Chapter 173 Valuable Questions! (2 in 1, 55)

   "Is it the same in other examination rooms?"

   "I contacted you just now, and it is true that all the candidates in other examination rooms have also become level 0. I don't know what's wrong."

   "Why is this happening? Did the Academy Alliance not show it to us on purpose?"

   "It's possible. I heard that aliens recently attacked a student who took the exam. Perhaps this time the reason for not showing it publicly is to protect the students."

   "But like this, no one knows what the grades are? Could it be that there are additional records in the Academy Alliance? If there are, it may be easy for aliens to get them. It is meaningless to hide the exam information.

   And after the exam is over, the results have to be announced. Otherwise, how do you apply for volunteers and get admitted? Wouldn't it be unnecessary? "

"What you said makes sense. There is really no need to hide it. Then what are you doing now? We have an abnormal two-star skeleton mage here. You can hide it if you say it. The other examination rooms have normal grades, and all of them have become Level 0, it’s really inexplicable.”

   "I don't know what happened to the candidates inside."

   At this time the radio rang.

   "Please stay calm, everyone. Regarding the abnormal data synchronization of this copy, we are stepping up to investigate the problem! I believe there will be an answer soon."

   This sudden change immediately aroused the doubts of the person in charge of the current college entrance examination of the College Alliance, and he sent people to start investigating the cause as quickly as possible.

   At the same time, the aliens have also communicated this strange situation to the headquarters.

   "The information of all candidates has become level 0? What are the people on earth trying to do?"

  Langu was also a little puzzled.

  As the teachers said in the previous discussion, this kind of hiding of candidate information is meaningless.

   After all, the candidate information will be announced soon.

  Is there anything to hide? If you don't announce it, can your school's enrollment convince the public?

  This hidden information is simply stupid.

   Having dealt with the earth for so many years, he doesn't think the upper echelons of the earth are so stupid.

   "Could it be that he did this just to prove that the two-star skeleton mage is extraordinary? I heard that the highest level of this dungeon is only 50 floors, and he has already reached the 50th floor."

   "It's useless, if you really want to do this, it's too late, that two-star skeleton mage has been on the 50th floor for how long, before he was extremely fast on every floor, but this time he stayed on the 50th floor for several minutes.

   If you really want to believe that his strength is extraordinary, shouldn't he be transformed within a minute after he reaches the fiftieth floor? It's weird now. "

   "My lord, there is news from inside. Even the administrator of the college entrance examination team doesn't know what happened. He is already ordering someone to investigate thoroughly."

   "Could it be that they are acting?"

   "What's the reaction of the top management of the alliance?" Langu immediately asked the group that was in contact with the latent personnel inside the top leadership of the alliance.

   "The news has just spread, and the top management of the alliance seems to be very surprised, but I don't know if it's acting."

   Just when everyone was baffled, suddenly the central lights of the ten venues flashed at the same time, and nearly one hundred thousand candidates were all sent back at once.

   All of a sudden, the teachers and the staff of the college entrance examination team of the college alliance became even more confused.

   "What's going on, why are all the students sent out?"

   "Is there something wrong with the copy?"

   Immediately someone asked the nearest classmate.

   "Why were you suddenly teleported out?"

   "We don't know either, we suddenly received a reminder that the dungeon was abolished, and then we were teleported out."

  The student who was questioned also looked confused at this time.

   "Duplicate abolition?"


"how so?"

  For a while, as long as the students were asked this question, they all got this answer.

   Soon this answer spread throughout every venue.

  The staff of the college entrance examination team also heard this message.

   "Duplicate itself revoked? Why revoked?"

   "No one said that the copy of the message received by the students was abolished."

   "Why is this happening? I'll contact the above to see the situation..."

  The person in charge of this year's college entrance examination is also battered at this time.

  Alien here.

   "All the candidates were sent out collectively? Why?"

   Now Zi Langu is also in a daze.

   Soon new news came.

   "My lord, there is news that the dungeon has been abolished."

   "The copy was abolished? Do you know why?"

   "Not too clear, all the students said they didn't know."

   "My lord, they won't abolish it by themselves."

   "Then why did they abolish it?"

   "It's just to set that skeleton mage as a model and lure us to take action. There is a clear goal, which is much easier to counter than we have to attack a large number of people."

   "It's unlikely, if that's the case, we can't take it easily."

   "Then why? They are willing to abolish a dungeon that has been created with great difficulty. The cost of establishing this kind of assessment dungeon over there is not low. I'm afraid they are the same here.

   If you say abolish it, it will be abolished? "

   "The whole thing is really weird."

   "So what do we do now?"

   "Even I can't understand the actions of the upper layers of the earth now."

   Langu's mind is full of question marks.

   Have no idea what tricks the upper echelons of the earth are playing now.

  Why is the copy suddenly abolished?

  Don't say he doesn't understand, the upper echelons of the earth don't even understand what's going on at this time.

   They discovered this dungeon by accident. It was hidden in a secret place in the Tower of Eternity. Almost no one knew about it. Only a few core members were maintaining the teleportation array at the entrance of the dungeon.

  After receiving the abnormal message, the higher-ups went to check it in person, and found that the copy entrance had disappeared out of thin air.

   "I heard that there is an abnormal candidate in this exam?"

   "Yes, the leader, a child whose profession is a two-star skeleton mage."

   "A two-star skeleton mage?"

  The three leaders of the Academy Alliance looked at each other, and the one sitting in the middle said, "Ask someone to invite this classmate over here, and let's ask him if he knows the reason."

   "Yes, I'll send someone to do it right away."

   At this time, the broadcasts were ringing in each venue, asking everyone to sit quietly and stand still, waiting for the results from the Academy Alliance.

  In the examination venue where Chen Mo was located, the radio rang and shouted: "Student Chen Mo, student Chen Mo from Haibin No. 2 Middle School, please come out. The Alliance has something to ask you."

  Hearing the broadcast, Chen Mo immediately squeezed out of the crowd.

  At this time, the aliens are here.

   "That strange two-star skeleton mage came out alone, should we kill him?"

At Alien Headquarters, Langu received a message from his subordinates, thought for a while and said: "Don't worry, everyone's eyes are on him now, even if this person is really weird, it is impossible for you to please him, let alone this There are still many aspects of the matter that have not been clarified, now is not the time to act in a hurry, just wait."

  The aliens were not ready to do anything, so Chen Mo naturally walked to the college entrance examination group of the college alliance.

   "Hello seniors, I'm Chen Mo from Haibin No. 2 Middle School, what can I do for you?"

  At this time, the head of the college entrance examination team in the No. 2 guild hall looked Chen Mo up and down. The young man looked very talented, but unfortunately he was only a two-star skeleton mage. I am afraid that this incident has nothing to do with him. It is simply an abnormality in the copy.

  He said: "The higher-ups ask you to go over and ask something, and I would like to trouble you to cooperate."

   "Ask something?" Chen Mo pretended to be puzzled.

   This time, when he came out, he found that everyone outside had turned into floor 0, so he immediately thought of an excuse.

  Anyway, as long as I don’t know what to say, I don’t know, and I’m still active on the first two floors and I’m done.

   Soon Chen Mo was brought in front of a small teleportation array.

  He stood up together with the person in charge of the second group of the college entrance examination.

   With a flash of light, the two appeared in the headquarters of the Earth Academy Alliance.

   "Is this the place where the strongest on earth gather?"

  Chen Mo looked around. The overall architectural style is very simple, without any fancy decorations at all.

  There are only simple white walls and white pillars, and it is not at all obvious that this is the place where the strongest human beings gather.

   Soon Chen Mo was brought to a small room.

   Entering the room, Chen Mo saw that there was a brown oval conference table in the room, and three people were sitting in front of the table far away from the room.

   Among the three people, one is a woman with blond hair, blue eyes and white skin, the other is a young man with dark hair and bronze skin, and the other is a man with dark skin like carbon and curly hair.

  These three are the leaders of the academy alliance jointly elected by the three races of color on the earth.

  The positions of the three are not divided into big and small positions, and they jointly manage the entire Earth Academy Alliance.

   "Hello, three leaders." Chen Mo bowed slightly.

  The three of them have managed the Earth Academy Alliance for so long, and they have broken their hearts together for the peace of the earth, which is somewhat worthy of respect.

   "Hello classmate, please sit down."

When he came in just now, seeing the three legendary masters of the Academy Alliance, Chen Mo was still a little cautious. After the three of them showed friendly smiles, he relaxed a little, pulled a chair far away from the three of them and sat on it. .

"Don't be nervous, we came here this time just to ask you something, if you know, please answer truthfully, if you don't know, it doesn't matter, we won't make things difficult for you, just tell the truth .”


  Chen Mo nodded.

   "The dungeon was suddenly abolished this time, do you know the reason?"

   "I don't know." Chen Mo shook his head.

  Secrets are secrets that no one knows. Even in the face of these three, Chen Mo doesn't want to reveal any news.

   "I heard that you went down to the 50th floor at an extremely fast speed this time, right?"

   "Fifty floors? How come? I was still wandering around the second floor when I suddenly received a reminder from Heaven."

  Chen Mo looked puzzled.

   "Really, did you feel any abnormality in the dungeon? You can tell us."

   "Except for the sudden notification from Tiandao that the dungeon was abolished, I didn't feel anything unusual."

  Chen Mo pretended to recall and said.

   After all, to say that there is no abnormality immediately, this reaction speed is too fast and false.

  Chen Mo still made a little design for himself in advance.

   "Well, well, thank you for your hard work, you can go back first, and if we think of anything else to ask later, please come here.

   This is the inquiry fee paid to you. "

  After speaking, the black-haired young man suddenly put a gold coin on the table and pushed it in front of Chen Mo!

   "Eternal gold coins!? The leader's question is really valuable." Chen Mo said with a smile.

   "If you like to make this money, welcome to bring more answers that we don't know in the future."

  The black-haired youth seemed to have something to say.

  But Chen Mo didn't answer, but got up and said: "Then the student will leave first."

   "Well, we will prepare a new copy of the college entrance examination for you soon, and prepare well when you go back."


   "Okay, you can go back."

  Chen Mo nodded, opened the door and walked out.

  The person in charge of the second group brought Chen Mo back to the teleportation array, and then teleported back to the No. 2 exam venue.

  In the meeting room at this time.

  The blonde woman and the dark-skinned man all turned their heads to look at the black-haired young man in the middle and asked, "How is it? What did you see?"

   "Can't see anything."

   "How is it possible? With your SSS-level detection ability, if the opponent is not covered by SSS-level ability, there should be nothing that you can't detect, right?"

   "It's really strange. I've never encountered this kind of thing before. It's like falling into the source of chaos. I only perceive chaos on him."

   "There is such a thing?"

   "This kid must have some secrets, but he doesn't want to tell, and we have nothing to do."

   "I think he was very interested in money just now, maybe he can use money to buy news."

   "It's useless, this kid looks like a person who is moved by money, but he is obviously not in his bones."

   "He is so strange, the alien must have preferred to kill him by mistake and let him go. He is dangerous recently, so send more people to watch him, but as long as he survives this period of time, everything will be fine."

   "When will our outstanding children of the earth not be in danger? Although we have suffered a huge loss this time, at least we have sealed off their teleportation place with all our strength, and we can prevent aliens from entering for a long time."

   "It's just that if the people of the Eternal Star System on our earth know that the teleportation land is sealed, they may be dormant again. We should have waited for them to be exposed before we do it."

   "No way, this time the opportunity is so good, we have to do it in advance, otherwise there is no chance to seal it, at most it will destroy the restrictions."

   "It's true, even though several of their strong men left for unknown reasons this time, we still suffered heavy losses. It can be seen that this opportunity is really lost!"

   "Oh, I just feel a little pity. Before they openly assassinated in the academy alliance, I thought they were going to go all out. Now that they have done this, they must retreat, and it is difficult to eradicate."

   "Take your time, the Voice of the Great Dao appeared three times in one day, which shows that there is at least one incredible talent rising on our earth. Give them a little more time, and the tomorrow of our earth will be even better!"

  (end of this chapter)

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