Chapter 144 Demon God Incarnation! (25)

  【Prompt from Heaven: You can choose the battle map type yourself, please choose...】

  A lot of map types pop up along with Tiandao.

  Chen Mo directly chose a grassland terrain.

  The terrain is vast and easy to spread and pull.

   Soon, the surrounding terrain changed into a grassland, with blue sky, green grass and gentle breeze, and small grass-covered slopes everywhere, which was in line with Chen Mo's imagination.

  【Prompt from heaven: The terrain selection is complete, the boss is about to come, please make the final selection! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Please choose the same percentage to reduce attributes as the boss, or challenge the original attribute boss! The maximum reduction ratio of life value and energy value should not be less than 100 points, and all attributes should not be less than 1 point. 】

   "Reduce attributes by the same percentage?"

  Chen Mo hesitated for a moment.

   If you reduce it by 99%, then the boss will also be reduced by 99%. Wouldn't it be much easier to kill in this way?

   After all, the damage of the corpse poison explosion of the skeleton monster is fixed, and it has nothing to do with the attribute.

  Even if all the skeleton monsters are loose, as long as the corpse poison can be stacked, it will explode.

  However, considering the consumption of energy value, it is not acceptable to reduce it too much.

  Chen Mo reckoned, leaving 1000 energy points should be enough to deal with the boss.

   "Wait a minute... no..."

   Just when Chen Mo was about to choose to lower his attributes, he suddenly thought of a problem.

  If the BOSS has any skills to improve the attributes, then I will follow him to lower the attributes. When the time comes, he will directly use the skills to pull the attributes, but he does not have the ability to improve the attributes. Wouldn’t he be cheated?

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo secretly thought it was too risky, and directly chose to challenge the original attribute.

   What Chen Mo is afraid of is not the opponent's ability to increase the percentage attribute. If the percentage attribute is increased, the result will be the same as if the overall attribute value is not synchronized with the boss.

  For example, Chen Mo now has 10,000 full attributes.

  Boss has 20,000 full attributes.

   All reduced by 10,000 times, Chen Mo became 1 point, and BOSS became 2 points.

  If the boss has a skill that increases attributes by 5 times, he becomes 10 points.

  The previous 20,000 points can be turned into 100,000 points.

  Whether it is 1 point against 10 points, or 10,000 points against 100,000 points.

   There is a difference of ten times the attributes, basically there is not much difference in the offensive and defensive results.

   It's like 30 points of attack hits your 5 points of defense, and you get 30 HP in seconds, and 300,000 attack power hits your 50,000 defense points, and you get 300,000 HP in seconds.

  Chen Mo's main concern is that the other party has the ability to increase fixed numerical attributes.

   Take the example above.

  If the opponent has the ability to increase all attributes by 1000 points.

   After Chen Mo and him become 1 point and 2 points, the opponent's skill will immediately become 1002 points.

   In this way, the attribute gap is too big.

   With one knife down, even if Chen Mo has a common life, I am afraid that more than 3,000 skeleton monsters will all die together.

  Considering this problem, he naturally gave up the first option.

  In fact, the first option is more suitable for those who have obtained a variety of rare rewards, relying on rare rewards to make up for offense and defense, and then self-declining attributes to fight against the boss.

【Please get ready! When the boss comes, you will be invincible for 30 seconds at the same time as the boss.

  You will have 30 seconds to observe the BOSS attributes. 】

   The countdown countdown decreased rapidly, at the moment when the last second fell.

  Accompanied by a strange red light flickering, and after a vibration in the space, a long and harmless BOSS appeared in front of Chen Mo.

   This is no longer a demon king, but a demon god!

  【Monster Name】: Demon God Incarnation·Five Stars

  【Monster Tier】: Special BOSS

【Grade 1


  〖Life〗: 100 million/100 million

  〖Energy〗: 100 million/100 million

  〖Physical Attack〗: 30000

  〖Act Attack〗: 30000

  〖Material Defense〗: 50000

  〖Law Defense〗: 50000

  〖Blast Damage〗: 10000%

  [Active skill]:? ? ?

  [Divinity]: Realm of the Brave, Power of the Demon God, Eyes of the Demon God, Body of the Demon God, Power of the Demon God

  〖Realm of the Brave·God〗: Transform all the attributes and abilities of the hero into the same as the brave, including copying all the equipment worn by the brave and all the skills mastered.

  〖Majesty of the Demon God·God〗: Ignores all damage reduction and damage increase effects, and is immune to all abnormalities and control effects below the **** level!

  〖Pupil of the Demon God·God〗: Every 5 seconds, you can see all the information within a kilometer range around you for 3 seconds.

  〖Body of Demon God·God〗: All damage received has a 50% chance to be directly nullified.

  〖Power of Demon God·God〗: All damage caused is considered as chaos damage.

   "What a pervert!"

   After reading the attributes of the boss, Chen Mo was speechless.

  Good guy, it can be described as extremely abnormal.

   "Have all my equipment and skills? There are so many more perverted passives than me. I feel that all the rewards I got before, except for the ability to deal with the devil, are equivalent to helping him."

   The abnormality of this boss completely exceeded Chen Mo's expectation.

  He also understood why the death rate of this challenge was so high.

   It can be said that if Chen Mo hadn't selected the magic sealing stone before.

   Or if he didn't win the title of God Slayer Challenger Level 2, then this time he is in danger.

   Seeing that there was still time for invincibility, Chen Mo quickly used the magic sealing stone on him.

   What if the opponent uses his summoning skills?

  【Prompt from the Dao of Heaven: You have successfully used the magic sealing stone to seal the divinity of the incarnation of the demon **** "The Realm of the Brave"】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Since you sealed the divinity of the Brave Realm of the Demon God Incarnation, his attributes have changed, please check carefully. 】

  【Monster Name】: Demon God Incarnation·Five Stars

  【Monster Tier】: Special BOSS

【Grade 1


  〖Life〗: 100 million/10 billion

  〖Energy〗: 100 million/10 billion

  〖Physical Attack〗: 60000

  〖Act Attack〗: 60000

  〖Material Defense〗: 100000

  〖Law Defense〗: 100000

  〖Blast Damage〗: 20000%

  [Active Skills]: Demonic Power, Demon God Advent, Demon Fire Burning Heaven, Demon Army Thousands, Demon God True Body

  [Divinity]: Realm of the Brave (Permanent Seal), Power of the Demon God, Eye of the Demon God, Body of the Demon God, Power of the Demon God

  Chen Mo saw that as he sealed the opponent's realm of the brave, the attributes of the boss immediately changed back to their original appearance.

  However, since the health value will not be recovered automatically, although his maximum health value has become 10 billion, his current health value is still the same as when he synchronized with Chen Mo before, only 100 million points.

   It is not enough to seal the divinity of the opponent's realm of the brave.

  Chen Mo felt that the majesty of the other party's demon **** was also very troublesome.

  Chen Mo has seen the devil version of this attribute before.

   Now that he has become a **** level, he is much stronger.

  Especially ignoring all abnormalities and control effects below the **** level.

  Chen Mo's current skills have not reached the **** level, so it is naturally within the scope of ignoring them.

  He directly activated the title skill Slaughtering God Heart of the level 2 God Slaying Challenger, directly nullifying the majesty of the boss's demon god.

   Now, the strength of the boss has reached the level that can be easily dealt with!

  (end of this chapter)

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