Chapter 138 Died so soon? (two in one)

  【Monster Name】: Bishop Zorza

  【Monster level】: Gold level BOSS (one turn)

  【Level】: 40


  〖Life〗: 170 billion/170 billion

  〖Energy〗: 170 billion/170 billion

  〖Physical Attack〗: 17247

  〖Facial Attack〗: 17247

  〖Material Defense〗: 8623

  〖Law Defense〗: 8623

  〖Blast Damage〗: 100%

  [Active Skills]: Zoroastrian Rain (range group damage), Zoroza Prayer (gain BUFF), Black Sea Prison (range damage, control, debuff), Incarnate Myriads (clone skill)

  【Passive Skills】: Exorcism Body Protection, Exorcism Will, Star Amplification (Health)

  〖Body of Zoroastria〗: Under the protection of the **** of Zoroza, all damage received has a 50% chance to be converted into a recovery effect.

  〖Will of Zoroza〗: Under the protection of the God of Zoroza, there is a 50% chance of being directly immune to all abnormal effects.

  〖Star Booster (Blood)〗: After being boosted by the Star Dungeon, the blood volume increases by 100 times.

   "The one-turn gold boss at level 40 originally only had 1.7 billion blood volume, but in the Stars Book, the blood volume has been strengthened and directly increased by 100 times! It's disgusting."

   He complained that the monster was disgusting, but in fact, Chen Mo's blood volume at this time was also ridiculously high.

   Having received the boost from the stars, his blood volume has even increased by more than a hundred times, which is more than the multiplier of this BOSS.

   It's just that his original blood volume is not as good as that of the boss.

   But it's only a gold boss after all. If it's a field team boss with one turn at level 40, then this blood volume is amazing.

   No increase, there are more than 800 billion. If the increase is 100 times, it will be more than 80 trillion.

  Although the boss is disgusting, Chen Mo's combat power is even more amazing now.

   After getting the booster ring, he added the star booster. His intelligence and spirit have reached 4473 points, and his law attack has reached 14439 points.

   And the attributes of the skeleton monster he can summon under this attribute are: blood volume 107355, physical attack 32207, law attack 32207.

  If Chen Mo stimulates the group attack boost again, the attack power of the skeleton monster can rise to more than 54,000.

   This attack power hits the boss, and the damage can basically reach about 50,000.

  Counting Chen Mo's talent doubling effect, the damage that each skeleton monster can cause can directly reach the level of 100,000.

   Now that Chen Mo has received the star crit boost, the crit rate has exceeded 100%, and the star boost includes all Chen Mo's units.

  Skeleton monsters are all guaranteed critical strikes.

  It's a pity that the explosion damage of the skeleton monster is not the same as that of Chen Mo's body, otherwise it will explode even more.

  Combining all effects such as worship of inaction, each of Chen Mo's skeleton monsters can cause about 300,000 damage to the boss per second!

  Chen Mo can now control the occupation type of the summoned objects, so the number of effective attacks of the skeleton monsters he summons is different from before.

   Only need to summon 3400 long-range skeleton monsters, then the effective attack number is 3400.

   The damage that can be caused in this second is directly as high as 1 billion!

  Looking at the 170 billion blood volume of the boss, it seems a lot, but it still can't last for three minutes.

   This does not include the effect of the corpse poison.

  If you count the stacking of 3400 layers of corpse poison per second.

  In fact, the 170 billion can’t last for tens of seconds at all.

  Of course, this is the case of ignoring the BOSS passive.

  The passive effect of this BOSS is still something.

  Spreading the body protector makes him have a chance of being injured and turning back to blood, and the other is a chance of ignoring abnormalities.

   The first passive is easy to solve. It only needs to be stacked with corpse poison, and its blood recovery will be useless.

  The second passive will halve the frequency of corpse poison stacking.

   But under the siege of 3400 skeleton monsters, the efficiency is halved and it is still fierce.

   Just when Chen Mo was about to launch the skeleton monster to attack the boss, a huge eyeball on the boss actually looked in his direction across the cave's stone wall.

   "Does this guy have clairvoyance?"

   "Humans, are you interested in joining my Zoroastrianism? Entering my Zoroastrianism, you will gain eternal happiness! Our Zoroastrian God can satisfy all your wishes."

  Suddenly, bursts of bewitching voices came from all directions.

  Chen Mo discovered that all the little meatballs on the ground had become the boss's loudspeaker, transmitting the boss's voice.

   "It's so loud!"

  Chen Mo waved his staff directly, and immediately a large group of skeleton monsters attacked in unison.

   There are bows, crossbows, magic bullets...

   All kinds of long-range attacks blasted into the cave together!

  With just one attack, the boss' blood volume dropped by hundreds of millions.

   At this time, Chen Mo also joined the battle group and fired energy bombs towards the boss.

  He can shoot energy bombs farther than his mage skeleton monster.

   After all, Chen Mo has the scepter of a thousand miles.

  As Chen Mo joined the output, the damage of the skeleton monsters doubled immediately.

  In addition, the corpse poison constantly triggers the poison explosion.

   The blood volume of the BOSS begins to pour down!

   "Damn human, you dare to launch an attack on the great Zoroastrian Bishop, I want to let you know what the price of offending Zoroastrianism is!"

  The moment the BOSS voice fell.

  Merton Chen felt that the whole world was getting dark.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You have fallen into the Black Sea Prison. If you continue to exist in it, you will continue to receive damage, and your full attributes will be reduced by 1% every second until you die. Please leave immediately! 】

   "This domain-like skill is really troublesome. Even if I don't eat anomalies and get shrouded in the domain, it's still useless! Fortunately, I have enough means."

  With a thought in Chen Mo's mind, he and the skeleton monsters have all escaped into the realm of nothingness.


  After Chen Mo left, Lin Ranhai kept on checking his situation on the map to confirm his safety.

   As a result, after looking at it, the light spot representing Chen Mo suddenly disappeared.

   "What's the situation! Why did she die?"

   Lin Ranhai was a little shocked, how long has he been away, and he died too soon.

   "If she died, wouldn't I have no way out?"

  Lin Ranhai looked up at the sky, feeling ashamed in his heart.

  At this time, not only was he surprised by Chen Mo's disappearance, but even the group of people from the Yongxing system who were rushing over here were quite surprised.

   "No way, are these two guys challenging some incredible monster? They just played themselves to death?"

   "These two **** idiots, if they are all dead, then the person who opened the Yang system can directly escape from the instance!"

  The moment he read the three star rules, the captain of the hundred-member group of the Yongxing system had already thought up a perfect plan for an easy and complete annihilation.

  If the people in the solar system are killed first, even if there are only two people in the solar system who cannot escape, once the coordinates are not shared, it is a waste of time to find two people who are hiding in this huge map.

  Originally, they planned to come over and kill one of the two people in the solar system, then kidnap the other, and then use the coordinate point sharing to wipe out the twenty people in the sun system in one fell swoop.

  Finally, kill the controlled solar system professionals.

   In this way, you can make perfect use of the two star rules and easily complete the kill!

   It turned out to be good now. Before they could do anything, one of them was already gone from the side of the solar system.

   If all of them died at once, wouldn’t it ruin their plan.

   These people are naturally very annoyed.

   On the other side, the people of Kaiyang system were full of joy.

   "I killed one of them so quickly. If they are all dead, we can leave earlier."

   "One of them has already died, and the remaining one may not be so easy to catch."

   "And this person basically didn't move at the original position. I saw him circling in this position for a long time. He must be a very timid person."

   "Damn it, we have to pay him for wasting his time here."


  Chen Mo didn't know, because his behavior of escaping into the void made everyone think he was dead.

  If he had known this earlier, he would have directly used this hand to attack the people of the Yongxing system.

  At this time, Chen Mo was waiting patiently in the realm of nothingness.

  The domain skill of this BOSS, Black Sea Prison, lasts quite a long time. If you want to break it, you can only collide with it with domain ability, or have the ability to break and ignore it.

   But it is difficult. Professionals with normal domain abilities can basically only get access to it at the fourth turn, so unless you get something similar in the SSS level reward before the fourth turn, don't try to crack it.

  Chen Mo could only wait slowly.

   After waiting for almost 5 minutes, Chen Mo finally waited until Bishop Zorsa closed the domain of Heihai Sen Prison.

  The moment he put away the domain, Chen Mo immediately led the skeleton army out of the realm of nothingness!

   This made Bishop Zoroza, who thought that Chen Mo had been reduced to ashes in the domain, a little confused.

   But at this time the field has entered a cooling down, and he can no longer expand it.

   "Ghost ability is a big trouble."

  The moment Chen Mo appeared, he had already fired a lot of stray bullets, and Bishop Zorsa lost more than one billion HP in an instant.

  In just a few breaths, Bishop Zorca's blood volume has dropped by more than half.

   "Damn human beings! You are provoking an existence that you shouldn't be provoking! God of Zoroastrianism, send down the blood rain of punishment, and give it to this guilty person!"

  Following Bishop Zoroza muttering words.

  The surrounding sky immediately changed dramatically.

  The original white cloud turned into a dark and terrifying cloud.

  Accompanied by these dark clouds, there is also an indescribable stench.

   Chen Mo was almost nauseated to the point of retching.

  He quickly held his breath.

  The attacking action in the hand is getting faster and faster.

  He doesn't know whether the boss is strong or not, but it's enough to make him feel disgusted!

  Chen Mo just wanted to kill him as soon as possible.

  As the dark clouds quickly gathered, a foul-smelling blood-red rain soon fell from the dark clouds.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo quickly put huge shields on the skeleton monsters, and then hid in the void again.

  He is not afraid of being hurt, but he is really uncomfortable because of the smell of blood and rain.

  He doesn't want to get this kind of ghost on himself.

   This time he just hid in the void world by himself, and the skeletons were still outputting crazily from the outside world.

   The blood volume of the BOSS is dropping rapidly.

   Just when the BOSS's blood volume dropped to only about 10%, the BOSS suddenly trembled, and the whole body exploded with a bang, turning into thousands of small meat **** that were only the size of a human palm.

  Every small meat ball is extremely similar to the original appearance of the BOSS.

  The more Chen Mo looked at this boss, the more disgusting he felt.

  Seeing that the BOSS split into a large number of densely packed small BOSS, they immediately rushed out of the cave. Chen Mo directly dispatched skeleton monsters with shields to block the entrance of the cave.

   There are a lot of small bosses, and the frequency of attacks on skeleton monsters with shields is naturally extremely high. Because of this, the chain lightning of the shield is also triggered crazily!

  Chen Mo's own damage is not low, and the blood volume of these small bosses is divided equally according to the remaining blood volume of the boss.

  The remaining blood volume of the previous boss was only 1.7 billion, and the 1.7 billion was divided into 10,000 shares, leaving only 170,000 in each.

  With Chen Mo's current 14439 points of magic attack plus 3283% explosive damage, according to the lightning chain triggered by his basic attack damage, he can instantly deal hundreds of thousands of damage.

   With a burst of lightning chain chi la la exploding.

   A large meal of small meatballs that were about to pour out of the cave were immediately turned into a pile of scorched meat, exuding a burnt smell.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations on successfully killing "Bishop Zorsa", you have obtained 1000 dungeon bonus points. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully killing "Bishop Zorsa". Since this dungeon is a star dungeon, all professionals in your galaxy can get 1000 dungeon bonus points. 】

   At this time, Lin Ranhai thought that Chen Mo was dead, and was giving up on the spot and looking up at the sky, suddenly received a reminder from heaven.

  【Heaven’s reminder: Because there are professionals in your galaxy force who killed the gold-level boss, you have obtained 1000 dungeon reward points. 】

   "What!? Are there other professionals in my galaxy?"

  Lin Ranhai almost thought he saw a ghost.

   Until he opened the map to check it out.

  It was only then that the coordinate point representing Chen Mo reappeared.

  He just discovered it, but the other two forces had already discovered it.

   This made the two groups wonder why Chen Mo's coordinates could disappear and then reappear.

   On the other hand, someone from the Yongxing Galaxy has a lot of experience and knowledge, and told the possibility that Chen Mo has entered the realm of nothingness.

  Then the captain immediately asked a few people with the ability to escape into the void world to try to do so once.

   Sure enough, they found that their coordinates disappeared directly from the map.

   "So that's the case. It seems that the solar system duo that I thought was easy to handle is not so easy to handle. This person who will escape into the void is very troublesome."

   "It's okay, there are five of us who can enter the void world, and five of them can't beat him?"

   "It makes sense. Anyway, let's go and have a look first. At that time, we will directly rely on the captain's props to stealthily attack a wave and control them. It's useless whether it's nothingness or nothingness!"

  Because the communication of the Tiandao system in the dungeon is easy to be exposed, Chen Mo did not add Lin Ranhai as a friend, and did not even form a team with him. Once the team is formed, all the level information will be exposed.

  Already knew that the enemies were all level 40 first-rank powerhouses. If he knew that his teammates were only level 13, not even a first-rank player, Lin Ranhai might burst his head.

  Chen Mo didn't want to be frightened crazy by Lin Ranhai.

   After killing Bishop Zorsa, Chen Mo received a reminder from Heaven, telling him to enter the cave to investigate.

  Chen Mo cautiously felt it directly from the pioneers outside the cave.

  He discovered that there was actually a magic circle where Bishop Zoroza was before, and it was glowing red at this time, and he didn't know what it was for.

  (end of this chapter)

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