Chapter 152 Is this a state weakened by 99%? (15)

  【Prompt from Heaven: Warning! warn! The evil spirit of Zoroza is about to come! The battle is extremely difficult! Please prepare for battle! 】

  As the phantom of the huge meat ball became more and more realistic, the warnings from Tiandao also sounded frequently.

  Chen Mo has long been prepared.

  He has a tyrannical title, equipment, drank Tianlu tea, and obtained the Power of Glory BUFF.

  At this time, Chen Mo's attribute is .


  〖Life〗: 273280/273280

  〖Life recovery〗: 5776 points/10 seconds (40% per second)

  〖Energy〗: 329650/329650

  〖Energy Recovery〗: 7103 points/10 seconds (40% per second)

  〖Physical Attack〗: 16644

  〖Facial Attack〗: 20799

  〖Material Defense〗: 38880

  〖Law Defense〗: 42965

  〖Blast damage〗: 5548%

  Skeleton monster attributes that can be summoned by such attributes are: blood volume 158232, physical property 47470, legal attack 47470, physical defense 0, legal defense 0, characteristics-explosive bomb, resurrection, corpse poison, invisibility, sacredness, concentricity.

  〖Power of Glory〗: All damage caused must be a critical strike, and increased by 10 times (only valid for the current instance boss)

   "My current attributes are much stronger than those of the 40th-level first-turn professionals. I don't know what the strength of this BOSS is."

   When Chen Mo glanced at his attributes, the final boss finally came.


  With the shaking of the ground, the entire temple burst open, and above the priest appeared a huge black mass of flesh with a volume of a thousand meters cubic suspended in the air.

  Its size is so big that it can block out the sky and the sun.

   Chen Mo sensed his attributes immediately upon seeing this.

  【Monster Name】: Zorca Cthulhu

  【Monster Rank】: Lower Demon God

  【Devil God Talent】: Immune to most abnormal effects!

  【Level】: 100


  〖Life〗: 13.5 billion/13.5 billion (99% status weakened)

  〖Energy〗: 13.5 billion/13.5 billion (99% status weakened)

  〖Physical Attack〗: 140,000 (99% status weakened)

  〖Act Attack〗: 140,000 (99% status weakened)

  〖Material Defense〗: 60,000 (99% status weakened)

  〖Ability Defense〗: 60,000 (99% status weakened)

  [Active Skill]: Zoroastrian Curse (Form 99), Zoroastrian Art (Form 99)

  [Divinity]: body of filth, body of sepsis, body of evil spirits, body of Zoroastrianism, thousands of magic pupils

  〖Filthy Body·God〗: The target attacking this unit will be covered with filth, and the filth will always exist. Every time the target is stacked with a layer of filth, the damage caused will be reduced by 1%, and all damage received will be increased by 1%! (Filth can only be eliminated by using the Holy Maiden's Spring)

  〖Body of Sepsis·God〗: When the pustule on the body is broken, a large amount of sepsis will be sprayed out, causing the target to be infected with sepsis, and the whole body will gradually fester, and the target's blood will be deducted according to the degree of poisoning.

  〖Evil Body·God〗: Any unit that attacks the target will be affected by a random abnormal effect that lasts for 10 seconds every time it attacks.

  〖Body of Shaman·God〗: When receiving any damage other than real damage, it can reduce the damage received by 90%, and recover 10% of its maximum HP and energy every second.

  〖Thousands of Magic Pupils·God〗: When the unit stared by the magic pupils casts a skill, the skill cooling increases the number of magic pupils staring, and each magic pupil increases the cooling time by 1 second.

   "Is this a 99% weakened state?"

  Whether it was Chen Mo or Lin Ranhai who was not far away, after reading the attributes of the boss, both of them were stunned.

  The strength of this boss has completely exceeded their expectations.

  Don't talk about his divinity, just talk about his two active skills.

  These two active skills are actually two combined skills, and each of the two active skills has a full 99 skills.

  Chen Moguang spent half a day looking at the skill introduction.

  He just didn't bother to read it.

   "I don't know if my title of God of Bravery can seal ninety-nine of his skills at once."

  Chen Mo tried it immediately.

   It turned out that I thought too much.

  Zorca and Zorsa are just two general terms for all skill combinations of the opponent.

  His skills are 198!

  He can only rely on the title of God of Brave to seal up to three skills of the opponent.

   It's just a drop in the bucket.

  With so many skills, Chen Mo felt that the opponent threw one out in a second, and he couldn't stand it.

   Not to mention that the other party may be able to throw a lot at once.

  I have seen outrageous BOSS, but I have never seen such an outrageous BOSS.

  Chen Mo immediately tried to contact the great sage.

   If there is no way to deal with it, you can only settle the copy directly and run away.

   "Senior Great Sage, the evil spirit of Zoroza has appeared, how can you restrict him?"

  Chen Mo said to the ring.

"If I use all my strength, I can seal all his abilities for 3 minutes. You must try to kill him as much as possible within 3 minutes. Even if you can't kill him, you must let his blood volume increase significantly. Lower it, otherwise it will be very difficult to eliminate him!"

  The great sage sent a message to Chen Mo through soul communication.

  The so-called ability includes all active skills, passive skills, characteristics and so on.

   If it is really possible to completely seal the opponent for 3 minutes, then it will be much easier to deal with.

  However, the great sage added: "But I have no way to seal its demon talent and divinity, and I can only rely on you."

   "Divinity is nothing. I have a way to deal with it. The main reason is that his 198 skills are too terrifying. If you can seal them, it will not be difficult to kill him!"

   "Okay, old man, I'll take a step ahead!"

  As the great sage's voice fell, his true spirit has also emerged from the sage's ring.

   Directly flew towards the soul of Zoroza, who had just arrived and hadn't had time to speak, and flew over.

  As the great sage flew out, Chen Mo immediately waved his staff to summon a large group of skeleton monsters, and added the group boost effect of Wuwei Worship BUFF and God Ring to them!

   At the same time, the effect of his title of God of Bravery and the title of God Slayer Challenger are activated together.

  Chen Mo only left one divinity of the evil body for the opponent, and the other four divinities were completely sealed.

  Because Chen Mo has the Glory Hero suit, he is not afraid of abnormal monsters at all.

   "Great Sage!? You actually came out of the Village of Sages, hahaha, you are looking for death!"

  The evil spirit of Zhasa was not only not afraid when he saw the great sage, but was also very excited.

  Because it knows that although the great sage in the village of sages is very strong, once he goes outside, his combat effectiveness will immediately decline greatly!

  This is a good opportunity to kill him and absorb his true spirit!

  Originally due to the emotional changes of the humans on this continent, the strength was weakened, and the evil spirit of Zoroza was looking for energy supplies everywhere.

  The priest in Qiluo Town is his target because of his special physique, and the great sage in the village of sages is an even bigger target.

  The true spirit of the great sage contains incomparably majestic energy. If he can be absorbed, the strength that fell before will be able to return very quickly.

  (end of this chapter)

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