you can come here directly, the coordinates are...】

  【Okay, I'll come right away! 】

   After reading the information from Chen Mo from the family, Chen Mo was speechless for a while.

   "Good guy, no wonder I can't do any hidden missions. Jiang Jie and the others have done all the hidden missions with Lei Lingzhu!"

   "Huh? How do you know?"

   "My good brother from that family told me just now."

   "So that's the case, I thought we were too unlucky." Yan Yingyue also smiled speechlessly after hearing this.

   "What a speechless incident!" Chen Mo rolled his eyes helplessly.

  On the way, Chen Mo chatted a few more words with the aristocratic Chen Mo.

  【By the way, I haven’t asked you just now. What do you want me to do when I’m free? 】

[We have an appointment with the people from the Academy Alliance, and we are going to have a gamble, and the people who lose will automatically withdraw, but I am afraid that someone will lose and renege on their debts, and the trouble will eventually reach the level of shopping, so I want to invite you to come over as an intermediary Help to be a witness. 】

  【So that's the case, I'd be happy to participate in this. 】

   Seeing that the two parties chose a more moderate solution, Chen Mo was quite relieved.

   After all, there are talents from the academy alliance on the one hand, and good friends and his friends on the other.

  Chen Mo naturally didn't want the two sides to fight to the point of losing their lives.

   It's pretty good to have a fight like this now.

  He immediately took Yan Yingyue to the coordinates quickly.

  PS: Try to adjust your schedule these two days, try to find a way to update everyone during the day, and try to add more updates.

  (end of this chapter)

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