All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 177: A heaven-defying vision, shocking the world! (three-in-one, 5/

  Chapter 177 Heaven-defying phenomenon, shocking the world! (3 in 1, 55)

   "The only five-star initial hidden profession. I don't know what kind of profession in the same department as the skeleton mage can reach this level. I have never heard of this level before."

  Chen Mo tried to check the information again, and confirmed that there is nothing about the only five-star initial hidden occupation on the Internet.

  A lot of five-star hidden jobs were found about subsequent job reincarnation, but none of the initial five-star hidden jobs were found.

  【Heavenly reminder: You are activating the Great Sage’s Blessing effect of the Sage’s Ring. Once this effect is used, the Sage’s Ring will be broken and disappeared. Please confirm! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: You will lose a piece of "Sage's Ring·Artifact Grade", please confirm again! 】

   Following Chen Mo's confirmation twice in a row, the ring of the sage in his hand made a crackling sound, and then the whole crack shattered and turned into powder.

   While the sage's ring was shattered, a light gray strange light flew out from the sage's ring and directly plunged into Chen Mo's body.

  Chen Mo only felt a throbbing of his soul, as if countless powers of the laws of heaven were continuously intertwined and entered his body.

  The power of these rules is so powerful that it seems that his body can be easily torn into pieces.

This powerful ability continued to wreak havoc in Chen Mo's body. After a few breaths of time, the entire seaside city, or the entire Wangchuan City, the entire Jiangnan Province, the entire Huaguo, and even the entire earth's sky, all happened. Sudden change.

   No matter where in the world, the sky is shrouded in a terrifying energy.

  The sky was full of lightning and thunder, and the sky was covered with dark clouds. It was like a doomsday scene.

   Jie Jie Jie! !

  The phantoms of the undead glowing in the sky suddenly appeared, as if they were about to descend from the sky to the world to slaughter the common people!

   All kinds of terrifying undead with different shapes and appearances appeared overwhelmingly above people's heads, and their screams and roars resounded through the whole world.

  Countless children cried out in fright.

Roar! !

   Not only undead, but also huge zombie beasts, even ghost dragons and bone dragons are flying in the void.

The bone dragon is full of white bones, and the ghost dragon is burning with light blue will-o'-the-wisps. Their eyes all show a strange blue color. When they open their mouths, the death dragon's breath of light blue mixed with some black flames spits down directly, burning the ground. on everything.

   This sudden terrifying scene frightened all the people on the ground to dodge in fright.

   But fortunately, this is just a phantom.

   Not really a substantive attack.

   It doesn’t matter whether it’s the breath of the bone dragon or the ghost dragon, or the forbidden spell of the Lich King, or it’s the mighty army of undead that covers the entire earth without bounds.

   are just illusory visions.

   It looks very scary and oppressive, but there is no real danger.

   It's just that this weird scene scared everyone on the planet.

  Whether it is the bottom or the top.

  Whether it is the natives of the earth or the outsiders of the eternal star system.

  No one has ever seen such a strange and terrifying scene.

  For a while, all forces in the world couldn't wait to launch an investigation.

  Countless people started discussing in horror.

   "What... what's going on, what's going on with this celestial phenomenon? Is it a natural disaster?"

   "Stupid, how could a natural disaster appear above the safe zone?"

   "Then what do you mean by these astronomical phenomena that are not good at first sight?"

   "Don't argue, I'm afraid there is a natural disaster coming, and it is a natural disaster that we have never understood before.

  I just received news from friends in other countries that this phenomenon has also appeared in their side. This time, I am afraid that it will be a global catastrophe, and something big will happen! "

   "What!? Is it really a natural disaster vision? It is still a global shroud. Is this going to directly destroy our entire earth? It's too outrageous!"

   "What about the academy alliance? The masters of the academy alliance will protect us, right?"

   "How to protect it? The whole earth is shrouded, can it survive? Forget it and accept your fate."

   "I don't believe it! Why is it our generation's turn to have such an outrageous natural disaster? I haven't awakened to a profession yet, and I'm not yet an adult. I don't want to die! I'm not reconciled!"

   "No! I'm still a virgin! I haven't even held a young lady's hand yet!"

  There are boys crying.

   "Woooooh, I haven't been in a relationship yet, I haven't even tried a kiss, I don't want to die!!"

   There are wailing girls.

  All walks of life, all kinds of people have thousands of thoughts floating in their hearts at this time.

   Some famous people who are hiding in the wild feel relieved.

  Those who feel frustrated and cry when their wishes are not fulfilled.

  Those who want to reopen without cost feel a little excited.

   There are people who work hard and feel heartache because they haven't had time to spend the money they earn.

   There are also a few who are directly scared and cry.

  The various states of life are presented vividly at this moment.

  People all over the world are at this time thrown into a state of confusion by this terrifying vision.

  At the same time, the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance...

  The alliance leaders of the three major colleges stood on the top of the building and looked at this creepy and strange celestial phenomenon. Even the three of them, who were so well-informed, couldn't help feeling inexplicably palpitated by this strange sight.

   "No way, did the natural disaster come early?" The blond female leader looked at the sky in disbelief.

   "Impossible. Although natural disasters are also covering the whole world, the sky around the world has turned a strange red. How has this ever happened before?" The black-haired young leader shook his head and thought it was impossible.

   "What's the situation? I heard that this vision has appeared in every place in the world. Not to mention whether every natural disaster is a strange red color, but there is a most fundamental rule for natural disasters, that is, not to affect the safe zone!

   But now this weird scene also appeared in the sky above the safe zone!

   It's really confusing. "The curly-haired black leader is also puzzled at this time.

   "Isn't it a catastrophe more terrifying than natural disasters? Should we call the strong people in the Tower of Eternity to return in advance?

  Looking at the scale and horror of this vision, once disaster strikes, it may be on the level of destroying the world! "The blond female leader feels that the situation is very critical now.

  The other two couldn't help but fell into deep thought after hearing this.

   Now the situation really needs to call people back for reinforcements.

  This is an unprecedented horror vision, which was unheard of before. If a catastrophe of the world-extermination level really strikes, and the earth is not guarded by masters, the foundation of the entire earth may be destroyed!

   After all, this time even the safe zone was affected.

   It's really shocking!

  In the safe zone, there are a lot of futures of the earth living, and even this will not be let go. This is completely ready to break the roots of the earth!

   "What the **** has happened to our earth and our solar system? Why is there such an unheard of horrible natural disaster coming!?" The black-haired youth leader sighed helplessly looking at the sky.


  At this time, the aliens are here.

   At first, everyone felt a burst of panic, and then they learned that this was a world-class natural disaster vision, and immediately everyone cheered.

  In the headquarters of the Alien Hidden Stronghold.

  Langu watched the vision reports from his subordinates all over the world through the display screen.

   Don't mention how happy I am.

   "Okay, okay! I have seen natural disasters many times, and I have never seen such a terrifying vision of natural disasters today!

  Even the safe zone is covered, and now the people on earth are going to be devastated. "

   "My lord haha, we don't need to take action now. This terrible natural disaster alone is enough to attract the masters in the Tower of Eternity to come back to help, otherwise the whole earth will be destroyed!"

   "By the way, have any of you ever seen a natural disaster of this level?"

  Suddenly, I don’t know who asked.

   This sentence caught everyone.

  No one has ever seen such a terrifying vision of natural disasters.

  Langu searched immediately, but he didn't find such an outrageous phenomenon of natural disasters within the range of the three life planets in his eternal star system.

   "I don't know what kind of punishment the earth people have suffered, it may be their retribution for sealing the teleportation place.

  This time, let’s appreciate the reaction of the people on Earth, and it’s also a good time to use their weird natural disasters this time to accumulate some experience for us in dealing with natural disasters of this level. "

  Just when the upper echelons of the earth lamented the ill-fated fate of the earth, and the aliens were excited that the earth was about to suffer.

  Suddenly, after more than ten days of absence, a familiar voice from the Great Dao resounded all over the world again!

  For a moment, everyone in the world was shocked and uncontrollably excited.

"Congratulations to the solar system who has awakened the only five-star initial hidden occupation. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all solar system occupations. When all solar system native occupations awaken their occupations in the future, the chance of awakening combat occupations will increase by 50%. , the chance of awakening a high-star profession is doubled from the original chance!"

"Congratulations to the awakened and only five-star initial hidden profession in the solar system. This is the first time in the solar system to awaken the only five-star initial hidden profession. An additional SSS-level title reward "Initial Transcendor" is specially issued to this profession. !"

  Three consecutive sounds of the avenue resounded throughout the world, and it was difficult for people all over the world to calm down for a long time.

  Rao is the three leaders of the academy alliance, and they all looked shocked at this time.

  As the sound of the Great Dao ended, the horror vision gradually subsided.

   It can be seen that just like the sound of the Great Dao, the vision this time is not a vision of natural disasters, but a vision of awakening!

  But the vision of awakening covering the whole world is really unheard of before!

   "The only five-star initial hidden job! Is there such a job? Our earth descended from heaven and entered the first year of the new century. There has never been a five-star initial hidden job."

   "Yes, I have never heard of it. Even the three life planets in the Eternal Star System, we have dealt with them for so long and have not received such news."

"No matter what, at least it is enough for Heaven to prove that this vision is a good thing. The luck of our earth has really come. I didn't expect such a person to appear. It is even more important!

  We should send someone to investigate as soon as possible and protect it with all our strength! "

"The students in your country of Hua have just awakened recently, and the other two countries have not organized a collective awakening of students recently. The person who awakened the five-star initial hidden profession should not be someone from the academy, and the rest are some family members, or some People who live in a small place have this possibility, and it’s much easier to check this way.”

   "Hurry up. If the target is too easy to investigate, the aliens must not be slow in their hands and feet. We can't let them find it first. Once they find it first, they will really take action at all costs this time."

   "Well, start notifying parties immediately!"

  The three major alliance leaders started to contact all parties at the same time, hurry up and investigate!

  They want to know which child has awakened his profession at this time.

  Generally speaking, only the children of aristocratic families are awakened at this time.

   After all, academics are all concentrated and awakened.

   And only investigate this, mainly because the Voice of the Great Dao clearly stated that it is the initial occupation, so anyone with a level above level 1 can be directly excluded.

   After all, people above level 1 have already awakened their occupations, so how can they still have initial occupations.

  They really haven't encountered the ability to directly change the initial occupation.

  When the upper echelons of the earth turned from sadness to joy, the aliens were just the opposite. They were just happy and not long before they all stayed where they were, as if they had been hit by a bolt from the blue.

  The Voice of the Great Dao this time is undoubtedly a huge bad news for them!

   This makes them more uncomfortable than knowing that one of the living planets in their eternal star system has blown up.

  A person with such an inexplicable profession has awakened on the earth.

   There is such a profession that can spread visions all over the world, they have never heard or seen.

  Such a terrifying vision, then how perverted this awakened initial profession must be! ?

   "Impossible, how can there be any initial hidden occupation, I have never heard of it, our three life planets have awakened for so many generations, so many people, and have never heard that the initial occupation has a hidden occupation.

  Did the Voice of the Great Avenue make a mistake? "

   "Impossible, the Voice of the Great Dao made a mistake, and the vision will not go wrong. This time the vision covers the entire world, which is definitely not something that can be achieved by ordinary five-star initial professional awakening.

   This kind of vision is definitely in line with the level of the unheard of five-star initial hidden occupation! "

   "This kind of character actually appeared on the earth, and it just happened to be at the moment when the teleportation land was sealed. What should we do now???"

  Langu looked very ugly at this time.

   This is the complete opposite of his laughing appearance just now.

  The smile doesn't disappear, it just shifts.

   Directly shifting shape and transposition belongs to yes.

   At this moment, he frowned and made a difficult decision!

   "Quickly notify all personnel in the world, and immediately send me to thoroughly investigate this person!

  Now that it is already known as the initial occupation, the news of this person is definitely 10,000 times easier to check than the person who triggered the Voice of the Great Dao three times before!

  Regardless of cost and gain or loss, we must find and kill him before he is protected by the strong on earth! "

  Langu, who had just decided to go dormant again, went completely crazy this time.

   After all, such an astonishing thing happened, even if he wanted to slowly figure out a plan to deal with it, it was impossible.

   Now both parties received the news in complete astonishment, and it was an extremely easy-to-check news.

   Now the comparison is entirely about the speed of the personnel on both sides.

  Under such circumstances, how can aliens track down quietly?

  He did not hesitate to expose a large number of people to quickly investigate the matter.

  At this time, all over the earth, people who were frightened by the weird celestial phenomena were in a state of confusion.

  After three notifications from the Voice of the Great Dao, all of them instantly changed from a state of confusion to a state of ecstasy.

  Especially those who still shouted that they didn't want to die because they didn't have an awakened profession.

  At this time they are the happiest group of people in the world.

  Because of this unknown person who awakened the only five-star initial hidden profession, their chances of awakening combat professions and high-star professions will be greatly increased when they awaken in the future. It is a good time for them to catch up.

  Not only them, even adults who have awakened their professions, are very happy and excited to discuss at this time.

   "Great! I thought it was a bad thing, but I didn't expect it to be a great thing. It seems that God still favors us earthlings."

   "Yes, this time the triggerer of the Voice of the Great Dao is much more powerful than the previous three times. This can increase the chances of future global combat and high-star occupations appearing. It is an unprecedented contribution!"

   "After this time, as long as we can withstand the harassment of aliens, our earth will quickly enter its heyday!"

   "This little guy is awakening well!"

   "However, luck is against the sky. The only five-star initial occupation is already an incredible chance of awakening. I never thought that there would be the only five-star initial hidden occupation. This is really an unprecedented achievement!"

   "I don't know if it will appear commonly in the future. There are two things in everything."

"It's already good enough to bring benefits to the world this time, and I don't expect any second one. I was worried that my child would be a life professional like me in the future after the birth. Now the chances have increased significantly. I don't think so. I was so worried before, and suddenly I coveted expectations for his future."

"Haha your child hasn't been born yet. My child is about to participate in the awakening ceremony next year, and it can be regarded as catching up. I hope they, the first batch of people who receive benefits next year, will perform well. Give us a boost." Spirit!"

  When a group of people are discussing happily, some people are not very happy at this time.

   Those are the same batch of awakened students as Chen Mo.

   Among them, there are no awakened combat occupations, or no awakened high-star occupations.

  Can't help shouting bad luck.

  Because they have only been awakened for more than ten days, this benefit suddenly appeared.

   What if they wake up ten days later? Wouldn't we catch up then?

  Many people complained and became angry because of this, and felt that they had suffered a great loss.

   "Damn it, if I wake up more than ten days at night, I might be an awakened combat profession, maybe even a high-star combat profession!

   As for becoming a life profession, do you have nothing to look forward to in life? "

  A boy wants to cry in frustration at home.

His mother comforted after hearing it from the side: "Silly boy, everyone has his own destiny, and things have a definite number, and life and occupation are not impossible. Try to find a wife as soon as possible. If you don't catch up, your child can catch up." !"

   What else can I do, and I can only comfort myself like this.

  The boy didn't say any more.

   At this time, the teachers in Haibin No. 2 Middle School have not yet left. When they heard the news, they not only looked at each other in blank dismay.

  Shen Rulong said with emotion: "Without the benefits this time, our Haibin No. 2 Middle School has performed so well this year. If we catch up with this benefit, then our No. 2 Haibin Middle School will not fly to the sky?"

  Su Tianxin also said with a pity on his face: "Chen Mo has always been the first in training. He should have awakened to a better profession. If he can catch up with this wave of benefits, he may not be just a two-star skeleton mage."

  For a child who worked very hard and got good grades but didn't get the grades he deserved, Su Tianxin was very upset.

   "It seemed that he didn't pay attention to it before. I guess he spent some time suppressing this matter in his heart. But now that such news suddenly pops up, I'm afraid he will feel uncomfortable for a while when he suddenly hears this news."

   "It's not just him. Today's news is a huge blow to every child whose awakening career is not ideal. It's hard to imagine how many people will be overwhelmed by this."

  Shen Rulong's guess is very accurate.

   At this time, there are really people who can't think about it and start looking for death.

  Originally, if everyone had the same conditions and the awakening was not good, they would accept their fate.

  But now, they are stuck next to them, and their conditions have changed.

   It's only a dozen days away, whoever knows, will feel bad.

   As the saying goes, don’t worry about scarcity, but worry about inequality!

  Their own awakening is poor, and they can comfort their predecessors.

   posterity is the same.

   But not anymore, since then, their chances have doubled!

  The impact of this huge psychological gap is absolutely disastrous!

  As a result, many people with poor psychological endurance cannot accept it for a while, and either wash their faces with tears, or start to prepare for reincarnation.

   At this time, the instigator of the whole incident, Chen Mo himself, was also speechless in shock.

  He would never have thought that reawakening his initial profession would cause such a perverted vision!

  When he saw the sky outside the window turn into such a horrible scene, he was frightened silly.

  Even he almost thought that some kind of natural disaster was coming.

   Until the voice of the great road appeared.

   Only then did he know that such a terrifying and astonishing vision was actually caused by the only five-star initial hidden profession he had awakened.

   Moreover, he awakened himself to this profession, and even distributed a wave of benefits to future children around the world.

   This benefit is too huge!

  So much so that most people in the world are praising him.

  Looking at the gradually calming sky outside, Chen Mo's mood was hard to calm down for a long time.

  He never thought that there would be such a perverted noise!

   Tuk Tuk Tuk! Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

  Chen Mo opened the door and saw that sister Yiyi was looking at him worriedly for some reason, he immediately asked in a daze, "Sister Yiyi, what's wrong with you?"

  Liu Yiyi carefully looked at Chen Mo's expression, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, I was just scared by the sudden dark vision just now."

  Liu Yiyi has a very delicate mind. After hearing the voice of the Dao, she immediately thought of whether Chen Mo would be hit by the news.

   Fearing that Chen Mo's young heart would be impacted by this, she hurried over to have a look and was going to comfort him.

   Unexpectedly, Chen Mo was completely normal, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

  (end of this chapter)

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