Chapter 154 Ten billion assets! (3 in 1, 55)

   As a monster, Chen Moguang is the effect of the title of God of Bravery. All damage to Zoroza will be turned into real damage, and the damage will be increased by 100%.

  As a Demon God, Zorsa Cthulhu will also have the effect of Chen Mo's Slaughtering God Challenger title, which also has real damage, and the level 2 Slaughtering God Challenger can cause 200% damage increase to god-level units.

   That’s not counting, at this time Chen Mo still has the Power of Glory BUFF, all the damage he causes must be a critical strike, and it is increased by 10 times!

  Under the triple enhancement, the damage of Chen Mo's own body is quite explosive for Zoroza Cthulhu!

  With Chen Mo's 20799 points of magic attack at this time, the real critical damage that a single attack can cause is close to 35 million points!

  Cthulhu, the hundreds of tentacles continuously attacked the nine hundred skeleton monsters, and each attack triggered hundreds of chain lightning counterattacks.

   Hundreds of chain lightning strikes with a damage of up to 350,000 hit back, and this time the total damage that can be caused is as high as three to four billion!

  Chen Mo didn't need to rely on the output of the skeleton monster anymore, just relying on the damage of his own explosion, he was about to kill the evil **** of Zoroza directly.

  Thanks to the cleverness of this evil **** of Zoroza, he was shocked by the crackling electric shock, and after his blood volume dropped suddenly, he immediately stopped attacking in fright.

  Looking at the tens of billions of blood on the BOSS, after being electrocuted by a lightning chain, it immediately fell to only a trace of blood.

  Lin Ranhai's eyeballs almost fell out of shock.

  You said that you are a summoner, and the summoned objects are powerful.

   But why are you still working as a mage?

   Isn’t this Chain Lightning the skill of the Thunder Mage?

   What's even more outrageous is that the damage is too bad!

   Almost in the blink of an eye, the BOSS was almost electrocuted to death.

  The orthodox thunder mage came here and dare not say that he has such combat power!

  Lin Ranhai couldn't help sighing that what kind of monster did he accidentally form into the book!

   "As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have good fortune. I have not even started the catastrophe, and I have received good fortune."

  Originally this time, no matter whether he enters the dungeon by himself or brings other normal first-rank professionals into the dungeon, basically facing the invasion of a 100-man brigade, there is only one dead end.

   A person I met by chance that I never thought of bringing in, actually has the fighting power to turn the world around!

  When Lin Ranhai was shocked, Zoroza had already stopped attacking.

   But even if he reacts, he has already drained 12 billion of his blood

   A few more rounds of attacks from Chen Mo's skeleton monster would be enough to kill him.

  Don't say 3 minutes, now it's not even a minute.

   Originally, if he didn't attack, he would be able to last for about 2 minutes.

   But now he wants to die by himself, and it doesn't matter if he attacks the skeleton monster with a shield on Chen Mo.

   He even split hundreds of tentacles out to attack together.

   Doesn't this mean that he didn't die fast enough?

   This random pumping really directly electrified himself, making him burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

   Now that he stops, it's just a slow death.

   Within three breaths, his blood volume was completely emptied by the skeleton monster.

   Even before the mutation appeared, it exploded and died on the spot.

   Fortunately, everything after he exploded turned into black ash and evaporated. Otherwise, if the whole town was stained by the body fragments of this disgusting thing, Qiluo Town might not be able to survive.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully killing the "Zorca Cthulhu Soul", you have obtained 10,000 dungeon bonus points. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully killing "Zoroza Cthulhu Soul". Since this dungeon is a star dungeon, all professionals in your galaxy can get 10,000 dungeon bonus points. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations to you for killing the evil spirit of Zorca and successfully saving the world! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: The difficulty level of this dungeon mission is SSS, and the mission completion evaluation is being calculated! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: The completion of this task is evaluated as perfect! An SSS level reward will be issued to you! 】

  【Prompt from heaven: The whole team can only get one SSS-level reward, which will be distributed to the member with the highest contribution to the task, and other members will receive SS-level rewards, and the contribution is being calculated...】

  【Tiandao reminder: Professional Zhao Min’s contribution rate is 100%, professional Lin Ranhai’s contribution rate is 0%, SSS level rewards will be distributed to professional Zhao Min! Recipients can redistribute by themselves. 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations on getting a SSS-level gift package! 】

[Tiandao Tip: This dungeon of the stars is a level 40 one-turn dungeon. According to the reward rules, every reward point you get can be converted into 80 experience points. If it is detected that your level is less than 50% of the dungeon level, the experience value you get will increase by 50% %, it is detected that you have not performed career reincarnation, and the experience points you gain increase by 50%.

  According to the 24,000 reward points you got, you finally got 3.84 million experience points! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: You have killed a total of 120 alien professionals this time, and the experience value you finally gained will increase by an additional 120%! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: You finally got 8.448 million experience points! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Your level has increased, the current level is 15! 】

  [Experience]: 8247338/149600 (third-order bottleneck)

  【Heavenly reminder: Your level has reached level 15, and you have reached the third-order bottleneck, you can choose to break through the test! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: No matter whether you fail or succeed, you can only challenge the breakthrough test once. If you want to challenge, please do it with the best posture. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: If you don’t want to take the test of breaking the realm, please choose to break the realm independently. At the current stage, you only need to wait for one day before you can break through the realm by yourself and break through the upper limit of the level, but you will not be able to gain and accumulate experience points during this period. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: You have successfully killed all alien professionals this time, and you have received an additional "Stars Gift Pack"! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: The dungeon is about to end, the countdown is 3, 2, 1...】

  As a series of Heavenly Dao reminders sounded, Lin Ranhai was already numb from the shock.

  He didn't expect that this trip to the dungeon, not to mention winning all the way, would yield such a great harvest.

   Not to mention two SS-level rewards, he also gained more than 8 million experience points.

   Now not only can he directly rise to level 25, but he even has enough experience points to challenge the level 25 breakthrough assessment.

   Of course, what he meant by enough was the low-difficulty breakthrough assessment.

   Not everyone can challenge the SSS level breaking test like Chen Mo.

  If you want to challenge the SSS-level breakthrough assessment at level 25, you need to accumulate at least nine million experience points.

  Chen Mo's level 15 is much less. He only needs less than 1.5 million experience to complete the SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment challenge.

   But it is also very difficult for normal level 15 professionals to accumulate experience points.

  Chen Mo doesn't need to worry about this experience point now.

  As the dungeon countdown ended, a light flashed before Chen Mo and Lin Ranhai had left the dungeon space and returned to Lin Ranhai's room.

   "This cooperation is very pleasant, see you next time." Chen Mo said with a smile and flew out of Lin Ranhai's window directly.

   After all, if he went out through the normal door, he might have to be stopped by his mother for a chat.

   Seeing this, Lin Ranhai didn't say anything but watched Chen Mo leave.

  Everything that happened today was so dreamlike to him, and after the joy of harvesting subsided, his heart was still full of unreality.


  Chen Mo left Lin Ranhai's house and flew back to Linlangtian Auction House.

   "I don't know how much my two treasures sold for."

  Chen Mo estimated that it should be able to sell for about 2.5 billion, but if the handling fee is deducted, he doesn't know how much is left.

  Because the copy was delayed for more than a day, it was already the next day.

   After Chen Mo took out his membership card and took a look, he found that the number on his membership card had changed.

   It can be seen that the other party has already paid in.

   It's just that when you are in the copy, the information has not been synchronized.

   When I come back, the information will be directly synchronized.

   This so-called membership card is more like a special card computer, Chen Mo can directly use the card to check the balance.

  The technology of such a high-end card is not actually thought of by the people on earth, but mastered in some technology copies.

  Chen Mo checked, and the resurrection cross and sexual transformation fruit he sold, after deducting transaction fees, handling fees and other expenses, there are actually 2.5 billion, which is more than he just estimated.

  After all, the auction house charges a lot of fees, and it is entirely possible for 2.5 billion people to deduct more than one-tenth of it.

   Now that you can still earn so much after deducting the expenses, it is considered a good income.

  Of course the money is still in the membership card at this time, Chen Mo needs to go to the counter to get it out.

   Soon he flew to Linlang Tiantian Auction House.

   There is a steady stream of people coming here almost every day.

  Chen Mo entered the auction house, but he didn't come directly to withdraw the money, but found yesterday's auctioneer.

  Since there are few people like Chen Mo who sell resurrection crosses, the auctioneer is very impressed with Chen Mo.

  After she was busy with a customer, she immediately said to Chen Mo enthusiastically: "Miss Zhao is here again, I don't know what you want to identify this time?"

   "I have a lot of trivial things here, I hope you can take a look."

   As he spoke, Chen Mo poured out a lot of backpacks from his backpack, and poured out all the contents of those backpacks.

   Looking at at least hundreds of pieces of equipment, items, and various materials on the ground, the three appraisers in the room were amazed.

  Generally, those who come to sell goods like this are definitely from the dungeon of stars.

  But they don't ask where they came from when they do business, but only talk about the price, so naturally they don't say much.

  The three of them are also very experienced appraisers. After classifying the things on the ground at a fast speed, they divided the work and started the appraisal in an orderly manner.

   After almost an hour, the three finally finished counting.

   "Miss Zhao, we have already calculated the total value of everything here. Based on the purchase price, I will give you a total of 6 billion. What do you think?"


  Chen Mo didn't even bother to bargain. There were too many things. He didn't know the value of each item, and he didn't bother to check and negotiate the price of each item.

  It is a good thing to be able to sell at a good price in one go.

   Only by converting income into money can the circulation continue.

   Soon, Chen Mo's membership card gained another 6 billion.

  At this time, Chen Mo's membership level is not far from the gold card member.

  There are 8.5 billion assets in the membership card alone, and Chen Mo himself has more than one billion.

   Adding up, Chen Mo's current wealth is close to tens of billions.

  For a strong person, assets like Chen Mo are nothing, but for a person who has never had a single turn, such wealth is already considered quite rich.

   "By the way, a day has passed, and I don't know if all the things I want are new."

  Chen Mo put away his membership card and looked at the receptionist lady beside him.

   "Miss Zhao, there are a lot of new things on the market yesterday, please take a look."

   Seeing that Chen Mo was about to consume again, the receptionist at the side immediately stepped forward to serve him enthusiastically.

   It is impossible for the auction house to charge any handling fees for receiving things, but as long as there is a sale between customers, then they have a handling fee to go whoring for nothing.

  Chen Mo took the tablet and flipped through it. It took only a day. Although a lot of new things were added, he didn't see what he needed.

   "It seems that legendary materials are not so easy to get."

   After Chen Mo sighed, he thought about it, and it might be that there were not enough Linlangtians in their town to fight.

   "Perhaps you should visit the High Chamber of Commerce in the city."

   After the exam, he hasn’t seen his grandfather’s condition yet, so Chen Mo decided to check on his grandfather’s condition. He also went to the Great Chamber of Commerce in the center of Fengze City to have a look.

   Maybe there will be auctions for what you need.

  Before leaving the auction house, Chen Mo exchanged all the money in the membership card through the front desk for eternal gold coins and put them into the Tiandao system.

   Actually, he didn't need to be so troublesome.

  As long as he uses his real identity to connect his account with the Tiandao system, he can convert income thousands of miles away.

   But Chen Mo didn't want to connect the two identities, so he chose this troublesome method.

  Leaving the auction house, Chen Mo wandered around the town as before, and then found a remote place to change back to the original, and then returned home.

  Chen Mo is going to see if he needs to bring something for Sister Yiyi.

  He contacted the other party directly by phone.

   "Hey, silently, have you finished your exam?"

  As soon as she answered the phone, Liu Yiyi's gentle voice came over.

   "Well, after the exam, I got a super high score. I'm at home and I'm going to go to your side. Can you see if I need to bring something for you?"

   "That's nothing to bring. I bought a change of clothes here. You can come here by yourself. However, the college entrance examination should be over soon, so you won't delay."

   "No, have you forgotten that I can fly? Flying around very quickly."

   "That's OK."

   After hanging up the phone, Chen Mo flew out of the room from the window and flew towards Yinchuan County, Fengze City.

   With full acceleration, he soon came to the hospital.

  Because it has been more than ten days, and relatives have been coming to visit grandpa these two days. As soon as Chen Mo came to the corridor, he saw a few acquaintances.

  These people are from the second grandfather's side.

  Chen Mo's grandfather Liu Yuanzong had three brothers in total, and Liu Yuanzong was the third eldest.

  Although there are many people in this family, their luck seems to be not very good. Of the four brothers, only one of them has awakened to a combat profession, and the other three are all life professions.

   And there is no improvement in the next generation.

  Liu Yiyi is a living occupation, the eldest Liu Yuankui’s son is a living occupation, the second eldest Liu Yuansheng’s son is a living occupation, and the youngest Liu Yuanxi’s daughter is a living occupation.

   It can be said that it is absolutely perfect.

  But the next generation suddenly changed their luck.

  Liu Yiyi is single so far, and has adopted Chen Mo, who has a fighting profession.

   And Liu Yuankui's grandson, Liu Yuansheng's granddaughter, and Liu Yuanxi's grandson are all combat occupations now.

   And their fighting profession is not bad, two stars and one two stars.

  Including Chen Mo, it is equivalent to two two stars and two three stars.

   Such a family has some hope.

  Otherwise, like before, the whole family can't count on anyone making money.

Except for Liu Yuanxi who can earn some decent income to support her grandson's growth, the other two are the same as Liu Yuanzong. They have enough money to support themselves, but if they want to train the next generation well, the money in hand is really not enough. how enough.

  At this time, what Chen Mo met was Liu Yunfei, the son of the second eldest Liu Yuansheng, and his grandson Liu Yiming and his son.

   "Momo, why are you here? Didn't it mean that you are still taking the exam?"

   Seeing Chen Mo, Liu Yunfei immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

  My own son is useless and failed to get a place in the exam, so he is not as promising as the adopted child.

   "Hi Uncle, I've finished the exam, so I'm coming to see Grandpa."

   Chen Mo said with a smile.

  Although Liu Yunfei is the second grandfather's son, he was born the first. Liu Yuanxi's daughter is the second child, Liu Yuankui's son is the third child, and Liu Yiyi is the youngest of the second generation.

   "Well, tell uncle quickly, how did you do in the exam?"

  Liu Yunfei smiled and put his arms around Chen Mo's shoulders, followed him to the ward and said.

   "Not bad, I got 500 extra points."

  Chen Mo said it easily, but Liu Yunfei and Liu Yiming looked at him in shock.

   "Five hundred!?" Liu Yiming said in disbelief, "This should be a top mark."

  Liu Yunfei was also surprised and asked: "The 500 bonus points can only be obtained by ranking high in the five-star survival dungeon, right? How long have you survived?"

"30 days."

"How many!?"

   Now Liu Yunfei and Liu Yiming were directly petrified in place.

  Thirty days later, they wondered if there was something wrong with their ears.

   When the two exclaimed, they also alarmed the people in the ward, and someone opened the door and walked out immediately.

  Grandma looked outside and said, "Come here silently, come in quickly, and the two of you are also yelling in the corridor, come in."

  Grandma didn't know what happened, but she was still very calm.

   But Liu Yunfei and Liu Yiming were not calm at all.

   "Auntie, you don't know, Momo got 500 points, 500 points for the exam this time!"

   Liu Yunfei said excitedly.

   At this time, Liu Yiyi and several other relatives in the ward also heard the movement outside and came over.

  When they walked over, the first thing they heard was the news that Chen Mohui had scored 500 points in the exam.

  Everyone was extremely shocked.

"Five hundred points? How is it possible? This is the top score of the exam. You can only pass the challenge of the five-star difficulty dungeon, and you have to be among the best. That's not enough. At least you have to get enough special boss kills to make it possible." Get it."

   "That's right, 500 bonus points didn't happen often even in previous years. Isn't Momo a two-star job? How did you do it?"

  No one thinks that Chen Mo is lying. After all, this thing can be found with a simple search. There is no point in lying. They are just purely unbelievable.

   At this time, someone soon found the relevant notification.

   "Really, you see, silently's name is on the front, just like a five-star career kid named Yan Yingyue, with 500 bonus points."

  Chen Mo said with a smile: "It is only with the help of this five-star professional classmate that I was able to get the 500 bonus points."

  Chen Mo didn't lie either. In the later stages of the dungeon, he couldn't move much anymore. It was all because of Yan Yingyue's use of the possession ability to help him greatly improve his combat effectiveness.

  Of course, if there is no Yan Yingyue, Chen Mo can also improve his combat effectiveness by upgrading his skill level.

   It's just a waste of money that way.

  As soon as they heard that Chen Mo was able to get 500 extra points because he was taken care of by a five-star professional, everyone immediately told Chen Mo to have a good relationship with this classmate.

   After all, it is not easy to meet friends with five-star professions.

   They couldn't even ask for one of them.

  Since the other party is willing to bring Chen Mo, a two-star professional, together to get top points, it is obvious that the other party has some friendship with Chen Mo.

  Since this is the case, it is natural to pursue the victory and build a more stable friendship.

  Liu Yiyi also said after listening: "Let me meet this classmate next time. I can also thank her in person. She has helped me a lot."

  As soon as the words came out, someone next to him immediately booed: "It seems that the child's name is a girl. The one we grew up silently is also a good-looking talent. If we work hard, we might be able to win him."

   "Haha silently, then you have to work hard. If you can marry a five-star initial professional daughter-in-law and go home, then we will all feel honored."

   "Where is it, we are just ordinary friends, don't talk nonsense."

  Chen Mo, who was somewhat embarrassed by the elders' booing, immediately changed the topic and said, "Don't just talk about me, how is grandpa doing now?"

"It's okay, he's doing well. Speaking of which, our relatives are really useless, and we don't have much money to help. I heard that you paid all the medical expenses this time. Your grandfather is able to sleep peacefully thanks to you." until now.

   Momo, you are a good and capable boy. Now that your grandfather is out of danger, we can still help with daily expenses. If you have spare money, you should try to improve your strength first.

   It’s rare for you to get 500 extra points, so don’t waste it, try to get into a good school. "

   At this time, Liu Yuansheng, the second child in the crowd, stood up and looked at Chen Mo gratefully and said.

   When it comes to money, they really can't help much.

  After all, the cost of treatment this time has reached tens of millions, which is too much!

  If it wasn't for Chen Mo this time, even if Liu Yiyi's family approached them to borrow money, they probably wouldn't be able to raise much.

   After all, the children in every family are in an important growth stage, and everyone has already invested money in them to improve their combat power.

  Suddenly received the news that Grandpa Chen Mo was seriously ill, and they also had no money for a while.

As an adopted son of Liu Yiyi, Chen Mo was able to give up a huge amount of money to improve his combat power to save a grandfather who was not related by blood. To put it bluntly, it was useless to live. It was really impossible for him to be a real brother. Shame on the busy man!

  (end of this chapter)

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