All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 176: Immune to God's Fall, an unexpected harvest! (two in one, 2/

  Chapter 176 Immunity to the God Pendant, unexpected harvest! (2 in 1, 25)

   "Everyone has heard what the alliance said. Go home and continue preparing. There will be a new exam for you the day after tomorrow."

   "Chen Mo, please stay here, the teacher has something to say to you." Just as Chen Mo turned to leave, Shen Rulong stopped Chen Mo.

  The other students didn't know what happened yet.

  So I didn't care.

   At this time, other students left one after another, and several teachers surrounded Chen Mo and asked curiously: "Chen Mo, what did the League call you to ask?"

   "It's a bit strange, I don't know why I asked me if I know why the copy is abnormal."

   "Oh? Didn't you feel anything unusual in the copy?"

   "No, I just formed a team and finished the first floor. When I entered the second floor, I suddenly received a reminder from Tiandao that there was a problem with the copy, and then I was kicked out. I don't know what happened."

   "It seems that the copy is really wrong."

  Shen Rulong and the others nodded in understanding.

   After all, they themselves can't achieve that kind of low-level speed. Even if Chen Mo is a five-star professional, it is impossible for him to be so fast.

   Unless the copy is wrong.

   And now that the dungeon has indeed gone wrong, everything can be explained.

   Not only them, but even the high-level members of the Academy Alliance think so.

   Even if they think Chen Mo is weird.

But even a Rank 5 powerhouse with unrestricted strength can't dare to say that there is such an outrageous lower-level speed in this dungeon exam. A child whose strength is restricted to level 10, no matter whether it is a two-star or a five-star, it is impossible to have such an outrageous speed. Lower layer speed.

  So if you think about it carefully, only one copy fails.

   Naturally, no one would have more doubts about Chen Mo.

  However, when Chen Mo was detected, nothing could be detected, which still aroused the curiosity of the leader.

  But the leader did not receive a reminder from Tiandao that the detection level is not enough, or that it cannot be detected.

   It means that the opponent's concealment level is not very high, but when I explore the past, I can only perceive chaos, which means that the opponent may have things like chaos stones.

   It is difficult to evaluate the grade of this kind of thing, but it is found all over the world.

   It is said that the source of chaos was forcibly torn apart by the gods and some fragments were scattered all over the world.

   Whether you can meet and pick it up depends entirely on your own luck.

  The alliance has no way of finding out where you picked it up.

   This thing appears extremely randomly.

   All kinds of abnormal places in the wild, sometimes changing, a piece will appear in a certain corner.

  So the leaders did not pay too much attention to Chen Mo.

  As long as they have the heart, they can find out all the eighteen generations of Chen Mo's ancestors.

  Regarding Chen Mo's information, when he experienced abnormal speed in the lower layer of the dungeon, he had been thoroughly investigated.

  Undoubtedly, a two-star skeleton mage and an earthling with a strong root.

   After explaining the abnormality to the teachers clearly, Chen Mo returned home.

  On the way home, Chen Mo's pioneer ability sensed that there were two people nearby secretly following him.

   And while following, while alerting the surroundings, it seems that they are deliberately protecting themselves secretly.

   "A mere two-star skeleton mage, is it worth sending two masters to protect me? The top management of the alliance is really kind."

  Chen Mo doesn't really care about being followed and protected. After all, with his ability, he can easily detect all the abilities that follow the two people.

   Not afraid of being seen by them what they shouldn't see.

  Pretending not to notice anything, Chen Mo went straight home.

  At this time, Liu Yiyi couldn't stay idle at home, and was trying to make some desserts that took a lot of effort. She was going to give Chen Mo a taste if the experiment was successful.

   "Sister Yiyi, what are you doing? It smells so fragrant."

  Chen Mo was attracted by a scent as soon as he entered the door. Following the sweet smell, he walked directly to the kitchen.

  Liu Yiyi smiled and said, "A little dessert, it's still in the experiment."

   After she finished speaking, she came to her senses and said unexpectedly: "Didn't you go to take the college entrance examination? Why did you come out so soon?"

   "There are some problems with the copy of the college entrance examination. The college alliance said that the copy will be prepared for us the day after tomorrow, so let us come back first."

   "There is still a problem with the copy of the college entrance examination?" Liu Yiyi turned back to continue making desserts, but her face was full of doubts, "This copy of the college entrance examination has been used for many years, why did it suddenly go wrong?"

   But this is not her concern, she soon immersed in researching new desserts.

  Chen Mo sneaked over to steal some food, but Liu Yiyi slapped his little hand off.

  Looking at Chen Mo's greedy face, Liu Yiyi laughed and said, "This is all a failure. I'll eat it later when it's finished. Go and have a rest first. I'll call you when it's done."

   "Okay." Chen Mo smiled and returned to his room.

  Back in the room, Chen Mo began to check the harvest of this dungeon.

   Seeing his current 10 points of divine power, Chen Mo couldn't help but sigh how powerful the divine power is.

  There is a huge difference between having divine power and not having divine power.

  The effect of divine power is not only to increase all attributes, but also because the ability you exert on others will also be blessed by divine power.

   But this part will cancel each other out.

  For example, Chen Mo used Time Stop this time.

  The basic effect is to stop for 3 seconds.

   And for every 1 point of divine power, the effect on others can be increased by 1%.

  Chen Mo now has 10 points of divine power, which is enough to increase the effect by 0.3 seconds if it can be fully effective.

   And if the opponent also has divine power, it can be offset.

  For example, Liao Xuebing, the Rank 5 powerhouse in the No. 2 venue this time.

  His divine power is 50 points. If Chen Mo has no divine power, then all the abilities he uses on Liao Xuebing can directly reduce the effect of 50% to Liao Xuebing, and directly reduce the impact by half.

  But because Chen Mo has 10 points of divine power, if Liao Xuebing's 10 points of divine power are canceled out, Liao Xuebing can only take effect of 40 points of divine power, which is enough to stop him for 0.3 seconds.

  Originally, 0.3 seconds can be said to be a very short time, but for rank five powerhouses, this time is enough for them to fight each other several times.

  Of course, because Chen Mo's super **** body has not been activated much, the divine power can only exert one-tenth of the original effect.

  So his 10 points of divine power are actually equivalent to only 1 point of divine power.

  It can only increase the effect of the effect by 1%.

  The divine power that can be offset with others can only be counted as 1 point.

   is completely negligible.

   This is why Liao Xuebing didn't find anything unusual.

  Because his 50-point divine power effect was only offset by 1-point effect by Chen Mo.

   At that time, his attention was all on the Alien. As soon as he thawed, he immediately shot to subdue the Alien. He was stopped for 0.03 seconds when he was caught, so naturally he didn't pay much attention for a while.

  The most important thing is that there is no prompt for divine power to cancel each other out.

  Everyone will only receive the basic ability effect of Tiandao’s reminder. If the difference in the influence of divine power is too small, you will not be able to perceive it.

  Because of the existence of this effect, people with divine power can do whatever they want when facing people without divine power.

  New rank-five powerhouses like Liao Xuebing were sent back to covertly protect them because of their inferior combat power, and to cooperate with the eradication of aliens on the earth.

  If it is a rank five powerhouse with more than 100 points of divine power.

   Those who are below Rank 5 will be reduced by more than 100% of any abilities they use against him.

  That is really no effect will take effect.

   Directly being crushed and beaten.

   After admiring the power of the gods, Chen Mo took out two things obtained in the dungeon, an SSS-level gift bag and an almighty fruit.

   "This is the fruit that can add 100 points to all attributes when eaten. I don't know how it tastes?"

  Chen Mo looked at the pitted, lavender fruit in front of him, which was a bit ugly and a bit unpalatable, he hesitated for a while, then put it into his mouth, bit it and felt it.

   As a result, the taste was not tasted, but the fruit entrance opened automatically.

   Immediately, a surge of energy seemed to appear out of thin air in my body, and it was completely absorbed by myself in an instant.

  【Reminder from Heaven: You have taken the Almighty God Fruit, and you have gained 100 points of all attributes. Since you have a super-god body, the super-god body exerts additional absorption capabilities, and you have gained an additional 100 points of all attributes! 】

   "Good guy, there are unexpected gains!?"

   Originally thought that the super **** body was useless before it was activated, but now Chen Mo changed his mind.

  The existence of a super **** physique can directly double the effect of the attribute fruit, which is too profitable.

  100 full attribute points is not a small amount, it is equivalent to 500 attribute points, and now he has gained an additional 100 points, which is equivalent to another 500 attribute points for nothing.

   It's simply not too cool.

  After eating the fruit, Chen Mo, who was in a happy mood, immediately turned to the SSS-level gift bag next to him.

   "I don't know what to open, don't open super god-level components for me, anything else will do."

   After all, opening another super artifact component will trigger a special task. If the other super artifact components are metamorphosis powerhouses with more than five ranks, they will not be eaten to death.

  Chen Mo naturally didn't want to encounter such a thing.

  With the opening of the big gift package, what Chen Mo was worried about did not happen. After all, the super artifact components are not Chinese cabbage, and there are so many SSS-level things in different categories, how could it be opened just right.

  【Prompt from heaven: You have successfully opened the SSS-level gift package, congratulations on obtaining the binding equipment "Immunity God Pendant Artifact"! 】

  【Immunity God Pendant · Artifact Level】

  【Occupation Restrictions】: None

  [Equipment Requirements]: None

  [Equipment Attributes]: Immune to all seal effects and negative aura effects.

  【Equipment Special Effect】: Immunity God Ring

  〖Immunity God Ring〗: Make all friendly units within the radius of "level * 100 meters" around you get the same immune effect. After 60 seconds, it will consume 1% of your maximum energy per second, and the cooldown time is 100 seconds.

  [Equipment Introduction]: A powerful necklace with continuous immunity. It used to be the favorite thing worn by the Goddess of War. Wearing it may make you invincible!

   "Immune to seals and negative auras!"

   Seeing this ability, Chen Mo felt that this necklace was extremely admirable.

   Those who are immune to this abnormality and that abnormality.

  Actually, it does not work for persistent negative auras.

  For example, you have the ability to be immune to blinding, but when the blinding effect is caused by the halo, then your immunity will be invalid.

  As long as you enter the range of the blinding aura, you will be blinded whether you are immune or not.

  The same is true for the poisonous aura. You have poison immunity, but if you enter the range of the poisonous aura, you will still be poisoned.

  Although it is a bit inexplicable, this is a matter of priority under the rules of heaven.

  The priority of negative aura is higher than that of normal immunity, so the ability of negative aura is very strong.

  This is why the frequency of negative auras is very low.

   And the Immunity Pendant can actually directly immunize all negative auras.

   Just this one effect, it is enough to make a god!

   What's more, it also has the effect of immunity to sealing ability.

  The effect of the sealing ability is somewhat similar to the negative aura.

  For example, you have the ability to be immune to various abnormalities, but you can still be sealed away from all abilities, because the priority of sealing is higher than your ability to be immune to abnormalities.

  The existence of an immune **** pendant directly and completely solves this priority problem.

  Whether it is the sealing ability or the negative aura, the Immunity Pendant can directly immunize them all.

  Even the Immunity God Pendant can be turned on to take effect for the group.

  Although this necklace does not have any other seemingly strong effects, it is definitely a life-saving magic weapon for Chen Mo.

   It also made up for some of his shortcomings.

   Being able to open such a thing, Chen Mo was quite satisfied, and he directly put the Immunity God Pendant on his neck.

  After doing all this, Chen Mo began to check his current attribute strength.

  With the blessing of divine power, his current attributes are quite powerful.

  After all, the increase of attributes is doubled, and all attributes, including titles, can be doubled. Originally, the attributes Chen Mo obtained from the title were quite explosive.

   Now enjoy the increase in divine power in advance, the direct strength is off the charts, and the attributes are comparable to the 60-level second-rank powerhouse who has not yet turned three.

  【Name】: Chen Mo

  【star】: seven stars (two stars + five stars are hidden)

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage (initial occupation), Infinite Fusion Master (hidden initial occupation)

  【Level】: Level 15

  [Experience]: 8247338/149600 (third-order bottleneck)


  Physique 12439=life 483176, physical defense 73196, life recovery 12439 points/10 seconds (140% per second)

  Power 12030=Physical Attack 36091

  Agility 12030=Blast Damage+12030%

  Intelligence 14308=Act Attack 44624

  Spirit 14308=energy 715400, magic defense 82540, energy recovery 15158 points/10 seconds (240% per second)

  Skeleton monsters that can be summoned with such attributes are: blood volume 343392, object 103018, law attack 103018, physical defense 0, law defense 0, characteristics - bomb, resurrection, corpse poison, invisibility, sacred, concentric

  The attribute of level 15 is comparable to the attribute of level 60, which is four times worse, and was directly leveled by Chen Mo.

   This is the result of the blessing of a body-level treasure.

  Chen Mo glanced at the ring of the sage in his hand.

  Now there is Goddess Tears for magic recovery, and God's flicker for teleportation.

  The ring of the sage has no other use except for adding 100 points to all attributes and 100% blood recovery.

   And this 100-point all-attribute bonus is not as comfortable as turning the current profession into a five-star.

After all, the bonuses of many treasures in the whole body are linked to the professional star rating. Now that the Alien Teleportation Land is abolished, this assassination must not be a small one. They should need to be quiet for a while to avoid being uprooted. Chen Mo also Can be a little bolder.

  The most important thing is that he now has the title of Chaos Trialer, and others can't find anything even if their detection ability exceeds his concealment ability.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo decided to use this sage's ring now.

  (end of this chapter)

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