All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 148: The golden boss is like killing a chicken! (3 in 1, 5/5)

  Chapter 148 The golden boss is like killing a chicken! (3 in 1, 55)

   Farewell to the great sage, Chen Mo directly activated the effect of the ring, and first came to a temple of the gods on the map of his solar system copy.

  The three saints mentioned by the great sage are actually in the three temples of the gods on the three maps.

  As soon as he teleported over, Chen Mo immediately sensed something was wrong, and he summoned a lot of skeleton monsters with a wave of his staff at the fastest speed.

   At the same time, his whole body flew up rapidly, trying to avoid the attack.

   But the flying speed is still not as fast as the opponent's attack speed.

   With a "snap", Chen Mo ate the blow of a vine firmly, and was sent flying backwards.

  The moment he just arrived, Chen Mo discovered a spirit boss with the pioneer's perception ability, so he responded very timely.

  The body of this spirit is still quite big. It is a huge ancient tree that covers the sky and takes root near the temple. Countless vines spread from the roots of the tree to wrap the entire temple.

   Fortunately, there is a powerful protective barrier in the temple, so the saint and some believers in it are still safe.

  At this time, except for the saint in a holy white robe who was still praying in the temple, the others were already huddled together in fear.

   "Another golden boss?"

  Chen Mo sensed the strength of the boss, and found that this is another one-turn level 40 gold boss, and this boss is much thicker than the previous Zoroza Bishop.

  The main reason is that it is a kind of tree spirit, which has a very thick blood volume. Its blood volume is 10 times that of other normal bosses.

   There are 1.7 trillion blood volume.

   It can be said to be thick to death.

   However, monsters with thick blood generally have weaker output capabilities than monsters of the same type.

  This guy doesn't have annoying domain abilities, so it's relatively easy to deal with.

   It just took a little more time.

  Under the bombardment of 3,400 skeleton monsters taking turns superimposing corpse poison, the index doubled, even the BOSS with 1.7 trillion blood volume did not last more than 5 minutes before dying directly.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully killing the "Ancient Tree of War", you have obtained 1000 dungeon reward points. 】

  【Prompt from heaven: Congratulations on successfully killing the "Ancient Tree of War". Since this dungeon is a star dungeon, all professionals in your galaxy can get 1000 dungeon bonus points. 】

   At this time, Lin Ranhai, who hadn’t recovered from the shock of Chen Mo’s completion of a pervertedly difficult SSS-level hidden task just now, received another reminder from Heaven.

  【Heaven’s reminder: Because there are professionals in your galaxy force who killed the gold-level boss, you have obtained 1000 dungeon reward points. 】


  At this time, Lin Ranhai's eyes were demented and he had stopped thinking.

   When I entered the dungeon, were there two people or a hundred people?

   This gold BOSS is one at a time!

  After Chen Mo dealt with the dryad, the vines covering the temple of the gods all shrank back into the dryad boss' body.

   "The vines are gone!"

   "Look, everyone, the vines have receded."

   Immediately, someone discovered that the vines that had been surrounding the temple had all receded in an instant.

   "Quick, run out now."

  The people who have been trapped in the temple and are haunted by fear all day long are looking like crazy and want to escape the temple as soon as possible.

   They don't want to be trapped anymore.

  Just as he was about to run, he was immediately stopped by the saint.

   "Calm down, everyone, it's not certain that the spirit outside has retreated, it may be that he deliberately removed the vines to lure us out to deal with us!

  I'll go out to check for everyone first, and if it's safe, I'll call everyone out again. "

   Hearing this, many people also calmed down.

   No matter how crazy they are, after all, it is a matter of life and death. They are naturally happy to let the saint go first.

However, a few people who still kept their faith said: "My lord, how can I let you go out to take risks? You can call back the last hope of the gods to have mercy on us people. You must not have any accidents, just let us go." I'll go out."

   "No, let me go out, I can't let everyone go out to take risks."

   Just as the saint and the believers were unable to compete, a young figure appeared at the gate of the temple.

   "Look, someone is coming outside."

  Everyone immediately looked towards the entrance of the hall in unison, only to see a handsome young man walking towards this side slowly.

   "Why did someone come over just as the vines outside receded?

   Could it be he who repelled the dryad? "

   I don't know who said this, and everyone immediately reacted.

  Because the saint's attributes are much higher than ordinary people, her eyesight is also much better than ordinary people, she saw the five-star badge on Chen Mo's chest from a distance.

  Seeing this, she couldn't help but squeezed her left hand with her right hand excitedly and ran towards Chen Mo excitedly as if praying.

   "Excuse me, are you the God of the Brave?"

   Arriving in front of Chen Mo, the saint asked excitedly.

  Seeing that the delicate face of the saint was flushed with excitement, like a flower just blooming, Chen Mo couldn't help thinking that the quality of the selection of the saint was really high.

   "You can call me that if you want, but I'm not a god, I'm just an adventurer."

   "Master God of Bravery, you are too modest. There has been no God of Bravery in the entire continent for tens of thousands of years. You are one of the few existences out of hundreds of millions.

  I originally thought that the gods had abandoned our world, but they didn’t. They sent you to us! "

  The saint prayed on the spot again excitedly.

   "No need to pray, I have already met the great sage before, he said that the gods have already abandoned this land, and now we can only rely on our own hands to save the world!"

  Chen Mo gently pushed down the praying hands of the saint and said.

  The surrounding believers all showed despair when they heard this.

  They are still expecting the saintess to contact the gods to save them.

  They cannot accept the fact that the gods have abandoned them.

  If it wasn't for Chen Mo being the God of the Brave, they would have rushed to scold Chen Mo for spreading rumors.

   The key is now Chen Mo!

  The God of the Brave is recognized in this world as the person who is closest to the gods other than the gods, and is also the person most worthy of being respected and revered by the world.

  Back when the gods were still alive, no one dared to speak ill of the God of Bravery.

   Not to mention that all the gods have left now, leaving only the God of the Brave family alone.

  Everyone who wants to get asylum can only rely on the God of the Brave, who dares to say no to him.

  No matter how desperate they are, they can only accept the fact that the **** has left.

  Seeing the decadent and desperate atmosphere in the room, Chen Mo also hated these people.

   "These people are really spoiled by the gods! Without the gods, they don't know how to survive!"

  Chen Mo is too lazy to care about them for the time being.

  At this time, not only them, even the saint looked at Chen Mo with a look of despair when she heard the news: "If even the gods abandon us, then how can we save ourselves, Lord God of Bravery?"

"Don't worry, the great sage said that as long as we humans regain our confidence, we will have enough power to save ourselves. According to the great sage, this continent has been invaded by evil gods. Now this world needs your power to save. Do you want to?"

  Hearing that it was the great sage's confession, the saint couldn't help feeling hopeful.

  The great sage is the immediate boss of all the saints.

  He is the only one who can directly contact all the gods.

  Since the great sage said that there is still hope for mankind, then there must be hope for mankind.

   "I am willing, Lord God of the Brave, just tell me, no matter what you need me to do, I can help you."

   "Very good, but your strength alone is not enough. I need two other saintesses. You wait for me here for a while, and I will go back as soon as I go."

  Seeing that Chen Mo was about to leave, the rest of the people immediately knelt down and asked, "Master God of the Brave, what about us? You just said that we humans can save ourselves, what should we do?"

  Chen Mo glanced at this group of people, thought for a while and said: "The rest of you, you have to dispel the confusion and fear in your heart, those evil spirits grow their strength by eating the dark energy released by your negative emotions.

  You are all positive, optimistic, and strong in the face of difficulties, no longer afraid and confused, and those evil forces will gradually weaken, which is the greatest help to save this world. "

   "Okay! We must obey the words of the God of the Brave, no longer be afraid! Be positive!!"

  Everyone immediately started shouting slogans to beat chicken blood.

   "Very good! It is best for you to continue to spread such emotions.

  I just saw some nearby villages in the air. The villagers are still alive and well, but they all look very scared.

  I hope you can spread your positive emotions and tell them that the monsters here have been wiped out. As long as they can no longer fall into negative emotions, the positive human beings can still be saved! "

   "Yes, we must carry out the orders of the brave man!"

  【Heavenly reminder: Thanks to your encouragement, human beings are aware of the influence of their emotions on evil spirits. When human emotions gradually turn positive, the power of evil spirits will gradually weaken. Currently, the power of evil spirits has weakened by 1%! 】

   "This is all right!?"

  Chen Mo was speechless immediately, good guy, what a hidden benefit.

  I just saw that these people were a little self-motivated, so I said a few words casually, which can reduce the power of evil spirits!

  Chen Mo couldn't help but admire his own wisdom at this time.

   After explaining everything, Chen Mo directly activated the ring of the sage and went to the location of the next saint.

   At this time, the people of the Yongxing system who were heading towards the map of the solar system at full speed suddenly discovered a change in the coordinate position.

   "What's the situation? Captain, you see that the coordinates of someone in the solar system has come to our map."

   "Hey, really! How did he get here?"

   "It can't be that the map display is wrong."

   "No, I just saw that his coordinates were erratic, flashing here and there for a while."

   "Can you randomly teleport the whole map? Then how can you catch him?"

   "Why catch him, didn't you find the key problem?"

"what is the problem?"

   "He's teleporting! Teleporting!!!"

  At this moment, everyone remembered, "That's right! Why can he teleport!"

   Everyone immediately pulled out the rules of the stars to check.

  【Rules of Stars (1): Before the dungeon is cleared, all teleportation abilities will be invalid! (This rule can be eliminated by eliminating all solar system professionals)]

  The first rule of the stars clearly stated that all teleportation abilities are completely invalid.

   But don’t say it’s invalid now, people in this solar system are teleporting like crazy.

   All of a sudden spread to the east, all of a sudden to the west.

  Where does it mean that it cannot be transmitted?

   Now they are directly teleported to the site of their eternal star system.

  It is a bit outrageous to be true!

   "The rules of the stars will not be invalid?"

   Immediately, someone tried to use the teleportation ability.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Warning! Under the restrictions of the rules of the stars, you cannot teleport! 】

   "No, the star rule is in effect."

   At this time, the captain said: "It's nothing strange, have you forgotten what task he just completed? What level of reward can he get!"

   "That's not right, Captain, under the restrictions of the Stars Rules, even SSS-level babies will be restricted."

   "If he obtains a task-related item, then naturally he will not be restricted by the rules of the stars."

   "It's possible, I've heard the teachers talk about it before."

   "Then we have nothing to do with him? He can teleport everywhere, we can only run slowly."

   "Don't worry, don't forget that the captain still has a Gu! It's just that he is reluctant to use it."

  The captain’s eyes flashed and he said: "Go and deal with his companion first, if he can only move by himself, we will threaten him with his companion, and then we will see if we need to use Gu people."

   "That's right, now go and get his companion."


   Knowing that he was going to the Yongxing system, Chen Mo teleported here after judging the distance.

  After seeing the distance between the group of people on the map and the temple, Chen Mo knew that even if they turned around to find him, it would be too late, so he sent them directly.

   It's not that Chen Mo is afraid of them.

   It's that he has no time to deal with these people for the time being.

   After all, that priest is still waiting to be rescued.

  If the priest dies suddenly and the mission is interrupted, it will be a scam.

  Follow Chen Mo to the second temple.

  He saw that there was also a gold-level monster guarding the temple here.

   This time, the gold-level monster looks like an octopus, but it is very huge, as big as a small mountain.

  The whole body is pitch black, and the eyeballs are like a huge wheel growing on the huge oval head. Looking at it from a distance makes people feel panic.

  Chen Mo hates such disgusting things the most.

  Especially the densely packed suction cups on the octopus’ claws, for those who are afraid of density, they will get goose bumps all over their bodies after a few more glances.

  Chen Mo is like this at this time.

  In order to get rid of the disgusting monsters earlier, he directly summoned the skeleton monsters and it was a beating.

   This time the octopus gold-level boss has the same blood volume as the previous Zoroza Bishop.

   But it has a higher damage reduction.

   It also took a few minutes for Chen Mo to kill it.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully killing the "Follower of the Old Days", you have obtained 1000 dungeon reward points. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully killing the "Followers of the Old Days". Since this dungeon is a star dungeon, all professionals in your galaxy can get 1000 dungeon bonus points. 】

  【Heaven’s reminder: Because there are professionals in your galaxy force who killed the gold-level boss, you have obtained 1000 dungeon reward points. 】

  Lin Ranhai, whose eyes had been dull for a long time, had no response to the prompt from Heavenly Dao.

  Directly in situ abaaaba...

  As the BOSS died, its corpse also crashed to the ground.

  The loud noise alarmed everyone in the temple.

  There are not as many people in this temple as in the previous temple, only one saint and two nuns.

   Seeing the five-star badge on Chen Mo's chest, they were as excited as the previous saints.

   After Chen Mo explained a few words, they immediately nodded yes.

   Immediately, Chen Mo teleported to the temple of the Kaiyang system without stopping.

  The people who opened the Yang system had already noticed that Chen Mo was flying around.

   "The person in the solar system just ignores the rules and flies around. If he behaves like this, it's impossible for the people in the Yongxing system to catch him. In the end, they might come to catch us first. Should we take action to solve this problem?"

   "Why am I so reluctant to waste my treasure helping the people of the Yongxing system!"

   "No way, people are bound to be stronger now..."

   "Then release the restriction Gu!"


  At this time, Chen Mo has arrived at the third temple of the gods.

   But this time it is strange, there is no BOSS guarding around the third temple.

   But after Chen Mo sensed it, he was surprised to find that the third temple was already full of corpses and blood flowed like a river.

  The saint is using the necklace to open the protection and is trying to resist the attack of a cardinal.

   "Is this guy possessed?"

  Chen Mo noticed that the eyes of the archbishop in red were red, which seemed abnormal at first glance, so he carefully perceived his attributes.

  Good guy, it turns out that he is the gold-level boss here.

  He was under a curse called Unknown Evil, and he had a lot of red hair growing on his body, making him look very creepy.

  Chen Mo immediately summoned a lot of skeleton monsters to attack.

Even though the archbishop in red was a human before, but now he has mutated into a monster, Chen Mo's title of God of the Brave is still valid for him. After erasing the opponent's three difficult abilities, it is easy to directly crush and shoot the skeleton monster The archbishop in red was finally dealt with.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully killing the "unknown mutant", you have obtained 1000 dungeon reward points. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully killing the "unknown mutant". Since this dungeon is a star dungeon, all professionals in your galaxy can get 1000 dungeon bonus points. 】

  【Heaven’s reminder: Because there are professionals in your galaxy force who killed the gold-level boss, you have obtained 1000 dungeon reward points. 】

  Hearing the prompt again, Lin Ranhai clapped dumbly on the spot alone!

   Congratulations to Chen Mo.

  He is completely numb...

   Killing a gold-level boss is like chopping vegetables, one after another, he is really like in a dream.


  As Chen Mo killed the unknown mutant, the saint had already seen Chen Mo's performance in her eyes.

  After seeing the five-star badge on Chen Mo's chest, hope was rekindled in her heart after facing the slaughter of the temple just now.

   "The temple here has been completely scrapped. Come with me. I need the help of three saintesses."

   "The God of the Brave has orders, and I must obey them."

  The saint put her right hand on her chest and bowed respectfully to Chen Mo.

"very good!"

  Finally got together the three saintesses, and Chen Mo immediately prepared to take her back.

   Just when he was about to act, he suddenly felt something shooting towards him quickly.

  While perceiving the information of this thing, Chen Mo threw an energy bomb and killed this thing.

   "Restriction Gu? Good guys, these people who open the Yang system know the truth that dead friends can't die poor people, and they are trying to trick me to death!"

  This limiter Gu is a disgusting thing. When it attaches to a person, there is nothing. But once it is activated, it will make the person affected by the Gu useless of any teleportation ability.

  This Gu is generally used to prevent the enemy from teleporting and escaping.

  Now they are planning to use it to trick Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo glanced at the positions of the twenty people on the map.

  If he was not in a hurry, he would have planned to kill nineteen of the twenty people and leave one to see the coordinates.

   "I'll deal with you later."

   After killing the travel restriction Gu, Chen Mo brought the saint back to the temple on the side of the Eternal Star system, and then waited for a minute before taking the second saint and flying back to the temple on his side.

   Now it's time to go to the Spring of the Earth.

  The location of the fountain of the earth is located at the intersection of the three dungeon continents.

  Chen Mo directly brought the three saintesses here.

  Originally he thought that such an important place, Xie Chong should also send monsters to guard it, maybe even a lot.

  He was ready to fight, but after teleporting over, he didn't see a monster.

  Even with the perception ability of the pioneers, I can't perceive anything.

   In addition to flowers and trees, there is a spring of earth full of energy.

  The water of the whole world flows from the spring of the earth.

   This is a spring that never runs dry!

"Three, now I need each of you to drip some blood into the Spring of the Earth to transform the Spring of the Earth into the Spring of the Holy Maiden, so as to spread the pure energy contained in your body to the whole world and save the people who are being invaded by evil spirits. "


  The three saintesses are not talkative masters. One of the saints bit her own finger and dripped blood into the spring of the earth, and the other two saintesses also competed for it.

  As the blood of the three saintesses continued to drip into the spring of the earth.

  Chen Mo only felt a burst of holy light suddenly appear from the spring of the earth, which was originally full of energy, and the breath of the spring of the earth became extremely holy.

  Just standing by and sniffing, I feel as if my body and mind have been purified.

  He immediately took out a bottle of life potion he had obtained when he killed three assassins, poured it out, and returned with a bottle full of the Holy Maiden's Spring.

   "Can I take a few more bottles of this thing back?"

  Chen Mo couldn't help thinking this way.

  But Tiandao reminded him that it was useless.

  【Tips from Heaven: The bottled Saintess Spring needs to be mixed with at least three drops of Saintess's blood so that the pure energy will not be gradually lost. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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