All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 139: Hidden branches, risk of death! (two in one)

  Chapter 139 Hidden branch, risk of death! (two in one)

  Since he couldn't perceive anything just outside the cave, Chen Mo tried to send a skeleton monster in.

  Following the skeleton monster, he stood on that strange magic circle glowing red.

  Heavenly reminder immediately rang.

  【Prompt from the Dao of Heaven: Your summoned object has come into contact with the Zoroastrian circle, and you have obtained relevant information...】

   With a lot of information pouring into my mind.

  Chen Mo found out that this magic circle is connected to the holy spring of Zorsa.

  The previous bishop of Zorsa sent the holy spring of Zorsa through the magic circle, and mixed it into the well water of Qiluo Town through the ground.

  As a result, everyone who drank the well water turned into a monster of flesh.

  But according to the relevant information, this holy spring of Zoroza is the bath water of the **** of Zoroza, which contains the majestic power of Zoroza, and it is of great benefit to people after taking it.

  All the units that have served the Holy Spring can be transformed into disciples of the Zoroastrian God and get the body of the Zoroastrian.

  If the aptitude is sufficient and the consciousness can be retained for a long time, in the future, there will be a chance to be personally taught by the **** of Zoroza, gradually control the divine power, and approach the position of the god!

   This is the content left by the God of Zoroza. It is not known whether it is true or not.

   Bishop Zorsa was originally a human being. Like the priest in the temple, he possessed a strong willpower. After transforming into the body of Zorsa, he retained his self-awareness for a long time.

   It is also because of this that he was favored by the God of Zoroast, and he was given more Holy Springs of Zoroasta and even shared the blood of the God of Zoroza.

   was able to grow to such a powerful point.

  The priest in Qiluo Town was also caught by the God of Zoroast.

   It's just that this priest has always been loyal to the Goddess of Harvest. No matter what he looks like now, he doesn't want to betray his belief.

  So no matter how seduced the God of Zoroza is, it doesn't have the slightest attraction to the priests in the town.

   Otherwise, this priest would have already become another Zoroastrian bishop.

  After learning about a piece of news about the Holy Spring of Zora, what Chen Mo wants to know most now is the solution to the Holy Spring of Zora.

   While Chen Mo was checking the information, the scorched pieces of meat on the surrounding ground started to squirm strangely.

  Chen Mo turned on the pioneer's perception ability the whole time, so he naturally noticed this weird scene all at once.

  Seeing these lifeless pieces of meat squirm strangely and crazily, Chen Mo's whole body got goosebumps.

   "The dungeons of the dark department will really not be touched in the future. I don't know how difficult it is. At least it will hurt people's spirits enough."

  Resisting the awkwardness, Chen Mo directly grabbed a piece of meat that was wriggling crazily.

  I just feel that this piece of meat seems to be attracted by something, wanting to squirm in one direction.

  Chen Mo complied with the suction and walked in that direction.

  I saw that the direction of this piece of meat was actually the center of the magic circle.

  Chen Mo immediately put the piece of meat on it curiously.

  As the first piece of meat was put on, in an instant, the formation glowed with a strange red light, whoosh! There was a terrifying suction force in the cave, and a large pile of meat pieces scattered on the ground were all absorbed to the magic circle in the blink of an eye.

   "This guy won't be resurrected."

  Chen Mo is ready to fight.

  But as the pieces of meat gathered together, Chen Mo saw that the pieces of meat were wriggling continuously, and finally slowly recovered a human form.

   "Young man..."

  As the other party recovered completely, Chen Mo found that this was a middle-aged man, and he could no longer feel any signs of life on his body.

   I don’t know why he was able to continue talking.

   "Are you the Zoroza Bishop from just now?"

   Chen Mo asked curiously.

   "Yes, I got lost in my desires, and eventually became a puppet of Zoroastrian God, completely losing myself..."

   "Are you freed from the shackles of the God of Zorza now?"

"That's right, I was killed by you, and I was freed at the same time. It was you who helped me cancel the slave contract I signed with the God of Zoroza. As long as I don't die, I will be enslaved by him until I am completely lost. the ego, and is finally consumed by it."

   "Didn't he like you because you haven't lost yourself?"

   "That's true, but he did it just to get better believers. Zoroastrians who have their own self can accumulate strength faster and increase the strength of the Zoroastrian body so that he can devour it."

   "So that's the case, when did you find out?"

   "I also woke up when my sanity gradually began to fade away, but it was too late by then..."

   "You can grow to this point, presumably because you have absorbed a lot of the blood of the **** of Zoroastrianism, but what information have you obtained from him? For example, how to get rid of the body of Zoroastrianism?"

"That's right, absorbing the blood of the Zoroastrian will indeed obtain some information related to him, but I have not come into contact with the method of removing the body of the Zoroastrian, but I know that the God of Zoroast has always treated a great sage are very frightened.

  Maybe he will have a way to solve this matter. "


  As soon as there was a clue, Chen Mo immediately asked, "Where is this great sage?"

   "He lives in the village of sages about 10,000 meters east of Qiluo Town."

   "Then I will set off to find him."

   "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?"

"The village of sages is not accessible to everyone. The **** of Zoroza has wanted to get rid of this great sage for a long time, but he sent many believers there, and all of them were lost in the sages around the village of sages. within the forest."

   "I hear you mean this forest is weird? Can't you fly in?"

   "If you can't fly in, there is a forbidden area over there, and once you enter the range of the Sage Forest, you will fall into a lost illusion."

   "Then is there any way to enter?"

   "If you can find the villagers of the village of the sages and be led by them, you can go in."

   "Where can I find something in this vast world?"

   "According to the information I received before, there is a villager from the Village of Sages who is practicing in Grotta in the west. If you have enough strength, go there and find him."

  As the other party talked about Grota, Chen Mo also received the reminder from Heaven in time.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You have received the second phase of the mission, looking for the villagers of the Village of the Sages, please go to Grotta as soon as possible before the other party leaves. 】

   "I see, thank you."

   "No, I should thank you. Without you, I will not be free now."

  After explaining all the things that should be explained, the former bishop of Zoroza finally died.

  As he closed his eyes, his physical body also began to gradually rot, and eventually everything turned into a burst of black ash, scattered around.

   "This Zoroastrian **** is really harmful, and even the Zoroastrian body he made is disgusting enough to die."

  Chen Mo rarely hates certain monsters, but he really hates this God of Zoroastrianism, because what this guy does is really depressing.

   After walking out of the cave and taking a few breaths of fresh air, Chen Mo set off again and flew towards Grotta further west.

  As for Lin Ranhai, Chen Mo felt that he had triggered the hint from Heaven just now, and the other party should know what he was doing now.

  Lin Ranhai did know, but just because he knew, he was even more shocked.

  Because this is a gold-level boss!

  According to the changes in this dungeon, this gold-level boss should have reached level 40 in one turn.

  In addition, the boss of the copy of the stars will definitely have an increase in the blood volume of the stars.

   By random estimation, the blood volume of this gold-level boss must be hundreds of billions.

  He even counted from the moment Chen Mo left his side to the final death of the boss, and it took only ten minutes.

   In ten minutes, he single-handedly killed a gold-level boss with hundreds of billions of health!

   What kind of concept is this?

  The most important thing is the level difference.

  One is a level 40 gold boss, how high is the attribute?

  How high is the attribute for a level 20 first-time professional?

  Can the two be compared?

  Don't talk about the current gap, let's say a level 40 second-rank strongman killed a first-rank 40 gold boss with 100 times the HP within 10 minutes, Lin Ranhai couldn't believe it.

   Originally thought that after this dungeon was transformed into a group of stars dungeon, the two of them would almost die.

   As a result, I never thought that I actually hugged a thigh of unknown size.

   "It turns out that the Necromancer has many monsters under his command, so can he be so perverted?"

  In the past, Lin Ranhai always thought that even if a necromancer could summon a large number of undead, it would be fine.

   As a result, he never thought that this time gave him such a big shock.

  He really wanted to know how Chen Mo managed to kill such a powerful boss so quickly.

   It's a pity that Chen Mo flew away to a further place after killing the boss. Even though he was curious, he could only guess wildly in place.

  At this time, the other two forces are checking the dynamics of each party through the map information.

   As a result, they saw 10% more mainline mission completion progress in the back of the solar system.

   And the difficulty mark of the 10% completion progress of the main task is actually SSS level.

   "Just two people dare to do SSS-level missions! The people in this solar system are too kind."

  The twenty people in the Yang system sat on the ground boredly while looking at the map and chatting with strange voices.

  They were planning to wait for the people in the solar system to die and run away, so there was no need to waste time doing dungeon missions.

  Doing it is for nothing.

   "I think it's understandable for them to choose this way."

   "Why is there nothing wrong with it? Isn't it courting death for two people to do the mission of SSS-level stars?"

   "Think about it, when there are only two of you, and you see a hundred people wanting to kill you, what are you going to do?"


   "Fool, the coordinates are shared in real time, where are you going?"

   "Oh! Understood, then find a way to borrow strength. They want to borrow the power of SSS-level difficulty BOSS."

   "That's right, they want to live now, this is the only way.

   They can't run towards us, because our first priority must be to kill them. Once they die, we can escape.

  So they can't borrow our strength, all they can borrow is the BOSS in the instance. "

   "No wonder two people dare to open the SSS-level main mission."

   "The key is that not only do they dare to open it now, but they are also completing it at a fairly slow rate, already at 10%."

   "They don't dare to slow down if they want to. If they don't release the powerful BOSS earlier, how can they resist the 100-member army of the Eternal Star System?"


   On the side of the Yongxing system, seeing that Chen Mo and the others have completed 10% of the progress of the SSS level task, they also immediately realized what Chen Mo and the others wanted to do.

   "Captain, don't tell me, although there are only two of them, they have a lot of ideas. They actually want to use SSS-level bosses to deal with us."

   "Hmph, people in the solar system look down on us somewhat."

   "Don't kill one of them for a while, I suggest to catch both of them, and then torture them well, let them know how powerful we are!

   Let's see if they dare to count us again. "

   "Isn't there a pain mage in our team? Let them feel what pain is."

   A hundred people happily discussed how to deal with Chen Mo after they were caught.

   Completely ignored Chen Mo and Lin Ranhai.

  At this time, Chen Mo was still concentrating on the task.

After all, even if you kill all the alien professionals, you can directly settle the dungeon with top-level rewards, but if you can get extra dungeon reward points during the period, then in addition to the top-level rewards, you can still get a lot of extra experience points and extra rewards. reward back.

  Experience points can never be too much.

  Chen Mo naturally wants to get more.

  With his flying speed that didn't care about mana consumption at all, he soon saw a tall tower soaring into the sky.

  This tower is not only tall, but also occupies a large area.

  Chen Mo reckoned that the area at the bottom of the tower would have a radius of at least 100 meters.

   "This should be the Grota Bishop Zoroza mentioned."

  Chen Mo immediately accelerated and flew to the side of Grota.

   This Grota looks very strange. Although it is called a tower, there is only one entrance on the ground floor, and the entire tower does not even have a single window.

  As Chen Mo fell to the ground, he felt even more personally how huge this Grota is.

   Looking up at a glance, the height of the tower is completely invisible.

  As Chen Mo walked to the door of Grota, he was immediately stopped by two gatekeepers.

   "Hello, this is Grota, a place dedicated to cultivating braves and sages. What is your identity?"

   "It should be considered a brave man." Chen Mo thought and replied.

   "Then is it convenient to come with us for the brave test?"

   Before Chen Mo moved, he had already received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have triggered the hidden side mission "Grotta Test". According to the difficulty of the test you finally completed, you will be able to obtain special title rewards of different ranks, the highest being the SSS rank title!

  This task has a high death rate, please challenge according to your ability. 】

   "Oh? I saw the introduction of hidden side missions in the random crack dungeon before. At that time, the best reward I saw was only SS level. I didn't expect that after upgrading to the star dungeon, the reward specifications of hidden missions also increased.

   I just don’t know how difficult it is to obtain the rewards of this hidden mission.

  But soon, Chen Mo knew.

  Following the gatekeeper at the entrance of the tower, he was brought into a teleportation array inside the tower.

  Chen Mo immediately received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Heavenly reminder: You are about to challenge the one-star brave trial. The death rate of historical professionals in this trial is 20%. If you succeed in the challenge, you can get a special B-level title! Make sure you accept the challenge! 】

   "One star has a 20% mortality rate? You only give B-level rewards, what a mess!" Chen Mo was a little surprised.

   At this time, the gatekeeper also kindly reminded again: "The "Brave Test" has a risk of death. If you are not a brave person, please leave now."

  PS: Ten shifts, completed eight shifts, still owed two shifts, tried my best, according to the previous promise, the owed will be doubled in the future, that is, I owe everyone four shifts, and I will make up when I have time later~

  (end of this chapter)

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