Chapter 147 The Fountain of the Holy Maiden! (25)

   "Thank you for the good tea, old man, I still don't know how to call you."

   "Old man, I have no name or surname, and everyone in the world calls me a great sage."

   "Senior Great Sage, I think you should know why this junior is here."

   "That's right, I have long known that the evil **** Zoroza leads many evil choleras in the world."

   "Since that's the case, why didn't seniors save the world? With the strength of seniors, they must be able to deal with this God of Zora."

   "If it was before, I would be fine, but unfortunately I can't now."


   "My power actually comes from the power of the gods. As the gods abandoned this continent, my power has gradually weakened, and now I can barely survive in this barrier for a long time.

  Once I go out, I will grow old and die immediately. "

   "Why did the gods abandon this continent?"

  Chen Mo also remembered what the priest in Qiluo Town said, that after the Goddess of Harvest stopped doing anything, the villagers turned to the evil god, which led to the current result.

   "The gods have grown tired of human greed.

  Because of the existence of the Harvest Goddess, people only need to sow the seeds and wait for the harvest all year round to obtain abundant supplies.

  Because there is the goddess of luck to help everyone regulate bad luck, people live a smooth life all their lives, and gradually become arrogant and lose themselves.

  Because there is a goddess of love..."

After the great sage recounted the achievements of all the gods, he continued: "With the help of the gods, human beings live a prosperous and happy life. This kind of life has lasted for a long time, making people gradually get used to everything. It is a matter of course.

  They no longer go to the temple to worship as diligently as they used to, and they don't think about gratitude all day long, doing nothing, and wasting their time.

   Finally angered the gods and completely abandoned them. "

The old sage sighed and continued: "When the gods left, there was no divine power to stop the disaster, and the disaster immediately came in a vengeful manner, making people feel at a loss for a while, even if they thought of going to the gods to pray at this time, Everything has been useless.

  The gods have long abandoned this continent, and no gods will answer their prayers anymore.

  Under the protection of the gods all day long, how can people who have gradually lost their ability to cope with disasters cope with this sudden change.

  So they began to panic, praying to everything they could pray for.

  The only things that can be exchanged in the end are those evil spirits who take advantage of the situation and have ulterior motives! "

  However, human beings do not know it, and are still immersed in the prosperous life brought by the blessing of the gods. "

  "Instead of relying on those illusory gods, what humans should really rely on is themselves."

   "What the brave man said is true, in fact, I talked to the gods before everyone left.

  They also said the same thing. When humans on this continent recall how they should survive as humans, they may come back to spread faith and hope again.

  Their existence is only to help people reduce the damage caused by disasters, not to make human beings degenerate and not enterprising. "

   "These gods are quite upright."

   "Actually, it is also for their own beliefs. When human beings are too lazy to even pray, it is impossible for the gods to receive the power of human belief."

   "To put it bluntly, it's all about mutual fulfillment."

  The old sage nodded and said: "It is correct that God and man should get along like this. When one of them relies too much on the other, it is not a good thing for either party."

   "But now that the whole world is infected by evil spirits, even if people are aware of their past mistakes, it may be difficult to find opportunities to reflect on their past."

   "At first, I also thought that this land was over, but a few days ago, I had a dream, and I found that there might still be hope in this world."

   "It's just a dream, why do you take it seriously?"

  "Actually, at my level, I no longer easily fall asleep and dream. Once I dream, it is basically a prophecy dream. Although I dare not say that all of them are hit, at least half of the things in the dream can be hit.

  For example, this time I dreamed that there would be a brave man who would save the world, but I was not sure whether it was a three-star brave man or a five-star brave man. "

   "No wonder you sighed that your dream came true when you first met me."

  Chen Mo immediately smiled and said, "Rather than saying that I can save the world, it is better to say that I need your cooperation. For example, I have met the weird evil god, the God of Zoroza, and I have to rely on your experience to deal with him."

"The **** of Zoroastrian is one of the evil gods living in the ancient abyss. He has a filthy body that can infect all units that have swallowed his flesh and blood. The Zoroastan pool where he bathes is a pool of filthy and evil water. This pool of water has already achieved the function of transforming all subdued objects into Zoroastrian bodies.

  If you want to remove the effect of the dirty and evil water in the Zoroza Pool, you need to find the purest energy in the world. "

   "The purest energy in the world? What is that?"

   "Blood of a virgin virgin."

   "So many people have been affected by the filthy water, how much blood will it cost?"

"That's not the case. You only need to find three virgin saintesses, and drop their blood into the spring of the spring of the earth together, so that all the water sources in the whole world can obtain pure purification power. At this time Any water source can become a purified holy water that removes filth and evil water."

   "Purification of holy water?"

  As soon as Chen Mo heard this name, he immediately thought of his turbid heart of God.

   Now the turbid heart of God is still four bottles of purified holy water.

   Could it be that the purified holy water produced by the three saints this time is one of them, the spring of the saints?

   "Senior Great Sage, where can I find the three saintesses?"

   "The three saintesses are in the temples of the gods on the three continents. You can quickly find them by wearing the ring of the sage."

   Speaking of speaking, the great sage gave Chen Mo three coordinate positions.

   "By the way, senior, the removal of the filthy water is only a temporary solution. If the God of Zoroast is not dead, he will still make a comeback."

   "It's useless, the **** of Zoroza is extremely powerful, we can't really kill it at all!

And its real body is still trapped at the bottom of the abyss, what it came out was only a strand of his soul, we only need to wipe out this strand of soul, and then remind the people of the whole continent to no longer believe in Zoroastrianism God, you can avoid disaster. "

   "So that's it, is this strand of soul strong?"

   "With the strength of the **** of Zoroza, this strand of soul is at least comparable to a low-level demon god. The combat power must be good, and it is definitely difficult to deal with!"

   "Then it seems that I have to ask you again when the time comes, so I'll go find the three saintesses first."

  (end of this chapter)

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