All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 178: The undead dominates, strong and invincible! (two in one)

  Chapter 178 Lord of the undead, invincible! (two in one)

   Seeing that Chen Mo was fine, Liu Yiyi felt relieved and went back to do her own thing.

  Closing the door, Chen Mo looked again at the normal sky outside, breathed out the Heavenly Dao System, and checked the Heavenly Dao reminder he received this time.

   Among them, there is a newly obtained SSS-level title.

  He immediately clicked to check the effect.

  【SSS-level title—First Surpasser】

  [Title effect]: All attributes are increased by 500 points, and the damage reduction effect is equivalent to the "percentage of free attribute points" you can get at each level.

  [Title Skill]: First Transcendence

  〖The First Transcendor·Golden Passive〗: The free attribute points corresponding to your star rating will be increased by one level from the original basis.

  [Title introduction]: You are the first person in this world who surpasses the norm, your ability will definitely surpass others, I hope you will not fall early!

   "It's too strong! Doesn't this mean that my attributes have jumped a level?"

  As I said before, for every professional star, you can get 5 points of freely assignable attributes when you upgrade.

  And when your career star exceeds 5 points, the free attribute points corresponding to each star will become 10 points.

  In this case, for ordinary people, it is possible to obtain attribute point bonuses only after one turn.

  Because the initial occupation can only be up to five stars, it is impossible to exceed five stars.

  So the attributes obtained by general five-star and below five-star are called first-order free attributes.

  Six stars to ten stars are called the second level. At this time, the attribute points corresponding to each star will be multiplied by the level, that is, 5×2=10 points.

  The next eleven to fifteen stars are called the third level. According to the rules, the attribute points that each star can obtain become 5×3=15.

   And so on.

  Chen Mo has a hidden occupation, so when he was in the first level of normal people, he had already entered the second level.

   Now, the original title of transcendent has raised this attribute class by one level, which makes Chen Mo's free attribute class before one turn directly reach the third level.

  One star is enough to equal 15 free attribute points.

  His current combat profession has also become a five-star profession. With ten stars, the attribute points he can get for every level up have directly become 150 points.

  The improvement is quite exaggerated.

   And this gap will widen further after reincarnation career.

   At present, it looks good.

  However, this title also has a strong effect, which can allow Chen Mo to obtain a damage reduction equivalent to the free attribute points obtained at each level.

  Chen Mo can now obtain 150 free attribute points per level, which means that the damage reduction effect he can obtain is 150%.

  Of course, under the restriction of heaven, the maximum damage reduction effect can only reach 99%, and the extra damage reduction effect is not useless, and can be used to offset the damage increase of others.

   This is equivalent to, but when the effect of this title is in effect, if the opponent does not have a damage increase effect of more than 51%, all the damage hit on Chen Mo will be offset by 99%, and only 1% will be effective.

   And Chen Mo not only has a damage reduction ability, the title of Lone God of War that he obtained before also has a very strong damage reduction effect.

  With the cooperation of the two, the opponent must at least have an extremely explosive damage increase effect to be able to cause effective damage to Chen Mo.

   Of course, if the damage increase is not high, the base damage is high.

   After all, the maximum damage reduction is only 99%. If you punch 10 billion, it means that the damage is reduced by 99%, and you can still hit Chen Mo with 100 million damage.

   Still able to kill him with one punch.

   After glancing at the extremely powerful title, Chen Mo clicked on the career interface full of expectations.

   "I don't know what the five-star initial hidden occupation is like."

  【Initial Hidden Occupation · Combat】: Master of Undead★★★★★

  【Professional Talent】: Lord of the Undead

  〖Master of the Undead〗: When there are undead units summoned by you within the range of "level * star * 100 meters" around you, you will not die for any reason. You have an undead containment space, which can contain the highest "level * star * 100" undead in the body. The undead received in the containment space will ignore the sustainable time and exist forever, but when released, the sustainable time will continue to be counted.

   "Hiss! With the undead summoner, I will not die no matter what. This talent is too awesome, isn't this equivalent to a disguised form of invincibility!?"

  Chen Mo felt unbelievable for a while. You must know that Heaven's restrictions on abilities related to death are extremely strict.

  This is the only five-star initial hidden profession, but it can have such a perverted talent.

   Simply inappropriate.

   What's even more perverted is that the containment space provided by the talent can unconditionally accommodate a large number of undead into the space in advance. If the storage is full in advance and then released all at once, the scene will explode, not to mention how explosive it is!

   "Good guy, it's just a professional talent. It's so perverted. The five-star profession has its own professional-specific skills. I don't know how perverted this hidden five-star profession is."

  Chen Mo continued to read.

  【Professional-specific passive skills】: Dominant posture, undead assembly, death call, not unlocked (unlocked when breaking through the third-order bottleneck.)...

  〖Pose of Dominator·Golden Passive〗: All your skills for summoning undead can be cast instantly and can ignore any restrictions on summoning conditions (such as energy consumption, special materials, etc.).

  Chen Mo has heard that high-level summoners need to prepare corresponding high-level items in advance if they want to summon them.

   Otherwise, you can only stare blankly, unable to summon.

   Not only for summoners, whether it is the forbidden spells of mages or the forbidden moves of fighters, they are all the same.

   None of them are cast out of thin air, and all of them need to be prepared in advance with the materials for use.

  And this passive effect can be summoned directly ignoring the conditions, energy does not need to be consumed, and materials do not need to be consumed. It is really quite rogue.

[Undead Assembly·Golden Passive]: When summoning undead, there will be a chance of one-half of the corresponding multiplier to increase the number of summons with the corresponding multiplier (the probability is calculated from the highest multiplier, every 10 times is pushed, and the maximum is "level * 10" times ).

  The probability of one-half of the corresponding magnification increases the corresponding magnification, which means...

  For example, Chen Mo has a skill that originally could only summon 100 undead, but now each summon has a 1/150 chance of summoning 150 times as many undead, that is, 15,000.

And if this probability is not triggered, according to the instructions in the brackets, this probability will continue to be pushed forward, that is, to calculate whether the probability of 1/140 will trigger 140 times the amount of summoning, if it is still not triggered, continue to push forward, 1/130 chance to summon 130 times... until the chance of triggering is pushed forward.

  If the 10th chance of triggering 10 times is unsuccessful, the original number of summons will still be summoned.

  Although it depends on the probability, because there are many detection opportunities, and the higher the level is, the upper limit will be higher, so this passive effect is still very abnormal.

   It can be said that this is a powerful talent that can bring qualitative changes to undead summoning skills.

   After reading it, Chen Mo only had three words in his mind: strong and invincible!

  〖Death Call·Golden Passive〗: All units killed by you or your summons will be resurrected as special undead with their strength in life for you to drive!

Special undead can only be contained in a special containment space. Each special undead can survive for at most 1 minute outside the special containment space. duration of existence.

   It takes 1 minute for the special undead contained in the special storage space to be recalled. Every 10 levels, you will get a special undead storage space, currently 0/1.

   You can see that the special containment space is different from the regular containment space of talents.

  Although the undead contained in the regular containment space is also permanent, if you keep releasing the same undead, the duration of each time you release it will always be deducted.

  The special containment space where special undead live is different.

   Every time you re-release it, it will refresh to the maximum sustainable time every time.

  Seeing this skill introduction, a bold idea popped up in Chen Mo's mind.

  For example, those god-level bosses that I killed before, if they can also be resurrected as special undead, then if I store them in my special containment space, wouldn't it be awesome to summon them at any time?

   This is simply not too perverted!

  【Professional-specific active skills】: Undead Summoning God, Juggernaut Command, Juggernaut Power, Unlocked (unlocked when breaking through the third-order bottleneck.)

  〖Summoning of the Undead God·Golden Active〗: It can be used once every 24 hours to summon a powerful undead, and the level of the undead will change synchronously with your level.

   There is a 100% chance to summon mid-level undead, a 10% chance to summon high-level undead, a 1% chance to summon super-level undead, and a 0.01% chance to summon god-level undead.

  The summoned powerful undead can exist permanently, but at most "your level" can exist permanently at the same time. The powerful undead that cannot exist permanently will be sent back to the undead world after 1 hour. (When summoning, the detection probability starts from the highest rank).

   "If the summoning of the god-level undead is triggered and at the same time the highest multiple of the undead is triggered, wouldn't it take off directly? Even if there are many, they can be stored in the containment space first, and they are not afraid of disappearing directly."

   What Chen Mo thought was quite beautiful, at the same time triggering a 1/10000 chance of a god-rank undead, and then triggering a 1/150 chance of 150 times the summoning, this chance is comparable to winning the lottery.

  But if you really hit it, you will definitely be able to accumulate an extremely powerful combat power.

  〖Dominator Order·Golden Active〗: Designate a unit, so that the damage caused by all undead summons attacking this unit will be increased by "your level" times! (cooling time 3 seconds)

   "The cooling time is so short, basically after killing one, you can immediately designate the next one. And it doesn't seem to say the duration. Doesn't it mean that if you designate it, it will be permanently effective?"

   "This is much better than the double attack damage of the previous garbage skeleton mage talent.

  That requires me to inflict the damage myself first, and this one can just specify the target directly, which is simply too convenient and practical. "

〖Power of Dominion·Golden Active〗: You can take back the power of all the undead units you have summoned for your own use, increase your attribute value equal to the number of all the undead summons you have absorbed, and master their active skills, which lasts for 10 minutes. Let cool for 30 minutes.

  You will not be able to perform any related summons during the effect of the Juggernaut Divine Power. (Each low-level undead can increase the attribute value by 1%, each mid-level undead can increase the attribute value by 2%, each high-level undead can increase the attribute value by 5%, each super-level undead can increase the attribute value by 10%, each God-level undead can increase 100% attribute value.)

   "What a powerful active skill! If I encounter a situation that I have to face alone, then I can directly absorb all the undead and greatly improve my combat effectiveness! Even if I am forced to fight alone, it is still against the sky!"

   After watching all the effects of the Lord of the Undead, Chen Mo was extremely excited and looking forward to it.

  With such a powerful profession, I really soared into the sky right now.

   And even aliens don’t need to be afraid.

   After all, the talent effect is clearly written, as long as there are undead he summoned alive around him, he will not die for any reason.

   And this range is very large, just Chen Mo's current level and star has already reached an area with a radius of 15,000 meters from himself as the origin.

   With such a large range, unless the opponent releases the forbidden spell, it is impossible to clear all the skeleton monsters around him at once.

  As long as the opponent doesn't know his ability and finds no way to deal with him, then he can be invincible directly!

  After reading the job introduction, Chen Mo saw that there are currently two unlocked skills waiting to be unlocked.

   And the unlocking condition is not difficult, that is to break through the third-order bottleneck.

  He is now stuck in the third-order bottleneck, and he has already checked and calculated before that he has a 100% SSS breakthrough assessment pass rate.

   Now that his strength has become more perverted, Chen Mo doesn't even know how he is going to lose!

  Just unlocking the first six skills is already so perverted. Chen Mo is really looking forward to how strong the subsequent skill unlocking will be.

  He should be preparing for the boundary-breaking assessment.

  But before the boundary-breaking assessment, he sensed the situation of the two people who were protecting him nearby.

  After all, although they are not peeping at what he is doing now, if they come to investigate the minute he enters the boundary-breaking assessment space, wouldn't they be exposed.

   After perceiving it for a while, Chen Mo was surprised to find that these two guys had left without knowing when.

  Of course they are leaving, protecting Chen Mo is already a trivial matter.

   All forces in the world are urgently gathering to find the little guy who has awakened the only five-star initial hidden profession.

  He is the greatest future of the earth.

   Who still has time to control the life and death of a two-star skeleton mage.

  Finding this situation, Chen Mo smiled wryly.

  He also quickly guessed why these two people were leaving.

After all, there was such a big commotion this time, and it was different from the Voice of the Great Dao three times. The conditions this time were revealed to be very easy to find, unlike the last time when they couldn’t find a needle in a haystack, this time they directly searched the world where someone just Awakening career will do.

   Because it is so simple, it is extremely urgent.

   After all, whoever finds this person first, whether aliens or earthlings, will have a subversive impact on the future pattern!

   Naturally, all the people who could be transferred were transferred to do this job.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't care. Instead, it was better like this. If no one paid attention to him, he could start the breakthrough assessment with peace of mind.

[PS]: My brain is burnt out today, I only have four thousand, and all the debts will be doubled in the end, and everyone who has made so many rewards should be added to you. It is better to owe a total of fifteen Yes, I can't pay it back tomorrow, wait until the 3rd to see the situation.

  (end of this chapter)

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