All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 172: The body of a super god! Copy abolished? (three-in-one, 3/

  Chapter 172 Super God Body! Copy abolished? (3 in 1, 35)

   "Huh? Isn't this the mysterious businessman?"

  When Chen Mo's skeleton approached, the mysterious businessman who had appeared on the previous floor suddenly opened his eyes and looked over.

   "I didn't expect you to be able to get here. You can even repel the tomb guards of God's tomb. You are very good young man."

  Chen Mo had a thought, and directly used the flash of the gods to come to the mysterious businessman: "Repel? It should be said to be killed."

   "What!? You killed the keeper of the tomb of God?"

  The mysterious businessman was obviously taken aback. He immediately closed his eyes and seemed to check something.

Then he raised his head and looked at Chen Mo in disbelief: "Even if you have received a lot of enhancements, your attribute value has never increased by 1 point from the beginning to the end, it shouldn't be, how can a skeleton mage have such a powerful combat power?" ?”

   "There are no absolutes in the world." Chen Mo grinned and then asked: "I would like to ask, you can survive freely in this kind of place, I am afraid you are not a simple businessman, right?"

   "Haha, that's right, but I'm not a special existence, I just exist as a guide for you trialists in this trial place."

   "Trial place? Why does this mysterious dungeon exist? Why do areas like the cemetery of gods and restricted areas of gods appear? Isn't this a test dungeon limited to level 10?

  Do I need to rise to the difficulty of the God-level trial? "

   "To be precise, this place should be called the source of chaos."

   "The source of chaos? What is it for?"

"The source of chaos is mysterious and unpredictable. It is rumored that there is a treasure of chaos in it. Even the gods are extremely eager to get it, but the source of chaos is boundless. No one has really explored the mystery of it. Even the gods rarely come back after entering it. .”

   "Using such a terrifying place as a place of trials? Is this a trial or murder?" Chen Mo was speechless.

"Actually, this is not the real source of chaos. It's just that the protoss intercepted some imitations of the source of chaos. It's dangerous, but it's not as terrifying as the real source of chaos. The horrors here are the most **** ones. .”

   "Such a pervert is actually the most rubbish!?" Chen Mo was shocked, and he asked immediately, "Then what is the result of the trial here?"

   "In order to test out talented children who can go to the real source of chaos."

   "Just in the restricted area of ​​level 10, can you test the talents who go to the source of chaos?"

  "Because of limited resources, we need to select some outstanding children with potential and leadership and train them specially from the very beginning."

After saying this, the guide looked at Chen Mo teasingly and said: "Generally speaking, in this assessment, you have to lead a growing team to go all the way to the end. Fortunately, you killed it by yourself, but after all, you It’s a summoning class, so leadership can count as something for you.”

   "Special training? Will there be any resource rewards?" It was good to hear, and Chen Mo skipped the other words.

   "It is definitely a huge benefit that you can't imagine, and this is a long-term improvement. As for what it is, just wait for you to pass the trial and see for yourself."

   "If it's just for screening talents, why should we cancel the death protection when we already know that only a few of the few can qualify? Wouldn't it kill a lot of people?"

   "To venture into the source of chaos, you need not only ability but also courage.

   Canceling the death protection on the upper level mainly tests your courage.

  The keeper of the tomb of God is not actually lethal. He will not kill you. You only need to have the courage to challenge him and knock down a certain percentage of his blood to pass the test.

   But I never imagined that you could kill him directly!

   And canceling the death protection at this level will not only test your courage but also your comprehensive ability.

   Let me ask, if you know that it doesn't matter even if you die on this level, will you still be as cautious as when you first entered the instance? "

   Obviously, when the guide closed his eyes just now, he should have been watching all of Chen Mo's actions on this floor.

  Chen Mo thought for a while, indeed, if he knew that it didn't matter if he died here, he would obviously be more casual than now, and definitely wouldn't follow suit and be cautious.

   "I think you already have the answer in your heart. Only by facing the threat of death at all times can everyone's potential be stimulated to the greatest extent."

   "You just said that the cancellation of death protection on the upper level is false, and the guardians of the tomb of the gods will not really kill people.

  You tell me such an important thing, so can I guess that canceling the death protection at this level may also be a false rule? "

   "Don't guess, so what if I tell you clearly that this rule is a fake rule? Can you believe it?" The guide looked at Chen Mo with a playful smile.

  Chen Mo smiled helplessly: "Indeed."

  No matter whether this rule is true or not, before Tiandao clearly informed Chen Mo, he couldn't believe that this rule was false.

   After all, if something goes wrong, it will be his life.

   "Thank you for your clarification, but I still have one thing I want to ask. What is this so-called great terror? Why is my skeleton monster instantly killed when it has the ability to be immortal for 5 seconds?"

"Great horrors are terrifying monsters naturally born in the source of chaos. They are invisible, come and go without a trace, and are attacked by them, no matter how high your HP is, how thick your shield is, how strong your damage reduction is, and how much you bear Ability, will be ignored directly, do not escape death."

   "That's outrageous!? Then there's no way to see them?"

   "Yes, there are. If the light of Chaos Origin Stone shines, you can see their figures, but even if you can see them, if there is no chaos damage, you can't hurt them."

   "It's okay to be really hurt?"

   "It's not that it can't be done, it's that it can't be attacked, just like physical damage attacking nothingness directly penetrates. Except for chaos damage, other damages can't touch the Great Terror."

   "I see, do you have Chaos Origin Stone here?"

   "Don't think about it. In this level, you have no other way to avoid the great terror except relying on your own perception of danger. We also don't have the Chaos Origin Stone to provide you."

   "Then can you tell me the attributes of the Great Terror?"

   "Attribute?" The guide smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't mention the attribute of the Great Terror. Unlike its lethality, it is very fragile. As long as you can cause chaos damage to it, it will basically die."

   "So that's the case, it's not difficult to deal with."

   "Do you still take Chaos damage?" The guide was obviously surprised.

  Chen Mo smiled mysteriously: "Let me try first."

  He immediately activated the omnipotent converter, converting all the damage types of all his units into chaos damage.

  Because the Great Terror is a one-hit kill, the shield of the skeleton monster has not been broken at all, so naturally it cannot rely on the damage caused by the shield being broken to counter the Great Terror.

  If this is the case, the only way to rely on the death of the skeleton monster is to cause chaos damage in a large area.

  Even if you can’t see it like this, it should be able to explode.

   The moment Chen Mo activated the Almighty Converter.

  He received tips from Heaven one after another.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your skeleton monster has been attacked by terror and has died! 】

  【Prompt from heaven: You have successfully killed a big terror, and you have gained 1 point of chaos energy! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your skeleton monster...! 】

  【Prompt from heaven: You have successfully killed a big terror, and you have gained 1 point of chaos energy! 】


   "Huh? What is Chaos Energy used for?"

  Chen Mo curiously asked the guide in front of him.

   "How do you know Chaos Energy? Wait?"

  The guide immediately closed his eyes, and then said in shock: "You actually killed the Great Horror?"

   "Didn't you say that you can't see them except the Chaos Origin Stone? How do you know they are dead?"

  Chen Mo looked at the other party with an expression of whether you lied to me.

  The guide shook his head and smiled wryly: "The great terrors in this area were produced by special means. I have counted them here. Now you have killed all one hundred great horrors!"

   "Is there any benefit in killing them?"

"As you said, you can gain 1 point of Chaos Energy by killing the Great Terror. When you are attacked by the Great Terror, if you have Chaos Energy on your body, you will not die. You will only lose 1 point every time you are attacked. It's just the source of chaos."

   "There is still such a usage, so what about other things? Since it is called source energy, it should be used as the energy of something, right?"

   "Well, but you don't need to use it right now, and you will naturally understand after you turn five."

   "The Year of the Monkey has passed."

   "With your strength, I don't think it will take long." The guide looked at Chen Mo speechlessly.

  Others may be slow, but you are far beyond the strength of the same level, I am afraid that you are very fast.

   "If there is no big terror to make trouble, then I can easily explore the entire area."

  Seeing that he now has 100 points of chaos energy, Chen Mo grinned and said with a sunny smile.

   "Chaos damage, it stands to reason that you can't touch it before the fifth turn. You have so many secrets on your little guy. It seems that you have some god-level means on your body."

The guide is a little helpless, Chen Mo's current behavior is equivalent to cheating. After all, the difficulty and test point of this level lies in how a leader with brains, courage and ability can lead a small team while avoiding a big terrorist attack that kills with one blow, while exploring Complete the entire area.

   Now the Great Terror is dying too quickly, and he doesn't even have time to intervene. Otherwise, if he finds this situation, he can apply some effects of immunity to area damage to make the Great Terror rule out this area damage.

   Now that the great horror is dead, and it cannot be reshaped for a while, the opponent will have no difficulty in exploring it next.

   If you continue to let this kid explore, he will definitely be able to complete the exploration, and there is no need to continue to waste time.

  He could only helplessly look at Chen Mo and said, "Congratulations on passing the final test."

   Following the words of the guide, Chen Mo also received a reminder from Heaven in time.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations, you have been approved by the guide of "Mysterious Dungeon" and passed all the trials! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Your exploration speed in the restricted area of ​​the gods will directly reach 100%, and the exploration reward will eventually be upgraded to a super SSS reward "Super God Body·Inactive"! 】

   "Super God Body? What is this?"

  Chen Mo checked it out of curiosity.

  [Super God Body · Inactive]: Activate when your divine power reaches 1000 points.

   "1000 points of divine power activated? Did you make a mistake?"

  Chen Mo looked at the guide in front of him speechlessly.

   At this time, the reminder of Heavenly Dao is still continuing.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have obtained an SSS-level gift package, and you have obtained an almighty divine fruit. 】

  【Reminder from Heaven: Since you cleared the forbidden zone trial of the gods, the SSS-level trial title you could have been upgraded to the super-SSS-level trial title "Chaos Trialist"! 】

  【Super SSS Title-Chaos Trialist】

  [Title effect]: All attributes are increased by 1000 points, and all damage you cause will be added with the same amount of chaos damage.

  [Title Skill]: Chaos Perception

  〖Chaos Perception〗: You can also perceive normally in the source of chaos, and you can see and perceive all chaotic units within your field of vision and perception range. When others perceive you, if the perception level exceeds your concealment level, they will only perceive chaos.

  [Title Introduction]: A special title that can only be obtained by those who pass the assessment of the Origin of Chaos safely!

   "Now you don't have to be afraid of the horror, you can feel it directly!"

  After reading the effect of the title, he suddenly reacted.

   "No, didn't you say that passing through the restricted area of ​​the gods has unexpected benefits? Why did I get an inactive super-god body and then disappear?"

   The moment he finished asking this sentence, the guide reached out and touched his forehead.

  Chen Mo felt a terrifying energy suddenly pouring into his body.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have been imbued with divine power, and you have gained 10 points of divine power! 】

[Heavenly reminder: You have accepted the "Super God Trial" task, and you will get a trial task for every 10 multiple levels. After completing the trial, you will be able to get special rewards and 10 points of divine power blessing. The next Super God trial will Unlocks at level 20. 】

   "Divine power? Isn't this a power that you will only come into contact with after turning five? Can I use it now?"

  Divinity is a very powerful special attribute, every 1 point possessed can double all attributes.

  With 100 points, it can be increased by 100 times.

  That's why the outside world often says that all players below Rank 5 are ants.

   It is precisely because of the huge difference in divine power after the fifth turn and before the fifth turn.

   Originally, the attributes after the fifth turn are far higher than those before the fifth turn, and the opponent also has divine power to increase the attributes twice, how terrifying?

   This gap between the front and the back is the gap between ants and gods.

  Chen Mo would never have thought that the benefit that the other party said was to directly infuse himself with divine power.

  And the long-term benefit is that I will continue to have opportunities to obtain divine power in the future.

   You must know that every chance of obtaining divine power in the Tower of Eternity is enough for the strong after the fifth rank to take the lead.

   As a result, I can have a stable chance to gain 10 points of divine power every 10 levels.

   What kind of bicycle do you need! ? It's a bloodbath.

  The only question now is that the divine power is so powerful, can I use it at this stage?

   If you can’t use it until you save it for five turns, wouldn’t you be greedy?

  Chen Mo naturally wanted to ask the guide in front of him clearly.

   "For normal people, even if they get divine power before the fifth rank, they can't control powerful power at all.

  And you now have a super **** body, although it has not been fully activated, but at least your current physique is different from other mortals. For you, every point of divine power should be able to take effect of one-tenth of the original effect. "The guide looked at Chen Mo and said.

   "One tenth, that's better than not taking effect, that is to say, if you infuse me with 10 points, and each point increases 10% of all attributes, that is 100% increase of all attributes?"


  The guide took a meaningful look at Chen Mo. This kid can be regarded as a different kind. Although the method of passing the final test is different from what was expected before, the future is also promising.

  He continued: "Little guy, you still have 27 bravery points left, you can buy something from me, see what you need."

  I saw that the opponent was divided into three parts, becoming a mysterious businessman, a mysterious blacksmith, and a mysterious technician.

   "Sure enough, you are the only one. I just said, where are there so many brothers?"

  The three smiled and said in unison: "Come on, do you want items or equipment or skills?"

   "There must be something I can use?"


   "What grade are they all?"

   "Choose one of three pieces of SSS quality."

   "There are three things to choose from."

  Chen Mo rubbed his chin immediately and began to think.

   This is really difficult to choose.

   Merchant should be three mythic items.

  Blacksmith should be equipped with three artifacts.

  Skill master should have three gold skills.

   Either way seems worth choosing.

  This is really confusing.

   After thinking about it for a while, Chen Mo looked at the Summoning Mastery·Extreme and God-level Calm Aura on his body.

   "If you don't choose a skill, forget it. If you can choose a skill like Summoning Mastery, it's not a shot."

   "I choose a technician."

   "Are you sure? There is only one chance."


  As Chen Mo confirmed, the figures of the blacksmith and the mysterious businessman on the opposite side had disappeared, leaving only a god-level skill master. He sat cross-legged on the ground, stretched out his hand and wiped it in front of him, and three golden skill books appeared on the ground.

   "Come on, take your pick."

  Chen Mo checked them one by one.

  The first golden skill book is a damage reduction skill book. Because it is golden, it has a 50% damage reduction effect on all damage, which is still very powerful.

   But Chen Mo doesn't need it.

  The second golden skill book is different. It is a skill book that increases the casting speed. It can make the cancellation of the pre-casting of any skill directly become instant.

  This kind of skill book is quite powerful for mage professions, or professions with high front swing.

   It can even be said that it can bring about qualitative changes.

  Especially for the mage profession, there are a lot of forbidden spells that are extremely powerful, throwing them out is comparable to a nuclear bomb!

  But the chanting time of this kind of forbidden spell is generally not short.

   If there is such an instant golden skill, it will be quite scary.

   If this were to be launched during a surprise attack on the enemy's base camp, it would be devastating.

  However, in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, there are anti-forbidden magic circles in the safe zone.

   Can forcibly counteract the forbidden spell after it is detected.

   But this kind of array arrangement consumes a lot of materials, and it cannot be arranged anywhere.

  Generally, it is arranged in the safe area to prevent aliens from stealing the house.

  Although the skills Chen Mo currently possesses are instant, but it is difficult to guarantee whether he will need to sing to acquire other skills in the future. This skill must be prepared.

  But he was not in a hurry, and read the third skill book first.

  【Extreme Calm·Golden】: All cooldowns are reduced by 90%!

  It is as simple as a dozen words, but what it reveals is an extremely powerful effect.

  Global abilities are different from exclusive abilities in the instance.

  Because the dungeon-specific ability can only take effect within the dungeon, basically the law of heaven will be relaxed a lot.

  However, the global general ability Tiandao is strictly limited.

  Although it didn't reach 99%, the cooling time of 90% is already very strong.

   However, the cooling effect on the body can only take effect at most one of the highest.

  If you take this, the Calm Gem that Chen Mo got before is useless.

   I carefully considered the cost-effectiveness of instant and rapid cooling for myself.

  Chen Mo finally chose to be extremely calm.

   "There is only one chance, don't regret it if you choose."

   Seeing that Chen Mo was about to take away his extreme calmness, the guide reminded him with a smile.

   "You will make me suffer from entanglement." Chen Mo said with a wry smile.

   After speaking, he directly took down the extremely calm golden skill book.

   "By the way, when I entered the trial before, I saw the prompt saying that only one person can get the highest reward. Now that I have cleared the trial, what will happen to this trial place?"

   "You have already taken all the rewards, so this trial ground will naturally be invalidated."

   "Voided? What about those who are still participating in the trial?"

  "All of them will be kicked out directly."

   "This is a big game!"

  Chen Mo secretly thought something was wrong. Doesn't this mean that nearly 100,000 candidates across the country will be kicked out at once?

  I'm afraid everyone will feel inexplicable for a while.

  He immediately began to think about what to say for a while.

   At this time, in the dungeon, all the candidates have received the reminder from Heaven.

  【Tiandao Tip: Please pay attention, please pay attention! The current dungeon has been abolished, and all participants will be sent out in 30 seconds, please get ready! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Please pay attention, please...】

  The reminder of the Dao of Heaven rang three times in a row, which made everyone in the dungeon look dumbfounded.

   At this time, the people outside were even more confused, because the layers corresponding to all the reference personnel instantly became 0 layers.

  When Chen Mo was on the 50th floor, the outside world had already started talking about it.

  They were also very curious about what would happen if Chen Mo cleared the fifty floors.

   But seeing that Chen Mo didn't respond for a long time after he reached the 50th floor, they couldn't help but start to wonder, is there nothing at all on the 50th floor? Chen Mo just went down to play?

   Now you are just waiting for the time for others to assess?

   While everyone was talking about it, they suddenly found that the layers of all candidates had become 0 layers.

   "What's going on? What's going on here?"

   "Why did everyone become 0 layers? What happened?"

  (end of this chapter)

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