Chapter 165 Mysterious businessman! (2 in 1, 69)

   "Look, this kid named Chen Mo has already descended to the sixth floor!"

   "How long has it been since now?"

   Everyone immediately glanced at Chen Mo's remaining time to live.

   "Going down to the sixth floor, the total time didn't even exceed 2 minutes? How is this possible!?"

   "That's right, it's impossible to be lucky every time the next step is by your side, right?"

"That's not the problem. Even assuming that he is lucky every time, the next ladder is next to him, but every floor has defensive elites, and the fifth floor is a level 10 boss with silver strength. Be a gatekeeper BOSS.

  Under such circumstances, how could you reach the sixth floor without even spending two minutes?

   Doesn’t it take time to kill monsters? Did he pass everything in seconds? "

   "Indeed, it's outrageous. Not to mention the speed of walking, the speed of killing monsters in two minutes is definitely not enough."

  Everyone looked in disbelief at Chen Mo who was still on the first floor but had already reached the sixth floor by himself.

  The more unbelievable and incomprehensible Chen Mo's performance is, the more it proves that the upper echelons of the earth are playing tricks.

  The aliens are now completely convinced.

  At the same time, they felt that Chen Mo's IQ was really not high.

  "I really chose a stupid child. Although your performance is outstanding, you have exceeded your performance. The old saying of Hua Guo is not as good as your own country is not understood by us aliens."

   copy inside.

  Chen Mo has absolutely no intention of keeping a low profile.

   That is continuing to be insane.

  The seventh floor, the eighth floor...

   Basically stay behind his name for no more than 10 seconds before changing immediately.

  When others were still on the first floor, he had already reached the tenth floor.

  Even the teachers of Haibin No. 2 Middle School have changed from being proud to being stunned now.

   They are very happy that Chen Mo behaved well, but now it is not a good performance at all, but a heaven-defying one!

   This speed is so outrageous that it doesn't make sense.

  Even if they make the dungeon themselves with their current strength, if they are not limited to level 10 by the dungeon, they can't be faster than Chen Mo!

   "What's the matter with Chen Mo? Why is there such a fast clearance speed? Could it be that his information is wrong?"

  As soon as Liu Funan finished speaking, Shen Rulong couldn't help feeling how familiar these words were, where did he hear them?

   That's right, recalling the last exam, didn't some people suspect that the data was wrong because Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue killed monsters too quickly?

   "Is there something weird about this kid?"

   "What's weird? We saw his awakened skeleton mage with our own eyes, and we didn't see anything weird at all, but this performance is really unpredictable."

  When the two of Shen Rulong were talking, the aliens nearby also heard it.

   No, it’s just that, everyone knows that he is a skeleton mage, and he can’t suddenly change his profession, so it’s interesting to ask him to act so vigorously?

  Do you want to treat your Yongxing family as a monkey?

  The tenth floor.

  Chen Mo met a level 10 gold boss.

   And it is a level 10 gold boss with enhanced attributes.

  Originally, the level 10 gold boss had about 70 million blood volume, but now the blood volume has increased by five times from the original basis, which is more than 400 million.

   This blood volume is not much at all.

  Each skeleton monster of Chen Mo has an attack power of more than 40,000 without the Undead Worship and Amplification God Ring.

   3,400 skeleton monsters fired a salvo, hitting this boss with at least hundreds of millions of damage.

  The attack power soars directly to about 80,000 to 90,000 if the worship of the undead is up, plus the attack speed of two hits per second.

  The damage of one second is not counted as crit damage, and the talent doubling triggered by Chen Moxian's attack is not counted, it is enough to easily kill in seconds.

   Speaking of which, the BOSS is also a bit pitiful.

  Chen Mo's side spread out one word, it was a large area of ​​densely packed skeleton monsters, but the BOSS stood alone in the same place.

  It seems so weak and helpless.

  Following Chen Mo's thoughts, the skeleton monsters immediately fired two arrows in succession, whoosh! ! A dense rain of arrows flew out.

  BOSS felt a black curtain floating towards him, and before he could dodge it, he turned into a hedgehog and fell to the ground with a plop.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully killed the gatekeeper on the tenth floor of the mysterious dungeon, you can choose one of the following three rewards! At the same time, you can consume 1 point of bravery to clear a global BUFF, or make your team get a global BUFF. 】

  〖Reward 1〗: The remaining time is increased by 2 hours!

  〖Reward 2〗: The rank of the current reward is raised by one rank!

  〖Reward 3〗: The attribute of all team members is increased by 15%.

   "No wonder they haven't been able to exchange for a high-level title after accumulating bravery points to the twenty-fifth floor. It seems that they are all using bravery points to deal with BUFF problems."

  Chen Mo chose to keep the bravery points, but simply chose to reward the rank improvement.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The upgrade is successful, and the reward that can be obtained at the end of the current copy is A-level! 】

[Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully defeated the gatekeeper on the tenth floor of the mysterious dungeon. You have gained two points of bravery. The current point of bravery is three points. When the dungeon ends, you will be able to get different grades of points according to your points of bravery. Tier title rewards. 】

   "If you keep choosing rewards like me, if you don't consume any bravery points, can you get all of them at the 25th floor?"

   "I don't know if the 25th floor is full, will there be additional rewards after the 25th floor?"

   Regarding this point, Chen Mo became a little interested.

  He quickly ran down the eleventh floor.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have entered the third stage area, all monsters in this area have their life increased by 1000%, and their offense and defense have increased by 100%!

   Monsters in this area will get the second dungeon general BUFF. 】

  【Heaven’s reminder: The current dungeon general BUFF is "Sturdy" and "Cruel"】

  『Cruel』: When all monsters deal damage, the damage result will increase by 50%!

   "It only increases the damage result by 50%, which is not too cruel."

  Glancing at the monster's new buff, Chen Mo continued to flicker indifferently.

  The teachers who were watching the big screen outside became more and more dumbfounded.

  In previous years, they watched the college entrance examination every year, but they had never seen such outrageous candidates.

   This dungeon is faster than drinking a cup of tea.

  Drink a cup of hot tea, you have to cool it down anyway.

  His speed on the lower floor is almost as fast as jumping off a building!

   "When did Haibin No. 2 Middle School have such a perverted student?"

   "The key is that he is only a two-star. I really can't figure out what kind of means a two-star skeleton mage has to be able to go down so quickly!"

   "Indeed, it's hard for me to imagine you asking me to give him the ability to go up out of thin air."

   "The tenth-floor boss is a tenth-level gold-level boss with five times the blood volume. I don't know how many teammates he has recruited. If the teammate reaches four, the blood volume of the boss will be doubled again.

  Even if the BOSS only has more than 400 million blood volume, with level 10 damage, he still needs to fight for a while, does it seem like he took time to fight?

   I saw him go down from the ninth floor to the tenth floor, and in less than 5 seconds, he had already reached the eleventh floor! "

   "The more I look at it, the more I think it's outrageous. Does this kid have a secret passage that allows him to go directly and quickly without going through the boss?

  Is there some loophole in this copy that has not been discovered? "

   "If you want to say this, I would rather believe that your guess is true. After all, I can't find any other reason why he can quickly pass to the lower level."

  Don't say that others can't figure it out, Su Tianxin, who has personally taught Chen Mo for so many years, can't figure out how Chen Mo can be so crazy.

   It can be said that there is no resistance and no pause.

  Following Chen Mo down to the eleventh floor, other students were still wandering around on the first floor.

  Some luckily the lower stairs are right next to it, but they went down to the second floor.

   But the gap between this and Chen Mo is still vast.

  Because Chen Mo's performance was so outrageous, it was so outrageous that it was hard to believe that he was able to rely on his own strength.

  So whether it is the teachers on Earth or aliens, they simply guessed at this time how Chen Mo managed to reach the lower level so quickly.

  Of course, the aliens felt that the higher-ups on the earth had given Chen Mo a powerful treasure, and the teachers on the earth were curious whether Chen Mo had found some secret passage.

  Many people nearby whispered to each other about whether there is a hidden passage in this dungeon after completing the hidden mission.

  But everyone has also been tested from this dungeon test before.

  After so many sessions and so many people, no one has ever mentioned the hidden mission in the dungeon.

   Presumably there should be none.

   Otherwise, it would not have been discovered long ago.

  How could it be now.

   If there is no hidden channel, the copy has mutated.

   But this possibility is lower than hidden channels.

  Some copies will mutate after a long time.

   But it is generally a variation of difficulty.

   And it's still a copy that is not repeatedly refreshed, but a copy similar to a different world.

  They evolve naturally over time.

  It is possible that it was originally a C-level difficulty dungeon, because the monsters in the dungeon have increased in strength, thus becoming B-level or A-level.

  Generally this is the copy variation.

  But for a balanced copy like the college entrance examination copy, it is basically unlikely that the copy will mutate.

  After all, this dungeon is the same as the previous examination dungeon. It is a dungeon that will be refreshed repeatedly, not a dungeon from another world that will evolve naturally.

  This statement is really untenable.

  While everyone was chattering, Chen Mo had already reached the fifteenth floor with flashes.

  The strength of the BOSS on the fifteenth floor has reached the strength of a 15th-level silver-level BOSS.

   However, the blood volume of the silver boss is low, even if it is increased by ten times, the blood volume of the level 15 silver boss is only 50 to 60 million.

  Although its attributes have been doubled, it is still not enough compared to the high attack power of the skeleton monster.

  As for its passive abilities, Chen Mo directly and easily blocked three of them.

  Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible for it to withstand the terrible salvo of 3,400 skeleton monsters.

   Along the way, Chen Mo hardly saw a single enemy.

  Basically, it is easy to kill in seconds.

   It's really that the strength of the monster is not enough.

  Even with the global BUFF blessing of the dungeon, even with the percentage attribute improvement of each stage, it is still too weak.

  With the death of the 15th floor BOSS, some changes have taken place in the reward options.

  【Prompt from heaven: You have successfully killed the gatekeeper on the fifteenth floor of the mysterious dungeon, you can choose one of the following three rewards! At the same time, you can consume 1 point of bravery to clear a global BUFF, or make your team get a global BUFF. 】

  〖Reward 1〗: The remaining time is increased by 3 hours!

  〖Reward 2〗: The rank of the current reward is raised by one rank!

  〖Reward 3〗: Increase the attribute of all team members by 30%.

   The rewards for increasing attributes are constantly increasing, which seems to be tempting professionals to choose this item.

  If it is just to get a higher score in the college entrance examination, many people will consider choosing this option.

   After all, the higher the attribute, the more likely it is to go further.

  The score of the college entrance examination is not linked to the rewards you can get in the dungeon, but only to how many floors you can pass.

   Naturally, attribute rewards should be given priority.

  However, if ordinary people choose a large number of teammates to play dungeons, the strength of the boss has already doubled, and this attribute improvement is to gradually level the gap.

   It is still very difficult to go down a few more layers.

   Don't look at Chen Mo passing the test as easily as drinking water, other people really don't have such an easy time.

  At this time, in other dungeons, Shen Bingbing recruited priests, knights, and archers for the next copy. Only three were recruited. The thickness of the monsters has also increased a lot.

  When choosing rewards, how to balance the remaining time and improving attributes is what most candidates need to consider.

   That is to say, Chen Mo chose to upgrade the reward rank crazily without looking at it.

  【Heavenly reminder: The promotion is successful, and the reward that can be obtained at the end of the current copy is S rank! 】

  Going down 15 consecutive floors, the rewards that Chen Mo can get have been raised to S level.

  It seems that the difficulty of obtaining SSS-level rewards is just that.

[Prompt from heaven: You have successfully defeated the gatekeeper on the fifteenth floor of the mysterious dungeon. You have obtained three points of bravery. The current point of bravery is six points. Tier title rewards. 】

   Just at the end of the information prompt, a mysterious man in black suddenly appeared in front of him.

   "Hello brave adventurer, I am a businessman who will help you in this dungeon. With me, you can spend your bravery points to buy some items you need. Would you like to take a look?"

   "Items? What's there?"

  Chen Mo immediately asked curiously.

   "I will give you ten lists every time. You can choose whether to buy them. Of course, you can also spend bravery points to get another list of items."

  Chen Mo took a look at the mysterious businessman's list.

  I saw that the things for sale were quite complete.

   Items that increase damage, reduce damage, clear abnormalities, gain invisibility, reveal, etc.

   There are even invulnerability potions for sale.

   However, the invincibility potion is very expensive and requires 3 bravery points.

   After using it, you can gain invincibility for 3 seconds.

  Chen Mo scanned carefully, but there was nothing he was interested in, and almost all of them were disposable items. He immediately refused: "Next time, bring something usable and come to me again."

  After hearing Chen Mo's words, the other party was obviously a little stunned.

   yourself so many good things? Is it actually useless?

   "Then I will leave first. You will meet my brother on the twentieth floor. He has powerful equipment for sale. Maybe you will be more interested."

  (end of this chapter)

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