Chapter 149 Glory to the brave suit! (15)

  Receiving the reminder from Heaven, Chen Mo immediately begged for a drop of blood from each of the three.

   But at this time, Chen Mo saw that the three of them had gradually turned pale.

  Although it seems that they obviously didn't drop a few drops of blood.

  But the drop is not ordinary blood, it is the essence of their life essence, which is to drip out the pure energy from their body, which is an act of hurting their origin.

  In this case, they naturally couldn't hold on to a few more drops of blood.

  Seeing this, Chen Mo also gave up the idea of ​​bringing a few more bottles of the Holy Maiden's Spring back to sell.

   "Enough, the spring of the earth has been transformed, let's go back and rest first."

  Chen Mo embraced the three together in his arms, and flew back to the temple of the gods on the map of the solar system with a thought.

   "The three of you go to the inner hall to recuperate. I have other things to do, so I can't stay here with you."

  Chen Mo looked at the three people who were extremely weak and said.

   "Brave...God of the Brave, you just... go, save... saving this world is important, we don't matter..."

   After the three of them finished talking weakly, Chen Mo nodded and told the three saintesses to rest well, then immediately changed into another costume and returned to Qiluo Town!

  As long as the priest is cured, then he doesn't have to rush anymore.

  At the entrance of the temple, Lin Ranhai was leaning against the stone pillar bored and looking at the blue sky in a daze.

  He felt that this instance had nothing to do with him.

   Itself comes in pure redundancy.

   Just when he was in a daze, suddenly a figure flashed beside him, and Lin Ranhai was frightened and immediately looked over with his sword.

  Although he was lying comfortably, he had promised to protect the thing in the temple, so he naturally had to carry it out.

   Turning around, it turned out to be an acquaintance.

   "Miss Zhao, are back..."

  At this time, Lin Ranhai looked at Chen Mo as if he was looking at people from two worlds.

  Even the title has become Missy.

  Chen Mo smiled and said, "Is the priest all right?"

   "It's all right, it's fine, there hasn't been a single fly around."

  Chen Mo nodded, and immediately turned around to fetch a bucket of water from the well next to the temple.

  Due to the change of the spring of the earth, all the water sources in the whole world have been purified. At this time, just a bucket of water is pure spring of the saint.

   Of course, it must be taken by someone nearby, otherwise it will be served alone as Tiandao suggested before, and the pure energy will gradually be lost.

  Chen Mo picked up a bucket of water and rushed back to the temple.

   At this moment, the priest was still hiding in a shadow. When he saw Chen Mo coming back, he immediately looked over.

  After seeing the five-star badge on Chen Mo's chest, he was obviously very excited, his whole body wriggled continuously, and ran towards Chen Mo.

   "This is the spring of the Holy Maiden, it can relieve your Zoroastrian body, drink it quickly."

  Chen Mo put the bucket in front of the priest, beckoning him to drink it.

   Knowing that it could return to its original state, the priest was also quite excited. He wriggled his fleshy body, picked up the bucket with his tentacles, and poured water into his stomach.

   A few seconds later, the holy water began to take effect, and a burst of holy and pure energy burst out from the priest's body.

   After a burst of bright light, the naked priest appeared in front of Chen Mo.

  This priest looks quite young and handsome, completely different from the old man Chen Mo imagined.

   Realizing his current state, the priest suddenly reached into his chest, and then took out a white robe and put it on.

   "Thank you, God of the Brave, for your life-saving grace. I am really grateful."

  As the priest changed back to his real body, Chen Mo also received a reminder from Heaven again.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Congratulations on completing the pre-quest of Qiluo Town Change, the follow-up task of Qiluo Town Change is released! 】

  【Tips from Heaven: Use the fact that the evil **** of Zoroza covets the body of the priest to lure the soul of the evil **** of Zoroza to come and destroy it!

warn! Zoroza's split soul is extremely powerful, and it can reduce his power by reducing the negative energy of humans in the entire continent and increasing the positive energy! 】

   Seeing that he could directly challenge the evil **** of Zoroza, Chen Mo glanced at the priest in front of him and said, "How powerful is the soul of the evil **** of Zoroza? How is it better than the bishop of Zoroza who appeared near Qiluo Town before?"

   "The soul of the evil **** Zorsa is at the level of a lower-level demon god. It is a terrifying existence that can not be defeated in a battle with a god. At least it is as strong as a hundred-level god-level unit." The priest said.

  Hearing this, Chen Mo couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth, "Good guy! Hundred-level god-level, just a soul-splitter and so perverted? Then the body is still good?"

  Seeing that the opponent is so powerful, Chen Mo didn't dare to lure the opponent over now.

  He thought about it, and it is better to spread the hope of the existence of the God of the Brave first, so that the human beings on the mainland can reduce the negative energy and reduce the threat of the evil god's distraction to make it safer.

  Anyway, I have the ability to teleport now, so I don't have to worry about the speed of transmission.

   But before that, Chen Mo clicked on the map and looked, and it was time to get rid of the people in these two galaxies.

  Before setting off, Chen Mo took the time to carefully look at the attributes of the Glory Warrior suit he had obtained before.

  【Glory Brave Set · Dark Gold】

  【Special Restrictions】: Only those who have the title of God of Bravery can equip it

  【Equipment Level】: Same level as the character

  [Equipment Attributes]:

  Health value: (professional star + equipment level)*5000

  Energy value: (professional star + equipment level)*5000

  Defense: (professional star + equipment level)*500

  Material defense: (professional star + equipment level)*500

  All attributes: (professional star + equipment level)*50

  【Suit Special Effects】: Immune to all abnormal and control effects imposed by monsters

  【Special effects】: Assimilation, illusion, isolation, protection, glory, barrier breaking

  〖Assimilation〗: You can absorb the special effects of other armors, but the total number of special effects you have cannot exceed the number of equipment levels.

  〖Transformation〗: Can be transformed into any type of clothing (cannot be seen through).

  〖Isolation〗: Isolate all detection capabilities not higher than this equipment (currently SS level)

  〖Divine Guardian〗: Except for real injuries, all other injuries received will be reduced by 50%!

  〖Glory〗: Increase all attributes by professional star + equipment level)%"

〖Barrier Breaking〗: Any control effect and abnormal effect will be automatically resisted, and the corresponding abnormality can also be removed actively for others. The number of times of resistance/removal is the same as the equipment level, and 1 point of resistance/removal times will be restored every 5 seconds. The current number of times is 『13/ 13".

  [Equipment Introduction]: Only the brave with peak glory can equip the extraordinary suit, and ordinary people will not be able to exert any effect when wearing it.

Carefully looking at the Glory Hero suit, Chen Mo couldn't help but sigh, this suit is ridiculously strong, just like this, it is still at the dark gold level, it has not reached the artifact level, I don't know how strong this suit will be when it reaches the artifact level !

  (end of this chapter)

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