Chapter 171 God's restricted area!

  Chen Mo's heart is itching like a cat's paw is scratching.

  According to the spirit of the god, it must be very dangerous down here.

  But if he doesn't go down and have a look, he will be a little bit unwilling.

   "It's already reached this point."

   After hesitating for a moment, Chen Mo still decided to go on.

   Just before he decided to go down, the spirit of God suddenly stopped him.

"Wait a moment."

"What's wrong?"

   "If you must go down, please take this with you, it may save your life."


  Chen Mo took a small stone handed over by the Spirit of God.

  【Reminder from the Dao of Heaven: Your bravery has infected the spirit of God, and she decided to give you a "God-level Teleportation Stone". 】

  〖God-level teleportation stone〗: When activated, you will enter an invincible state for 3 seconds, and after 3 seconds, you will be teleported out of the instance. (The props in the dungeon will disappear after leaving the dungeon.)

   "Good stuff! I'm afraid I can sell this thing for five points of bravery, right? Just give it away for nothing?"

  Chen Mo is happy to have such a powerful life-saving item for free.

  But the more so, the more fearful Chen Mo felt on the fifty floor.

   I don't know what the **** is down here.

  This copy of the college entrance examination was only locked as a copy of the college entrance examination by the Earth Academy Alliance because the characteristics of the copy are very suitable for personal exams. In fact, no one has really thoroughly investigated it.

  So the aliens have no way of knowing the real situation of this dungeon.

  Because even the top core members of the Earth Academy Alliance don't know the situation of this copy.

  The aliens thought that this copy was made by the Earth Academy Alliance to screen candidates.

   Because that's how their own galaxy does it.

  The copy of their selection of newcomers was established by the bosses of their galaxy.

   Can be manipulated freely, only need to be given specific props.

  That's why aliens feel that the top management of the Earth Academy Alliance can also freely control it. They only need to give Chen Mo specific props, and he can go down without any difficulty.

  Create the illusion that he is acting great.

  The people on Earth themselves also thought that this dungeon was made by the higher-ups of the Earth Alliance. Although the dungeon can get SSS-level rewards, no one has ever obtained it.

  No one can choose to upgrade the reward rank all the way to the end without choosing survival time and strengthening attributes.

   It seems that the threshold is deliberately set.

  So they all think that what is going on with this copy, only the real high-level core of the earth knows the inside story.

  But in fact, the upper layers of the earth have not verified this dungeon, after all, there is an age limit for the entry of this dungeon.

  If you are over nineteen years old, you cannot enter.

   Even if they become stronger in the future and want to come back, it will be useless.

  Chen Mo is now the person closest to the details of this dungeon.

  Where does this copy of the so-called mysterious dungeon lead to?

  Chen Mo's heart was burning with curiosity, and he slowly entered the forty-sixth floor!

   "Huh? What's going on?"

  Chen Mo found that the forty-sixth floor was followed by another staircase.

  The result of entering the forty-seventh floor was the same. Chen Mo kept going down all the way, and finally reached the fifty-floor at one time.

  【Tian Dao Prompt: Warning, warning! You are about to enter the 50th floor of God's restricted area, and there will be no death protection in this area.

   Ascertain this area, you will be able to get a "? ? ? "award! Whether to continue to enter! 】

   "What the hell? What is the reward full of question marks?"

  Chen Mo was extremely curious.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have entered the forbidden zone of the gods, please be careful, there are great horrors in this area, you'd better take a detour when you encounter them, this is a place where even the gods dare not easily set foot, you'd better leave quickly. 】

   "The monsters on this level don't even have the extra attribute bonus??? Has it become simpler?"

  【Heavenly reminder: You have triggered the super SSS-level special exploration task of "Mysterious Dungeon" "Explore the Gods Forbidden Zone". Depending on your exploration speed, you will be able to obtain different levels of rewards! When the exploration degree reaches 100%, it can be regarded as your clearance. 】

   "What the **** mission?"

  Looking at the surrounding black mist, gusts of wind revealed a treacherous environment.

  Chen Mo felt an inexplicable fear.

  He immediately summoned 340,000 skeleton monsters to surround him.

   But he wasn't satisfied enough, he observed the surrounding environment on the spot, and at the same time frantically summoned again on the spot.

  He is betting on that 1% blessing.

  Because the restricted area of ​​the gods is a very strange place, after Chen Mo entered here, he found that his pioneer perception ability of all kinds of trials and spirits had completely failed.

   This made Chen Mo, who could understand everything in his chest, instantly lose control over the information in the surrounding area.

   This feeling gave Chen Mo a great sense of insecurity.

   Fortunately, his skeleton summoning was synthesized into a red skill and got a concentric effect.

   Right now, even if you don't have the pioneer's perception ability, you can still share perception with skeleton monsters.

  Now he just wants to let the skeleton monsters go out to explore, and he huddles safely.

   After brushing for about a minute, Chen Mo finally achieved ten times the effect.

  In an instant, a total of 3.4 million skeleton monsters in the invisible state appeared beside him.

  At the same time, Chen Mo gave them Undead Worship and Frenzy Shield to better improve their survivability.

   "Disperse and explore all surrounding areas!"

   After adding BUFF, Chen Mo immediately issued an order.

  In an instant, the 3.4 million skeleton monsters dispersed consciously, and explored in all directions.

  But after a while, Chen Mo received a system prompt.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your skeleton monster has been attacked by a terrorist attack and has died! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your skeleton monster has suffered a terrorist attack...】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your skeleton monster...】


  Continuous information prompts came, but Chen Mo felt inexplicable in his heart.

  First of all, he and the skeleton monsters share perception and vision. As a result, when these skeleton monsters died, he didn't perceive anything at all.

  Secondly, these skeleton monsters have extremely thick shields.

  Furthermore, these skeleton monsters also have the ability to survive five seconds of fatal damage.

  Under such circumstances, the Skeleton Monster was instantly killed.

   This really made Chen Mo feel incredible.

   Fortunately, there are enough skeleton monsters now, so the problem is not too big.

  The 3.4 million skeleton monsters quickly expanded the search circle like scattered ripples.

   And the hints from Heaven kept ringing.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have successfully searched 10% of the restricted area of ​​the gods. You can get a S-level gift package. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have successfully searched 20% of the restricted area of ​​the gods. Your reward has been upgraded to an SS-level gift pack. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have successfully searched 30% of the restricted area of ​​the gods. Your reward has been upgraded to an SSS-level gift package. 】

   "Only searching 30% of the area, can the reward be upgraded to an SSS-level gift package?"

  Chen Mo couldn't help feeling that this area was outrageous.

   Only searching such a small area has such benefits.

   But it's equally terrifying, every one of my skeleton monsters is dead for no apparent reason.

  Obviously all his skeleton monsters have the ability to avoid death for 5 seconds.

   In the end, all of them disappeared after meeting each other, which was really outrageous. He was very glad that he didn't go out and wander around.

  Otherwise, the ghost knows whether his life-saving ability will also be limited, and he will be slapped to death by a horrible horror who doesn't know what the **** it is.

   While Chen Mo was continuing to explore, his skeleton monster suddenly met an acquaintance who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed.

  (end of this chapter)

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