All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 179: The power of special undead! (2 in 1, 2/5)

  Chapter 179 The power of special undead! (2 in 1, 25)

  Before entering the assessment, Chen Mo checked his current attributes.

  With the new title and professional star upgrade, his attributes can now be described as a big step forward.

  【Name】: Chen Mo

  【star】: ten stars (five-star hidden + five-star hidden)

  【Occupation】: Undead Master (hidden initial occupation), Infinite Fusion Master (hidden initial occupation)

  【Level】: Level 15

  [Experience]: 8247338/149600 (third-order bottleneck)


  Physique 15540=life 591189, physical defense 90198, life recovery 15540 points/10 seconds (40% per second)

  Power 14528=Physical Attack 43583

  Agility 14528=Blast damage+14528%

  Intelligence 18929=Act Attack 58787

  Spirit 18929=energy 946446, magic defense 107145, energy recovery 19929 points/10 seconds (140% per second)

  Skeleton monsters that can be summoned with such attributes are: blood volume 567868, object 170360, law attack 170360, physical defense 0, law defense 0, characteristics - bomb, resurrection, corpse poison, invisibility, sacred, concentric

  If Chen Mo’s attributes were comparable to those of a level 60 ordinary second-turn professional, now his attributes are almost close to those of a level 60 high-star second-turn professional.

  Although it is still a lot worse than the level 60 third-rank, it is at least one of the top attributes in the second-rank.

   After confirming the current powerful attributes, Chen Mo clicked on the SSS-level challenge of the boundary-breaking assessment!

  【Heavenly reminder: 1496000 experience points need to be deducted from you for this challenge, please confirm. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Warning again! The assessment is extremely difficult, and according to the statistics of the number of deaths of historical challengers, there is a very high mortality rate! Please confirm again whether to challenge! 】


  【Heavenly Reminder: After deducting the experience, you will enter the assessment space soon! 】

  【Tiandao Reminder: You have entered the assessment space, this assessment task is released! 】

[Mission reminder: Please assist the residents of Stormwind City to resist the impact of the beast siege, and survive for 24 hours. There will be a wave of beasts attacking every hour. The strength of the beast tide will increase every hour, and the number will double. Persisting through a wave of beasts can get several waves of city defense rewards and a chance to give up the challenge! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: There are still 15 minutes until the first wave of beasts will officially arrive. Now you have a chance to give up the assessment. Do you want to give up? 】

   "Survival assessment? Is it so simple and rude?"

  Chen Mo directly clicked No.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have accepted the assessment, the assessment has officially begun, and the countdown to survival has started...】

  As the reminder ended, Chen Mo had already appeared in a small city.

  As soon as he landed in the city, Chen Mo saw many soldiers with mutilated limbs and arms waiting for treatment, and many residents lamented and worried. The entire town was filled with a sense of desolation and death.

   "Master Warrior, thank you for your support. I heard that you will summon a large number of undead to assist in the battle. Today's beast tide is fully entrusted to you!

  Our soldiers have suffered heavy casualties now, I am afraid that there are only a few thousand fighting strength that is a drop in the bucket, but we still have many blessing masters who can bestow blessings on you and your army of undead! "

  Chen Mo was still observing his surroundings, when he was suddenly patted by a man who had broken an arm, lost a piece of flesh on his face, and showed scary gums, and informed him of his current situation.

   "Are you attacked by a wave of beasts?"

   "Well, these beasts are extremely cruel, look at what those beasts that leaked in did."

  The captain of the guard pointed angrily at a pair of mother and child nearby.

It can be seen that the mother and son were both eaten half of their bodies by unknown beasts. The mother was protecting her son from his body, so more parts were eaten, but both of them had blood and intestines spilled all over the floor. It looked very miserable and terrifying.

  Chen Mo couldn't see this, so he directly looked away.

   It wasn't that he was afraid of blood, but that he saw a mother struggling to protect her child, but in the end, she still didn't protect anything.

  He couldn't help feeling a burst of sadness for no reason.

   "Please take me to see the direction of the impact of the beast tide."

  The captain of the guard nodded and said to a young recruit beside him, "Link, take Mr. Brave to the tower to have a look."


   "I'm sorry, Mr. Brave, I still have to go to receive treatment, so I can't accompany you."

   "It's okay, you go."

  Chen Mo nodded and looked at the young man beside the captain.

  The young man was obviously coming to such a place for the first time, and there was a hint of fear in his expression.

   "Master Brave, please follow me."

  As the young recruits walked towards the tower, Chen Mo saw bloodstains everywhere along the way, including monsters and humans.

  At the same time, the city is full of corpses, and everyone is too busy to deal with the corpses everywhere.

   "It's really tragic! If there is a natural disaster that will rush into the city, our earth will probably become such a scene of purgatory."

  Human empathy makes Chen Mo empathize with the experiences of the people in this city.

   Soon, he followed the young recruits to the tower.

   At this time, there are still many healthy combat forces guarding here. Seeing Link bringing Chen Mo over, everyone immediately looked at Chen Mo curiously.

  They had heard before that a brave man would come to help everyone resist the beast tide.

   Now this one seems to have this temperament.

   "Hello seniors, this is the brave man who came to help us guard the town. The captain asked me to take him to have a look at the environment here."

   "Is he really a brave man?"

   "Master Brave has really appeared!"

   "Master Brave, you will lead us to victory, right?"

  After the last wave of beasts, the entire city was ashamed.

  Chen Mo's arrival can be described as a shot in the arm.

  They all looked to Chen Mo for answers.

   "Don't worry, everyone, I will do my best." Chen Mo nodded, "I need to know all the information about your remaining combat power and defense equipment. Please sort it out and give it to me within 10 minutes."

  Chen Mo looked at Tiandao leaving so much combat power for himself, and couldn't help but think about the purpose of Tiandao doing this. Is it because there is no powerful defense device in this city?

   "Yes, the little one will do it immediately!"

   Immediately, two summons officers ran out quickly.

   While waiting, Chen Mo began to summon soldiers in advance while inspecting the situation of the tower.

   After all, the beast tide is coming soon, so we still have to prepare in advance.

  Following Chen Mo's thought, he used the skeleton summoning skill, and the reminder of the way of heaven suddenly sounded.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations, you have triggered the 50 times summoning probability of "Undead Gathering", and the number of summons this time has increased by 50 times! 】

  Due to the improvement of the professional star rating, Chen Mo's current Concentric Corpse Army skill, the number of skeleton monsters that can be summoned has also increased.

  Basically, 4,000 skeleton monsters can be summoned.

   Now the probability of triggering is 50 times, and in an instant, 200,000 skeleton monsters with superimposed stealth states appeared beside Chen Mo.

   "The five-star initial hidden occupation is really strong!"

   Perceiving this large group of skeleton monsters, Chen Mo sighed.

   "200,000 pieces, no matter what, it's enough. I didn't have this combat power before, and I have a 100% pass rate."

  Although the pass rate was 100%, Chen Mo didn't dare to push too hard.

  After all, this kind of SSS-level difficulty book often needs to be combined with the power provided by the copy itself to break the game.

  If he is reckless because he knows that he has a 100% winning rate, it may be self-defeating.

   This is why Chen Mo wanted to get the information about the city defense equipment.

   After all, defending the city and fighting, the city defending equipment is a vital part of it.

   It is very likely that the defense equipment will also play an important role in this dungeon mission.

  And his task may just be to guard the defense equipment, instead of sending the skeleton monsters under him to kill.

   This is what Chen Mo got based on the fact that he could only summon more than 3,000 skeleton monsters but had a 100% winning rate.

  When the word beast tide appeared, it was not as simple as hundreds or thousands of monsters, it was definitely a massive monster.

   Only relying on the previous three thousand skeleton monsters to attack? It is hard for Chen Mo to imagine that he can achieve a 100% victory rate in defending the city.

  So, the defensive equipment is absolutely critical.

   Going out to kill the enemy with 3,000 skeleton monsters may not be able to kill the enemy, but if you guard some important defense equipment, it is still possible.

  Of course Chen Mo is not as good as before.

  He can now summon 200,000 skeleton monsters at once, and maybe he can really pass through the dungeon.

  But to be on the safe side, Chen Mo thinks it is still necessary to respect the dungeon mission line as much as possible.

  Fifty times the amount of summoning was triggered, and Chen Mo was quite satisfied. He didn't continue to use the amount of summoning for the time being, but looked at the skill "Summoning the Undead God".

   "This skill can only be used once a day, and I don't know whether to eat it or not to reduce the cooldown."

   There are two modes for the skill release interval.

   One is how often you can get a chance, and the other is how long it takes to cool down.

   Unless there are special instructions for the former, it is generally not eaten for cooling.

  That's why Chen Mo is a little uncertain.

  He tried to cast it.

   I have to say that summoning a powerful undead is completely different from summoning a small skeleton monster.

  As Chen Mo's staff pointed at the sky above the city tower, a wave of death-like energy burst out immediately, and soon the surrounding void directly cracked a series of extremely huge pitch-black cracks.

   It caused everyone in the city to watch in shock.

   "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

   Immediately, a soldier shouted in horror.

   "Don't panic, this is my skill."

   Seeing the people around panic, Chen Mo immediately explained.

   "What!? This is the skill of the brave man!"

   "It's so strong, as expected of a brave man, a random skill can cause such a big commotion!"

   "Great, with the help of Mr. Brave, we will definitely be able to defend this town!"

   Originally, Chen Mo was just trying out his skills, but unexpectedly, he gave the city guards great confidence.

  【Heavenly reminder: Because of your actions, the morale of the city guards has increased by 100%, and they have obtained a 24-hour "Brave Forward" BUFF! 】

  〖Brave Forward〗: Attack speed increased by 100%, all damage dealt increased by 100%, and all damage received was reduced by 50%!

   "Boy, this will do!"

  Chen Mo smiled unexpectedly, and continued to look at the sky.

  A total of twenty cracks appeared in the air at this time, and bursts of black mist wrapped in a terrifying atmosphere floated out of the dark cracks and landed on the tower.

   "Jie Jie Jie...!"

   At the same time, there were bursts of strange screams and roars behind the crack, which made people panic when they heard it.

  As the black mist as high as the two of them flew out of the cracks one by one, these twenty cracks finally closed one after another.

  【Heavenly reminder: You cast "Undead Summon God" to summon a powerful high-level undead "Death Knight"! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations, you have triggered a 20 times summoning rate of undead gathering, and the number of summons this time has increased by 20 times! 】

   With the end of the two consecutive reminders of the Dao of Heaven, the black mist has all faded away, and twenty tall death knights appeared on the tower.

  But they are all invisible and only Chen Mo can see them.

The ghostly blue will-o'-the-wisp flames on these death knights were blazing, holding large swords, giant axes, or long spears in their hands, dressed in heavy armor, and straddling majestic bone nightmare warhorses On his body, he looked so mighty and domineering!

And the bone-mare warhorses under their crotches are also extraordinary. These bone-mare warhorses wear special horned iron helmets, and are also covered in heavy armor. Their eyes are glowing with light blue flames, and their four hooves are powerful enough to distort the air. The high-temperature crimson flames are burning fiercely, as if it can't kill the enemy, but it is also enough to trample and burn the enemy to death!

  【Heavenly Reminder: Since you can only keep 15 powerful undead that exist forever, please designate a permanent goal! 】

  Because these powerful undead can exist for a full hour, Chen Mo was not in a hurry to designate permanent existence, but checked their attributes first.

  【Death Knight·High Undead】

  [Attributes]: HP 1703604, double attack 383311, double defense 668877


  〖Curse of Death〗: Sacrifice 10% of your HP to recover twice the HP of the friendly target, and cause double damage when used on the enemy, cool down for 5 seconds.

  〖Dark Shield〗: Use dark energy to create a permanent shield to protect friendly units. The shield can absorb damage equal to ten times the attack power of the death knight at most, and remove the negative effects on the target when cast. (cooldown 5 seconds)

  〖Cursed Soldiers〗: When attacking the target, reduce the target's attack speed and movement speed by 20%, and increase its own attack speed and movement speed by 40%. BUFF lasts for 5 seconds, and the duration is refreshed each time you attack.

  〖Omen of Resurrection〗: Remove the negative effects on the body when activated, and convert all damage received during the effective period of the skill into an equal amount of healing to heal itself. If your current health is below 10% and the skill is not on cooldown, the skill will automatically take effect the next time you take damage. Duration 5 seconds, cooldown 30 seconds.

  【Special skills】: Special undead

  〖Special Undead〗: Share the abilities attached to all the skills of the same series as "Skull Summoning".

  〖Shared Ability〗: Bomb, Resurrection, Corpse Poison, Invisibility, Sacred, Concentric

   "So strong! As expected of a high-level undead, the basic attributes are more than double the attributes of ordinary skeletons, and they don't have little defense like ordinary skeletons, but they also have high defense.

   The most perverted ones can directly share all the abilities attached to the skeleton summoning skills. "

   Unexpectedly, the summoned special undead would have such an ability, Chen Mo felt very excited.

  He was still thinking that the high-level undead he summoned would be more **** than the ordinary skeleton monster he had upgraded through multiple synthesis.

   Now I can rest assured.

  (end of this chapter)

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