Chapter 127 Twenty thousand days! (15)

   After finishing the business, Chen Mo felt it carefully again.

  Basically, there is nothing else to start with.

   In the rest of the time, he decided to farm more special bosses, so that when the final dungeon is settled, he has a chance to get two SSS-level rewards.

  Yan Yingyue didn't have much money in the first place, so naturally she was even less interested in participating in trade fairs.

   After saying goodbye to the five elemental spirits, the two began to look for the boss one by one according to all the trigger points displayed on the map.

   During the busy killing, a day has passed in a flash...

   In one day, Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue killed hundreds of special bosses.

   The two of them had no time to do the hidden missions. After all, only killing special bosses would increase the final settlement percentage, and the income was the highest.

   Ends with final time.

  Heavenly reminder also rang in time.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on successfully surviving to the last time, you will get the reward of doubling the current survival time. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your final survival time is 2739 (+690%), a total of 21638 days! 】

   "Good guy, 20,000 days!"

[Tiandao Tip: This survival dungeon is a level 10 dungeon. According to the reward rules, every time the survival time reaches 1 day, you can get 10 experience points. If your level exceeds the dungeon level by 1, the experience value you can get will be reduced. 1 o'clock.

   According to your survival time, you finally got 194742 experience points! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has increased, and the current level is 12! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: ... the current level is 13! 】

  【Experience】: 24838/101500

  Although the gain in experience points was reduced due to his level, Chen Mo still gained nearly 200,000 experience points at one time, which directly raised his level by 2 levels.

   At this time, the tips from Heaven are still continuing...

  【Prompt from Heaven: Since your survival time has reached 2880 days, and you are the professional with the longest survival time in the instance, you will get a SSS-level gift package! 】

  【Prompt from heaven: According to your survival time, you will have a 52% chance to get an additional SSS level reward. The lucky wheel is being activated for you. Please draw it yourself! 】

  As the reminder of the Dao of Heaven ended, a large turntable popped up from the translucent floating window in front of Chen Mo's eyes.

   It can be seen that 52% of the area is the winning area, and 48% of the area is not winning.

   In fact, it is almost half and half.

   Originally thought that Heavenly Dao would automatically calculate and give it, but in the end he had to draw it himself, Chen Mo couldn't help feeling nervous.

   This luck is good or bad, but it is short of an SSS-level reward.

   It's no small matter!

  When Chen Mo was struggling and nervous, Yan Yingyue beside him did not have such worries.

  Although she has exceeded 2880 days, it is a pity that her survival time is not as long as Chen Mo, and the SSS level reward will only be awarded to the professional with the longest survival time among the qualified professionals.

  Yan Yingyue can only get SS level rewards.

   But she's not bad either.

  After all, based on the calculation of double SS-level rewards, she only needs to increase her chances of getting an additional SS-level reward by 1% for every 180 days of survival time.

   Now her days of survival are enough to give her a 100% chance to get an additional SS rank reward.

  Chen Mo looked at the big turntable in front of him, took a deep breath, and clicked Start!

  As the pointer went from slow to fast, and finally too fast to be seen by the naked eye, a stop button appeared at the bottom of the turntable.

   At this speed, it is impossible to steal chickens, and Chen Mo can only click stop.

  As he clicked to stop, the pointer turned an unknown number of times, but the speed kept slowing down, and finally slowed down to a point where it could stop at any time.

  Seeing the little moving pointer continuously going out in the 52% area, Chen Mo's heart was in his throat.

   "Stop it now!"

  Seeing that the pointer is getting closer and closer to the edge of the 52% area, Chen Mo shouted in his heart.

  Finally, the strength of the pointer became weaker and weaker, and gradually it couldn't move anymore, but it was still turning firmly.

  3 seconds later, it finally stopped moving.

   But seeing where it stopped, Chen Mo couldn't calm down.

   "What the hell! How does this count?"

   At this time, the pointer stopped at the dividing line between the 52% and 48% areas.

  Even if you look closely, it is difficult to see which side the tip of the pointer is leaning towards.

   Fortunately, the heavenly reminder sounded soon.

  【Heavenly reminder: Unfortunately, you did not get an extra SSS-level reward this time, but you can get an SS-level gift package as a compensation reward! 】

   Originally, when he heard that he hadn't won the prize, Chen Mo felt a little pity in his heart. He never thought about turning around, and there was an SS-level gift package as compensation.

   This is not too bad a pity.

   "How is it? Have you received the second SSS reward?" Yan Yingyue looked at Chen Mo with sadness and joy for a while, but she didn't quite understand it.

  Chen Mo smiled and said: "No, but I added an SS-level reward, which is not bad."

   While the two were talking, the countdown to the Dao of Heaven was over!

   With a flash of light, the two of them have been sent out of the dungeon!

  The outside world has already prepared rewards for the two of them.

   As soon as the two came out, they saw several staff members already standing in the dungeon hall.

   "Congratulations, you broke the record and set a record that can never be broken again!"

   While speaking, they had already put two garlands around the necks of Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue.

   "Please follow us to the hall, we will hold an award ceremony for you."

   "So grand?"

  Chen Mo glanced at Yan Yingyue beside him in surprise.

  Yan Yingyue had never seen such a battle before, and she seemed a little socially introverted, so she moved slightly closer to Chen Mo.

  The two of them came to the college alliance hall under the leadership of a group of staff.

  At this time, teachers, parents and students have already gathered here.

  The teachers all looked at them with smiling faces.

  Especially the teachers of Haibin No. 2 Middle School, who had already walked over with joy on their faces.

   "You have performed very well this time. After receiving the rewards from the academy alliance, our school will prepare additional rewards for you." Shen Rulong came over happily and patted Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue on the shoulders.

  Among the crowd, Shen Bingbing and Cai Xuqing, both from Haibin No. 2 Middle School, did not have the opportunity to participate in the Five Spirits Gathering, but they were also honored to see that the people in their school were so promising.

   It's just that Shen Bingbing looked at Yan Yingyue who was very close to Chen Mo, but there were some complicated emotions in her eyes.

  She still remembered that Yan Yingyue had a social distance from Chen Mo before entering the instance.

  The so-called social distance is when two people are not very close, even if they stand together, they will subconsciously separate some positions.

  But now that Yan Yingyue is almost attached to Chen Mo's body, this kind of distance is not something that people who are not close to each other will have.

As the general person in charge of the academy alliance examination, Yue Yang also walked over with a face of joy and said: "Two students, please come to the front, we will give you additional rewards and certificates for the records you have created. "

  (end of this chapter)

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