Chapter 166 Abnormal increase! (3 in 1, 99)

   Farewell to the mysterious businessman, Chen Mo turned directly and entered the twentieth floor.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have entered the fourth stage area, the life of all monsters in this area has increased by 2000%, and the attack and defense have increased by 200%!

   The monsters in this area will get the third dungeon general BUFF. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: The current dungeon general BUFFs are 『Sturdy』, 『Cruel』, and 『Bloodthirsty』】

  『Bloodthirsty』: When all monsters deal damage, they will restore 50% of the damage to themselves as HP!

  As Chen Mo went down to the sixteenth floor, all the teachers onlookers found that he stayed on the fifteenth floor for a significantly longer time this time.

   In fact, Chen Mo spent time looking at the list of items of the mysterious businessman.

  The time it took to look at the list was even longer than him going down 15 floors.

   This will make the teachers discuss again.

   "Is he stuck on the fifteenth floor?"

  If the teacher who asked this sentence had asked such a question before, others would obviously be puzzled by it.

   After all, Chen Mo didn't even go down to the fifteenth floor for a minute.

  If this is considered to be stuck, then the other students who are still dawdling on the first and second floors will not be able to live.

  But this sentence is very applicable to Chen Mo.

   After all, he is a person who directly descended from the first floor to the fifteenth floor at a high speed.

  The speed of the delay on the fifteenth floor suddenly exceeded the combined speed of all the previous floors.

   "It seems that there will be a mysterious merchant on the fifteenth floor. Maybe he is looking at the merchandise in the merchant's hand."

   "He, who is faster than drinking water at the lower level, still needs those dispensable commodities in the hands of the merchants on the fifteenth floor?"

   "I don't think it is necessary, but he may not have contact with the mysterious businessman, and it is normal to be curious."

   Sure enough, when everyone was discussing whether Chen Mo was wasting time looking at the merchant's products.

  He has swished down from the 16th floor to the 20th floor.

   At this time, other students are still on the first and second floors.

  A speed gap of ten or twenty times, let alone a two-star profession, even a five-star profession would not be able to do it.

   I also said before that it is impossible for these teachers to go off in person with their current strength.

   This speed has reached an incredible level.

   It's not just how strong this classmate is.

   I'm completely in a state of not being able to reason with you!

   "Look, does his lower speed seem to be stuck? It's smoother than diarrhea."

   "You know metaphors."

   "It seems that I'm really just watching the businessmen wasting their time."

   "I want to open the market to see how long it will take him to descend to the twenty-fifth floor."

   "This is boring, I want to see if he can go down to the 31st floor."

   "Thirty-one level? Impossible. With thirty levels of reinforcement, you have to fight against a level 20 gold boss. Level 10 is useless, and the attribute value may not be enough."

   "I mainly want to bet on whether he has special means. Under normal circumstances, the 30th floor is impossible to pass. If he can pass, then maybe..."

   "What's wrong?"

   "Don't say, don't say."

  Suddenly the teacher thought of a possibility.

   That is used to catch aliens.

   But pulling a two-star job out to catch aliens, will it work?

   Playing against the routine? Reverse thinking?

  At this moment in the dungeon, Chen Mo has reached the twentieth floor.

  The bosses on this floor are finally able to resist a little.

   is a level 15 gold boss with more than two billion health points.

  Even if there are 3400 skeleton monsters besieging, it will take a few seconds.

   But this does not count as the booster ring.

   If it is the Undead Worship, the Amplification God Ring will take effect together, plus the double damage of Chen Mo's trigger talent after attacking.

  Even if the critical strike effect is not counted, it is enough to instantly kill within one second.

   If you can kill instantly, you will never waste time.

  Chen Mo is still very straightforward.

   After a face-to-face meeting, this gatekeeper boss will be sent back to the west.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully killed the gatekeeper on the twentieth floor of the mysterious dungeon. You can choose one of the following three rewards! At the same time, you can consume 1 point of bravery to clear a global BUFF, or make your team get a global BUFF. 】

  〖Reward 1〗: The remaining time is increased by 4 hours!

  〖Reward 2〗: The rank of the current reward is raised by one rank!

  〖Reward 3〗: The attributes of all team members are increased by 50%.

   "Soon to be SS rank."

  Chen Mo is looking forward to seeing what the second reward will become after the reward is upgraded to SSS level.

  【Tiandao Tip: The upgrade is successful, and the reward you can get at the end of the current copy is SS level! 】

[Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully defeated the gatekeeper on the twentieth floor of the mysterious dungeon, and you have obtained four points of bravery. The current point of bravery is ten points. Tier title rewards. 】

  After Chen Mo finished choosing the reward, a black mist rose in front of him.

  As the mysterious businessman on the fifteenth floor said before, there will be a blacksmith on this floor.

  After the black mist dissipated, a man with a bare upper body and a muscular body appeared in front of Chen Mo.

   "Hello brave adventurer, I am the blacksmith who will help you in this dungeon. With me, you can spend your bravery points to buy some equipment, or let me help you upgrade the equipment."

   "Is it permanent?"

  Chen Mo asked immediately.

   "Purchased equipment can only be used in the copy, and upgraded equipment can take effect permanently."

   "How to upgrade?"

   "I can upgrade your equipment level, and let you use it at level 10, and will not be excluded by the dungeon rules.

   It’s just that the equipment upgraded by me will be in a permanent exclusive state. Even if you want to give it to others in the future, the equipment will not be used by others. Please think carefully. "

   "If you just upgrade the equipment, it doesn't seem to be very interesting."

  Chen Mo thought about it for a while. He has equipment upgrade stones, so he can directly upgrade his equipment. There is no need to consume bravery points at all.

   After all, bravery points are related to the acquisition of the SSS title and should not be consumed easily.

   It's not worth it to consume for such an alternative thing.

  Chen Mo immediately shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's not very necessary."

   "Then I will leave first. You will meet my brother on the twenty-fifth floor. He has powerful skills for sale. Maybe you will be interested."

   "You have so many brothers!"

  As soon as Chen Mo finished complaining, the other party turned into a mist and disappeared in front of him.

   "Is the twenty-fifth floor a skill? If the skill level can be upgraded, I can try it."

  Chen Mo's current body skills are all level 1. The main reason is that upgrading is too wasteful, so he didn't upgrade.

   If there is a good way to upgrade skills, it might as well give it a try.

  He immediately drilled into the twenty-first floor, ready to go to the twenty-fifth floor to see what this so-called skill merchant looks like.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have entered the fifth stage area, the life of all monsters in this area has increased by 4000%, and the attack and defense have increased by 400%!

   Monsters in this area will get the fourth dungeon general BUFF. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: The current common BUFF in the dungeon is 『Sturdy』, 『Cruel』, 『Bloodthirsty』, 『Dodge』]

  『Dodge』: When all monsters take damage, they have a 25% chance to dodge the damage!

   "Dodge damage, this BUFF is disgusting, it directly reduces my output efficiency by a quarter, but I can consider eliminating it."

  Looking at the dodge BUFF, Chen Mo felt that it should be removed.

  After all, the increase in the attributes of the lower layers is too terrifying. It is multiplied. Now it has increased by 40 times the blood volume and 4 times the attack power.

   Shouldn’t it be 80 times or 160 times later? Who can stand this?

   It's no wonder that the teachers outside said that Chen Mo had no chance of passing the 30th floor.

  According to this improvement, the 30th floor is at least 80 times the blood volume and 8 times the attributes of a 20-level gold-level boss.

  Such a terrifying attribute is simply an unattainable mountain for a level 10 professional.

   The market has started to open outside, and many teachers have started to discuss whether Chen Mo can pass the 30th floor.

  In fact, everyone has no idea.

   After all, Chen Mo's current performance is like an unknown bug in the program, and he doesn't know where the limit of this bug is.

  Although the value of the subsequent levels increased quite sharply, Chen Mo's speed on the lower floor seemed to be unaffected, and he went down to the 25th floor in a short while.

   At this time, look at other students around you.

  These students around Chen Mo have attracted much attention, after all, everyone is comparing their speed with Chen Mo's abnormal speed now.

  I want to see how much faster Chen Mo is than normal people.

  Among the names in this circle, only a few have entered the second floor, and the others are all still on the first floor.

  Chen Mo's crazy performance here has also reached the ears of the senior management of the academy league.

   They also looked confused at this time.

  Why does this student have such an abnormal clearance speed.

  They couldn't help but wonder if there was some loophole in this copy, and immediately sent people to investigate through special means.

   After all, if there are loopholes in the copy of the college entrance examination, this is a huge problem.

   Had to investigate strictly.

  When the academy alliance sent people to investigate, there were also many aliens mixed in. After receiving the order, they immediately conveyed the relevant information back to the headquarters of the secret stronghold.

   "Don't worry about it, since they have started acting, they will naturally do a full set, but the actors they are looking for are really not good at acting, and the acting is too unnatural.

   That made them have to cooperate with the investigation. "

  At this time, Lan Gu was even more convinced that Chen Mo was just a hook.

  But this hook's IQ is not very good, and its performance is too outrageous.

  He acted normally, just a bit better than ordinary people, so what is it now that it is almost like this?

  Not to mention that he is a two-star skeleton mage, even he, a fourth-rank powerhouse, dare not say that he is as fast as he is in this dungeon.

  Even if you want to say that you are the person who caused the voice of Dao, you can’t be so outrageous!

  Of course Langu didn't think Chen Mo did this on purpose.

   After all, being targeted by them is basically a joke with your own life.

   This kid is very likely to be fooled by the high level of the earth, and then got some powerful props to use very happily, but he didn't know how to control the intensity, which completely exposed the other intentions of the high level of the earth.

   Langu couldn't help feeling a little funny.

  The other party has revealed his secrets to this extent, and he still wants to pretend to conduct an investigation to prove the truth, and then pass the news to himself?

   There should be a limit to underestimating people!

  Outside of the dungeon, the inspection by the academy alliance is in full swing, and the aliens can clearly see these processes.

   But knowing that they were only sent to act, the aliens ignored them.

  Sometimes you are so strong that you are too fake, whether you are your own or the enemy will treat you as a fake.

  Chen Mo is like this now.

  Before, there were still people who were trying to think of some abilities for Chen Mo'an to explain his performance.

   But when they couldn't find it, those people just put it badly, thinking it was outrageous, and it was over.

  In the copy, Chen Mo has come to the front of the boss on the twenty-fifth floor.

   This is a huge BOSS that looks like a tyrannosaurus rex. It still looks terrifying, and it feels like it can eat hundreds of people in one bite.

   "After defeating this guy, my reward can be upgraded to SSS!"

  As long as this point is achieved, even if the back floors are killed and eliminated, Chen Mo still feels satisfied.

   What else do you think if you can get an SSS reward.

   While normal people hit here, many of them are even just C-level rewards at the beginning.

   After all, many people can only get here all the way if they choose attribute rewards from the beginning.

  The 25th-floor boss is comparable to the 20th-level silver-level boss, but it doesn't have a status of first turn, so the blood volume is less, even if it is increased by forty times, it is only a few hundred million.

   It is still easy to deal with.

  Chen Mo is surrounded by densely packed skeleton monsters, even if the opponent has the dodge BUFF blessing, he only needs a few more bows and arrows to instantly kill him!

   It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Mo is killing low-level bosses like slaughtering chickens!

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully killed the gatekeeper on the 25th floor of the mysterious dungeon, you can choose one of the following three rewards! At the same time, you can consume 1 point of bravery to clear a global BUFF, or make your team get a global BUFF. 】

  〖Reward 1〗: The remaining time is increased by 5 hours!

  〖Reward 2〗: The rank of the current reward is raised by one rank!

  〖Reward Three〗: The attributes of all team members are increased by 100%.

  Chen Mo closed his eyes and chose the second one.

  【Tiandao Tip: The upgrade is successful, and the reward you can get at the end of the current copy is SSS level! 】

   "Comfortable, the guaranteed reward is guaranteed, and you can spend whatever you want."

  Anyway, the dungeon will not kill people, so Chen Mo is naturally very interested in going down to the next level.

[Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully defeated the gatekeeper on the twenty-fifth floor of the mysterious dungeon. You have obtained five points of bravery. The current point of bravery is fifteen points. At the end of the dungeon, according to your points of bravery, you will be able to Obtain title rewards of different grades. 】

  As soon as the Heavenly Dao reminder finished dancing, another puff of smoke rose in front of Chen Mo, and a mysterious man wearing a hood and a black robe appeared in front of him.

"Hello brave adventurer, I am a skill master who will help you in this dungeon. With me, you can spend your bravery points to buy some skills, or let me help you reduce the cooldown of your current skills. .”

   "Oh? Can reduce cooling? How to reduce it?"

   "If you are willing to pay me 1 point of bravery, I can halve the cooldown of all your skills."

   "The cooldown of all skills is halved!?" Chen Mo was really moved by this effect.

  But he didn't know the number of bravery points needed for the SSS title, so he didn't dare to use it for a while.

   "Excuse me, can I ask, do you know the relationship between bravery points and title rank? If you tell me this, maybe I can consume some bravery points."

The mysterious man wearing a hood smiled and said: "Of course, you can get an A-level title when you reach 10 points for bravery, you can get an S-level title when you reach 15 points, and you can get an SS-level title when you reach 20 points. When you reach 25 points, you can get the title of SSS level."

   "So that's the case, let me do the math first."

  Chen Mo immediately began to calculate in his mouth.

   "I have 15 bravery points now, if I don't spend a single point of bravery points, then I will be guaranteed a S-rank title.

  If I can pass the next 30 floors, then my bravery points will reach blackjack, and I can keep the SS title. There are a little more brave points to consume, but it is not enough to get the SSS title.

  If I can pass the next thirty-five floors, then my bravery points will reach 28 points, which can keep the SSS title, and there are three more brave points to consume. "

  Others have only won the A-level title at this level, because most of them have spent their bravery points in the front, because 15 points of bravery points just trigger the limit for obtaining the S-level title.

  Even if only a little bravery points are used before, it will result in the inability to obtain the S-rank title on the twenty-fifth floor.

  Chen Mo endured all the way to reach here in vain, and only then did he guarantee the limit of fifteen points.

   But the next twenty and twenty-five o'clock, there are obvious surpluses.

  The only problem is that if Chen Mo spends a little here, it will be embarrassing if he can't pass the next thirty floors.

   Not only did he not get the SS rank title, but he also changed his previous S rank title to A rank.

  Chen Mo thought about it carefully. If his skill cooldown could be halved, it would not be difficult to pass the 30th floor with the current boost rate of the boss.

   Thirty levels are nothing more than two possibilities, either level 30 silver, or level 20 one-turn silver.

  The former is okay, but the strength of the latter has indeed improved a lot.

   After all, the gap between one turn and no turn is too big.

   But even with a one-turn silver boss and a substantial attribute increase, Chen Mo feels that his current strength can still withstand it.

  After thinking about it for a while, he finally decided to buy it.

   "Okay, then I'll buy your cooling effect!"

   "Okay, a little bravery points for you, this will give you an additional cooldown reduction effect!"

  【Tiandao Tip: You spent a little Bravery Points to purchase the service of a technician. Your current Bravery Points are 14 points. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: You have been blessed by the technician, and you have obtained a "calm aura". 】

  [Calm Aura]: You and all friendly units within 100 meters around you will reduce the skill cooldown by 50%. (This aura is non-immune, non-erasable, non-disarmable, non-nullable, and lasts until the end of the current copy.)

   "It's still a group halo effect! Good guy, it's a real job to collect money."

  Chen Mo smiled and glanced at the technician in front of him.

   "How is it, are you satisfied?"

  "Very satisfied, it would be even better if the effect can be reduced by 90%."

   "If you can meet my brother in the later layers, he can do it for you. My strength has not yet reached this level."

   "Is it really possible? How many floors does this dungeon have?"

   "You will know when you go down."

  The technician smiled mysteriously and didn't say much.

   "Forget it, I'll go down and have a look myself, goodbye."

  Chen Mo turned around and entered the twenty-sixth floor.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have entered the sixth stage area, all monsters in this area have their HP increased by 8000%, and their attack and defense increased by 800%!

   Monsters in this area will get the fifth dungeon general BUFF. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: The current common BUFFs in the dungeon are 『Sturdy』, 『Cruel』, 『Bloodthirsty』, 『Dodge』, 『Toughness』】

  [Toughness]: When all monsters are affected by control, the control effect is halved.

   "The boss at the back has been constantly changing to become stronger, but the attributes of the instance have also increased crazily. The difficulty of this dungeon is really against the sky. Is this prepared for level 10 professionals?"

  Chen Mo thinks that this dungeon has been upgraded from a level 10 silver boss to a level 20 gold boss, which is considered outrageous.

   As a result, attributes are still being strengthened on this basis.

   made it clear that he was not going to let people go down.

  This instead aroused Chen Mo's curiosity.

   What will happen if we go down to the bottom?

  Of course, with this kind of perverted strength, it is still unknown whether it can go down to the bottom.

  As Chen Mo passed through the twenty-fifth floor, the teachers outside who had opened the market also regained their spirits for a while.

   At this time, others were still dawdling on the first and second floors, basically no one looked at other people, but all looked at Chen Mo.

  want to see where his limits are.

  Just before reaching the gatekeeper elite on the 26th floor, Chen Mo already knew what the 30th floor BOSS was.

  Because the elites on the twenty-sixth floor are first-rank elites on the twenty-sixth floor.

   Obviously, the 30th floor is a level 20 boss!

   "80 times blood volume, 8 times attribute enhancement, a level 20 boss is really fierce! I just don't know if it is a silver level, or a gold level directly."

  Chen Mo can still bear the current intensity.

   Soon, Chen Mo went down to the thirtieth floor.

  The teachers also looked expectantly at the empty center field.

  If Chen Mo is hit on the thirtieth floor, he will be the first person to make a copy.

   At this time, Chen Mo had already arrived in front of the boss on the thirtieth floor.

   "Fortunately, it is a silver boss at level 20."

   Seeing this BOSS, Chen Mo felt relieved.

   It's not that he's afraid of level 20 gold bosses.

  He was mainly afraid that he would not be able to do it on the next thirty-fifth floor.

  If this floor is a level 20 one-turn silver boss, then the thirty-fifth floor is basically a level 20 one-turn gold boss.

  If you want to get the SSS title like this, Chen Mo thinks it is relatively safe.

  But if there is a level 20 one-turn gold boss on this floor, then I really don’t know what kind of perverted boss is on the next floor.

  However, even if it is a silver boss at level 20, the attributes are extremely high after the attributes are greatly strengthened.

   The blood volume alone is close to three billion!

   And the attack power has reached more than 50,000.

  The defense power is also more than 20,000.

  Thirty floors are already so perverted, one can imagine the strength of thirty-five floors!

  【PS】: The previous debts have been paid off, and I will continue to add more updates if I have the status in the future. Thank you very much for your support!

  (end of this chapter)

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