Chapter 143 Five rare rewards! (15)

  Ten elite monsters, it is extremely difficult for a normal single player to deal with them at the same time.

  Chen Mo took a look at the attributes of these ten elite monsters. Although they were still a bit worse than his current attribute values, if he fought alone, even if he could win, it would be very difficult.

  Ordinary challengers first went through the first round of continuous small monster attacks, and then immediately challenged the encirclement of ten elite monsters.

  Two rounds are battles that require high-intensity concentration, which is hard to bear!

   If you don't pay attention, you may get yourself into a dead end.

   After all, whether it is a small monster or an elite monster, they all have control skills.

  If you can be hit by the opponent under normal circumstances, you will only suffer more attacks after being hit by the control skill.

  This SSS-level challenge has just begun, and each wave has a high death rate.

   It's just that with the assistance of the skeleton army, Chen Mo easily crushed it like a bulldozer every time.

  The ten elite monsters all lay down before they could show their prestige.

  【Heavenly reminder: the second stage is over, according to the effect of your title, you will be able to get the rewards in all reward options in this stage. If you are not satisfied with the current five rewards, you still have the chance to re-random five times. 】

  The first two groups of rewards, since there were no rare rewards, Chen Mo felt that they were mediocre after all, so he skipped them directly.

   After re-randomizing twice, Chen Mo saw a rare reward again.

  【Option 1】: Life sublimation (life value increased by 100%.)

  【Option 2】: Attribute Sublimation (The attribute value is increased by 100%.)

  【Option 3】: Energy sublimation (Energy value increased by 100%.)

  [Option 4]: Damage sublimation (All damage you cause is increased by 100%.)

  【Option 5】: Permanent Invisibility (rare reward, you can stay in an invisible state all the time, even if you enter a combat state, you will not be released from the invisible state.)

   "Permanent invisibility?"

  Looking at this rare reward, Chen Mo had a different thought in his heart.

   I have to say that the permanent invisibility effect is definitely not weak.

  But if the permanent invisibility cannot be cracked by the BOSS, then the death rate of this SSS level challenge will not be so high.

  Even if permanent invisibility is a rare reward, with so many challengers, there should be quite a few who choose this reward.

   Isn't the clearance rate very high?

  So the BOSS is definitely capable of cracking the invisibility, this rare reward seems to be of no use.

  Considering this, Chen Mo decided to continue to re-randomize.

  He had five rerandom chances and now has three more.

   But rare rewards are not Chinese cabbage. Even if Chen Mo used up all the random times this time, he still didn't get rare rewards randomly.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo could only lock the five sets of rewards he got randomly at the last time.

   Fortunately, the last five sets of random rewards are not weak.

  The normal life, attributes, and energy are all there, and some element damage is added.

  Chen Mo has the control of elements, he can change his attack effect to any kind of elemental damage, so no matter which kind of elemental damage is increased, it is useful to Chen Mo.

  In the next few rounds, the difficulty gradually began to increase.

   The third round is to survive for 5 minutes under the mixed attacks of small monsters and elite monsters.

   In the fourth round, he won the attack from the elite monsters and the avatar of the devil who appeared before, but here, the attributes of the avatar of the devil have been greatly improved.

  The fifth round is to survive for another 5 minutes, but this time the difficulty of survival has increased, and the monsters will get a random enhancement every minute.

   The sixth round was another kill, but this time it was not an elite or BOSS, but his avatar.

   Fortunately, the skills used by the avatar are not the same as Chen Mo's. It uses the skills that a normal skeleton mage can learn at this level.

   This was naturally easily crushed by Chen Mo.

   The seventh round is no longer survival, but a challenge to double the attribute clone.

   The challenge in the eighth round is clones with 5 times attributes.

  The ninth round is to challenge the clone with 10 times the attributes.

  From the moment the avatar appeared, Chen Mo knew how abnormal this SSS-level challenge was.

  Although the avatar does not have various other special skills you have learned, nor does it have the special effects of various equipment on your body.

  But the improvement of the light attribute is difficult enough.

  Especially the avatar with ten times the attributes, if it didn't have various damage-increasing effects, it might be difficult to break the defense normally.

  Chen Mo seriously suspected that many people died in the hands of his avatar before even seeing the boss.

   And the most deceitful thing is that Chen Mo has already been carded by the time he finished the eighth round and selected rewards.

  Since the second stage, all rewards have doubled attributes.

   And the more you get to the later stage, the more you will double.

  But the highest reward can only be turned to 10,000 points of all attributes, 100 million health points, and 100 million energy points.

   Fortunately, after Chen Mo was stuck with attributes, Tiandao was also a conscience, and replaced all the rewards in the reward stage with five rare rewards that appeared together.

   After Chen Mo changed several groups, he finally saw a group of very powerful rewards.

  【Option 1】: Damage conversion (rare reward, all damage received has a 30% chance of being converted into a healing effect.)

  【Option 2】: Sealing Magic Stone (rare reward, can seal any ability of BOSS.)

  【Choice 3】: Reaper (rare reward, after you inflict damage to a target, the target will die directly 5 minutes after receiving the damage.)

  [Option 4]: Power of Resurrection (rare reward, when killed, can directly clear all the power of oneself, revive with full state, cooldown time 1 minute.)

  [Choice 5]: No entity (rare reward, you will only receive damage from spells, reality, and chaos.)

   This group of rewards can be said to fully maximize the life-saving ability!

  Chen Mo directly locked this set of rewards.

  But the better the reward, the more curious Chen Mo will be about the final boss.

   What a perverted BOSS it is, it can make people unable to defeat even after getting all kinds of high-end rewards.

  Of course, the 99.99% mortality rate is not caused by everyone taking shape, but a lot of people died before taking shape.

   Only the 0.01% of people persist until the moment of formation.

  If this is the case, then the last level may be the easiest level.

  Although it’s okay to think so, but according to Tiandao’s consistent balance habits.

  The higher the benefits given to you earlier, the more difficult it will be to face in the end.

  The possibility of the last boss being ridiculously strong is significantly higher.

  【Tiandao Reminder: After the selection is complete, all abnormal states will be removed for you now, and all your states will be restored to full. The final stage of the challenge is about to begin!

The final stage! Please kill the incarnation of the five-star demon god! 】

  【Special warning! The final stage is extremely difficult, you have the last chance to give up the challenge, whether to give up the challenge! 】

   "It's come to this point, who would give up! You might as well give me a simulation opportunity like the breakthrough assessment." Chen Mo ignored the warning and chose to challenge directly!

  (end of this chapter)

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