Chapter 167 Met a colleague! (2 in 1, 25)

  Before, Chen Mo basically passed the level in seconds, but this time it really won't happen in seconds.

  The blood volume of more than three billion is still a bit thick.

   And this guy also has immune abnormalities and damage reduction abilities.

  Chen Mo directly activated the effect of the title of God of Bravery, sealing his corresponding ability.

  However, as the number of layers deepens, monsters seem to have more and more skills. It is not enough to only seal three abilities.

   "I don't know how the rewards on this floor will change!"

   Summoned 3,400 skeleton monsters, Chen Mo's worship of immortality, the booster rings, and his own output, it took a full two to three seconds to finally kill this 20th-level silver boss.

   "Finally dead!"

  Thanks to the fact that the monster is already dead, otherwise it would be **** off again.

  I only lasted for less than 3 seconds, what do you think?

  As the BOSS fell to the ground, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded in time.

  【Prompt from heaven: You have successfully killed the gatekeeper on the 30th floor of the mysterious dungeon, you can choose one of the following three rewards! At the same time, you can consume 1 point of bravery to clear a global BUFF, or make your team get a global BUFF. 】

  〖Reward 1〗: The remaining time is increased by 6 hours!

  〖Reward 2〗: The settlement reward is increased by "Almighty Spirit Fruit x 1"

  〖Reward Three〗: The attributes of all team members are increased by 200%.

   "Almighty Spirit Fruit? Great stuff!"

  Eating the Almighty Spirit Fruit can permanently increase all attributes by 10 points.

   is a very rare super fruit.

  Basically, the outside world does not sell them.

   After all, who doesn't want their attributes to be stronger?

   Got too late to eat by myself.

   "My current attributes are not a big problem against the 20th-level gold-level boss. There is no need to rush to improve the attributes. Let's get the rewards first!"

  After thinking about it, Chen Mo still chose to benefit.

   After choosing the income, Chen Mo thought about whether to remove a global BUFF.

  This dodge buff, he feels very uncomfortable.

  But if you spend a little more points, you won't be able to keep the SS rank title.

  Although it is almost certain that the thirty-fifth floor is a level 20 gold boss, what if there is any accident?

   After carefully considering the pros and cons, Chen Mo felt that if the thirty-fifth floor was a level 20 gold boss, he could still deal with it with or without the dodge buff.

   But if not, even without this dodge BUFF, I probably won't be able to beat him.

   So it is important to keep the first-hand title.

  He gave up this chance to delete the BUFF.

  【Prompt from Heaven: If the upgrade is successful, the rewards you can get at the end of the current instance are an SSS-level gift bag and an almighty spirit fruit! 】

[Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully defeated the gatekeeper on the 30th floor of the mysterious dungeon. You have obtained six points of bravery. The current point of bravery is twenty points. At the end of the dungeon, according to your points of bravery, you will be able to get Title rewards of different ranks. 】

  As Chen Mo finished choosing the reward, another black mist rose in front of him.

  Chen Mo took a look, isn't this guy the mysterious businessman who appeared before?

   "It's you again? Did you bring anything nice this time?"

"it's me again?"

  The other party was obviously stunned for a moment, then reacted and said with a smile: "You mean my younger brother you met before."

   "Brother?" Chen Mo was stunned for a while, "How many brothers are you?"

The other party did not answer but said directly: "Hello brave adventurer, I am a businessman who will help you in this dungeon. Here you can spend your bravery points to buy some items you need. You have to see see?"

   "Does this opening sentence have to be said?"

  Chen Mo said speechlessly: "Then show me."

  As the merchant handed over a product list, Chen Mo saw that this guy sold a little more than his brother.

   There are fifteen kinds.

   "Hey, there are really useful things, can this "God-level secret key" be cheaper?"

  Chen Mo didn't expect that among the things this guy sold, there was a god-level secret key that could open the god-level treasure chest.

   It's just that the price is a bit too expensive, as high as five points of bravery.

   I really can’t afford it.

  If he wants to obtain the SSS title on the 35th floor, he can only use up to two brave points at the moment.

  As for the items worth two points of bravery, although there are a few good items, they are basically disposable gadgets used in the dungeon. The effect is strong, but it is not worth it.

  Chen Mo decided to save another time, maybe there will be better returns in the later layers.

   But he still tried to negotiate the price.

  After all, the value of the SS-level title and the god-level secret key is actually higher for the latter.

  After all, no one wants to see a god-level treasure chest in front of him, but he can't open it and can only scratch his heart and liver.

  With the mysterious secret key, encountering a god-level treasure chest is equivalent to getting an SSS-level reward.

  So, in any comparison, the God-level secret key is higher than the SS-level title.

  For the god-level secret key, Chen Mo is willing to take the risk of losing the SS-level title.

   But the key is whether the mysterious businessman in front of him is willing to give up the profit.

   "Can I get a discount on this god-level secret key?"

   "How much bravery points are you willing to pay?"

  The mysterious businessman seemed to be able to offer a discount, so he asked Chen Mo back.

   This made Chen Mo interested.

   "I can only spend two brave points."

   "Then I'm really sorry. The small shop lost too much money on this transaction, so I really can't do it." The mysterious businessman said with regret.

   "Then you say a one-buy price!"

   "At least three points of bravery."

   "Then if I give you this key, can it be worth 1 point of bravery?"

  Chen Mo took out the purple-gold secret key that was bought at a low price from the elves.

  The mysterious businessman took the Purple Gold Key and looked at it and said: "It's a good thing, it can be used as a little bravery point."

  Hearing this, Chen Mo was immediately happy. How could a mere purple-gold secret key be as important as a god-level secret key? He immediately chose to make a deal.

  【Tiandao Reminder: You spent two Brave Points to purchase the "God-Level Secret Key", and your current Brave Points are 18 points. 】

   "Thank you for your patronage, is there anything else you need?"

   "Others are useless, forget it, if I can meet you again next time, I will trade."

   "Okay, just to see if you can continue."

  The mysterious businessman glanced at Chen Mo with a meaningful expression.

   Seeing the attitude of the other party, Chen Mo wanted to know the situation even more.

   "Will there be any mutation difficulty in the future?"

  Chen Mo tried to ask a question.

   "For the sake of your business, I can give you some information. It is best to clear all the enemy's general buffs before going down to the 41st floor of the dungeon."


   "Then I will take my leave first and look forward to meeting you next time."

  The mysterious businessman didn't answer, but turned into a cloud of smoke and ran away.

   "This guy, half-talking, **** it!"

  Chen Mo could only turn around and enter the 31st floor with doubts.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have entered the seventh stage area, the life of all monsters in this area has increased by 16000%, and the attack and defense have increased by 1600%!

   Monsters in this area will get the sixth dungeon general BUFF. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: The current common BUFF in the dungeon is 『Sturdy』, 『Cruel』, 『Bloodthirsty』, 『Dodge』, 『Toughness』, 『Thorn』]

  【Thorns】: When all monsters receive damage, half of the damage received will be reflected back. (Not valid for true damage and chaos damage)

   "Another troublesome buff, but the mysterious businessman reminded me to clear all the buffs before entering the forty-first floor of the dungeon. I can check the situation after I get to the fortieth floor."

  As Chen Mo entered the thirty-first floor, the information bar outside also changed.

   Originally, everyone saw that Chen Mo hadn't changed for a while on the thirtieth floor, and they couldn't help thinking that this was Chen Mo's limit.

   Unexpectedly, after waiting for a while, the information behind his name changed to 31 floors in a flash.

   "Really broke through the 30th floor!"

   "The 30th floor seems to be basically a level 20 silver boss with 80 times blood volume and 8 times attributes, right? Have you made it through?"

   "Maybe he rewards all selected attributes, and the bravery points are also spent to improve combat power."

   "That's outrageous. After all, he is only a two-star skeleton mage, and the teammates he can recruit are only two-star attributes. Can such a team configuration pass the thirtieth floor?"

   Some people said it was very difficult to understand.

   "Don't think about it, the speed of the lower layer in front of him is already inhuman. It's not surprising even if he can pass. The ghost knows what this kid has done, or used some means on him."

   At this time, the person who beat Chen Mo to pass 30 levels was very happy to start collecting money.

   "Is there anyone else who wants to bet on the thirty-fifth floor?"

   "If he can pass the 30th floor, it's no fun to bet on the 35th floor. It's better to bet on whether he can pass the 50th floor!"

   "Hehe, this is interesting. Fifty-story legends are at the level of gods! Impossible."

   "If you talk about the past, I really think no one can do it, but now his strange performance, I'm interested in making this offer for him once."

  As soon as this person said this, many people around him also became interested.

  The 50th floor is the ultimate level of the college entrance examination dungeon, not to mention that no one has passed it so far, that is, no one has approached it so far.

   Betting against each other is quite exciting.

   Immediately, a new round of gambling began again.

  The person who lost before also bet heavily this time.

  At this time, no one cares about how Chen Mo did it so outrageously.

  They only care about whether Chen Mo's outrageousness can really ignore all difficulties and go straight to the end.

  Because the blood volume of the monsters in the later levels became more and more abnormal, the speed of Chen Mo's lower layer also began to slow down.

  When he reached the thirty-fifth floor, someone had already entered the third floor.

  In fact, at this point in time, entering the third layer, it was an object worthy of attention and discussion before.

  But this time there is a monster present, no matter how bright it is, it will be completely covered up after all.

  Come to the thirty-fifth floor, after seeing the boss, Chen Mo was obviously taken aback.

   "Good guy met his peers!"

  【Monster Name】: Necromancer

  [Monster rank]: Gold rank (one turn)

  【Level】: 20


  〖Life〗: 118.3 billion/118.3 billion

  〖Energy〗: 700 million/700 million

  〖Facial Attack〗: 126684

  〖Material Defense〗: 63342

  〖Law Defense〗: 63342

[Active Skills]: Skeleton Legion (summon an army of skeletons with different occupations equivalent to your own "number of legal attacks"), Might of the Undead (increase the output damage of all friendly dark units by 100%.), Resurrection of the Undead (kill the enemy After that, you can revive the enemy as an undead warrior to participate in the battle.), Bone Dragon Summon (summon a powerful bone dragon to participate in the battle, the maximum number of own "law attack/10000" can be summoned at the same time.), Death Knight Summon (summoning is equal to your own " Law attack/1000'), dark energy bomb (normal attack can launch dark energy bomb to cause 200% law attack damage to the enemy.)

  [Passive skills]: Undead body, dark energy gathering, extreme calmness, no fear of light, concentration

  [Undead body]: All damage received except true damage is halved, will not be affected by mental abnormalities, and sacred damage is increased by 10 times.

  [Dark Energy Concentration]: Restores the energy value of the number of dark units within a range of 10,000 meters per second.

  【Extreme Calmness】: The cooling time of all skills is reduced by 90%!

  【No Fear of Light】: Will not receive the bonus of holy damage.

  [Concentration]: Will not be affected by any control skills.

   "Hiss! This **** meow is called a necromancer! When will I have this summoning ability?"

   After reading the opponent's attributes, Chen Mo was completely dumbfounded.

  Summon the same number of skeleton monsters according to your own attack? The opponent's move is hundreds of thousands of skeleton monsters!

   This is not counted, you can also summon hundreds of death knights, and even summon bone dragons.

  Chen Mo activated the title effect of the God of Brave without saying a word!

  If he releases his skills first, how can he play?

   Swish Swish Swish Swish, this necromancer's three summoning skills were instantly blocked by Chen Mo.


  Originally, after seeing Chen Mo, the necromancer was going to say a few harsh words before going to war.

  As a result, I suddenly found myself covered with a mysterious sealing energy, and three of my skills were directly blocked.

   There are still three key summoning skills.

   "Damn adventurer, what have you done to me!!"

  The necromancer looked at Chen Mo angrily and shouted.

   "It's nothing, it's just to bring you a little adventurer shock. I think you used this set on others before. Give yourself a taste today."

  Chen Mo smirked, and then waved his staff, and an energy bomb shot out first, and in the next moment, there were dense arrows around him, followed by flying arrows!

  Accompanied by the arrows, 3,400 skeleton monsters spread out in a large area.

   I didn't expect to see my colleagues, and the necromancer on the opposite side was also quite surprised.

  In the past, he used an army of skeletons to deal with others. He had never faced a large army of skeletons alone.

   At this time, he is angry and helpless!

  All the summoning skills are blocked, you can only face it alone!

   "Fortunately, this world has given me a powerful blessing, adventurer, don't think that you are great because you have a lot of people!"

  With hundreds of billions of blood and hundreds of thousands of attack power, the necromancer is still very confident even if his summoning skills are sealed.

   There are no soldiers, but he still has a strong self.

  Following the necromancer's staff, point at Chen Mo, Phew! A dark energy bullet as fast as lightning shot towards Chen Mo.

  (end of this chapter)

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