Chapter 142 99.99% mortality rate! (55)

  As Chen Mo chose to continue the challenge.

  The four-star brave trial began immediately.

   This time is somewhat similar to the two-star brave trial.

   are all five stages.

   The selection of rewards is similar.

   It's just because Chen Mo has an extra title effect, so he can choose more rewards each time.

  In the end, the four-star devil king, like the three-star devil king, still didn't persist until he finished his lines, so he hung up directly.

  Chen Mo felt that before the mission started, Tiandao reminded him that the mortality rate was as high as 80%, which was a bit of a joke.

  But if you think about it carefully and change to other ordinary people to challenge, it is really the result of a narrow escape.

   This four-star demon king can even summon skills, and can summon elite monsters and mobs.

   It was already very troublesome to fight the BOSS one-on-one, and there were always elite monsters and mobs coming to make trouble when we were fighting the BOSS alone.

   It goes without saying that it is difficult to deal with it.

   It's just that Chen Mo didn't give him this chance.

  He has already set up a large skeleton formation, and the moment the boss appears, he will be beaten and killed instantly.

   Simple spike, ultimate enjoyment!

  Chen Mo likes this feeling very much.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully killing the four-star demon king. Your S-level title has been upgraded to the SS-level title "Golden Brave". Do you want to continue with the more difficult test of the brave? 】

  【SS Rank Title—Golden Brave】

[Title Effect]: During the trial of the brave, you can get 100% bonus of all attributes, 10 times the bonus of life value, 10 times the bonus of energy value, 75% increased damage to the devil, 75% reduction of damage received by the devil, and 75% damage reduction by the devil. Control and abnormal effects are reduced by 75%.

   During the reward stage, you can re-randomize the rewards five times, and you can get all the rewards directly.

  [Title introduction]: The brave with this title is already a glorious existence among the brave, but he is only one step away from the peak, please continue to work hard.

  Upgraded from S rank to SS rank along with the title.

  The effect has also changed dramatically.

  Before, you could only choose a few rewards, but now you can get all the rewards directly.

   Now I really have to be a child to make choices, and I want them all.

   And other effects have also been significantly enhanced.

  Just increase and reduce damage by 75%, all attributes are directly doubled, and the strength is greatly improved.

  With such a powerful title in hand, how can this five-star brave trial have such a high death rate?

  Chen Mo couldn't believe it.

  As he continued to choose challenges, he saw that the warning given by Tiandao Tips this time was actually a 99% mortality rate.

  【Tiandao Reminder: What you are about to challenge is the five-star brave trial. The death rate of historical professionals in this trial is 99.99%. If you succeed in the challenge, you can get a special SSS title! Make sure you accept the challenge! 】

   This can't help but make Chen Mo, who had been confidently pushing the door before, feel suspicious.

  The main reason is that the effect of this title is already so powerful, and there is still such a high death rate. What kind of existence is this five-star devil king?

   After struggling for a while, Chen Mo finally chose to seek wealth and insurance.

  Now that he has so many life-saving means, he really doesn't believe that this boss is so outrageous.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have accepted the five-star brave assessment, the assessment is about to begin, and the assessment will undergo ten scene changes, divided into ten stages in total!

  The first phase officially begins! 】

   Ended with the hint of heaven.

  The scene in front of Chen Mo also changed immediately.

  He returned to the grassland before.

  But this time, the Heavenly Dao prompt originally said how many monsters to deal with in each stage, but there were none at all.

   Just when Chen Mo was in doubt, the Heavenly Dao reminder suddenly sounded.

  【In the first stage, please survive the siege of monsters for 5 minutes! 】

   "Hey guy, did you just switch to stick mode?"

   Before Chen Mo had time to complain, monsters began to spawn densely around him.

   Fortunately, only a hundred or so monsters were spawned at one time, not too much. As soon as Chen Mo's skeleton monster made a move, it instantly cleared out the monsters that were spawned in the first wave.

   At this time, monsters are still emerging on the ground one after another, but not as many as in the first wave at the beginning.

   But the wins are endless, which is quite annoying.

  If it were someone else, it would be tantamount to forcing him to farm monsters for five minutes in a row.

   Not tired physically, but also mentally tired.

   After all, these monsters spawn from all directions.

   If you are alone, you have to pay attention to the front, back, left, and right.

  Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be attacked.

   It is also necessary to prevent being attacked and injured when spawning monsters, and to constantly guard against new monsters that appear.

  The difficulty of survival is really not low.

   And this is still the first stage of the five-star devil challenge.

  At this moment, Chen Mo somewhat understood how the 99.99% mortality rate came about.

   But he has a lot of younger brothers, so he doesn't care about this.

   He even wants to spawn more monsters, so that his attributes can increase even more.

   Soon, 5 minutes passed.

  Chen Mo estimated that there were almost 2,500 monsters that appeared in the past 5 minutes, and the attributes were refreshed.

  【Reminder from heaven: the first stage is over, according to the effect of your title, you will be able to get the rewards in all reward options in this stage, if you are not satisfied with the current five rewards, you still have the chance to re-random five times. 】

  【Option 1】: Life Absorption (Every time a unit is killed, the life value increases by 1 point.)

  【Option 2】: Attribute absorption (for every 100 units killed, all attributes will increase by 1 point.)

  【Option 3】: Energy Absorption (Each unit is killed, the energy value increases by 1 point.)

  [Option 4]: Life recovery absorption (every unit is killed, life recovery increases by 0.01%.)

  【Option 5】: Abnormal resistance absorption (every unit is killed, the abnormal resistance increases by 0.01%.)

  Health recovery and abnormal resistance are not so useful to Chen Mo, so Chen Mo re-randomized.

   This time it was re-randomized, and a rare option was randomly obtained, and the attributes were quite good.

[Option 4]: Invincible Shield (rare reward, get an invincible shield that lasts for 3 seconds every 10 seconds, immune to all damage received during the duration of the shield, and immune to all abnormalities and control effects during the duration of the shield Influence.)

   Seeing this effect, Chen Mo was not even interested in reading the other four, so he directly locked this page.

   After all, 10 invincible for 3 seconds per second is already strong enough, what more bicycle is needed! ?

  As Chen Mo locked the reward, the surrounding scene directly turned into an arena with a radius of 100 meters, and the second stage began immediately.

  However, compared to the first stage, the second stage is actually much friendlier.

   Simply kill ten elite monsters, there is no test of survival time.

  Of course, rather than being friendly, in Chen Mo's opinion, it's actually cheating.

  Although there are fewer monsters, it will be easier to deal with.

  But for Chen Mo, less blame means less attribute value, which is very uneconomical!

  (end of this chapter)

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