Chapter 150 Time to rest! (25)

  After reading the equipment properties, Chen Mo put the equipment on directly.

   At the same time, the replaced Harvest Set was assimilated.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You are using the assimilation effect of the "Glory Brave Set" to assimilate the "Harvest One-Piece Set". After assimilation, the "Harvest One-Piece Set" will disappear. Are you sure? 】

【confirm! 】

[Tiandao Tip: Assimilation is successful, "Harvest Jumpsuit" has a total of three special effects "Learning" (experience gain rate increased by 100%), "Harvest" (item drop rate increased by 100%), "Harvest" (item drop rate doubled) 50% drop rate).

  Please choose to inherit special effects...]

  Chen Mo directly chose to inherit all!

  【Heavenly Tip: Inheritance succeeded! 】

  With the reminder of the Way of Heaven ended, the Glory Brave suit immediately had three additional special effects.

  Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction, thinking about getting some other special effects to absorb it later.

  After all, if dark gold-level equipment is to be synthesized into an artifact, it may require god-level materials.

  That is not currently available.

  Even if the auction house sells it, it is a sky-high price.

  Chen Mo sold all the garbage in his backpack and it was not enough.

  After putting on the equipment, Chen Mo opened the map and looked at the coordinates of the people in the Yongxing system.

   "It's hard work, you have been running for half a day, and it's time to rest!"

  Chen Mo smiled and directly used the void orb to enter the void space.

   Then use the ring of the sage to teleport to the location of the group of people in the eternal star system.

   At this time, many people in the Yongxing system are always paying attention to Chen Mo's movements. After finding that Chen Mo's dot on the map disappeared again, they knew that Chen Mo had escaped into the void space again.

  But no one would have thought that Chen Mo had come to their side.

   At this moment, they were still talking about dealing with Chen Mo.

   "Captain, we have discovered a pattern. After each teleportation, this guy will take at least one minute for the second teleportation, so we have reason to deduce that his teleportation cooling time should be at least 1 minute."

   "It's useless to know this for only one minute, and we can't run from one end of the map to the other end of the map in one minute."

   "It's useless. Knowing this, the captain's Gu can catch him better. Naturally, it's not a bad thing."

   "I can't wait to catch this man, and I don't know what reward he will get for completing the SSS-level hidden mission. If I can have that good luck and get his treasure, I will get rich."


  Because of the perception ability of the pioneers, Chen Mo can easily perceive the situation of the original world even in the void space.

  At this time, he has a clear insight into what is going on with the Yongxing Galaxy group outside.

   "Gu people? What is this thing? It sounds like it can restrict me."

  Chen Mo tried to perceive the attributes of these people.

  Before he felt that these one hundred people at level 40 were all just one turn, and he looked down on their strength.

   But after checking their attributes, Chen Mo found that there are quite a few powerful ones among them.

  With such strength, they are still stuck in not going to reincarnation. I'm afraid it's a big conspiracy. They want to challenge a four- or five-star job reincarnation task, so they get stuck on purpose.

  "Can't detect it, it seems that the Gu people are some kind of props, or just kill them and get them to see what the effect is.

  However, the combat effectiveness of these people is really good. If you use an army formation for them, it will take some effort to take them down. "

  Chen Mo thought about it and decided to behead him directly!

  First kill their captain, let them lose their backbone and the person who launched the army for a while, and then destroy them while they are in chaos!

   People who turned to level 40 are not weak. Many of them have more than 500,000 HP, and their offense and defense are around 20,000.

  Once they are allowed to launch an army formation and assemble these attributes, the threat is still very great.

  In particular, they are different from monsters, they can cooperate and use tactics.

  Although Chen Mo's current combat power is unlikely to be defeated, it is definitely more troublesome than sneak attacking and killing.

  After making up his mind, Chen Mo has already summoned 3,400 skeleton monsters in the void space, and simultaneously applied the worship of inaction and huge shields to them.

   With a thought in his mind, his figure has emerged from the void.

  Following him came out 3400 invisible skeletons.

  The moment he got out of the space, the people in the Yongxing system hadn't even reacted to the person who appeared out of nowhere.

  They didn't feel the panic of being attacked by the enemy right now.

   They were surprised when they first saw Chen Mo.

   Surprised why this solar system professional flew over to die.

  They have just analyzed that even if the professionals in this solar system have unlimited teleportation ability, they still need a 1-minute cooldown before they can use it again.

  He was suddenly teleported in front of himself and others, and he couldn't leave within a minute. Didn't he come to seek death?

  The moment everyone was astonished, subconsciously there was a burst of ecstasy!

  When they saw Chen Mo, it was as if they saw a treasure that was sent to themselves and others on their own initiative!

   I have seen people who are desperate, but I have never seen someone who is so anxious to find death!

   They were so excited!

   Just when this group of people turned from stupefied to excited, Chen Mo, who they thought was coming to give away the head, had already ordered the skeleton monsters to launch an attack.


  Followed by a flood of flying arrows and streams of fire, it rushed towards the face.

   This group of eternal star system professionals were all dumbfounded.

  Because at the moment when these flying arrows and fire appeared, a large number of skeleton monsters with long-range weapons were densely laid out in the sky.

   It is a large area of ​​blackness, and at a glance, there are at least a thousand of them.

  I thought it was a person coming here, but I never thought that the other party suddenly pulled out such a large group of monsters out of nowhere!

  The people who had just changed from bewildered to ecstatic, turned their emotions into consternation again!

   However, the captain of the Yongxing system is indeed an experienced veteran captain. Faced with this situation, he immediately reacted from the shock and responded in a timely manner. He directly chose to launch the army formation!

  But as I said before, when the military formation is launched, all members need to choose to agree.

  Until everyone agrees, the military formation cannot be activated.

  Even if he reacts faster than others, as long as there is one person in the team who reacts slowly, it is impossible for this army formation to come out immediately!

Puff puff! Bang bang bang!

  As a large number of arrows and fire bombs fell on the team leader of the Eternal Star System, it was difficult for him to dodge even if he had thousands of clones, and he was directly killed by the concentrated fire of Chen Mo's skeleton monster!

  Among the reminders of the Heavenly Dao of the Yongxing Galaxy group, the reminder of formation formation came almost at the same time as the reminder of the captain's death.

  (end of this chapter)

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