All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 141: Does the Demon King lose face? (two in one)

  Chapter 141 Does the devil want no face? (two in one)

"Is such that…"

  Chen Mo immediately told the little girl about Qiluo Town.

   "I see, then I can take you back to the village."


   "Of course, as the granddaughter of the great sage, I, Lilian, like fighting against evil the most!"

   "Great, when are you leaving?"

   "I can't leave for the time being." Lilian said with a bit of regret.


   "Grandpa once told me that after I come out, there may be a three-star hero who will ask me for help, let me wait here for his arrival, but you are not a three-star hero, so I can't leave now."

   Lilian glanced at the trainee brave sign on Chen Mo's chest, and said regretfully.

  Hearing this, Chen Mo couldn't help being a little speechless, good guy, this great sage knows things like a god, so why go to him by himself? Can't he come out and save the world by himself?

  With his ability, he probably already knew that the Zoroastrian God was afraid of him.

  Although he was puzzled by the behavior of this great sage, Chen Mo still said: "That's fine, you wait here for a while."

  After speaking, Chen Mo suddenly remembered something and turned his head: "What if a brave man with three stars or above comes to you?"

   "Grandpa said, if a five-star brave man comes to me, let me give him this sage ring directly."

   Lilian pointed to a strange-looking white ring on her left thumb.

   "Sage's Ring?"

  Chen Mo immediately tried to perceive it with his perception ability.

  【Tiandao Tip: This object has special energy protection and cannot be sensed! 】

   "SSS-level perception ability can't perceive attributes?"

  Chen Mo became curious about this ring.

  He immediately said: "Okay, I'll be back soon."

  When Chen Mo went downstairs, several old sages beside him chatted.

   "Looking at this young man, he seems to be preparing to challenge the five-star brave test."

   "Do you think he will pass?"

   "Although there are many treasures hidden in him that we can't perceive information, the five-star brave trial is quite difficult. The highest record recorded in history is that 10,000 four-star braves were defeated in the five-star brave trial.

   I'm afraid that he is in danger. "

  Hearing this, Lilian on the side immediately chased to the stairs and shouted: "Big brother, the five-star brave trial is very dangerous, don't force yourself!"

  Chen Mo, who had just walked to the second floor, heard the little girl's voice from the third floor. Chen Mo immediately smiled and replied, "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. You can just wait for me upstairs."

   Soon, Chen Mo returned to the bottom of the tower.

  He went straight to the gatekeeper and said, "I will continue to challenge the trial of the brave."

   "Okay, Mr. Brave, this way please." The gatekeeper glanced at the badge on Chen Mo's chest, and didn't care about the matter of changing from a woman to a man.

   "Can I directly challenge the five-star trial?"

"Theoretically it is possible, but for the sake of safety, we don't recommend it, because the effect of the brave medal can take effect during the brave trial. If you directly challenge the five-star trial, then you can only take effect now Trainee Medal of Bravery.

   This has a great impact on the success rate of passing the level. "

  Hearing this, Chen Mo immediately checked the titles he had obtained before.

  Because it was a B-level title, he didn't even bother to look at it at first.

   Now that he heard the other party say that, he remembered to look it up.

  【Class B Title—Apprentice Hero】

  [Title Effect]: When performing the Brave Trial, you can get 10 points of all attribute bonuses, and you can re-randomize the stage rewards again.

  [Title introduction]: The title awarded to the fledgling brave.

   "A title that only applies to the Trial of the Brave?

   From this point of view, before raising this title to a high level, it is tantamount to a useless title! "

  Reminded by the goalkeeper, Chen Mo finally chose to challenge honestly.

   With a flash in front of his eyes, he has already appeared on the familiar lawn of the brave man's trial.

  【Tiandao Tip: Since you successfully killed the one-star devil king, you can directly inherit the previous progress in this brave trial and start the two-star devil king challenge. Do you want to skip it? 】

【jump over! 】

   Originally, there was no choice for a one-star devil king, so Chen Mo just skipped it. It would be nice to inherit the previous reward.

  【Tiandao Reminder: What you are about to challenge is the two-star brave trial. The death rate of historical professionals in this trial is 40%. If the challenge is successful, you can get a special A-level title! Make sure you accept the challenge! 】

   "There is a 40% mortality rate for two stars, which is somewhat outrageous."

  【Tiandao reminder: You have accepted the two-star brave assessment, and the assessment is about to begin. The assessment is divided into five stages.

  In the first stage of the assessment, please kill 200 slimes. 】

   "Once again."

  Chen Mo summoned 3400 skeleton monsters indifferently, and easily killed 200 slimes in seconds.

  It is different from the one-star challenge.

  Because the two-star challenge has five stages.

  So in the first three stages, only one reward can be selected.

   And the reward range is the same as the first stage that Chen Mo encountered before.

  【Option 1】: Life Enhancement (The maximum life value is increased by 500 points, and the life recovery speed is increased by 1% per second.)

  【Option 2】: Attribute enhancement (all attributes increased by 10 points.)

  【Option 3】: Energy Strengthening (The maximum energy value is increased by 500 points, and the energy recovery speed is increased by 1% per second.)

  【Option 4】: Super critical strike (rare reward, your critical strike rate will increase to 50%)

  The blood volume is 500, and the attribute is 10 points. The only difference is the rare reward.

   But Chen Mo was not very interested in this rare reward. As for energy, Chen Mo felt that the current energy was enough, so he finally chose attribute rewards.

   to enhance the attributes of skeleton monsters.

  The next two rounds of challenge rewards were also prepared in the same way. Because the rare reward options were not very good, Chen Mo chose all attribute point rewards.

  Three rounds of rewards after going through the two-star challenge match the attributes given by the previous one-star challenge and title.

  Chen Mo's current attribute has reached 70 points.

  Next is the fourth stage.

   This time Chen Mo is no longer facing mobs, but three elite monsters.

  Although the intensity is not low, it still poses no threat to Chen Mo.

   Under the siege of a lot of skeleton monsters, Chen Mo easily killed three elite monsters in seconds.

  【Heavenly Reminder: The fourth stage is over, please choose two of the following four rewards. 】

  【Option 1】: Life enhancement (the maximum life value is increased to 1000 points, and the life recovery speed is increased by 2% per second.)

  【Option 2】: Attribute enhancement (All attributes increased by 20 points.)

  【Option 3】: Energy Enhancement (The maximum energy value is increased to 1000 points, and the energy recovery speed is increased by 2% per second.)

  [Choice 4]: Devil-Breaking Power (rare reward, every time you deal damage, you can directly clear all the damage reduction effects of the devil, which lasts for 10 seconds.)

  The rewards of the stage before the BOSS have more options to choose from, and the increase rate is higher than the previous three times, which is the same as the second stage of the one-star challenge.

   Seeing the reward options, Chen Mo directly chose Attribute Enhancement and Demon Breaking Power.

  The ability to reduce damage is quite annoying. It affects the output of skeleton monsters and must be cleared.

   Following Chen Mo's selection, the two-star demon king soon followed.

  Compared with the one-star devil king, the two-star devil king has improved convenience attributes and a little more skills.

   It seems to be more difficult to deal with, but Chen Mo's skeleton monsters occupy an absolute advantage in numbers, and the poison explosion caused by the superposition of corpse poison is not something the boss can bear.

   As soon as he arrived, he was easily killed by Chen Mo.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully killing the two-star demon king. Your B-level title has been upgraded to the A-level title "Bronze Brave". Do you want to continue with the more difficult test of the brave? 】

  【Class A Title—Bronze Hero】

[Title effect]: During the trial of the brave, you can get 30 points of all attribute bonuses, and in each reward stage, you will be able to see five rewards, and you can choose an additional stage reward each time and get it twice Chance to re-random stage rewards.

  [Title introduction]: The title awarded to brave men with small achievements.

   "Oh, the effect of this title has changed a lot compared to the effect of the previous title. You can directly choose two rewards, and the options have become five."

  Chen Mo immediately chose to continue challenging Gao Xing.

  【Heavenly reminder: You are about to challenge the three-star brave trial. The death rate of this trial is 60% for historical professionals. If you succeed in the challenge, you can get a special S-rank title! Make sure you accept the challenge! 】

  Same as last time, this time the death rate increased again by 20%.

   It has reached an astonishing 60%, but for Chen Mo, he didn't feel any difficulty at all.

  He didn't care about the warning, and directly chose to continue the challenge.

  【Prompt from heaven: You have accepted the three-star brave assessment, the assessment is about to start, the assessment map has changed...】

  Following the reminder of the Dao of Heaven, Chen Mo only felt that the picture in front of him flickered, and he was already in a strange and somewhat dim cave.

   Fortunately, he has the all-round perception ability of a pioneer, so he can clearly perceive everything around him.

  【This assessment is divided into three stages. In the first stage of the assessment, please kill 300 skeleton monsters. 】

  Finally, this time it is not a slime, but a skeleton monster that Chen Mo is most familiar with.

  As the notification sound of the Heavenly Dao fell, immediately there was a crackling sound.

  Chen Mo sensed that three hundred dark magic circles suddenly appeared in the cave, and a large group of skeleton monsters got out of the dark magic circles one after another, and marched towards him.

   "Only three hundred, I have three thousand!"

  Chen Mo smiled, and directly dispatched the skeleton monster to kill it.

  His skeleton monsters not only crushed these skeleton monsters in quantity, but also completely crushed them in quality.

   A breath of effort.

   Under the attack of stray bullets and flying arrows, the three hundred skeleton monsters that had just formed a human form from their skeletons were shattered into dry bones on the ground again.

   At this time, five new rewards also popped up.

  【Heavenly Reminder: The first stage is over, please choose one of the following five rewards, because of the title effect, you can choose an additional one. 】

  【Option 1】: Life Absorption (Every time a unit is killed, the life value increases by 1 point.)

  【Option 2】: Attribute absorption (for every 100 units killed, all attributes will increase by 1 point.)

  【Option 3】: Energy Absorption (Each unit is killed, the energy value increases by 1 point.)

  【Option 4】: Crit absorption (every unit is killed, the crit rate increases by 0.1%.)

  【Option 5】: Explosive damage absorption (each time a unit is killed, the critical damage increases by 1%.)

   "Oh? It's become a growth reward!"

  Seeing that all five rewards have changed, Chen Mo immediately considered the issue of income.

  Finally he chose option two or three!

   As he entered the second stage, Chen Mo quickly killed again!

   The reward options have changed a little this time.

  In the growth options, there are growth options for life recovery speed and energy recovery speed.

  Since there are only three stages this time, two rewards can be selected in the second stage. With the effect of the title of Bronze Hero, Chen Mo can directly choose three rewards this time.

  He chose energy recovery speed, attribute absorption, and a rare reward "Devil King Buster" that was randomly obtained again.

  The life of the skeleton monster is his life, so Chen Mo doesn't care much about the health value.

  The reason why Chen Mo didn't choose after seeing the Demon King's Nemesis before was because he didn't know whether the real injury would only take effect on himself or the skeleton monster.

   This time there are three options that can be taken at the same time, so he just took this option to try.

  The next stage is just to deal with the devil.

  Three-star demon king, compared with first- and second-star demon kings, has stronger ability to avoid control and avoid abnormalities, but the improvement rate is not very large.

   Still within the range that Chen Mo can easily kill in seconds.

   Just through the attributes of the three-star devil king, Chen Mo also knew where the 60% death rate came from.

  If a normal person challenges this boss, just because he can avoid 50% control effects and abnormal effects is disgusting enough.

   What's more, this boss has two more 3-second control skills.

  Once being hit by his control skills, it is definitely a situation with bad luck.

   But it can only be considered bad luck for him to meet Chen Mo.

  In fact, after the three-star boss appeared, he was more like a challenger, while Chen Mo was the big devil at the end.

   As soon as the three-star demon king came out, he saw a large sea of ​​skeletons waiting for him. He didn't even have a chance to read his lines, but saw a large group of stray bullets flying towards his face.

  With a lot of real injuries popping up, he was already dead in just one breath!

   Almost no cards.

  Before he died, the three-star demon king just wanted to shout, why did he send this kind of monster over to fight him.

  Don't we demon kings want to lose face? ?

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully killing the three-star demon king. Your A-level title has been upgraded to the S-level title "Silver Brave". Do you want to continue with the more difficult test of the brave? 】

  【S Rank Title—Silver Brave】

  [Title Effect]: When performing the Brave Trial, you can get 60 points of all attribute bonuses, 10 times the life value bonus, 50% increased damage to the devil, 50% reduction in damage received by the devil, and 50% reduction in the control effect of the devil.

  And in each reward stage, you will be able to see five rewards, and you can choose two additional stage rewards each time and get three chances to re-random stage rewards.

  [Title introduction]: The title awarded to the outstanding brave.

  (end of this chapter)

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