Chapter 137 God of Zoroza! (two in one)

  Following Chen Mo's selection, he finally got the first high-grade skill!

  I thought it would be the same as before, but the color of the skill was only slightly improved.

   But I never thought that after the skill was upgraded from the middle level to the top level, it ushered in a qualitative change!

  【Concentric Corpse Army·Red】

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage

  【Cooldown】: 5 seconds

  【Effect】: Consume 100 energy points to summon a skeleton monster with "2000+ professional star rating * 200" that only lasts for 60 minutes (the skeleton monster's profession can be specified by itself, and it will carry the illusion weapon of the corresponding profession).

   The attributes of the skeleton monster are linked to your intelligence and spirit "life = spirit * 10, double attack = intelligence * 3", and its attributes are enhanced to be equal to your full attributes of "professional star * 20%".

  Characteristics—Bomb, Resurrection, Corpse Poison, Invisibility, Sacred, Concentric.

  The substantial increase in the number of summons is not a big deal, the key is the introduction in brackets later.

   "It's great, the skeleton monster's profession can finally be specified by itself!"

  Seeing this improvement, Chen Mo felt extremely refreshed.

  He thought that he could only summon skeleton monsters of a specific profession until he had the elite undead summoning skill after level 15.

   As a result, now that his skills have been upgraded to the top level, his normal summoning skills can finally summon the skeleton monsters he wants according to his own mind.

  The appearance of this effect has greatly improved the practicality of this summoning skill!

   After the synthesis was completed, Chen Mo immediately summoned 3400 invisible and superimposed skeleton monsters by his side with a tap of the staff.

   Then they scattered them all over the town to investigate.

  He himself entered the temple slowly.

   It seemed that he heard Chen Mo's footsteps, and that strange creature was very vigilant.

  Chen Mo had just entered the temple, and it wriggled quickly and hid in a dark corner.

  This dark corner seems to be completely integrated with the darkness around it.

   If you don't look carefully, you really can't find him.

   But Chen Mo relies on perception, no matter where he hides, it will be useless.

   "Don't hide, I've seen you. I'm an adventurer from afar. This village seems to be attacked by some kind of dark force. Are you a villager in this village?"

  Chen Mo tried to communicate with this strange creature.

  The reason why he didn't judge the other party as a monster was because when his pioneer perception ability obtained the other party's information, the other party's identity was actually a villager.

  That's why Chen Mo asked this question.

   "Cuckoo, cluck, cluck..."

   Knowing that Chen Mo is an adventurer, the meat ball was obviously very excited, and it squirmed out of the darkness where it was hiding.

   It seemed that they wanted to say something to Chen Mo, but when they said it, it all turned into a bubbling sound.

   It is impossible to communicate normally at all.

  It seems that he also knows that his current state is not good for communication. A small tentacles suddenly stretched out from the meat ball and pointed to the inner hall of the temple.

   "Is there anything in there?"

  Chen Mo curiously walked to the door of the inner hall.

   "Miss Zhao, be careful! There are monsters behind you."

   Just as Chen Mo was about to open the door, Lin Ranhai had already entered the temple.

  As soon as he came in, he saw an extremely disgusting meatball following behind Chen Mo.

  Dang even thought that this monster was going to sneak attack Chen Mo.

  The long sword in his hand flashed, and he was about to cut it.

   "Don't panic! This is a villager."

  Seeing that Lin Ranhai was about to kill an important NPC, Chen Mo hurriedly stopped him.


  Lin Ranhai looked at the strange ball of meat in front of him in shock, feeling sick for a while.

   "Is this thing a villager?"

  He couldn't believe it.

   "This village has been attacked, he should have been cursed by some kind of darkness."

   As soon as Chen Mo finished speaking, the meat ball immediately squirmed strongly and started cooing.

   It seems to agree with Chen Mo's point of view.

   "Looking at its reaction, it seems to be true."

  Lin Ranhai restrained his sword light and stood still again.

   But he didn't completely let his guard down on the meatball.

  At this time, Chen Mo had already opened the door of the inner hall.

  I saw that this place was already dilapidated, and the entire room was filled with disgusting black slime.

  Chen Mo didn't even want to enter.

  As the door opened, the little meat ball squirmed in quickly, and soon it found a book covered in black slime from among the ruins.

  As he put the book in his body and took it out again, all the disgusting black slime on the book disappeared.

   After cleaning the book, he held the book with his small tentacles and sent it to Chen Mo.

   ""Book of Zoroastria"?"

  Chen Mo looked through it immediately.

  It turns out that the people in the village believed in the so-called **** of Zoroza, and related rituals were held every year.

  The village is under the protection of the God of Zoroastrianism, and the weather is good every year.

   But the good times didn't last long, after ten years of believing in the **** of Zoroza.

  Suddenly one day, the villagers began to undergo strange changes one after another!

   One by one, they started to turn into strange lumps of meat.

  At the beginning, they still retain their sanity, but as time goes by, their sanity gradually disappears, and eventually they become horrible monsters without any consciousness and only know how to hunt.

   As for the solution to this monster, there is no mention in the Book of Rites.

  But according to the last record in the Book of Rites, this change should be related to the **** of Zoroza.

  Because the rumored God of Zorza is a huge ball of meat covered with tentacles and eyes.

   "It seems that the root of the problem lies in this Zoroastrian god."

  After reading it, Lin Ranhai glanced at the huge sculpture of fleshy **** covered with tentacles and eyes on the wall of this strange temple.

  How could anyone believe in such a disgusting thing.

  Chen Mo pondered for a while, glanced at the meatball next to him and said, "Where are the people in the village now? Did they all kill each other? Why are you still in the village?"

  Chen Mo put the books on the ground and asked him to point them out in order.

  Although the languages ​​and characters of everyone in the universe are not the same, after awakening as a professional, they will be affected by the way of heaven, and they can automatically convert the languages ​​and characters of various races into the languages ​​and characters they are familiar with.

  Unless what the other party is speaking is not a serious language at all, such as the gurgling sound of this meatball just now.

  That is purely a meaningless utterance.

  Following the meat ball pointing out word by word.

  Chen Mo understood that this meatball was originally the priest in the village.

  Due to successive years of poor harvests, the villagers in the village began to sneer at the **** of harvest that they had always believed in before.

  In their extreme anger, the statue of the Harvest God was smashed, his name was cast aside, and the entire temple was almost burned down.

  In order to keep the temple, the priest had to turn to the Zoroastrian **** who had been bewitching him to build his own faith.

  Father knew very well that this so-called Zoroastrian God was actually an evil god.

   Belief in him for a long time will not have any good results.

  But the Harvest Goddess lost his voice, so he can only rely on this evil **** to stabilize the crazy villagers first.

  As the priest brought the belief of Zoroastrian God to the village, the life of the villagers finally improved.

  There are good harvests every year, and everyone naturally has a higher degree of belief in the God of Zoroza.

   During the period, the priest kept trying to contact the Harvest Goddess, but unfortunately it was completely useless.

  At that time, the priest knew that things were bad.

   And the result is completely the same as what he guessed.

  Human greed is endless.

  After the food and clothing were satisfied, the villagers began to pray for some other benefits.

  The benefits of prayer are met, and the villagers' belief in the God of Zoroast becomes more stable.

  As the faith becomes more stable, the divine power of the God of Zoroast becomes stronger, and the villagers become more greedy!

  The more greedy the villagers are, the more they will believe in the God of Zorza, and the divine power of the God of Zorza will be further improved.

   And so on.

   There will only be two results!

  The first villager is crazy!

  After the second God of Zoroasta has collected enough faith, he directly unloads the grind and kills the donkey, and finally harvests a wave of negative human emotions.

  He is an evil god, he can eat and worship in faith, and he can absorb the negative energy of human beings to fill himself up.

  After being unable to satisfy people's endless greed, he changed his policy and changed to creating negative energy for human beings!

  As the priest explained everything.

   "Things with the word God are probably not easy to deal with." Lin Ranhai glanced at Chen Mo, and said with some fear, "If this quest line continues, the final boss may not be to fight god-level monsters!"

  What a terrifying monster the god-level monster is!

  Even if there are a hundred rank one powerhouses coming together, it may not be enough to fight.

   Now there are only two of them here.

  Lin Ranhai was naturally very guilty.

  But it's too late for him to change the main line now.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Congratulations for discovering the secret of Qiluo Town’s decay. You have obtained the SSS-level main mission—"The Change of Qiluo Town". Please follow the mission prompts to explore!

  You have already obtained the main task, which cannot be changed, please work hard to complete it. 】

  〖Change in Qiluo Town·First Phase Mission〗: Before the priest loses his mind or is killed by other mutated monsters, find a way to turn him back into a human. Please note that failure of the mission will double the difficulty of the rest of the process!

   "It's over, we have been forced to receive SSS-level tasks."

  Lin Ranhai felt a little broken.

   What about the one who agreed to accept the mission of the Dark Lord? Why did you accept a Zoroastrian mission out of nowhere!

   Now the Stars rule restricts them from teleporting away.

  The dungeon mission received another SSS level that could not be completed at all.

   Now it's all right, it's hard not to want to die.

Seeing Lin Ranhai wilt like a deflated ball in an instant, Chen Mo patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Not even for SSS-level missions, the monsters for this mission will only be more powerful, maybe they can be used to Those who designed to kill those eternal star systems."

   "I hope so..."

   Now that we have come to this point, what can we do.

  Lin Ranhai can only be safe and there is such a one-ten-thousandth chance of surviving.

  After learning the specific reason, Chen Mo asked the priest again, asking if he knew the solution.

   But the priest said that he didn't know, but he could feel a wave of energy from the west of the town to the town's water well.

  He seriously doubted that the people in the town would turn into fleshy monsters only after drinking water mixed with this strange energy.

   "It's west of the town."

  Chen Mo nodded and said, "You continue to hide and be careful to be safe. I'll go over there and have a look."

   The meat ball squirmed a few times, then hid in the shadow beside it.

   Obviously saying don’t worry, I’m already hiding.

  Chen Mo smiled and said to Lin Ranhai: "You should patrol around this church and protect him. I'll go to the west to see the situation."

   "Wait, you go alone!?" Lin Ranhai said in shock, "There may be a small boss over there, this is an SSS-level mission, even if it's just a small boss, it's an incredible existence."

   "Don't worry, I didn't go there alone!"

  As Chen Mo released the invisibility of the surrounding skeleton monsters...

   "What's going on!?" Lin Ranhai was taken aback, thinking it was a bunch of monsters coming out of nowhere.

   There are densely packed skeleton monsters with weapons everywhere.

   "Don't be afraid, this is my summon."

   "Summon... Summons? So many!!"

  Lin Ranhai glanced at the densely packed surroundings and couldn't count how many there were!

   "You can actually summon so many! This is too fierce! How many do you need?"

   he asked in shock.

   "A thousand."

  Chen Mo casually revealed a thousand of them, and there are more than 2,000 of them hidden, otherwise they would not be able to squeeze through.

   "One... a thousand!?" Lin Ranhai had nothing to say now, he smiled wryly and looked at Chen Mo and said, "Then I can rest assured, you can go at ease, I will take good care of him."

  The opponent has so many skeleton monsters charging forward, there is no danger at all, so why worry about it.

  If I have so many younger brothers, I just need to hide in a safe place and send the younger brothers up, and I will never put myself in danger.

  I heard that the other party was a necromancer before, but I never thought it was a necromancer with such high-level skills.

   These are a thousand monsters, and all of them have weapons. This skill level must be at least high-level!

  Lin Ranhai's guess is correct, Chen Mo's synthetic skills are basically super-level existences.

  He could summon more than a thousand with his purple skills before, and his purple skills are actually comparable to the top-grade red skills obtained by normal people!

  Leaving Lin Ranhai behind, Chen Mo can also act more smoothly, without having to cover up everything.

  He flew directly into the air and flew towards the west of the town.

  With the continuous perception of the abilities of the pioneers, Chen Mo found that there is really a problem in the west of the town.

  There are a lot of black mucus residues on the ground, and some meat **** can be seen wriggling nearby.

  Chen Mo directly skipped them and flew towards a further position.

   It was not until more than a thousand meters away from the town that Chen Mo finally felt something unusual.

  In a cave to the west of the town, there is this huge tentacle monster flowing with disgusting black slime.

  Although his appearance is somewhat similar to the meat **** near the town, he is obviously not of the same class.

   There is no need to lose the detection skills anymore, relying on the pioneer's perception ability, Chen Mo obtained the opponent's information!

  (end of this chapter)

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