Chapter 175 Eyeing the baby! (3 in 1, 55)

  The Alien Assassin shot extremely fast, five of them killed one at the same time.

   Killing will kill you.

  And each group of these people has someone with the "Stone of Death".

   This is a special prop. If the carrier activates this thing, all units within ten meters around him cannot be revived after death, including the carrier himself.

  Bringing this kind of thing can be said to be a real double-edged sword. If you are not careful, you will kill yourself.

  But in order to successfully kill, you have to bring it.

   This is currently the lowest cost ability to limit the resurrection of others that can be obtained in large quantities.

  Of course, the so-called low cost here refers to the low cost obtained with the endorsement of the power of an entire galaxy behind it.

  It is very labor-intensive for a normal person to obtain one alone.

   But this thing has a fixed place to brush it after all, it is much easier to get than Chen Mo's ring of death with a similar effect.

  In addition to this thing, some of them carried the "Stone of Mediocrity".

   This thing is similar to the Stone of Absolute Death. Once activated, it will also take effect on both parties. The effective range is also very short, only within ten meters. Once activated, all passive abilities of both parties can be directly sealed.

  This makes some passive abilities such as triggering injury avoidance after receiving fatal damage, triggering full blood resurrection, transferring damage similar to Chen Mo's ability to share fate, etc., will directly fail.

  With these two things, it can basically guarantee that all the life-saving abilities of the killer will be cut off directly.

   In addition, they also quenched special venom on their weapons. Once the opponent dies, they will immediately and completely destroy the opponent's body.

   This makes it impossible for the opponent to be resurrected even if the stone of death is closed after the opponent dies.

  After all, the currently known resurrection abilities all stop at the need for a certain body to be preserved after the death of the opponent.

  The Dao of Heaven still has a lot of restrictions on this aspect.

  The hair and nails you left before death are useless, only the body parts left after death. Once completely destroyed, there is no ability to resurrect.

   Unless you can find a super SSS-level resurrection ability.

   But obviously, at least the people on earth have not discovered this ability yet.

  So as long as it can kill with one blow, the opponent has no way to survive.

  In the first guild hall, twenty killers attacked together, and five of them went straight to Yan Yingyue!

Fortunately, after the last assassination, now Yan Yingyue has a life-saving object that automatically detects the enemy within a range of 20 meters and knocks it into the air. ten meters.

  Obviously, twenty meters is greater than ten meters, Yan Yingyue's life-saving object's passive triggers before the mediocre stone, and they can't get close at all.

  As soon as they came over, they were directly bounced away by the energy shield.

  While they were being bounced away, a group of masters who had rushed out to protect Yan Yingyue had already attacked them fiercely and killed them mercilessly.

   After all, he is an assassin, with strong lethality, although he has the ability to save his life, but facing many masters, it is equivalent to not having it!

  The five corpses exploded in an instant, causing screams from the students who had never seen the world around them.

  Even if they have killed monsters, few people have seen the tragedy of human beings being killed.

   Especially if they were killed by their side, they were naturally terrified.

  But for aliens, human masters hate them to the core, and they don't have the slightest kindness to speak of.

   I can't wait to resurrect them and kill them again!

  The five people here were killed instantly.

  The fifteen people over there are in three different positions in the guild hall, and they are also launching attacks on three different key targets.

  A group of men and horses were faster than the dark guards. Even though the dark men blocked three of them, they still missed two of them who successfully killed the target in the past.

  I saw that the girl hadn't realized what was going on, when she saw a figure swaying in front of her suddenly, a cold light flashed, and the next moment her eyes went black, and she couldn't see anything.

  It wasn't that she was invisible at this time, but that her entire body was completely blackened and corrupted into a pile of fly ash, which was completely corroded and destroyed by the toxin.

   And she didn't die in vain. Those who joined forces to kill her were directly killed by the masters of the earth with their backhands!

  The master of the earth looked at the flying ash all over the place, neither sad nor happy.

  Although this girl may have been killed just now as the hope of the younger generation on Earth, but in exchange for the five killers of aliens and the exposure of relevant information behind them, who can say which is more important?

  The other two groups of people were not very lucky. The two groups of guardians they met had extremely fast masters.

  Even if the assassins in one of the groups flickered to the target in an instant, they were too late to kill them.

   After all, those people who can enter through the teleportation place are all below Rank 5.

   Units with divine power cannot travel to other planets through the teleportation place.

  As for the people sent to protect by the earth, there is no limit, and people with divine power can be sent to protect.

   But the competition in the Tower of Eternity is also very fierce. All rank five masters are important combat power, and it is really difficult to dispatch them back to guard them.

  Especially this time, they have lost a lot in the attack on the teleportation place. I'm afraid they will have to go back to the Tower of Eternity to replenish their combat power.

   But for now, at least they are still secretly protecting the younger generation of the earth.

  Of the four people in this venue, two are guarded by Rank 5 experts.

   These two people mainly have a little background.

  For a person with no background like Yan Yingyue, even if she has experienced one assassination, the number of protected people will increase a few more, and at the same time, she will get an extra life-saving magic weapon.

   But he couldn't be assigned a Rank 5 strongman to guard him.

  The other two targets all have high-level backgrounds, and the guardian forces behind them all have Rank 5 powerhouses.

   No matter how fast these ten people are, it is impossible for them to be faster than two rank five masters.

   It was easily handled by others directly.

   Other masters are all pursuing one-hit kills.

   But rank five masters are different.

  They even directly controlled the shooter, ready to go back and torture him.

  Of the ten killers, seven were killed by bombing, and three were completely controlled.

  If you want to run but can't run away, your whole body ability is directly suppressed and sealed by some special abilities obtained by the opponent after performing five turns, so you can only obediently catch it.

   "Take these three back and interrogate them strictly!"

   One of the rank five powerhouses who made the move finished speaking, and angrily cursed the three of them with pain!


  In an instant, I felt a splitting headache for convenience, but I couldn't do it even if I wanted to commit suicide, so I could only cry in pain.


   "Want to die? Hmph, if you want to die, you have to wait until you tell me the secret before you die!"

  In the first venue.

  Twenty people took action, and only one group made achievements, but seventeen died and three were arrested. It can be said that the loss was heavy.

   In other venues, a lot of exchanges have already been made at this time.

  Thirteen people shot in the third venue.

   There are two first-order targets and one second-order target.

  The thirteen people who took the shot successfully killed two targets, and the remaining lucky master reacted very quickly and saved him.

   Exchange one five-star and one four-star death for thirteen killers.

  The same is true for the next few venues. None of the venues can completely keep people.

  The aliens are not here to deliver food, they intend to assassinate, if they can't kill any of them, and their ability is so poor, then they don't need to be sent to participate in the operation.

  In the second venue, it can only be considered that they were unlucky to meet Chen Mo.

   At the moment when these aliens came out, because of the powerful perception ability of the pioneers, Chen Mo was able to catch the anomaly the moment they showed their killing intent.

   "So much this time!?"

  Chen Mo was very surprised. He didn't expect that sixteen people rushed out at once.

   The moment they pounced, Chen Mo had activated the Orb of Time and Space!

   If you don't control them and wait for them to rush into the candidates, wouldn't it be like wolves joining the sheep and killing them randomly?

  Chen Mo didn't want to die, and he didn't want to see others die, so he activated the Orb of Time and Space immediately.

  At the same time, he classified all the surrounding college entrance examination guards into the ranks that would not be affected by his time stop.

  These people are all professionals, as long as you see the strangeness of these people, you will immediately understand what these people are.

  At this point in time, everyone is listening carefully to the Academy Alliance's investigation report on the dungeon anomaly. As far as their joy in saving the dungeon is concerned, if there is no problem with this group of people, then there is nothing wrong with it.

  The guard group reacted immediately and prepared to attack together, taking down all the sixteen people who appeared in the No. 2 venue.

   And when they were about to make a move, Chen Mo unexpectedly felt that there was still one person who could act.

   "How is it possible, I didn't let him move?"

  As the person moved, Chen Mo realized that this person had a powerful energy that he was familiar with. This is divine power!

   "Turn 5 powerhouse!"

   This is the first time Chen Mo saw a Rank 5 powerhouse with his own eyes.

  He didn't expect that a rank five powerhouse would be so powerful that he couldn't stop him from time to time?

  But as long as you see a Rank 5 powerhouse, you can rest assured that he is definitely not an alien.

   After all, the aliens' rank-five powerhouses cannot come to Earth.

   This is 100% my own.

  At this time, the Rank 5 powerhouse stopped when he saw these aliens were unexpectedly stopped by an inexplicable force. He immediately shot quickly, trying to seal off the abilities of these people who rushed out as much as possible, so that they could be used for torture later.

   It has to be said that the powerhouse of Rank 5 is quick and resolute in his actions.

   Before the stoppage time of just 3 seconds was over, he had completely sealed the sixteen people and confiscated the space backpacks on them.

  As the time stopped, these sixteen people all looked terrified, and they looked at themselves in disbelief.

  They were obviously wearing time-stop props, but they still received a time-stop reminder just now.

   This is obviously an SSS-level stop-start.

   It wasn't until they saw the Rank 5 leader volleying at them that they knew they had encountered a hard stubble.

  Seeing this scene, several aliens lurking in the crowd immediately sent crazy messages to inquire about the headquarters.

"There are rank-five powerhouses in the second venue, and they also have high-level time-stop abilities. All sixteen of us have been controlled. Should we kill them now? With so many people, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be tortured by the other party. news."

   Langu looked at the replies of the lurking personnel in each venue. This time, the success rate of the operation was only half.

   The success rate of the first sequence of kills is even only one-third.

   It can be described as a failed shot.

  But there was no other way, the form forced him to make such a choice.

  Many people have been captured alive now. Although Langu believes that they will not say anything, the unbearable pain of torture can drive a person crazy.

  Being able to understand them is naturally the best.

   But enough people have been exposed so far.

   Continue to shoot and kill your own people? I'm afraid it's not easy either.

  Since the other party has the intention to control and is ready to go back and interrogate him, he will naturally not be killed easily.

   Another shot can only increase the loss.

"Forget it, let's observe for a while. After all, the Voice of the Great Dao at level 15 has not appeared for a long time. The person who triggered the Voice of the Great Dao three times in a row may have died directly in the SSS assessment at level 15." possible!"

  Langu felt that the assassination this time was considered a meritorious service.

  The success rate was nearly half, and one-third of the targets in the first sequence were also assassinated.

   Enough is enough.

  The most critical thing now is the key goals among the children of the aristocratic family.

  In fact, the person most likely to trigger the Voice of the Great Dao is a certain figure in the family's children.

   Next, we need to continue to think long-term.

  Originally this time, they were prepared to assassinate even the children of the aristocratic family at any cost, and he had already dispatched troops and generals.

  The secret treasures specially used to deal with the aristocratic family have also been prepared.

   As a result, I received the news that the transfer place was sealed.

   This made him have to give up his plan to forcibly kill the children of the family.

   "Notify everyone, don't take any actions and contacts during this period, just treat yourself as a human being on earth and live a good life, and live in full accordance with the behavior pattern of people on earth.

   Wait for my order! "


  At this time, in the ten venues, except for the second venue, the corpses of aliens were blown apart by the bombardment, and the **** smell continued to permeate the crowd.

   For a while, people were panicked.

  Just now, both sides shot very fast, there was no extra verbal communication and no time for verbal communication, so what kind of cruel words were spoken.

   One side threw out the target as quickly as possible and took the lives of the elite students.

   One side tried its best to defend, and the backhand was furious and killed.

   In the short confrontation, apart from the sound of fighting, there were hardly any other sounds.

  In such an almost depressing situation, facing the death of peers and the constant **** smell of aliens, it is difficult for everyone not to feel palpitations and panic.

  But the college entrance examination team has already considered this situation.

  So quickly sent someone to speak up to appease everyone.

  At this time, in the No. 2 venue.

  Because there are rank-five powerhouses, there is no need for people from the college entrance examination group to speak out.

   "Listen, everyone, don't panic because of the alien's assassination this time, let me tell you good news, this time we spent a huge price to completely seal the alien's teleportation place in the Tower of Eternity!

   There will be at least five hundred days in the next, we don't need to worry about someone sending them over again.

   Today is just the last madness before they decide to hibernate. We will take advantage of this precious time to carry out a global sweep, and strive to eradicate the alien cancer from our earth as soon as possible! "

   Originally, many people were still in the panic caused by the crazy dispatch of aliens this time.

   But when they heard that the teleportation land was completely sealed, aliens could not enter the earth again for 500 days, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a burst of ecstasy!

   All kinds of cheers sounded in the various venues for a while.

   At this time, all venues have received this message.

   After all, this attack by the aliens has caused a lot of panic to many people. This news is the best medicine for reviving the soul!

   Chen Mo was overjoyed when he heard the news.

  Aliens are restricted from entering? Wouldn't he feel much more at ease then?

   Now there will be fewer aliens, not more. After experiencing such a serious loss this time, they may not dare to act recklessly anymore.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo suddenly felt much more relaxed.

  However, it still cannot be completely taken lightly, after all, the foundation of aliens on the earth has not been completely eradicated from the earth.

   They still have the ability to die.

  The broadcast continued to sound after the top leaders of the alliance in each venue came out to encourage people.

  However, their encouragement has an effect on those who have not been selected as assassination targets just now.

  But the person who was just selected as the assassination target still has lingering fears at this moment.

  Especially Yan Yingyue, this is the second time she has encountered this kind of assassination.

  She was afraid for a while, but when she was afraid, she didn't think of some high-level alliance strongman protecting her, but a boy's shadow would appear inexplicably in her heart.

   "I don't know how Chen Mo is? I hope he hasn't been targeted by aliens."

  Yan Yingyue was going to send a message to ask questions, but she didn't send it because she was afraid that the other party would be worried.

  But after thinking about it carefully, if the aliens only knew that he was a two-star skeleton mage, they probably wouldn't be eyeing him.

  In the No. 2 venue, after Chen Mo was assassinated this time, he also thought of Yan Yingyue's situation.

   After all, this assassination was very similar to the last one, and he immediately remembered what happened last time.

  【Yingyue, which venue are you taking the exam at? There was an alien attack in the second venue just now, are you all right? 】

  In fact, when this sentence was sent successfully, Chen Mo knew that Yan Yingyue was fine.

  Otherwise, what he received was a reply from Heaven that the other party was dead.

  Suddenly received a message from Chen Mo, Yan Yingyue was overjoyed immediately.

  【It’s okay, the Academy Alliance gave me a very powerful life-saving prop. Just now, those aliens rushed over and were thrown away. I’m very safe. 】

【That's good. 】

【And you? Didn't get caught. 】

  【I'm only a two-star skeleton mage, and I won't be taken seriously even if I'm targeted, so it's not a big problem. 】

【That's good】

   It would be good if both of them said something, and then ended the conversation tacitly.

  But Yan Yingyue felt warm in her heart after a few short conversations, and felt the care of the person she cared about. Even a few simple words were enough.

   At this time, the radio continued to talk about the abnormality of the dungeon.

   "Regarding the abnormality of this dungeon, we will prepare a new copy of the college entrance examination for the candidates. Please go back and rest for a day. We will prepare a new copy of the exam for you the day after tomorrow."

   "Everyone, please enter the central area, we will use reverse teleportation to teleport you back to the school."

  As the broadcast finished, all the teachers in the stands also entered the central area.

  After a burst of reverse teleportation, tens of thousands of people in the original central area of ​​each venue disappeared instantly.

  At this time, in the No. 2 venue.

The person in charge of the college entrance examination looked at the rank-five powerhouse and said, "Senior Liao, when did you master such a strong time-stop ability? Do all these aliens have the ability to be immune to time-stop, or are you accusing them of being honest?" Really."

  Liao Xuebing said thoughtfully: "It's not my ability, but someone in the venue. That person obviously didn't want to expose himself, so he didn't act at all."

  As soon as these words came out, Liao Xuebing suddenly remembered something.

   "Did this happen during the Jiangnan Provincial Examination?"

   "Yes, I remembered what you said. At that time, there was a girl named Yan Yingyue who performed very well and broke the record for the number of days she survived in the history of the college entrance examination, and was directly assassinated by aliens in advance!

  At that time, Yue Yang was the host. According to him, after he was time-stopped, a mysterious person reversed the time-stop and canceled his time-stop in advance. This ability is very similar to this time.

   Everyone was stopped this time, but our college entrance guard team was able to move freely. "

"It seems to be one of the people present that day. Go back immediately and investigate who is the same as the people who are here today. This person's time-stopping level is extremely high! Being suspended for a moment, this is definitely not something that ordinary time stops can do.

  If it can be collected for public use, it will be of great help to our confrontation with aliens in the Tower of Aion. "

   "I'm afraid it will be difficult to collect it for public use." The person in charge of the college entrance examination in the second venue said with a helpless smile.

  After thinking about it carefully, I know that no one should be willing to hand over such a precious thing.

"Of course we can't take it for nothing. If his item is an SSS-level treasure, then we can exchange two or even three items for one of his items. Although the grade is the same, the strategic value of this item is obviously higher than that of other items. An SSS-class treasure for other purposes.

  This kind of treasure is really overkill for a person below Rank 5. "

   "If so, it's worth a try."

  Three SSS grades for one SSS, presumably many people would be willing.

   It's a stable profit and no loss business.

  At this time, Chen Mo, who has returned to Haibin No. 2 Middle School, still doesn't know that the top management of the alliance has already set his sights on his precious baby.

  If his item is just an ordinary SSS-level treasure, then the other party really likes it. If the other party wants to exchange it, Chen Mo is naturally willing to exchange one for three.

   But where is his item an ordinary SSS treasure?

  This is a super artifact component!

   Even if you bring ten SSS grades, Chen Mo may not be willing to exchange them.

  Although it is only the first-order difference between the SSS level and the super SSS level, the utility may be very different.

  It's like Chen Mo's Chaos Trialer ability.

  If he didn’t have this ability, and he entered the source of chaos, his SSS-level pioneer perception ability would be the same as if he didn’t have it.

  But with the chaos perception provided by the chaos trialist, he can naturally display his perception ability in the source of chaos.

   The gap between the front and the back is huge.

   After all, there is such a perverted thing as great terror in the source of chaos.

   You must know that the horror that Chen Mo encountered in the trial that he participated in this time is just the most **** kind that the Protoss made through special means.

  In the Origin of Chaos, there are all genuine products. If you don’t have the ability to detect them, even the gods will have to risk a huge death risk!

  Back to school, Chen Mo was going to go home directly to sort out the dungeon harvest this time.

  But he was suddenly stopped by the principal.

  (end of this chapter)

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