Chapter 146 Sage's Ring! (15)

  As Chen Mo returned to the third floor, Lilian saw the five-star badge on his chest at a glance.

   "Big brother, you have actually become a five-star brave man known as the God of the Brave!"

   She looked adoring.

  Chen Mo smiled and said: "The difficulty is quite high, luckily."

   "Then I don't have to go back with you, you just need to wear this sage's ring, and you can go back to the sage's village directly."

   Lilian took off the Sage's Ring and handed it to Chen Mo.

   After receiving this peculiar pure white ring, Chen Mo immediately checked the attributes.

  【Sage's Ring · Artifact Level】

  【Special Restrictions】: Only those who have the title of God of Sages or God of Bravery can equip it

  [Equipment Attributes]: All attributes +100, recover 100% health and energy every second

  【Equipment effects】: Blessing of the Great Sage, Praise of the Great Sage

[Great Sage's Blessing]: Designate a professional, no matter how many stars the target's initial occupation is, can upgrade the target's initial occupation to the only five-star hidden initial occupation in the same family of the occupation (after using this effect, the sage's ring will be broken and disappeared directly .)

  〖Ode to the Great Sage〗: You can teleport to any coordinate point on the map with any target. (Cooldown for 1 minute - this effect is not affected by the rules of the stars in this instance.)

  [Equipment Introduction]: Only those with peak glory can use the Transcendent Ring. Ordinary people will not be able to exert any effect if they wear it.


   After seeing the effect of the ring of sages, Chen Mo was stunned.

  It’s nothing to just increase attributes and restore 100% per second. Although it is very strong, it is not so unsolvable.

  After all, there are so many debuff effects, just like the corpse poison of Chen Mo’s skeleton monster. If you give the boss 100 layers, 100% of the blood will be restored.

   This ring is mainly strong in two special effects.

   It is possible to teleport at any point on the entire map at will.

   This is already very strong.

   And the most perverted thing is that this ring can directly change the initial career star rating.

  Although the price is to directly destroy a god-level ring.

   Compared with the benefits, this price is definitely worth it.

  Being able to change the initial career star rating, Chen Mo has never heard of it.

   Don't say that Chen Mo hasn't heard of it.

  Even the entire earth, even the eternal galaxy with three living planets and the Yang system professionals with two living planets, have never known the existence of such a thing.

  The main reason is that random crack dungeons are rare, and random crack dungeons become star dungeons are even less common.

  And when the random crack dungeon becomes a star dungeon to increase the difficulty and rewards, it is even more difficult to successfully challenge a mission with a mortality rate of 99.99% in such a dungeon.

   Even if ordinary people encounter similar tasks, it is basically good enough for the three-star hero to complete the normal task process.

   Even if you are a three-star hero normally, the difficulty of this line of tasks is SSS level, and you will die easily if you are not careful.

  Chen Mo also challenged a hidden SSS-level task in the SSS-level difficulty task.

   This allowed him to get this **** ring!

  And this ring is not just as simple as increasing the initial career star, but directly upgrades to the only hidden five-star career in the same department.

  Initial occupation and hidden initial occupation are two concepts.

  Generally speaking, hidden occupations cannot be obtained through normal channels.

   belongs to the need for some special methods to obtain.

  Ordinary professionals have a certain chance to encounter related tasks when reincarnating, but it is extremely difficult to complete.

  However, if you want to get a hidden job from an initial job, you need a variety of extremely special means. For example, Chen Mo's ring of sages is extremely difficult to get!

  And what are the advantages of the hidden occupations that are so difficult to obtain compared to normal occupations?

  It not only has one more powerful hidden professional talent than normal occupations.

  At the same time, you will also master the full-level hidden exclusive professional skills according to your level.

  There is no difference between five-star occupations and hidden five-star occupations on the surface, but there is still a big difference in strength.

  Although Chen Mo wanted to immediately use the effect of the ring of sages to upgrade his current class to see what kind of hidden initial class he would upgrade to, but considering the needs of the mission, he was not in a hurry to destroy the ring for the time being.

   "Lilian, can I use the ability of the ring to teleport directly to the village of sages?"

   "Yes, the coordinates of our sage's village are (55555, 55555). Although our village is protected by an enchantment, if you wear this sage's ring and teleport there, you will not be repelled by the enchantment."

   "So that's the case, then I will leave first."

  Following Chen Mo's thought, his figure disappeared in Grota.

  At this time, in the distant village of sages, a young man with a handsome appearance and a tall and straight figure appeared in the village.

  Chen Mo had just teleported into the village, and immediately caused a reaction from the enchantment.

   Before he could move, a figure in a white robe flashed in front of him.

This is an old man with white beard and hair. The old man's white beard seems to be dragged to the ground. He is holding a wooden staff that looks like ordinary wood, but Chen Mo can clearly feel this. The majestic magic power contained in the ordinary wooden staff.

   "I really didn't expect that my prophecy dream came true this time."

   Seeing Chen Mo, the old man muttered to himself immediately.

   "Prophetic dream?" Chen Mo looked at the old man curiously.

  The old man immediately grinned and said, "It's nothing, you don't need to worry about it, please come in and have a cup of tea."

  Chen Mo glanced at the so-called village of sages. There are quite a few houses in this village, but there are almost no people active outside, as if it is a deserted village.

  Following the old man into a simple wooden house, Chen Mo sat down at a wooden table under the gesture of the old man, and looked at the layout of the room.

   After looking around carefully, it can be said that there is almost no layout in this room.

   Except for a wooden table in the middle, there are almost all bookshelves around it, and there is a small stove by the window.

  The old man lifted the teapot on the small stove, and with a wave of his hand, two cups appeared on the table.

   After he poured two cups of steaming hot tea, he said with a smile: "Try it, this cup of tea is usually rare."

   After finishing speaking, the old man put the teapot back on the small stove and sat down in front of Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo glanced at the tea in the teacup, which was as transparent as normal tea, brought it to his face and sniffed it.

  A refreshing tea fragrance immediately penetrated into Chen Mo's nasal cavity.

  He blew on the hot air, took a sip, and felt a faint sweetness filling his mouth.

  As Chen Mo swallowed his tea, he immediately received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Heavenly Reminder: After you drink Tianlu tea, within the next 24 hours, your all attributes will increase by 10 points. 】

   "One sip can have this effect? ​​Then what if I finish drinking it?"

   After cooling down a bit, Chen Mo drank the tea in one gulp.

  【Tiandao reminder: You drank a lot of Tianlu tea, and within the next 24 hours, your all attributes will increase by 100 points. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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