Chapter 118 Don't talk about martial arts! (This chapter is two in one, 25)

  Following Chen Mo's arrival, the thirty bored people who were waiting on the spot immediately looked at him in unison.

   "Sorry, it was a bit far from here before, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

   Chen Mo smiled apologetically.

   "It's nothing, we won't be here for long anyway, it's not too late."

  Jiang Jie smiled indifferently.

   After speaking, he directly threw a bead surrounded by electric light to Chen Mo.

   "This is the reward for asking you to be a witness."

  【Heavenly reminder: You have collected the five spirit beads of earth, water, fire, wind, and thunder, and you can go to the target location to synthesize them into a five-element spirit bead! 】

  Following the reminder of the Dao of Heaven, Chen Mo saw a bright spot on the map, which was obviously the place of synthesis.

   "I don't take other people's things for nothing, this is for you." Seeing that the other party was so happy, Chen Mo was also a happy person, and he directly threw the "Instantaneous Group Teleportation Talisman" to Jiang Jie.

   Originally, Jiang Jie didn't care about the things Chen Mo threw over.

  He thought it was just some small objects.

  After all, the Lei Lingzhu is only one of the components of the Five Elements Lingzhu, and it is not a complete Five Elements Lingzhu, so the value is quite different.

   But after reading the item information, Jiang Jie couldn't help being stunned.

   "This thing is too expensive."

  Group teleportation talisman is a rare thing, let alone an instant group teleportation talisman.

  This kind of thing that can have a strong life-saving effect is still a group, and the value is naturally needless to say.

   "It's nothing, just exchange one thing for another."

  Chen Mo now has a super instant group teleportation talisman, and it’s okay to trade this ordinary one.

   "That's fine, I will accept this love first."

  Jiang Jie felt that he had made a lot of money this time.

In fact, Chen Mo originally planned to exchange some of the trophies he got before, but he didn't expect Jiang Jie to be really straightforward. Own.

  Since the other party is generous, he is naturally generous.

   "The witnesses have arrived, so let's decide on the rules of the competition." Jiang Jie said, looking at the children of the family.

   "Let's listen to you first." Zhao Wuming glanced at him, stood up and said.

   "As agreed before, you are one against two, but you are allowed to have an assistant next to you, and you can recover blood and add BUFF."

   "Okay." He had already prepared for a one-on-two match, and now he could add another supporter, so Zhao Wuming naturally agreed.

   "Both sides go to the end, and if the blood volume is less than 20%, they will be eliminated."


   At this moment, Jiang Jie looked at Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue and said, "Then I invite you two to be witnesses. If one of the parties is not bad, I hope you two can intervene."

   "No problem." Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue replied with a smile.

   Seeing that the two of them made it clear, the people on both sides naturally felt more at ease.

   "Okay, let's start..."

   At this moment, Chen Mo suddenly said: "Wait a minute, why not set a scope and time, and it doesn't have to be a blitzkrieg every time, each game can be up to half an hour, and the radius of action is 200 meters from this point as the center.

   After the time is up, the player with the most blood remaining wins.

   If someone goes out of this range on the way, it will be considered a loss. "

   "Alright, we're fine." Jiang Jie said indifferently.

   "We have no problem." The children of the aristocratic family are never weaker than others. If the other party has no problem, they naturally have no problem.

   "Then please send people from both sides. Someone from both sides will talk to me first, and then go on stage together, so as not to have any targeted behavior."

  Hearing what Chen Mo said, both sides felt that it was reasonable.

   Soon both sides sent Chen Mo the playing list in the Tiandao system.

   "Okay, let's start the first match!

  Aristocratic family group, the first round player—the man with the five-star initial profession "Shengwu Demon Knight", Chen Mo! "

   This was requested by Chen Mo himself. Although Chen Mo felt a little ashamed to read it, he still satisfied him.

  After hearing this, Chen Mo of the family came out with a black and red hammer holding his head high and his chest held high, with a little pride on his face.

  Watching Chen Mo was speechless for a while, he continued: "The two players in the first round of the academy group are Shen Lun, a 4-star professional "Scrambler", and Ma Hong, a 4-star professional "Defender"!

  According to the agreement just now, the aristocratic group can add an additional auxiliary that does not participate in the battle, does not release the debuff BUFF, and only releases the gain BUFF and treatment.

  The aristocratic family team sent a three-star professional "Natural Priest" Lin Jiajia!

  Please four people enter the arena, and others please retreat outside the battlefield to watch. "

  Chen Mo is not the first time to host this kind of battle. When he was in school, when the teachers were temporarily free, the rest of the competition would be handed over to him, the best scorer, to host.

  So I am quite familiar with the road.

   "Two four-stars are against one five-star, and there is also a three-star support to assist. How do I feel that the children of the family have a better chance of winning?"

  Yan Yingyue looked at the occupations of the three of them and said.

   "It's hard to say. The other party knows that there are two five-star professions on the side of the family's children, and they should have already considered the countermeasures."

  At this time, Lin Jiajia stood near Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue with a green staff in his hand.

  The rest of the people withdrew from the battlefield one after another.

  On the battlefield, there were only two witnesses, Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue, an assistant who did not participate in the battle, and three participants.

  As the participants reached a distance of ten meters, Chen Mo immediately announced: "The competition has officially begun!"

  I saw Lin Jiajia waving her staff at the fastest speed to give Chen Mo of the family several layers of BUFF one after another.

  There is a natural protection that increases abnormal resistance, a natural healing that increases recovery per second, and a natural force that protects combat effectiveness.

   Once the triple buff was applied, Chen Mo, who was already not weak in combat power, seemed full of oppression.

  He held the sledgehammer upside down with one hand, like holding a ball of cotton, and rushed to the front of the two opposite people at a very fast speed with one stride!

  Following the muffled sound of the sledgehammer scraping the air, the black-red sledgehammer in Chen Mo's hand suddenly magnified ten times, like a huge boulder falling directly from the tops of Shen Lun and Ma Hong!

  While Chen Mo of the aristocratic family launched an attack, Shen Lun and Ma Hong naturally would not sit still.

   At the moment when the competition started, the two had already shown their abilities!

  The strange magic ball in Shen Lun's hand emitted bursts of light of different colors, and then phantoms shrouded Chen Mo of the aristocratic family.

  Because Chen Mo has the ability of pioneers to perceive everything around them, he can check all their information.

  Although Chen Mo of the noble family wears a natural guardian that can reduce the impact of abnormalities, but the curse master only used three skills, and gave him at least a dozen kinds of debuffs.

   Some of them are no big deal, but some of them are critical.

   Such as deceleration, defense reduction, forbidden treatment, continuous blood deduction!

   "This four-star profession does not seem to have much combat effectiveness, but the ability to splash dirty water is really strong."

  The so-called dirty water generally refers to a large number of negative effects at one time.

  This Spell Scrambler is excellent in this respect.

  As he went up with a large number of debuffs, Ma Hong, the stickler in front of him, suddenly shone brightly, and the shield in his hand suddenly rose in the wind, reaching the size of a giant sledgehammer!

   It's too late to say it!

   It took only a few seconds for the two of them to respond when Chen Mo launched an attack in the family.


  As the heavy hammer hit the giant shield with a loud noise, a wave of energy visible to the naked eye rippled directly, and the shield was already cracked, and turned into powder in the next instant.

  Look at the situation of the three of them at this time.

  The aristocratic Chen Mo lost half of his HP for some unknown reason.

  Ma Hong only lost a little HP, and Shen Lun was unscathed.

   But they didn't take advantage of it.

  Because Ma Hong's shield was smashed to pieces by Chen Mo's sledgehammer!

   This scene was obviously beyond the expectations of the academy group.

  The surrounding crowd immediately said: "He can actually smash other people's equipment directly! The five-star profession is really abnormal. Even though we deduced his various possible abilities, we didn't expect this disgusting ability!"

   "I can't help it, it looks like I lost this round." Jiang Jie shook his head helplessly.

  If the opponent smashes the equipment with a hammer, how about making wool?

   If you continue to fight, won't all the equipment be knocked out!

  At this time, although Chen Mo of the family was affected by Ma Hong's anti-injury skill, which caused him to be shocked by half of his HP, he still looked invincible and smiled: "Do you still have a shield? Keep going!"

  As soon as this remark came out, the corner of Ma Hong's mouth twitched, and he really wanted to rush up and beat the fat man!

   "Damn it, the gold-level shield that I managed to get was smashed by this fat man with a hammer!

   This is a lot of money! What a loss! "

  Ma Hong's heart was bleeding.

   But right now he is playing to represent the academy league, and he can't just admit it, so he is also very conflicted now.

  He still has a spare side of the shield, but he can't afford to lose it, if another side is broken, it will really explode.

  The same goes for Shen Lun beside him, he was so frightened that he quickly put away his precious magic ball!

  I am afraid that the precious weapon that Chen Mo of the family gave him will be crushed if he hits it with a hammer.

  The aristocratic family Chen Mo did not rely on his terrible damage to suppress the two of them, but on the contrary, he relied on his broken outfits to make the two of them directly cast a mouse and dare not fight hard!

  Seeing this scene, Chen Mo laughed and said, "It seems that the fight can't go on."

   Sure enough, just after Chen Mo finished speaking, Jiang Jie, who was watching from outside the battle range, stepped in and said, "We surrender in this round!"

   "Surrendered so quickly, I haven't done anything yet!"

  The aristocratic family Chen Mo curled his lips a little bit unsatisfied.

  Looking at his face that deserved to be beaten, Jiang Jie's fist was hardened.

  If he had known this round, he would have played by himself.

  Originally, he thought that the opponent should be a damage monster with both physical and legal skills, so he sent a defender who can resist both physical and magical damage to deal with it. With the support of a curse master, it should not be difficult to win the game.

   As a result, I never thought about it, and the other party directly pretended to be broken!

   Extremely disrespectful of martial arts!

   "In the first round, Chen Mosheng of the family group "Sacred Martial Demon Knight"!"

  Aristocratic family Chen Mo walked back to the team, glanced at Zhao Wuming beside him and said: "Take it easily, the next one is up to you, don't be ashamed."

  Zhao Wuming glanced at Jiang Jie on the opposite side and said: "You think my opponent is as easy as you!"

  Although he said so, Zhao Wuming walked out with great momentum.

  His occupation is "Bloodthirsty Knife Maniac"!

   It fits well with his own arrogance.

  At this time, Jiang Jie and a girl who looked a little timid came out from the opposite side.

   "Then prepare to start the second match!

  Aristocratic family group, the second round player is the five-star professional "Bloodthirsty Knife Maniac" Zhao Wuming!

  Academic group, the players in the second round are Jiang Jie, a five-star professional "Shenwei fighter", and Lianyue, a three-star professional "singer"! "

  Because the Aristocratic Group did not change the support, the support is still Lin Jiajia.

   With personnel in place.

   Soon the second round of fighting began.

  Lin Jiajia is still the third oldest player.

  However, Zhao Wuming's fighting style is completely different from that of the aristocratic Chen Mo.

  The moment the match started, his body was already glistening with blood, like a **** of death. Just standing there made people feel palpitations.

   After charging for 1 second, he didn't even see how he drew his sword.

   With a "shua", a huge blood-red knife shadow fell from the sky at an extremely fast speed, and directly slashed at Jiang Jie!

   The speed is so fast, even if Chen Mo sees it, he finds it very difficult to avoid it.

  Facing this move, Jiang Jie didn't dodge or evade, and he jumped straight into the horse, his body surging with fighting spirit, and with a powerful punch, he slammed into the falling knife shadow!

  The fist strength and the knife shadow collided, and a strong shock wave erupted, and the dust around the shock was directly scattered.

   And Lian Yue had already played the strange instrument in her hand, and sang a nice tune in her mouth.

  Chen Mo sensed that as Lian Yue began to sing, Jiang Jie's overall attributes actually rose by quite a bit!

   "As expected of the auxiliary professions whose auxiliary ability is classified into the first series, even if it is only a three-star occupation, it can have such a strong ability to enhance attributes."

  Although the chanter has strong auxiliary abilities, there are many disadvantages. For example, most of the skills of the chanter need to stay still while playing the instrument while continuing to sing.

  Even if there are a few who can run and sing, the breath of running will have a great impact on the accuracy of singing.

  The biggest disadvantage of the singers is that during the whole song singing process, the tune can't make a single mistake.

  Once there is a slight error in the tune of your singing, or if you stop singing, your skills will be interrupted immediately and enter the cooling down.

  So as long as Zhao Wuming attacks Lianyue at this time, it is actually very easy to interrupt her.

  Zhao Wuming didn't choose to do anything to Lianyue, one is conceited, and the other is that he has his own integrity.

  Even if the opponent is supported by a caster, he still has to win the battle!

  Since it is called "Bloodthirsty Knife Maniac", it is naturally impossible for him to end it with one blow!

  I saw him "swish, swish, swish" from the air, and then he swung countless terrifying saber auras and slashed towards Jiang Jie frantically!

  Chen Mo felt that Zhao Wuming's attributes were also a little surprised. This guy actually has the ability to use sword energy as a normal attack, and the damage of sword energy is much higher than that of normal attacks, and the range is also much larger.

  Just with this move, Zhao Wuming's long-range pressure has already surpassed most mages.

  After all, there is a chanting time and a cooldown time for a mage to release skills. It is difficult to shoot so fast like Zhao Wuming. He can cut out several sword qi in an instant.

  Even if the attribute has been greatly strengthened, it is difficult for Jiang Jie to find a suitable opportunity to rush out.

  He can only rely on his own offensive and defensive fists to break the damage.

  But everyone knows the truth that if you stick to it for a long time, you will lose it. Naturally, Jiang Jie cannot sit still and wait for death!

   Just when Zhao Wuming was suppressing with saber energy and secretly accumulating big moves, Jiang Jie suddenly disappeared from the spot with a "swoosh"!

  (end of this chapter)

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