Chapter 163 The Mystery of the Dungeon! (2 in 1, 29)

   After careful consideration of the pros and cons, Chen Mo felt that it would be better not to conduct the boundary-breaking assessment now.

   Now that they know it, they set their sights on the college entrance examination.

  It's better to wait for their large-scale exposure this time.

   After all, there must be a lot of capable people out of the results of the college entrance examination, and they may not be able to find the right person to assassinate. They must cast a wide net.

   This is bound to bring out a lot of secrets.

  I heard that the number of aliens who can enter the earth has become less and less recently.

  If this wave can consume a large amount of the opponent's secrets, I won't have to be timid every day in the future.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo decided to postpone the breakthrough assessment.

   Today, Chen Mo completely relaxed for a day, and prepared well for tomorrow's college entrance examination.

   But when he was resting, he suddenly received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Tiandao Tip: You have received a counter-offer for the "Pure Elixir" you consigned, please check. 】

  Things in the Tiandao trading market can be counter-offered, and the person who set the price can set the minimum counter-offer ratio by himself.

   You can also refuse to accept the counter-offer.

  Generally, if it is not set when it is put up, others have the right to counter-offer up to 50% of the price.

  Chen Mo glanced at it, and the counter-offer actually paid 1.5 billion. He directly rejected the counter-offer, and then turned back and set that he would not accept the counter-offer.

   In this way, you will no longer receive a counter-offer, and others will either buy it or go to another place.

   Not long after, Chen Mo received another private message.

  【Tiandao account 1765XX...: May I ask if your panacea can be lowered a little bit? My family urgently needs this medicine to save my life. I only have 1.8 billion in my whole body. Otherwise, I will mortgage my epic props to you with 200 million? 】

  After reading the private message on the other side, Chen Mo thought of his grandfather's previous situation. If others really waited for emergency medicine, 1.8 billion would not be impossible to sell.

   After all, it is more profitable than the previous auction price.

   And the opponent added an additional epic item.

  【Tiandao account number 7777XX...: What epic item? 】

   Soon the other party sent the item information over.

  【Calm Gem · Epic】

  [Item Passive Effect]: When carrying it, the cooldown of all skills of the owner is reduced by 20%. (It can also take effect in the backpack)

  [Item Introduction]: With it, you will be able to release your skills faster.

   "Reduce the cooldown time by one-fifth, which is not bad, and it is applicable to any profession."

   It must be no problem to sell this thing for more than 100 million.

  【Tiandao account number 7777XX...: Can be traded. 】

  【Tiandao account number 1765XX...: Thank you, please open me up for a special counter-offer. 】

  Chen Mo immediately set it up.

  Special counter-offer is a counter-offer that allows the other party to use money and items to pay together.

  【Tiandao reminder: Tiandao account number 1765XX... want to use 18 eternal gold coins plus a "calm gem·epic level" to buy your "panacea", do you agree? 】

  Chen Mo clicked on the Gem of Calm again and took a look. After confirming that there was no problem, he clicked Agree directly.

  【Heavenly reminder: The transaction is completed, you have obtained 18 eternal gold coins and a "Calm Gem Epic". 】

   "The panacea really makes money."

  The cost of making medicine by yourself is only 600 million, which can be more than a billion at random, and the cost of selling two bottles of prescriptions can be recovered quickly.

  Chen Mo immediately spent 600 million to make another bottle, and put it up at a price of 2 billion.

  The money in hand is back to close to 5 billion.

  Now the prices of houses near the Municipal College Union are estimated to be around this price.

  Chen Mo is going to set up a set after the college entrance examination is over.

   In the afternoon, Liu Yiyi went home early.

   "Sister Yiyi, it's so early today."

  Chen Mo smiled and went out to meet her.

  Liu Yiyi smiled brightly and said: "The master has found a new gardener, and I can come back after explaining to her the previous garden structure.

  It's early today, so I'll cook some delicious Kung Fu dishes for you tonight. "

   Said Liu Yiyi shook the ingredients in her hand.

  That night, Chen Mo ate Liu Yiyi's Kung Fu dishes for the first time in a long time, feeling quite satisfied with his chubby stomach.

   "It's delicious but you can't eat too much, you see."

  Liu Yiyi smiled and watched Chen Mo rubbing his stomach as if he couldn't eat anymore.

  Although Sister Yiyi is not a professional chef, to Chen Mo, the food she cooks is no worse than those professional chefs, and even the extra points of family affection make Chen Mo feel that Sister Yiyi's cooking is the best.

   "Rest early tonight, you can't be late for the college entrance examination tomorrow."


   On the second day, Chen Mo got up early in the morning.

   He didn't dare to neglect the crucial day.

  For the college entrance examination, go to the school in groups, and send all the students to the college entrance examination venue at once through the teleportation array.

  There are a total of ten college entrance examination venues across the country.

  Each college entrance examination venue can accommodate a total of 10,000 people.

   That is, the number of people in the post-era is not as large as before, otherwise it would be the old era.

   Huaguoneng has tens of millions of candidates for the college entrance examination every year.

  Natural disasters came that year, and countless people were killed and injured around the world. Later, everyone slowly regained their homes amidst the ruins.

  Now the total population of China is only hundreds of millions.

  In addition, most of the children of aristocratic families do not take the college entrance examination, and life and occupation do not take the college entrance examination.

  The number of people taking the college entrance examination naturally dropped sharply and then sharply.

   Every year there are 100,000 candidates across the country, which is too much.

  Sometimes ten venues are not enough.

  When I came to the school, it was already crowded with people.

  Chen Mo glanced but did not see Yan Yingyue, guessing that she was teleported directly from the academy alliance to the college entrance examination venue.

  After all, she has experienced the last assassination and her performance in setting the historical record of the examination, so she is obviously well protected.

   "Old Mo, how are your preparations going?"

   At this time, Fang Datong, who had changed his equipment again, walked over.

  Chen Mo looked at him in surprise: "Where did you get this binding equipment?"

   "Eh? How do you know that I wear binding equipment? I hide it specially."

  Chen Mo almost forgot that his pioneer perception ability is too strong, and he can see everything hidden. He immediately laughed and said, "I guess, your temperament has become different from before."

   "Hey, you guessed it right! I got this equipment myself because a rich woman gave me a set of good equipment under investment."

   "Rich woman!?" Chen Mo looked Fang Datong up and down in astonishment, "Your career is not very good, and rich woman has a crush on you?"

   "You can't be judged by your appearance. How can I say that I am also a three-star fighter? I'm afraid that less than one percent of the new candidates in the country have awakened to three-star professions. My buddies are also among the best!"

  Chen Mo looked at the school gate and smiled, "Who is it at the school gate? Introduce me?"

   "Ahem, you don't need to know this."

   "Shame on you?" Chen Mo said teasingly.

   "Ahem, cough, it's just that she looks a little different. It doesn't matter. The important thing is that she is rich. When I become stronger in the future, I will find her a holy fruit of beauty. Everything will be worth it."

   "You are really not picky." Chen Mo was speechless.

   "Don't keep talking about me, how is your preparation? I heard that you won the grand prize in the exam this time, 1.1 billion, right?"

   "Well, so the preparations are quite sufficient, and I feel that there is no problem with more than one book."

"I really envy you. There is a five-star professional class flower from the third class to take you flying. I have seen Yan Yingyue before. She is really beautiful and has a good figure. Lao Mo, you are dishonest. When will you date someone?" of?"

  As soon as Fang Datong finished speaking, he felt a chill behind his back.

  He glanced sideways, only to see Shen Bingbing looking at him with a cold expression.

  He immediately shrank his neck.

   "What nonsense are you talking about? It's just that they were assigned to the same copy by chance, and they are from the same school, so they cooperated together."

  Chen Mo retorted.

  After Chen Mo finished speaking, Fang Datong felt that the pressure behind him was much less.

  He took a deep breath and said: "It's true, it's true, there are many beauties in our class, and Bingbing is pretty good, don't you think so?"

   "If it's looks, the two are on par, but if it's temperament, they have completely different feelings."

  Chen Mo just made a casual comment.

  Fang Datong felt a pain in his back and did not dare to ask what the difference was.

   While the two were talking, the teachers had already walked over.

  Principal Shen Rulong stood in front of everyone and said: "Everyone, let me just say a few words, today is the most important day for everyone!

  The hard work and preparation for more than ten years in the past is to achieve the best results today!

  Teacher has nothing to say here, I can only wish everyone can perform well and achieve their ideal results! "

  The principal really said a few simple words, then he set up the teleportation array and started teleporting.

   With the formation of a huge teleportation array.

   In a flash of light, everyone appeared in a huge and empty hall.

   It's just that the central area is already densely packed with people.

   "Teachers, please leave the area of ​​the teleportation array and watch from the nearby high platform. All you need to do is stay where you are and wait. The exam will officially start at 8 o'clock!"

  Chen Mo sensed it through his perception ability.

  Under my feet is an extremely huge teleportation array, which can accommodate tens of thousands of students in the guild hall.

  The clubhouse has a circular shape as a whole, surrounded by a circle of spectator stands with steps upwards, and in the central area of ​​the clubhouse, there are four huge screens hanging.

  It revealed the names, occupations, and schools of tens of thousands of candidates this time.

  Because it’s a balanced copy, everyone’s level will be limited to level 10 after entering. Whether it’s equipment or skills, all restrictions beyond level 15 cannot be used, so there is no need for a level display.

   On the contrary, professional star rating has become the most critical.

  The copy of the college entrance examination is the most balanced copy.

  Everyone will enter a copy space alone to start the exam.

   But you don’t have to be afraid that you will not be able to kill monsters if you are a supporting class, you will not be able to fight monsters if you are a pure output class, you will not be able to kill monsters if you are a pure meat class, etc.

   After entering the copy space, you can recruit some NPC teammates of different professions in the initial town.

   These NPC teammates will have the same professional star attributes as you (professional talents are still normal), and have a set of initial suits, and their suits will be automatically upgraded after each level.

   And they absolutely obey your instructions. After forming the team they want, they can head towards the dungeon.

   According to the number of floors of the dungeon, test points are obtained.

  The deeper you go, the higher your score.

  However, you can’t recruit too many people. The more teammates you recruit, the more difficult the dungeon will be.

  When you don’t recruit anyone, the difficulty of the dungeon is 100%. Every time you recruit a teammate, the difficulty of the dungeon will increase by 10%, and increase by 10% one by one...

   That is to say, recruiting one teammate, the difficulty becomes 110%, recruiting two teammates becomes 130%, three becomes 160%, four is 200%, five is 250% difficulty...

   You can only recruit up to five.

  As people continued to send over, it was about 7:50.

  The radio rang.

   are some explanations about the college entrance examination.

  Basically, it is the rules that everyone has known before.

  Everyone is already familiar with it.

   With a lot of rules and precautions finished, the time for the college entrance examination is coming soon.

   In the stands, teachers from various colleges also started chatting.

  All made some guesses about the students who might get good grades in this college entrance examination.

  Su Tianxin set his sights on Shen Bingbing and Chen Mo.

  Although Chen Mo is only two stars, she always feels that Chen Mo has a different kind of self-confidence, which particularly infects her.

   This made her inexplicably feel that Chen Mo could perform well.

  So she subconsciously paid attention to Chen Mo.

   Soon 8 o'clock will officially arrive.

   "This exam has officially started, all students please get ready!"

  3 seconds later, the teleportation circle in the middle flashes.

  The tens of thousands of students who were originally densely chattering disappeared without a trace.

  Chen Mo only felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, and he had already appeared in a quaint small town.

  The town of red bricks and green tiles, the ground paved with bluestone, looks quite simple.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have entered the special assessment dungeon "Mystery of the Dungeon". A mysterious dungeon entrance has recently appeared around Wuge Village, attracting many adventurers to enter.

  Please form a team of adventurers of your own to enter and explore.

   This dungeon will not lead to death. If you die in the dungeon, you will be directly resurrected and kicked out of the dungeon without death penalty.

   The time limit for this copy is 24 hours, please try to get a deeper level of strategy within 24 hours!

   The more layers you go deep into the dungeon, the higher the rewards you can get, up to SSS rewards!

  This dungeon has an exclusive special title reward. The more layers you penetrate, the higher the title level, up to the SSS title.

   Every time you advance five floors, you can choose to increase the reward grade by one grade.

  Up to 50 floors.

  The initial reward level is C level.

  This dungeon only allows participants under the official age of 14 (that is, humans on earth under the age of 19), and only one challenger can get the highest level reward at the same time. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: The dungeon will officially start in 5 minutes, please go and form your own adventurer team immediately. 】

   After reading the tips from Heaven, Chen Mo immediately wandered around the village.

  To his surprise, all the NPCs that could be recruited in the village were all seven-star.

   "My good fellow, are the stars of the hidden professions actually synchronized? This dungeon is awesome."

  However, Chen Mo does not plan to recruit teammates, because he has no need to recruit teammates at all.

  He doesn’t need tanks, output, healing, or support.

   Rather than recruiting teammates to increase the difficulty, it is better to single out the original difficulty by yourself.

  [PS]: Nine chapters (18,000) will be updated today, and those who still owe more will be updated, and four chapters (8,000) will be updated first.

  (end of this chapter)

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