Chapter 136 Star Boost! (two in one)

After the reminder of Heavenly Dao ended, Chen Mo and Lin Ranhai saw obvious changes in the map of the dungeon. Two other dungeon maps were directly pieced together, and then the merged map transformed into a huge wide-area map. .

   Soon another Heavenly Dao reminder sounded.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Due to the change of the dungeon type, the customs clearance method of this dungeon has changed, please check again! 】

  Since it is a new world made up of three dungeon worlds, the way to clear the dungeons has also changed.

  The dungeon of stars is actually a random patchwork of several dungeons of the same type with high compatibility.

   It may be a normal copy, or it may be a random crack copy.

  When putting together, you may have just entered the dungeon, you may have completed half of the dungeon, or you may have almost finished the dungeon.

   But once a copy occurs, it becomes a copy of the stars.

  Then your previous missions are basically in vain.

   But it is not completely without benefits, that is, the higher the progress of the dungeon task you have completed before, once your dungeon is converted into a star dungeon, the more star boost you can get.

  Chen Mo and the others who have just entered the dungeon will not receive progress rewards.

  But they came in from the random crack dungeon, and there will be a disadvantage in numbers, and the star dungeon will give them a certain amount of star boost to compensate for this.

   At this time, the reminder of the way of heaven has already sounded.

  【Heaven’s Tip: It was detected that the copy you were in was a random crack copy. According to the transformation rules of the star copy, participants of this type of copy can get random five items of "star boost". Please check it out! 】

  As Chen Mo clicked on the star booster, he immediately saw five powerful booster effects.

  〖Star Boost · Recovery〗: Your energy recovery speed is increased (10%*the number of non-local system professionals remaining in the copy)!

  〖Star Boost·Changchun〗: Your life recovery speed is increased (10%*the number of non-professionals in the galaxy remaining in the copy)!

  〖Star Boost·Strength〗: Your HP is increased (100%*number of remaining non-local system professionals in the copy).

  〖Star Boost·Crit Strike〗: Your critical strike rate is increased (1%*the number of remaining non-local system professionals in the copy).

  〖Star Amplification·Resistance〗: The duration of all abnormal states you receive is reduced (1%*the number of non-professionals in the galaxy remaining in the copy)!

   "The boost of this group of stars is quite strong, but how can these five effects catch up to the number advantage of others! Especially there is a centurion, which can form a legion!

   Let's fight them head on! "

  Lin Ranhai opened the map to check, and found that there were two groups of people far away from his side.

   There are hundreds of people in a group, and there are only more than 20 people in a group.

   There are only two people on my side.

   "We were unlucky this time. We entered from a random crack dungeon. They were transformed during the normal dungeon strategy. They have far more people than us."

  Just as Lin Ranhai finished complaining, Chen Mo immediately realized something was wrong.

   "Wait a minute! The minimum requirement for a normal dungeon to be transformed into a star dungeon should be a level 40 dungeon with difficulty level B or above!"

  As soon as these words came out, Lin Ranhai was also stunned.

   "That's right, we are a limited edition book, why would you pull us and their 40-level gang into a dungeon of stars? Make wool! Don't bring such a scam!"

   "Then it seems that they are a group of level 40 professionals who haven't reached the second rank. To be precise, they are indeed in the first rank category."

   "One round after another, but the level difference is too much, so we are dead? Such a perverted gap only gives us five star boosts, it shouldn't be."

  Lin Ranhai looked desperate.

[Tiandao Tip: It is detected that the current average level of the dungeon is 38, and you are lower than the average level of dungeon professionals. For every 5 levels lower than the average level, you can get a layer of "Star Amplification·Balance", and you get an additional five layers of " Star Amplification · Balance", the number of layers changes at any time with the change of the average level. 】

  〖Star Boost·Balance〗: For each layer, HP increases by 100%, and all attributes increase by 5%.

   "It's not bad, and there is an additional increase in balance."

  Receiving the prompt, Chen Mo smiled.

   "It's useless, it's only increased by 15%."

   "15%?" Chen Mo almost forgot that he was level 13 and Lin Ranhai was level 20.

   Lin Ranhai was 18 levels behind the average level of 38, and as a result, he was only stuck with three layers of BUFF.

   "Talk is better than nothing."

   "Adding such a little attribute is not enough for us to fight against this group of people. I'm afraid this time we will be in danger." Lin Ranhai felt very sad in his heart.

  I’m still a virgin, I don’t want to just die like this!

  At this time, Chen Mo is much calmer. With so many enhancements, his attributes have been greatly improved.

  The blood volume alone is already very thick.

  Of course, this blood volume will decay according to the reduction of the number of copies.

   "If you come, you will be safe. Let's take a look at the changes in the mission and the movement of their coordinates. It seems that they didn't want to come to us so soon."

   "As soon as this map is merged, the entire world view has changed, and the missions have also undergone a huge change."

  The two of them opened the mission introduction and checked it out.

   Sure enough, the task content has changed significantly, and the difficulty and rewards have been further improved.

   It's just that the way to get the mission has all become unknown.

  The highest difficulty is an SSS-level reward and an SS-level reward.

  The secondary difficulty is an SS-level reward and an S-level reward.

  The minimum difficulty is one S-level reward and two A-level rewards.

  But the current minimum difficulty is as high as the SS level reward difficulty just now.

  The main reason is that the fusion of dungeons has greatly improved the overall combat effectiveness of monsters.

  Of course, there is actually the easiest way to directly get top rewards.

   That is to kill all the professionals in other galaxies in the instance.

  As long as you successfully kill all the professionals in other galaxies, this dungeon will be considered as a direct clearance, and you don't need to do any more tasks in the dungeon.

   But it is very difficult.

  First you have to prevent someone from escaping.

  Even if one person escapes from the dungeon, you can't end the dungeon directly, and you can only do the dungeon mission honestly when you turn back.

   But the aliens you killed earlier were not in vain.

   After you complete the dungeon mission, the more aliens you have killed before, the higher the chance you will get better rewards in the end.

  If you are doing a task with S-level rewards, your reward may be upgraded to SS-level.

  You are doing SS-level tasks, and the rewards you get may be upgraded to SSS-level.

  So, once you enter the Stars Book, finding a way to deal with aliens is the top priority.

  Killing aliens can not only increase the rewards, but also harvest the items they drop, which is quite profitable.

  Of course, I won’t be as lucky as this time’s star rules every time. There are rules that restrict teleportation or restrict everyone from escaping from dungeons.

  Once the rules of the stars do not restrict teleportation or escape from the dungeon, many people may directly use the dungeon escape character to escape from the dungeon after finding out that they are in the dungeon of the stars in order to save their lives.

   Just like Lin Ranhai just now.

   Then it will be difficult to gain benefits from the aliens.

  However, in any case, the advent of the dungeon of stars will definitely bring more benefits to the powerful.

   Regardless of whether the alien runs away or not, the task rewards given to the new copy after the fusion of multiple copies are quite impressive.

  But for the weak, it is a nightmare.

  Especially in a situation where he cannot escape from the dungeon, such as the current Lin Ranhai is very desperate.

   "Even the lowest-level main quests are difficult to do now." Lin Ranhai looked at the main quests that had been strengthened to the point where he had to travel through three dungeon areas, and felt a little headache.

   If this ran over, wouldn't the two alien teams come directly to kill the two of us?

   This task is simply impossible to do.

   "Let's do the Dark Lord quest line."

   Chen Mo said after reading all the missions.

"The King of Darkness!?" Lin Ranhai immediately confirmed the quest introduction, "No way, this is a very difficult quest line. According to the quest introduction, there are several gold-level bosses in this line alone , even the centurions over there may not be able to do this task."

   "This is the effect. This task is easy to trigger more powerful bosses. We can use the strategy of driving tigers and wolfs away!"

"You mean to use the power of monsters to deal with them?" Lin Ranhai couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "This is a good way. We are alone and helpless now, and we will die if we can lure them to fight the boss. There's still a chance."

   While the two were talking, they saw that the coordinates of the Centuries had changed.

   "They seem to be coming our way."

  Lin Ranhai looked at the movements of the Centuries and said nervously.

   "Don't worry, the distance is still far away. It will take at least half a day for them to come over. Let's do the task first."

   "The twenty-man team on the right is quiet."

  Lin Ranhai looked at the situation of the other team and said.

   "I guess that team was also frightened by the Centuries, and they waited for the Centuries to kill us, so that they could use the Instance Escape Talisman to escape."

"This group of people is really good! If it weren't for the large number of them, we should go over and kill them first. Once the people who opened the Yang system die, everyone's coordinates will be invisible. We have a lot of opportunities to kill these guys from the Eternal Star System .”

   "There is no problem now, our coordinates are exposed, and the talents from the Yongxing system will come directly, which is exactly in line with our plan."

   After speaking, Chen Mo immediately turned around and walked towards the nearby town. Although the task was selected, he didn't know where to get it, so he could only explore by himself.

  Seeing Chen Mo entering the town without fear at all, it was the first time that Lin Ranhai had no right to speak in front of a girl.

  It seems that after entering the book, he was in the state of a follower throughout the whole process.

   "Is this the trait of a daughter of a family? People can't help but obey her actions."

  Looking at Chen Mo's back, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

  In the small town.

   At this time, it was already a piece of broken walls and ruins. The houses were collapsed and collapsed. Basically, there was not even a living thing to be seen.

   Walking along the bluestone floor to the center of the town, Chen Mo saw a cross covered with a strange sticky black liquid stuck upside down on the ground.

   "This town looks quite gloomy."

  Lin Ranhai felt a bit of discomfort beside him.

   "After all, it is a copy of the dark department."

  Chen Mo didn't care, he was using the pioneer's ability to perceive his surroundings.

  The size of this small town is not small, and the scope of Chen Mo's investigation is not enough to cover the entire town.

  All the way to perceive the past, after walking half of the town, Chen Mo finally sensed some living things.

   "What the **** is this?"

  Although it is said to be a living thing, this thing is not a human being.

   It is a dark, strange lump of flesh that is constantly wriggling.

   It's a bit like the legendary slime, but compared to the slime's slimy shape, this ghost thing has obvious human tissues.

   Including eyes, strange hair, and twisted limbs.

   But everything is spread randomly on this piece of meat.

   It's like putting a person into a blender and re-stirring it to form a weird creature.

   Watching it makes people feel sick and get goosebumps.

  At this time, this living creature was hiding in the only abandoned temple in the town, and it was unknown what it was doing.

  Although it feels disgusting, there is only such a living creature in the town, so I still have to go and see if I can find any clues.

  Because Lin Ranhai does not have Chen Mo's powerful perception ability, he is currently looking around to see if he is too busy.

   While Lin Ranhai was searching, Chen Mo took the time to synthesize the skills of the Holy Corpse Army while walking towards the temple.

  After all the materials are gathered together, he spent some money and used the token function to get two copies of the Holy Corpse Army.

  【Congratulations, the synthesis is successful! 】

  【Please choose one of the following three synthesis options as the final synthesis result! 】

  【1】: Corpse Corps·Red (Bound)

   [2]: Undying Corpse Red (Bound)

  【3】: Concentric Corpse Army·Red (Bound)

  [4]: Re-random special bonus (free)

  The joint life corpse army has the same effect as Chen Mo's staff. For Chen Mo, there is no need to choose at present.

   After all, he has no plans to change the staff.

  The Immortal Army can make the duration of the summoned skeletons infinite.

   In fact, it’s not very useful, Chen Mo’s current duration of the skeleton monster is already very long.

  This skill cannot be superimposed and summoned. As long as the skill is released again, the previous summons will be refreshed. It is meaningless to have an infinite duration.

   It is the third effect, which is exactly what Chen Mo wants to have.

  The Concentric Corpse Army allows Chen Mo and the Skeleton Monster to share perception.

  Skeleton monsters have no eyes and can only recognize the surrounding environment by perception. Now Chen Mo can synchronize the perception information of all skeleton monsters.

   This makes each skeleton monster equivalent to a monitor of Chen Mo.

   And it’s a monitor with a decent range.

  Each skeleton monster has a perception range of 100 meters, if they are all dispersed.

  Chen Mo's perception range is much wider.

   Of course, the perception ability of the skeleton monster is still incomparable with that of the pioneer.

   After all, it cannot perceive invisible units and various information, it is only equivalent to the function of eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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