Chapter 164 Poor acting skills! (2 in 1, 49)

  Chen Mo walked around the village and found that apart from some professionals, there was nothing else to pay attention to.

  He went directly to the entrance of the dungeon.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You still have 1 minute to prepare. Do you want to start the dungeon directly? 】

【yes! 】

  【Prompt from heaven: It has been detected that you have not recruited teammates. Once you enter the dungeon, you will not be able to return! Are you sure you want to challenge alone? 】

【yes! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Since you chose to challenge alone, the difficulty of this assessment is 100%, and you have obtained an extra BUFF "Lone Brave"】

  Following the reminder of the Dao of Heaven, Chen Mo has also entered the first floor of the dungeon.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You have entered the first floor of the mysterious dungeon, and the countdown has officially begun! Please find the stairs to the next floor as soon as possible. 】

  Chen Mo glanced at the title of Lonely Brave.

  【Lone Brave】: You get 10% life and energy recovery effect every second.

   "Good general title."

  Chen Mo rolled his eyes, thinking it was some great title.

   Now that I have the Ring of Sage and the title of Pioneer, the recovery per second has already exceeded the standard. I don’t know how much.

   This title is useless.

  Close the Heavenly Dao interface, and Chen Mo's pioneer's insight ability is fully activated, and he immediately perceives the situation on the first floor of the dungeon.

   I have to say, this dungeon is quite big.

  If each floor has such a large map, only 24 hours is given to others, Chen Mo can't help but feel that it is a bit short.

   Of course, he has also investigated that if you kill the bottom boss of every five levels, you can get a reward option. At that time, you can choose to increase the survival time and extend the time you stay in the instance.

   But this conflicts with your choice to upgrade the reward level.

  In the most ideal situation, killing the boss every five floors can increase the reward level.

   In this way, five floors can be upgraded to B-level, ten floors to A-level, fifteen floors to S-level, twenty-five floors to SS-level, and twenty-five floors to SSS-level.

  But no one has done it in history, because the time is too late.

  Chen Mo really wanted to challenge.

  Through the pioneer's perception ability, Chen Mo can easily perceive everything around him 400 meters away.

  This ability cooperates with God-level flashing, Chen Mo can directly move forward by 400 meters, 400 meters flashing, as if shrinking to an inch.

   Seeing that there was no abnormality in the perception range, Chen Mo reached 400 meters with a flicker, followed by another flicker.

  During the period, he sensed that there were many mobs on the road.

   It doesn’t matter whether these things are killed or not, Chen Mo skipped them and flashed all the way to the stairs on the second floor.

   There is an elite monster guarding the stairs on the second floor.

  Chen Mo didn't want to ignore him and went directly to the stairs and went to the next floor.

  However, he felt that the front of the stairs was sealed by a layer of special energy. This energy has the power of the great way, and even the flickering of the gods cannot penetrate it.

  【Heavenly reminder: Only by killing the elite monsters on the defensive layer can the channel seal be broken and enter the next layer. 】

  Receiving the reminder from Heaven, Chen Mo didn't care. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a lot of skeleton monsters and fired a salvo at the elite monster.

   This elite monster was still sleeping peacefully in front of the stairs, but unexpectedly, it was suddenly attacked by Chen Mo's army of skeleton monsters!

   While he was still asleep, he died directly.

   "It's safe to die like this."

  Chen Mo smiled and entered the next floor with a flicker.

  At this time, the outside world, the number of layers and survival time of all candidates are displayed.

   Among the tens of thousands of candidates, only one person's level suddenly became "2".

   "So fast!? How long has it been?"

   "Could it be that he was so lucky that the entrance to the next floor happened to be near where he entered the dungeon?"

   "It is possible, there have been such students before."

   "No, look at the current time, isn't everyone still recruiting teammates at this point in time?"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone reacted immediately.

   "Indeed, this kid recruits teammates too fast?"

   "Could it be that even the positions of NPCs are so easy to gather in a pile, that there is no need to search all over the village?"

   "That's really bad luck."

  Chen Mo directly entered the dungeon one minute earlier, and then reached the second floor through a few quick flashes and then the elite monsters in seconds.

   The total time spent on the first floor of the dungeon should not exceed 10 seconds.

   Indeed, he never even used up the preparation time given to him by Heaven.

  Seeing that he showed his face at the beginning of Haibin No. 2 Middle School, Shen Rulong was inexplicably a little proud.

  Although it was only a two-star skeleton mage who showed his face.

  Although he may just be lucky.

   But this does not prevent the name of Haibin No. 2 Middle School from being published.

  Go to the second floor.

  Chen Mo still found the entrance to the third floor with a few flashes.

  In fact, he had long expected that after the college entrance examination, the aliens would make some moves. Since they decided to break the boat, I am afraid that everyone present would be involved.

  Chen Mo is not afraid to show his face at this time.

   After all, it is only a two-star profession, and the other party can confirm it by just checking it. There were aliens at their school gate that day witnessed it with their own eyes.

   Awakening professions cannot be faked.

  Chen Mo is not afraid of being targeted because of this.

   Showing color is showing color, and one's own foundation cannot be faked.

   Aliens will not fail to understand this.

   They may even feel that the Earth Academy Alliance has played some tricks and deliberately set up a striking target to trick them into attacking a two-star skeleton mage.

   And this two-star skeleton mage just happened to achieve a record-breaking result in the last exam.

   This is a good bait.

  Chen Mo considered this level, and the aliens also considered this level.

   After giving feedback on Chen Mo's situation, the alien think tank analyzed for a while and easily came to this result.

   After all, a two-star skeleton mage with solid evidence can't turn the sky at all. He is acting abnormally now. If there is no Earth Academy Alliance secretly playing tricks, there will be ghosts!

  At this time, the aliens are in the hidden stronghold on the earth.

  Langu looked at the information synchronized by his subordinates and sneered.

   "Aren't the people on Earth looking down on our intelligence a bit too much? It is true that this skeleton mage did well in the previous examinations, but it was matched with a five-star auxiliary profession!

  When we are fools, throwing him alone now thinks it can attract our attention? "

   "You said that if this guy is a four-star, it can play a role, and the two-star is also embarrassed to launch it. It is true that you are looking down on us."

"It's not entirely true. People on Earth like to play that kind of puff pastry. They deliberately launched this kid with a two-star career. If we guessed it, we would guess that this plan is bad. And because of this bad plan, we will definitely not letter.

  Then why did they launch this kid knowing that we won't believe them?

  In this way, it may cause our reverse guessing, which will lead us to the next level of thinking. "

   "Hmph, I don't care whether he thinks backwards or not. This kid is a sure-fire two-star skeleton mage. Even if they don't push it out, we will have thoroughly investigated this kid after he will pass the test.

  Someone of us also recorded the awakening scene of Haibin No. 2 Middle School that day.

   At the same time, according to the perception records of the people nearby that day, it was also confirmed that he was just an ordinary two-star skeleton mage.

  No matter how special it is, it’s just that the things he carries are special. Obviously, the senior management of the Earth Academy Alliance gave him some special gadgets, thus creating the current eye-catching effect. "

   "It's really stupid. What kind of routines are you playing? It would be more effective to find a five-star career instead of me."

   "Fool, people didn't want us to focus on five stars, how could they push five stars out.

   Pushing five stars out is indeed eye-catching enough, but it doesn't make sense.

Push a two-star out, and if they die, they will die. If we kill them in the safe zone, we can't take away their things at all, unless they can be destroyed immediately. In this kind of situation surrounded by enemies, we can actually kill people It was already a success, and there was no time to destroy the dropped items, they had expected this step a long time ago.

   Just wait to trick us into making a move. "

   "Hmph, you don't need such a clumsy method if you want us to take action!

   You don’t need to act, we will do it today!

   It's just that I'm not interested in taking action against a two-star professional. "

  Langu sneered and looked at the performance in each college entrance examination venue.

  Although Chen Mo guessed that the alien would think that his outstanding performance might be a trap, he did not expect that the other party could exclude him from the assassination list with such confidence.

  He is still continuing to perform exceptionally well.

   Others are still on the first floor, but he has already gone down to the fifth floor.

   And the more he behaved like this, the more the alien strengthened his conjecture.

   He has been completely picked out, and instead focuses on observing the performance of other four- and five-star personnel.

  They picked Chen Mo out, but Chen Mo's performance among the teachers of the college alliance couldn't help but arouse a burst of exclamation.

   "How long has it been since the dungeon started? He has already gone down to the fifth floor?"

   "Is this kid really a two-star skeleton mage? The speed is too fast?"

   "Has anyone been this fast before?"

   "No, he has completely broken the previous record. This speed of passing the level can be said to be the first person in history."

   "Hiss, outrageous, how did this kid do it?"

  As the teachers not only praised and praised, the aliens mixed in felt more and more that they were performing clumsily.

  Aren’t these exaggerated words just to attract the people of their eternal star system to focus on this two-star skeleton mage?


  Our commander-in-chief has seen through your clumsy plan a long time ago, and you still play it so vigorously. "

  Watching the amazing words of these teachers, it was like watching a clown's funny performance.

   He didn't take these compliments to heart at all.

   Even the more they said that, the more aliens felt disdain for Chen Mo.

   Isn’t it because this kid is so ordinary that the academy alliance desperately sends people out to praise him in order to attract the attention of people in their eternal star system?

  The people of our eternal star system just don't bother to pay attention to him.

  You guys can act over there by yourself.

  After all, everyone knows that the people of their Yongxing system will definitely make big moves after this college entrance examination.

   This is already a conspiracy.

  Knowing that the people in his Yongxing system have this kind of arrangement, why are you crazy to make a person who has caused many voices of the avenue so high-profile?

is it possible?

  And a skeleton mage is really not qualified to cause the voice of the great way.

   So pushing him out is a joke.

  Even if you want to play the anti-routine and play with the idea of ​​​​thousand-layer cakes, it is useless!

   The basic character design is untenable!

  No thousand-layer routine can be used.

  The people of our eternal star system are not so stupid!

  So the scene formed a strange environment.

  The people on Earth kept admiring Chen Mo, but the aliens completely disdain Chen Mo.

   I don't like him at all.

  Even if he is acting amazing now.

  In their view, it was also staged by the upper layers of the earth.

  Why choose him instead of other two stars and one star?

   It wasn't because he set a copy record in the exam last time, and wanted to make people feel that he was special.

   These aliens have thought clearly.

  So it is easy to see through the clumsy idea of ​​the upper layer of the earth.

   copy inside.

  Chen Mo has reached the fifth floor.

  The fifth floor boss is a level 10 silver boss.

  With more than three million blood volume, the strength is not high.

  Ordinary people can basically pass if the team chooses a normal point.

   And this kind of blood monster is really not enough to see in front of Chen Mo's skeleton army.

   There are still a lot of skeleton monsters' attacks that are not in place, and he has already died and been instantly killed.

  【Prompt from heaven: You have successfully killed the gatekeeper on the fifth floor of the mysterious dungeon, you can choose one of the following three rewards! 】

  〖Reward 1〗: The remaining time is increased by 1 hour!

  〖Reward 2〗: The rank of the current reward is raised by one rank!

  〖Reward 3〗: Increase the attribute of all team members by 10%.

  Chen Mo glanced at it, and directly chose the second item.

   Rewards are the most important thing, the other two are not important at all right now.

   As far as the attributes of this monster are concerned, even halving their own attributes is not enough to fight them, let alone increase them by 10%.

   Not necessary at all.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The upgrade is successful, and the reward that can be obtained at the end of the current copy is B-level! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully defeated the gatekeeper on the fifth floor of the mysterious dungeon, and you have gained a little bravery points. At the end of the dungeon, according to your bravery points, you will be able to get title rewards of different ranks. 】

"According to the title rewards obtained by the predecessors, you can only receive an A-level title when you pass the 25th level. Does this dungeon really have an SSS level title? It is enough to enter a top university without adding points to the 25th level. ah!"

  Chen Mo couldn't help being curious about the difficulty of obtaining the SSS title of this dungeon.

  After choosing the reward, he walked down the fifth floor.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have entered the second stage area, the life of all monsters in this area has increased by 500%, and the attack and defense have increased by 50%!

   The monsters in this area will get the first dungeon general BUFF. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: The current dungeon general BUFF is "Sturdy"】

  〖Sturdy〗: When all monsters receive physical damage, the damage is reduced by 20%.

  The copy of the college entrance examination is more difficult as you go down, mainly because the attributes of the monsters will continue to improve, and at the same time, they will continue to receive powerful global BUFF blessings.

  (end of this chapter)

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