All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 145: God of the Brave, Grota Shines! (triple,

  Chapter 145 The God of the Brave, Grota Shines! (3 in 1, 55)

   Dealt with the two divinities of the BOSS.

  With Chen Mo's fighting power, he can no longer take the boss seriously.

   But he thought about it from the perspective of an ordinary challenger.

   If we really want to deal with this BOSS, I'm afraid it's not enough to just get rid of these two divinities.

   It is estimated that only if you are lucky enough to get a few times of sealing magic stones before, you will have a chance to defeat this boss.

  However, even if you are really lucky and get multiple magic sealing stones, you still have to face this boss head-on in the end. It is still extremely difficult to deal with this boss alone.

   This 99.99% mortality rate is definitely not just for fun.

  In fact, the old brave man who once reached the five-star level in this world also gave similar advice to the newcomers who came to ask for advice.

  He suggested that at least four magic sealing stones should be collected before he could have a chance to fight the final boss.

   Otherwise, it is best to choose to quit directly before challenging the final boss and start from scratch.

   Of course, if you start from scratch, the risk will increase again.

   But at least this risk is much better than the inevitable death result that you have no winning rate when facing the incarnation of the demon god.

  Follow the method left by the five-star veteran.

  Before challenging the demon avatar.

   It is necessary to use the sealing magic stone to seal off the opponent's hero's realm divinity, demon god's majesty divinity, magic army's thousands of active skills, and demon god's real body active skills.

   At the beginning, the old brave man who passed the level was extremely lucky, and he carried six magic sealing stones to the last level.

  He sealed all six abilities of the Demon God Avatar.

  Even those who pass the test like this are close to death.

  Especially when he saw all the active skill effects of the Demon God Avatar, he almost broke into a cold sweat from fright.

   Among them, the magic army's thousands of skills can summon a large number of demon kings, elite monsters, and mobs to assist in the battle.

   Facing this skill alone, you will almost die!

   is a skill that must not be released by the opponent.

   And the real body of the Demon God is similar, this is a skill that can strengthen the overall strength of the boss tenfold!

  Attribute enhancement is nothing. You can rely on some of the previously selected rewards to make up the gap. The most abnormal thing is that once this skill is added, the speed of the boss will become extremely terrifying.

  As the saying goes, there is no firmness that can't be broken, but speed can't be broken!

  Once the boss is as fast as a ghost, the difficulty of dealing with it is much more difficult than its amazing defense.

  Chen Mo was actually quite unlucky this time.

   I just picked a magic sealing stone.

   But relying on his SSS rank title, he forcibly nullified one of the opponent's divinity.

   He came here with a magic sealing stone.

   After sealing the two abilities, Chen Mo also took a look at all the skill effects of the boss.

   "This guy's skill effect is too perverted, is this really for someone?"

  Chen Mo couldn't even imagine how he would deal with this boss if he came to challenge alone.

   Unless you give him massive batches of magic sealing stones to seal all the abilities of the boss.

  However, judging from the occurrence rate of rare rewards before the attributes are completed, Chen Mo feels that it is not easy to find two magic sealing stones.

   Don't even think about finding a lot of magic sealing stones.

   Seeing that the time for invincibility is approaching, Chen Mo has already summoned a lot of skeleton monsters in advance, and put them on Worship of Wuwei.

   After all, the opponent also has summoning skills, Chen Mo's idea is to kill him before the opponent releases the summoning skills.

   It will be much easier to deal with this way.

  As the countdown ended and the golden light around the boss dissipated, Chen Mo took the lead!


   Whoosh whoosh!

   A total of 3400 skeleton monsters around them also attacked the boss in unison.

  If the BOSS hadn’t possessed the body of a demon king, God, it would have a 50% chance of directly nullifying all damage received.

  He has been directly killed at this time!

   Mainly because his current blood volume is only 100 million points at this time.

  If he had 10 billion full blood points, it would probably take a long time for Chen Mo to kill him.

   Now that he only has 100 million blood, he will definitely not be able to survive the second round of volleys from the skeleton monsters!

   No matter what skill it uses now.

   Originally, the incarnation of the demon **** was going to say a few words to Chen Mo, but he was suddenly surrounded and beaten.

   Now the incarnation of the demon **** no longer wastes much time talking.

   Seeing that he was being surrounded and beaten, the Demon God Avatar is naturally not stupid. He also has the ability to summon thousands of troops, so he used it immediately.

  However, when he summoned a large group of monsters densely packed around him, he had already received the second round of volleys from the skeleton monsters.


  Following a large number of attacks, they fell on the incarnation of the demon god.

  The incarnation of the demon **** who had just summoned a massive army of demons fell to the ground under two salvos.

   Didn't even have time to show other powerful skills.

  But at least he summoned a lot of demon army before he died, Chen Mo is not so easy to get rid of it yet!

   "It's not enough to just kill the incarnation of the demon god. Do you have to clear all the monsters around you to pass the level?"

   At this time, Chen Mo saw that there was a demon king trying to revive the incarnation of the demon god.

   This made Chen Mo's eyelids twitch.

   "No wonder it didn't settle, so he still has a chance to be resurrected!"

  I've seen people who play tricks, but I've never seen people who play tricks like this.

  This incarnation of the demon **** is even more clumsy than himself. In a one-on-one fight, he can summon a lot of monsters to help him.

  This is really the ultimate rascal.

   But fortunately, Chen Mo has the ring of death!

  All units killed by him cannot be revived by others unless they can be resurrected.

  Even if several demon kings joined forces to release the resurrection skills at this time, the result was still useless.

  Chen Mo took advantage of the time when the attention of several big demon kings was still on the avatar of the demon god, and ordered the skeleton monster to quickly wipe out the surrounding monsters.

   Soon, the originally densely packed army of demons immediately turned into a scattered team with only a few elite monsters and BOSS left.

  At this time, these demon kings woke up from the situation where they could not resurrect the incarnation of the demon god, and looked at Chen Mo.

  But what greeted them was a hail of arrows and missiles!

   Whoosh! !

   Followed by two salvos.

  The remaining few elite monsters finally fell together with the Demon King.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on successfully killing the five-star demon god, your SS-level title has been upgraded to the SSS-level title "God of the Brave"! 】

[Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully completing the single-player SSS level hidden mission "Trial of the Five-Star Hero". The rating is level 4. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully completing the SSS-level hidden mission "Trial of the Five-Star Brave". You have obtained 10,000 dungeon reward points. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully completing the SSS-level hidden mission "Trial of the Five-Star Hero". Since this dungeon is a dungeon of stars, all professionals in your galaxy can get 10,000 dungeon bonus points. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on successfully completing the SSS-level hidden mission "Trial of the Five-Star Hero". Since this dungeon is a dungeon of stars, all professionals in your galaxy can get the temporary BUFF "Power of Glory". 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations to the solar system professionals for successfully completing the SSS-level hidden mission "Trial of the Five-Star Brave". All alien professionals have their attributes reduced by 10%! 】

   "What? (⊙_⊙)? SSS level hidden mission?"

   Lin Ranhai, who was staying near the temple at this time, was dumbfounded.

  He wondered if he was hallucinating.

  But following several reminders from Heaven, it is hard to believe that he also confirmed that this is the truth!

   "Isn't it too strong? I just completed the SSS-level hidden mission by myself? What kind of mission is this five-star hero trial? Is it that simple?

   No, since it's an SSS-level task, it's basically a near-death difficulty. "

  He immediately clicked on the introduction about the trial of the five-star brave in the reminder of Heavenly Dao.

  After reading it, he froze in place.

  He pinched himself hard to let himself know that he is not dreaming now!

   "How did Zhao Min complete such a perverted task with a 99.99% SSS-level hidden mission?"

  At this moment, Lin Ranhai was in shock like a dream.

  Professionals in other galaxies, the shock in their hearts is not much different from his.

  At the beginning, when they received the reminder from Tiandao, they were very confused.

  A mere pair of talented people can complete the SSS-level hidden mission?

   And the speed is still so fast, how long does it take for everyone to enter the instance? Is there half an hour?

  The efficiency of two people is higher than that of a group of them.

   And as they curiously clicked on the introduction of this SSS-level hidden mission, they were all dumbfounded.

   It's not like they haven't seen SSS-level missions before. The top level of difficulty in the boundary-breaking assessment is SSS-level. They can say that they are very familiar with it.

   It's just that they were all discouraged after seeing the death rate of SSS-level missions.

   And the hidden SSS-level difficulty task in this dungeon has a mortality rate as high as 99.99%!

   What kind of perverted difficulty is this!

   With such difficulty, the solar system has been completed.

   "Captain, it's weird!"

   "Yes, this mission is so difficult that anyone in the solar system can complete it. There are definitely top experts among the two people in the solar system."

   Before the person called the captain could speak, the other team members on the side immediately said: "Why panic, the opponent is only two people, so what if there are experts? One hundred of us can form an army formation, can the two of them do it?"

   "That's right, our military formation has united the combat power of the whole team. Can they be dealt with by scattered people?"

   "Although people in the solar system can complete tasks of SSS level difficulty, it is indeed surprising, but there is no need to be confused."

   "Actually, it might be a good thing for us that he completed the SSS-level hidden mission."

   "What a good thing?"

   "Shouldn't I get some top rewards for completing the SSS-level hidden mission? Then if we can kill him, wouldn't this good thing fall into our hands?"

  "And have you noticed? The death rate of this hidden mission is 99.99%. No matter how confident a person sees such a terrifying death rate, he should be afraid to challenge it.

  The opponent actually challenged directly. "

   "I understand what you want to say when you say that. We were all shocked by their completion of the SSS-level hidden mission just now, but ignored this problem."

"what is the problem?"

   "Let me ask, what would you do if you saw an SSS-level mission with a mortality rate as high as 99.99%?"

   "Don't say 99.99%, even 99%, I just gave up without even looking at it."

   "That's right, that's the problem!"


   A group of people didn't quite understand.

   "Think about it carefully, normal people should have given up automatically when they saw such a perverted difficulty, but they chose to challenge, why?

  Is it because they are so confident?

  As An Ge said before, even the most confident people would not dare to challenge such a horrible death rate. "

   "That's right."

   "So what I mean is that they did this mission entirely because they were driven crazy. They saw our coordinates heading towards them. As long as we surround them, there is only a dead end to meet them."

   "You mean to say that they knew that they were going to die anyway, so they did this task with the determination to die. Unexpectedly, they happened to be lucky enough to pass."

   "That's right, since they are determined to die, it means that neither of them is the kind of expert who is strong enough to sweep everything. At least they think that they have no chance of winning against us.

  That's why they risk their lives to challenge and temporarily increase their combat power. You don't need to be afraid of some masters among them. "

   After listening to it, everyone thought about it carefully, and it really is such a truth.

   At this moment, many people immediately dispelled the fear caused by the announcement of the Heavenly Dao just now.

  At this time, the captain also said in time: "Tudu is right, since the opposite party is desperately trying to even a task with such a high mortality rate, it must have been cornered by us.

   This shows that they are not very strong in the first place, even if they are given an additional SSS reward, it is impossible to bring them any qualitative change!

  I am here to announce that after killing the person who received the SSS reward at the end, the SSS reward he dropped will be shared by the whole team, and the one with the most points will get it! "

  As soon as these words came out, the people who had some fear because of Chen Mo's performance changed their minds instantly.

The wages of avarice is death!

   Not to mention it is a top treasure!

  If you can really kill the opponent to get the top treasure, then you have a 1% chance of getting the top treasure.

  It is a baby of the same level, but it is very likely to change your life.

  Thinking of this, everyone became excited!

  Compared to their excitement, the 20-man team from the Kaiyang system is completely in shock at this time.

   "I originally thought that the duo in the solar system was the weakest force in this copy of the stars, but I didn't expect them to have such a strong player."

   These twenty people tried to ask themselves how they would face this SSS-level task, but they didn't dare to challenge it at all, let alone successfully completed it.

  As a result, the other party faced the difficulty of 99.99%, but resolutely challenged it, and even passed it.

   This courage alone deserves their admiration.

   Their views on Chen Mo's task of challenging this difficulty are slightly different from those of Yongxing Galaxy.

   "Even if they have people who can pass the SSS-level hidden mission, but after all, it is two people against a hundred people, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to reverse the result in the end."

   "No matter what, I think this time there is a good show to watch."

  At this time, the people who opened the Yang system are still chatting here as outsiders.

   I don’t know whether it is the eternal star system or the solar system, from the beginning to the end, I have no intention of letting them go!

  Grota, as Chen Mo completed the five-star brave trial, the whole Grotta actually emitted bursts of brilliant light, as if celebrating Chen Mo.

  Everyone in Grota was startled by this change.

  At this time, Chen Mo, who had received the reminder from Tiandao, was still not aware of the sensation he had caused. He was checking the effect of the SSS title he had obtained!

  【SSS Title—God of the Brave】

  [Title Effect]: Increase all attributes by 500 points, increase all damage to monsters by 100%, and reduce damage from all monsters by 50%.

  【Title Skill】: God of Bravery

  〖God of the Brave · Golden Passive〗: Facing any monster can cause real damage, and can seal up to three abilities of the opponent.

   When sealing an ability of the opponent, you need to consume 1% of the maximum energy per second to maintain the seal.

   When sealing the opponent's two abilities, you need to consume 5% of the maximum energy per second to maintain the seal.

   When sealing the opponent's three abilities, you need to consume 10% of the maximum energy per second to maintain the seal.

  [Title introduction]: The brave with this title is already a god-like existence among the brave, and is the object of worship and yearning for all brave!

   "Can you directly seal the opponent's three abilities? This is too strong."

  Although the sealing effect of the God of the Brave needs to consume its own energy to maintain it, which is a little more restrictive than the Nullify God nature challenged by the Slaughter God, but monsters are a very wide-ranging category.

  Basically, most of the targets encountered by professionals in the dungeon belong to the category of monsters.

  Even some god-level units belong to the category of monsters.

  So this application area is definitely much higher than that of the Slayer Challenger.

  Chen Mo likes the strength of this ability very much.

   Just as he was checking the effect of the title, a burst of light flickered around him, teleporting him back to the bottom of the tower.

   Only then did he realize that the entire Grotta was constantly shining with strange colored lights!

The gatekeeper next to him was shocked to see that Chen Mo's chest had turned into a five-star badge, and said very respectfully: "Dear God of Bravery, according to our Grota rules, we will do everything for everyone The newly born God of the Brave sent a Glory Brave suit, please follow me to the treasure room."

   "Oh? There are additional rewards?"

  Chen Mo was overjoyed immediately, hearing the word "glory" with the word "glory", this brave man's suit looks very precious, I don't know what attributes it is.

  As the gatekeeper walked down a staircase, Chen Mo found that the space under the Grota was quite large.

   I don't know how many layers there are underground.

  After the two descended about ten floors, the gatekeeper finally brought Chen Mo to an old man in plain sackcloth.

   "Master Gargamel, this is the newly promoted Lord God of the Brave..."

  The old man who was sitting on a chair and seemed to be in a deep sleep, woke up suddenly when he heard the gatekeeper's words.

  At this time, he realized that the surrounding towers were emitting colorful lights, and he immediately stood up in shock and looked at Chen Mo's chest.

   Immediately, with trembling hands, he touched the five-star badge on Chen Mo's chest.

   "How many years... How many years has it been since the God of the Brave appeared... Could it be that the gods still care about this land and gave us this savior!"

  He clasped his hands together, muttering in his mouth and looking at the sky in worship.

   Unfortunately, all he could see was the dark ceiling.

   "Cough, old man, I have other things to do, I'm in a hurry..."

   Chen Mo saw that the old guy was wasting a lot of time talking, so he hurriedly urged him.

  Hearing this, Gargamel bowed respectfully to Chen Mo and said, "It's the old man, I'm being abrupt, I dare not keep you waiting, Lord God of the Brave, I'll go get you the Glory Brave suit right now."

   "Wait a minute, may I ask, can one of you get three sets of this set?"

   "Three sets?" Gargamel looked at Chen Mo with some doubts.

   "I have a special use."

   "Master Brave, to tell you the truth, not everyone can wear this glory suit, only those who have obtained the glory of the God of the Brave can wear it. Even if you take back three sets, you can't give it away."

  Gargamel thought that Chen Mo was going to take it back and give it away.

   "That's not true, I just use it myself."

"That's okay, but according to the rules, except for the specific gifts, other things can only be sold. Although this thing is priceless, since you are the God of the Brave, if it is counted as an eternal gold coin for you, I think The Tower Master should not blame him."

   "Master Gargamel, why don't we contact the Tower Master first?" The gatekeeper said to Gargamel.

   "I had some things to contact the tower owner before and tried to contact her, but she never responded. I think she either had an accident, or fell into a place where she couldn't respond to us."

"I see."

   At this time, Gargamel looked at Chen Mo and said, "The tower owner is not here, so I can only make decisions on my own. In order not to delay your trip, Lord God of the Brave, I dared to offer this price. What do you think?"

"I'm OK."

  Chen Mo smiled and took out two eternal gold coins.

   Not only is there no problem, it is simply a big profit.

   This kind of equipment that can only be worn after obtaining the SSS title is not too expensive!

   It only takes two eternal gold coins, so that's where it goes.

   Soon the old man came out with three sets of glory suits.

   Before his people stepped forward, Chen Mo was attracted by the shining light of this Glory Brave suit.

   This thing does not need to look at the attributes to see that the quality is absolutely high.

   "Master Brave, here are three sets of Glory Brave suits, please take them well."

  Gargamel respectfully handed three sets of brave suits to Chen Mo.

   "Is this thing so light?"

   Chen Mo looked at Gargamel's feeble appearance and easily lifted up the three sets of brave suits, and asked curiously.

   "The Glory Brave suit is made with special craftsmanship. It is as light as a cicada's wing, but its defense effect is excellent. Except for real damage, there is no type of damage it cannot resist."


  Hearing this, Chen Mo became more interested in this Glory Brave suit.

  But he took a cursory look at it, and found that this Glory Brave suit has quite a lot of attributes.

   Right now, he was still in a hurry to do the task, so he put the Glory Brave suit into his backpack first, and was going to go back and take a closer look.

   After bidding farewell to Gargamel, Chen Mo returned to the third floor of Grota.

  At this time, Lilian was holding a teacup in her hand, looking at the flashes of light around her in shock, and asked the old sages around her.

  Knowing that the appearance of this strange light was the birth of the God of the Brave, Lilian immediately touched the ring of the sage on her hand in surprise.

   "Could it be that the big brother really went all the way through the trial of the brave, and jumped directly from the apprentice brave to the **** of the brave?"

  (end of this chapter)

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