Chapter 135 Starbook, cheating rules! (This chapter is two in one, 55)

   "If that's the case, it's okay, but the difficulty of this random crack dungeon is not low, it belongs to the first turn of the book! How many stars did you turn?"

  Hearing this, Chen Mo immediately smiled and said, "About seven stars."

   "Seven stars are the same as me, so you can try it." The young man said unexpectedly.

   "Then make an appointment?"

   "The copy of the random crack may disappear at any time, it is better to get in as soon as possible."

   "I still have one holy beast inner alchemy missing, I will go with you when I take the picture, and the auction will start immediately."

   "Okay, originally I wanted this holy beast inner alchemy, but you took away the heart of darkness, so I don't need to take this holy beast inner alchemy."

  After making an appointment to break into the dungeon together for a while, the young man naturally sat down next to Chen Mo and chatted.

  Chen Mo learned that the young man's name was Lin Ranhai, and his initial occupation was a four-star occupation. After changing to a three-star difficulty challenge, he is now a seven-star.

  Study in a first-class university, and you can do well.

  When the other party asked Chen Mo, Chen Mo casually made up a Necromancer profession and got in there.

   "No wonder you said that you are a little resistant to dark-type anomalies. It turns out that you are a necromancer who mainly focuses on the dark-type. It is not easy for this profession to pass a five-star mission. It seems that your family has a deep foundation."

  Chen Mo smiled and said, "It's okay."

  Because someone had discussed Chen Mo's identity before, Lin Ranhai didn't suspect why Chen Mo was awesome at all.

  If the family background is deep, although it is still difficult to challenge the high-star difficulty, it is better than ordinary people who have no hope at all.

  At this time, in his eyes, Chen Mo is a daughter of a unique family who dares to take risks and challenge the limit!

   After the two chatted for a while, the auctioneer returned to the venue again.

  The field was once again filled with a hundred people.

  The upper limit of the silver field is 100 people. If you don't come in time, you can only wait for the next time.

   Following the auctioneer's introduction to the rarity of the inner alchemy of the holy beast, the auction soon began.

  The base price of the Holy Beast Neidan is 50 million, and each increase should not be less than 2 million.

  In order to catch up with the random crack dungeon earlier, Chen Mo didn't ink any ink, and raised the sign at the beginning!

   "One hundred million!"

  In an instant, the audience was completely silent, and even the auctioneer couldn't help being stunned.

  She has seen a price increase, but she has never seen such a price increase.

   This price was immediately added to the transaction price of the last holy beast inner alchemy.

  Even Lin Ranhai next to him couldn't help but look at Chen Mo enviously.

  It's great to be a little rich woman, she won't even bat an eyelid when shouting out 100 million to 100 million.

  If he didn't know the difference in his identity, he would even have the idea of ​​chasing after the beauty in front of him.

  With Chen Mo's perverted price increase, those who were originally interested in this holy beast inner alchemy couldn't help but lose their minds.

  The people who stayed after the last game even talked about Chen Mo.

  The people around who still wanted to shout out completely gave up.

   After all, they spent 100 million on the Heart of Darkness last time, and this time 100 million on the Holy Beast Neidan is definitely not her limit.

  A daughter of a family with a good background, it's better not to have trouble with others.

   After all, this kind of rich lady may have many licking dogs.

   It's enough to offend those people if you don't like it.

  Even if everyone is able to enter the silver field, it doesn't mean that they all have a deep background. For example, Chen Mo was lucky enough to get some things and sell them immediately.

   Being rich does not mean being powerful, but spending money without blinking an eye, and adding a surname matches several aristocratic families.

   This kind of talent is worthy of attention.

  Chen Mo is such a person in everyone's eyes now.

  Because no one was vying for it, the inner alchemy of the holy beast was also won by Chen Mo at a price of 100 million yuan.

  Pay the money and get all the goods you bought before.

  Chen Mo told the receptionist that after selling the items he consigned, he just needs to pay the money to his card, and he will come back to pick it up.

  The receptionist nodded immediately.

  At the same time, she also admired Chen Mo's courage.

   Two such expensive things, why don't you look at the price here.

  After the Linlang Sky Auction, Lin Ranhai looked at Chen Mo and asked, "You should have flying equipment, right?"

  In his opinion, it should be normal for a daughter of a family to have such equipment, even he has one.


  Chen Mo nodded.

   Seeing the confirmation from the other party, Lin Ranhai naturally had no doubts about Chen Mo.

   "Then fly back, this way the speed will be faster, follow me."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Ranhai flew into the air.


  Chen Mo immediately accelerated and followed.

"So fast!?"

   Seeing Chen Mo's flickering speed, Lin Ranhai was shocked.

  Because although he also has flying props, his flying props are completely limited in speed, and there is no way to speed up.

  But just now, the girl accelerated and flew up in an instant. The speed was so fast that it was even faster than the instantaneous flying speed of many second-rank powerhouses.

  From this speed, it can be seen how advanced the flying equipment on the opponent is!

   After confirming that Chen Mo has a good family background, he has more confidence in clearing the random crack dungeon with Chen Mo.

  Although Lin Ranhai's flying speed is not fast, it is at least much faster than walking.

   After a while, the two flew back to Lin Ranhai's home.

  Lin Ranhai's home is located in a slightly outer area of ​​the town center. He is not very rich, but he is considered affluent.

   Right now, there are people from the Academy League standing around his house.

   It can be seen that it is to guard the copy of the random crack.

  Chen Mo followed Lin Ranhai to the roof. At this time, there was a woman on the roof who was basking in the sun and reading a book leisurely.

   "Xiao Hai, you are back."

  She said without raising her head.


   "I heard that you asked your father for a lot of money, why did you go?"

   After saying this, the woman put down the book in her hand.

   As a result, Lin Ranhai saw a handsome and heroic girl behind Lin Ranhai.

  In an instant, she no longer pursued Lin Ranhai for money.

   Is this still a question? Obviously, I went to pick up girls with money, and I took them home without watching them.

   "Who is this girl?"

  She immediately looked at Lin Ranhai and asked.

   "This is Ms. Zhao, I invited you to help me pass the random crack dungeon."

   "Have you ever been to a copy?"

  Mother Lin glanced at Lin Ranhai suspiciously.

   "Hello, Auntie."

   Chen Mo smiled and said hello.

   Seeing Mother Lin's appearance, Chen Mo couldn't help but think that Sister Yiyi sometimes joked with herself, asking him to pick up a girl and come back early when he was still in school and could easily meet girls.

  Otherwise, it will be difficult to find opportunities to easily communicate with girls when you leave the society.

   It is also difficult to enjoy the kind of youthful beauty that only belongs to the age of innocence.

  Chen Mo's sweet smile almost entered Mother Lin's heart. She said cheerfully, "Okay, since you want to pass the dungeon, go first, but after the dungeon comes out, let's have a light meal at home..."

   "Mom, stop talking nonsense here, people are just here to help, what are you going to eat!"

  Lin Ranhai was a little speechless.

  The other party is simply not something that my family can climb.

   "When someone comes to help, it is very appropriate for us to invite them to dinner. How can this be called nonsense?"

   "Too lazy to tell you more, I'd better go to the crack dungeon first, otherwise the crack dungeon will disappear later."

  After speaking, Lin Ranhai immediately called Chen Mo to escape from the roof.

   Only mother Lin was left agitated in place.

  Arrived in the house, Lin Ranhai said apologetically, "I'm sorry, my mother is like this, I hope I didn't offend you."

   "No, I can understand." Chen Mo smiled and shook his head.

  Lin's house is a three-story villa, and the copy of Random Crack is in Lin Ranhai's room on the second floor.

  Following Lin Ranhai into the room, Chen Mo clearly saw a black crack more than one meter long and half a meter wide hanging above Lin Ranhai's bed.

  Since they didn't know when the copy of the random crack would disappear, the two didn't say much, and reached out to touch the crack together.

   Immediately, Chen Mo received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Prompt from heaven: You accidentally encountered a copy of the random crack, the following is the relevant information of the copy, please check carefully! 】

  Following the message from Heaven's Dao, Chen Mo took a rough look at the situation of this random crack dungeon.

  The entry condition is one turn or less.

   That is to say, anyone from level 1 to level 40 (those who have not taken the second turn) can enter.

   The dungeon belongs to a world occupied by dark monsters. The difficulty of the dungeon is not low, but there are three main lines to choose from.

   correspond to different rewards.

  The best reward is SSS level, but according to the warning, the failure rate of doing this line is as high as 99%, and the mortality rate is also over 90%.

   The second best reward is the SS rank. According to the warning, the failure rate of doing this line is as high as 70%, and the mortality rate is also 50%.

  The third one is S-level. According to the warning, the failure rate of this line is about 20% after changing careers, and the mortality rate is only 5%.

   According to the number of participants, the difficulty of the copy will be further increased.

   Two people are 110%, three are 130%, four are 160%, and five are 200%.

   It can be seen that it is more appropriate for two or three people to enter, and it is not good if there are more.

  And there are many hidden tasks, the difficulty is different, you can choose according to your own situation.

  Chen Mo didn't have time to look at the specific details.

   Following Lin Ranhai's confirmation, he also immediately confirmed that he had entered the instance.

   Just 3 seconds after the two entered the dungeon, the crack in the outside world was completely closed.

  But this does not affect Chen Mo and his return.

   And with the cracks closed.

  Lin Ranhai and Chen Mo heard a reminder from Heaven that surprised them!

  【Heavenly Tip: Please pay attention! Please note! The copy type has changed! This dungeon is about to be transformed into a dungeon of stars! Will soon be converted into a copy of the stars! ! 】

   As I said before, there is a chance that a normal dungeon will be transformed into a star dungeon.

  However, under normal circumstances, only high-level dungeons with B-level difficulty or higher will have a chance to transform, and the conversion rate is 1 in 10,000.

  That is to say, if you enter 10,000 dungeons, there is a high probability that only one dungeon will be converted into a dungeon of stars.

  Of course, not every time you switch when you first enter the dungeon, you may be in the middle of the dungeon, or at the end of the dungeon.

  As long as your copy is selected, then you are "lucky".

   And this one-in-10,000 chance is not applicable to random crack dungeons.

  Random rift copy, completely random.

   Random appearance, random limit, random difficulty!

   Even transforming into a copy of the stars will be random.

   And the chance of being random is as high as one percent.

   But it is actually quite difficult to trigger.

   It can only be said that Chen Mo and Lin Ranhai are very lucky.

  Of course, in Lin Ranhai's opinion at this time, he was not lucky, but unlucky.

   After all, although the dungeon is transformed into a star dungeon, the overall reward level of the dungeon will be improved, but the difficulty is also greatly increased.

  Not only do you have to fight against the monsters in the dungeon, but you also have to guard against other alien professionals who enter the dungeon, and fight them wits and courage at all times!

  This is really too dangerous!

   If you are not careful, the result will be fatal!

  With continuous warnings sounding, Lin Ranhai was dumbfounded at this moment!

   "How could this happen, the good-for-nothing welfare book has actually been transformed into a dungeon of stars!? You're cheating, run!"

   Speaking of which, Lin Ranhai has already taken out a "Dungeon Escape Talisman" and tried to activate it!

   As a result, nothing happened.

   "Damn it! How could it be invalid!" Lin Ranhai was completely stunned.

   "Look at the rules of the stars!"

  Chen Mo glanced at the Heavenly Dao system, and reminded Lin Ranhai.

   It was only at this time that Lin Ranhai realized that when a dungeon was transformed into a dungeon of stars, several restriction rules would randomly appear.

  The number of limit rules represents the number of alien forces in this copy.

  If there are five rules, it means that professionals from five different galaxies will enter the entire copy.

   Now, there are a total of three star rules for this random crack dungeon.

  This means that besides Chen Mo and Lin Ranhai, there will be professionals from two galaxies entering the instance.

  【Rules of Stars (1): Before the dungeon is cleared, all teleportation abilities will be invalid! (This rule can be eliminated by eliminating all solar system professionals)]

  【Rules of Stars (2): Before the copy is cleared, all damage reduction effects will be invalid! (This rule can be eliminated by eliminating all eternal star system professionals)]

  【Rules of Stars (3): Before the dungeon is cleared, the coordinates of all professionals are shared in real time! (This rule can be eliminated by eliminating all Yang-type professionals)]

  General star dungeons will give priority to selecting the nearest galaxy professionals to participate.

  So the Solar System often encounters professionals from the Eternal Star System and the slightly distant Kaiyang System, Andromeda System and other galaxies in the copy of the stars.

   "It's too bad! The corresponding rules of our solar system are teleportation rules. Doesn't it mean that if no one clears the level, we don't want to escape in advance!"

  Lin Ranhai was a little desperate.

  He entered dungeons to earn income.

  Random crack dungeon is one of the few dungeon types that can obtain S-level rewards at a relatively low difficulty.

  After the result came in, the dungeon rewards hadn't started to be earned yet, and I encountered such a cheating thing!

   I really want to cry but have no tears!

   "It's fine if you can't teleport, but now the worst thing is the third rule! The coordinates are shared in real time, which means that all professionals who enter the instance have nowhere to hide!

   This is a game of stars who decided from the very beginning that they cannot hide and must fight to the death head-on! "

  Chen Mo couldn't help but look serious at this time.

  Although he has good means, with the top rewards around him and the blessing of synthesis ability, his combat power before the first rank has already surpassed the combat power of the first rank professional.

   But after all, it is a fight against a group of unknown alien powerhouses, and it is a life-and-death battle!

   This kind of unknown is the root cause of uneasiness!

  However, apart from being dignified, there is a faint excitement deep in Chen Mo's heart!

  Although he knows that his combat power has surpassed the stage of the first round, if the opponent is the top of the first round, Chen Mo is still not very clear about how much he can surpass.

   This time he finally had a chance to try it!

  [PS]: The update fell out of the new book list too quickly, and it’s uncomfortable if it hasn’t been exposed. I can only rely on everyone’s votes to mix up the recommendation list~

  (end of this chapter)

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