Chapter 128 Stop! shot! (25)

  Although everyone was not convinced that Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue would be able to last until the 30th day.

  But seeing Chen Mo's sudden burst of monster spawning speed after 19 days, more and more people believe that they can persist until 30 days.

   Now, Chen Mo and the others have indeed done it.

   Everyone naturally expressed warm celebrations.

   Just when everyone was celebrating.

   Just as Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue were led to a high platform in the hall.

  A person slowly approached the front row.

  At this time, everyone was celebrating, and some people walked forward in order to look forward.

   No one noticed this person's abnormality.

   At this time, Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue followed Yue Yang to the podium.

  Yue Yang cheerfully waved to the people on the side, signaling them to bring the certificates and bonuses over.

   Immediately, two people came over with two red plates.

  Each red plate has 11 eternal gold coins and two awards.

  As they stepped forward, applause began to burst out from the crowd.

   Obviously to celebrate Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue being able to make history.

  Even if they are not students of their own school, it at least marks the birth of at least one outstanding talent in China, Earth, and the solar system!

   Just when everyone was looking forward to watching Yue Yang present the awards, suddenly no matter whether it was applause, discussion, or other trivial voices, they all stopped suddenly.

  Chen Mo was shocked to perceive that everyone was still for an instant.

  But there was a person who was able to act differently from ordinary people. He pulled out a long sword as fast as a gust of wind, and slashed at Yan Yingyue with the sword.

  Watching the sword energy coming out from the air, Chen Mo found that this guy planned to kill him as well!

   "What's the situation!? Everyone was stopped by time?"

  Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, and then immediately came to his senses.

  Time stop is a very rare ability, basically it is obtained by using some one-time props, and the time of time stop is often very short.

  Chen Mo has the top mythical props, so he can barely stop for 3 seconds.

  For other one-time props, it would be nice to be able to stop for a second or two.

   Although one or two seconds is short, it is enough to kill a master!

   From the moment Chen Mo sensed the movement of the crowd through the pioneers, to the time when the alien killer made a move, it didn't even take a second before and after, the sword energy from the opponent had already blown in front of Yan Yingyue.

   Obviously, with the alien's high level, Yan Yingyue would definitely die if she got hit!

  As for Yan Yingyue's ability to save her life, Chen Mo felt that it might be useless at all.

  Since the opponent launched the assassination at the headquarters of the Academy Alliance so recklessly, it must have taken all the means of saving the opponent's life into account.

  How could it be possible to revive her or avoid injury.

   There is absolutely no way to break it.

  Seeing that the situation was so critical, Chen Mo activated the time-space orb the moment he was shocked to react!

   Now, the assassin was reversely controlled by Chen Mo.

   But even though Chen Mo reacted quickly, the opponent's sword energy was still about to hit Yan Yingyue's neck.

   Only a little distance away, it will hit!

   It can be seen how fast the opponent is.

  As Chen Mo successfully reversed the time stop, he did not choose to do it himself, but lifted all the time stops of the surrounding teachers.

  At this time, everyone saw the scene where the alien flew in the air and swung his long sword with sword energy, about to strike Yan Yingyue.

  Chen Mo didn't release Yan Yingyue's time stop, for fear of frightening her.

   "What a guts!" Although I fell into time-stop just now, the teachers are not completely ignorant.

  The moment they enter and stop, they will receive a reminder from Heaven.

  At the moment when the time stop ends, they will understand what they have just experienced.

  At this time, the teachers all knew through the reminder from Tiandao that they had just entered the two-second time-stop!

  The aliens had already launched an attack with the help of the two-second pause, slashing out with a sword aura and coming straight to kill Yan Yingyue.

  Seeing this scene, Yue Yang was the first to take the shot, a dark golden terrifying long spear exuding blood suddenly popped out in his hand, followed by his lightning-fast shot.


   There was a muffled sound of oppressing the air, and the sword energy that had already been cut into the air and was stopped by Chen Moshi was directly broken by a single shot!

  At this time, the gun force continued to move forward, and a terrifying gun force that penetrated everything rushed straight to the alien assassin with destructive force!


  The speed of this gun is so fast that the compressed air can't help but make another dull explosion!

  The next moment, the alien assassin's head was directly shot and exploded!

  Yue Yang is no ordinary person, he is a Rank 4 expert, much stronger than most of the Rank 3 teachers here.

  The alien who just attacked was only a rank three. When a strong rank four broke out with all his strength, he still hit the vital parts. If a rank three professional didn't use some defensive methods, it was normal for him to be caught in seconds.

  As the alien was directly pierced by a gun containing terrifying energy, his body instantly disintegrated and exploded from the head.

   Only a puddle of blood that was red and thick enough to look a little dark brown was left in place.

   He didn't even have a chance to know how he died before he died!

   Until then, Chen Mo released everyone including Yan Yingyue.

  After a moment of confusion, everyone looked in shock at Yue Yang, who held a dark golden spear in his hand and had a murderous expression on his face.

   "Just... what happened just now?"

   "Look in front of Yan Yingyue, there is a big pool of blood! I'm afraid there was an assassination by aliens just now!"

   "I don't know, it was stopped anyway."

   "Ah time stop? Didn't you say that there is an anti-time stop magic circle in the academy alliance?"

"The construction of the anti-time-stop magic circle is very costly. The higher the level is, the bigger it is. At present, the only time-stop method that can be constructed is S-level. If the opponent uses a time-stop method above S-level, you can It's different!"

   "Hiss! How rare is the time stop method above S level, how useful it would be to deal with some difficult targets in the dungeon of stars! This alien is willing to use it here for assassination!

   There are five-star occupations every year, are you done killing them?

   What a waste of money! "

  While everyone was chattering, Yan Yingyue froze in place with a look of fear on her face.

  Feeling the strong smell of blood coming from in front of her, looking at the huge pool of blood, she only felt a burst of nausea and heart palpitations.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo immediately pulled her to his side.

  Caught by Chen Mo's little hand, Yan Yingyue inexplicably felt a sense of security, and the uncomfortable feeling in her heart became much better.

  Although he had already killed an assassin, but the other party almost succeeded in the assassination, Yue Yang was still furious in his heart!

  Yue Yang knew that aliens would attack, and he didn't feel negligent because he was in the academy alliance.

   But I didn't expect the aliens to be so reckless!

   To launch an assassination by wasting a time-stop method above SS rank!

  A five-star profession whose specific strength is not yet clear, even if she created a historical record of a copy, so what?

  Yue Yang felt that these aliens might have been driven crazy by the Voice of the Great Dao three times in a row!

   But at this time, compared with the Alien, he is more curious about why the Alien was reversed and stopped just now, but he canceled the time stop!

  (end of this chapter)

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