All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 153: Can't last more than 3 minutes! (2/5)

  Chapter 153 Can't last 3 minutes! (25)

   Just when Zoroza was excited, he discovered that the great sage had used an ancient method of sacrificing souls!

  As the pure power from the rivers around the town poured into the great sage's body frantically, a full five-layer magic circle suddenly appeared on the great sage's body!

   "Damn it, this is a sealing circle for sacrificing the true spirit!!"

  Seeing the great sage's tricks, Zoroza's black fleshy body like a small hill immediately trembled excitedly.

  He directly cast a lot of spells and magic skills on the great sage, trying to kill him before the great sage's sealing technique is completed.

  It's a pity that it was too late, the Great Sage's sealing circle was activated extremely fast!

  I saw the true spirit of the great sage shining brightly, and the rules of heaven and earth descended. A terrifying force of restraint enveloped the evil **** of Zoroza.

   This is a powerful sealing technique that the great sage sacrificed his own true spirit to the heaven and earth before he could use it!

  At the last moment when he sacrificed his soul, he did not forget to remind Chen Mo to seize the time to attack.

   At this time, Chen Mo also received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Heavenly Reminder: The great sage sacrificed himself and used the sealing technique to completely seal the ability of Zorca evil **** to divide his soul! The seal countdown is 2:59, please seize the time to attack! 】

  Chen Mo didn't even glance at the reminder from the Heavenly Dao. The moment he saw the great sage successfully launched the sealing technique, he immediately ordered the skeleton monsters under his hands to attack the Zoroza evil god.

  As for Lin Ranhai behind, he didn't even dare to get close.

   Aside from the question of whether the evil **** is strong or not, as for his body covered with dense eyeballs, pustules and sarcoma, Lin Ranhai would feel like throwing up when he saw it, let alone go close and cut it with a sword.

  Boss has already defeated him mentally before the physical damage started.

  Facing such monsters, Chen Mo is actually disgusting, but fortunately, he is a long-distance occupation, and he basically relies on skeleton monsters for output, so he can still endure the discomfort.

  Following the 3,400 skeleton monsters launching long-range shooting together, whoosh! A burst of stray bullets flew towards a hill like a giant curtain and hit the huge body of Zoroza Cthulhu.

   In the first round of attack, with Chen Mo's missiles arriving first, the skeleton monsters also played a very high output!

  Under the double bonus of Wuwei Worship and Amplifying God Ring, the attack power of each skeleton monster has reached more than 100,000.

   Such an attack power fell on the Zoroastrian soul with only 60,000 defense power, and the damage caused was basically between 80,000 and 90,000.

   After Chen Mo's energy bomb arrived first, the effect of the Skeleton Mage's talent was activated, and the attack damage caused by the Skeleton Monster could be doubled.

  3,400 skeleton monsters attacked in one round, and some critical damage occurred, and the blood volume of the evil **** Zorsa was shot down in an instant with more than 600 million blood.

  But it's a pity that this guy is immune to most of the abnormal effects by relying on the talent of the demon god, and the corpse poison can't go away at all.

  Immune to most of the abnormal effects, this entry is actually a relatively common entry, I have seen it in the culture class in high school.

  Generally, this kind of entry appears, indicating that the range of abnormalities that the target will eat is very small, and this small range is also officially summarized.

  Attribute debuff abnormalities, damage increase, and damage reduction abnormalities, these opponents can take advantage of them.

  But other abnormalities such as silence, blindness, dizziness, disarm, poisoning, burning, freezing, healing reversal, etc., are not to be eaten.

  Generally, this type of entry will appear on some difficult and powerful bosses.

  However, because attribute debuffs and damage increase and decrease abnormalities can continue to take effect, it is not impossible to win.

  At this time, although the abnormal abilities of Chen Mo's skeleton monsters can't be improved, the attack damage alone is enough to drink a pot of evil spirits.

  It can cause more than 600 million damage in one second, and it is impossible for the Zoroastrian God to survive for 3 minutes with a body that has only 13.7 billion HP after its strength has been weakened by 99%!

Seeing that he was being attacked by a large group of small skeleton monsters, the evil **** of Zoroza was able to attack normally even though his ability was sealed, and his normal attack was not ordinary at all, he could grow a lot of tentacles from behind Boom towards the skeleton monster.

  People can only attack once with a normal attack, but he can attack many times at once.

But soon Chen Mo discovered that this guy seemed to have many tentacles, but not every tentacle was his attack power damage. Judging from the reduction in the shield of the skeleton monsters in the front row, this guy had hundreds of tentacles at once. The attack from the root tentacles is actually only one percent of his normal attack.

   And Chen Mo also discovered that there are some thicker tentacles, and the damage is obviously higher.

   It can be seen that although the opponent has more tentacles, the attack efficiency is higher. In fact, the multi-frequency is achieved by dispersing the attack power.

  The reason why the Cthulhu chose this is because he is not stupid at all.

  He knows that skeleton monsters are such **** undead that their defense is very weak. Even if he spreads out hundreds of tentacles, he can still deal full damage to these skeleton monsters.

  He originally wanted to use a large number of tentacles to increase the attack frequency and quickly wipe out the hundreds of annoying skeleton monsters in the front row.

   What he didn't expect was that the shields on the 900 skeleton monsters in the front row were ridiculously thick!

  He frantically whipped a bunch of tentacles, and the shield didn't seem to be taken off.

  Chen Mo emptied the shield released by all his energy values.

He has the 100% mana recovery per second of the ring of the sage and the 40% mana recovery per second effect of the pioneer who has been promoted to level 4 because he completed the SSS-level hidden mission five-star brave trial. His current mana recovery per second is directly It is 140%!

140% mana recovery minus the title of God of the Brave and the 30% needed to seal the evil **** per second. Even if the mana is used up in an instant, he can recover 110% of the mana per second and immediately restore the full mana to maintain the three-point battle against the evil **** of Zoroza. A seal effect!

  With the 900 shields that Chen Mo has now cast with more than 300,000 energy, the thickness of each shield has directly reached more than 24 million.

   It takes at least 150 hits to break a shield with his 160,000 attack power and concentrated attack on one.

   Now that he spreads his attack power and attacks these 900 skeleton monsters at the same time, he will naturally be even more unable to attack them.

   At this time, the evil **** of Zoroza is a hate!

   As long as his Zoroastrian curse and Zoroastrian skills are not sealed, he doesn't need to pay attention to these nine hundred little **** at all!

   Now, instead of gaining any achievements in his attack, he frantically triggered the chain lightning on the shields of the skeleton monsters to counterattack.

   He caused a lot of damage to himself for no reason.

   After all, Chen Mo's damage should not be underestimated now. With a series of targeted titles on him and the power of glory BUFF blessing, he has a very strong ability to damage the evil **** Zorsha!

  (end of this chapter)

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