All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 180: Undead Army VS Boundless Beast Tide! (three-in-one, 5/

  Chapter 180 Undead Army VS Boundless Beast Tide! (3 in 1, 55)

  Because every attribute of death knights is similar, Chen Mo randomly locked fifteen permanent existences.

   After locking it, he took a look at the skill "Summoning the Undead ●God".

  I found that this skill does not take cooling, and I can only use it again tomorrow.

  But after all, the summoned undead are permanent and powerful, so it doesn’t matter if you use it once a day.

   And now it is only the strength before the reincarnation. If you reincarnate professionally later, the skill strength should be further improved.

  The interval between summons should be further shortened by then.

  After checking the strength of the summoned object, Chen Mo continued to check the wild forest thousands of meters away in front of the tower.

  According to what the surrounding guards said, the beast horde came from this area, so just guard this side.

  Chen Mo put "Undead Worship" and "Rage Shield" on all invisible undead units around him with a thought, and ordered 100,000 skeleton monsters to fly to the forest.

  He wanted to know whether the beast horde was created out of thin air, or if there was already a huge army assembled, waiting for waves to rush over.

  As the 100,000 skeleton monsters scattered and flew out mightily, they felt a thick white cloud drifting into the distance.

  But currently only Chen Mo can see this scene.

  When Chen Mo sent the skeleton monster out, the city defense personnel had already returned with the information he needed.

   "At present, the effective combat force in the city is only 3,000 people?"

   This number is definitely too small for the beast tide.

  He immediately checked the defense equipment.

   It turns out that the defense equipment is really good!

  There is a "flying crossbow" that can fire thousands of crossbow arrows at one time to defend against the enemy.

  There is a "Sky Net Cannon" that can fire a huge, strong sticky and tough net to trap a large number of monsters.

  There is a "energy wave cannon" that can bombard all monster units within a kilometer with one energy cannon, causing a lot of damage.

   There are also decelerating ice cannons, continuous damage poisonous cannons, etc.

  The total number is as many as one hundred. In addition to the operators, each one needs a lot of people to guard, otherwise it will be dismantled to pieces soon like the previous siege.

   In addition to these, there are also some one-off mass destruction defensive items.

   It can be said that if you want to defend the beast tide, protecting these defense equipment is the key.

  After reading the information, Chen Mo was convinced that he had not guessed wrong before. Sure enough, the key to passing the assessment was to protect the defense equipment.

Confirming his guess, Chen Mo turned around and said to the herald next to him: "Very well, these defense equipment are very important, they must be guarded well, just ask them to stick to their posts, and leave everything else to me solve."

   "Yes! I will do it immediately, and I will tell them that the brave man will definitely lead us to victory!"

   The herald didn't know if he really believed in this sentence, or if he didn't have the confidence to shout encouragement to himself.

   Watching him leave, Chen Mo didn't care anymore. He was synchronizing the vision of the skeleton monster under his hand, perceiving the situation in the wild forest over there.

   "It's a huge forest, the trees are so tall that they are dying, and nothing can be seen from the sky."

   Following Chen Mo's thoughts, all the skeleton monsters fell into the forest.

  As they continue to explore forward.

   At this time, the time for the beast tide to attack the city is approaching.

   There was only one minute left, and Chen Mo's skeleton monster searched for a long distance, but still didn't perceive anything.

   "Could it be a beast horde generated out of thin air?"

   Just when Chen Mo was thinking this way, he felt a violent vibration on the ground through the concentric ability of the skeleton monster.

   Immediately afterwards, he saw a large group of monsters rushing out from the depths of the forest. Although these monsters charged very fast, they still consciously avoided knocking down trees and galloped in the forest.

"so much!?"

  Looking at the dense and endless monsters behind, Chen Mo was very surprised.

  In the past, he always heard about the beast tide and the sea of ​​corpses. He just had a vague feeling, but now, facing the beast tide, Chen Mo knew how terrifying the beast tide was.

  There are so many monsters, it seems that anything that stands in the way will be trampled into powder.

  Chen Mo controlled the skeleton monster to continue flying forward at a certain height, and at the same time said to another herald next to him: "Send the order, the monster is about to attack the city, everyone is ready! Blessing Master, come and get ready!"

   "The monster attacked the city?"

  The herald was stunned for a moment looking at the calm forest in front of him.

   But after all, it was the order of the brave man, so he quickly carried it out.

  As a result, not long after he delivered the order, the entire city tower clearly felt a vibration coming from the depths of the forest.

"As expected of Mr. Brave, you can predict the time of the attack of the beast tide in advance! Everyone cheered me up to 120,000 points, and followed the orders of Mr. Brave to stick to our posts! With Mr. Brave, we have infinite hope!"

  Following the order from the herald, Chen Mo has also removed most of the invisibility of the undead under his hands.

  A small number of them remained invisible and continued to explore the depths of the forest, while the rest appeared above the middle of the beast horde to attack, directly blocking their charge.

   On the tower side, following Chen Mo, he deliberately revealed all the skeleton monsters and death knights.

   At this moment, the ghosts of the dead suddenly appeared in the sky, which brought an incomparable shock to the people of the whole city.

   "What's going on, why are there so many monsters in the sky?"

   "Didn't you hear that? That's the army of undead summoned by the brave man!"

   "There are so many in the sky, all over the sky, we... we are saved now!"

  Many people were moved to the point of crying.

  There are so many undead, the number is comparable to the number when the beast tide came, densely packed all over the sky.

  As all of Chen Mo's undead appeared, the blessing masters immediately started working.

  Chen Mo's hint of heaven is the constant ringing of ding ding ding.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You and your summons have been blessed by the Blesser, and your attack speed has increased by 100%! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: You and your summons have been blessed by the Blesser, and your attack power has increased by 100%! 】

  【Heavenly Tip: ... damage increased by 100%! 】


  Chen Mo opened the information bar to see, good guy, the blessing status is almost full.

   There are attack speed, attack, damage increase, damage reduction, element resistance, control resistance and so on.

   It can be said that almost all the blessings that can be added have been added.

  At this time, the fighting power of this group of undead is so strong that it explodes.

  Boom! !

Roar! !

  As the beast swarm approached, a roar and galloping sound could clearly be heard on the tower. Chen Mo immediately carefully perceived the attributes of these monsters through the powerful perception ability of the pioneers.

   I have to say that it is worthy of the SSS level of difficulty, the lethality of these monsters is extremely amazing!

  Although their defensive power is not good and their blood volume is not good, their attack power is very high, and all of them are given the state of "Surge of Beast Blood" and "Fearless" state!

  Surge of Beast Blood can greatly increase the attack speed, attack power, and movement speed of monsters.

  Concealment can make all monsters' attacks directly ignore the target's defense and cause damage.

   It seems that it was born specifically for destruction!

   Fortunately, the damage reduction effect is still effective for them.

  At present, the first wave of monsters is a little easier to deal with, and the attack power of each monster is only 10,000.

  Chen Mo dispatched 20 death knights to lead 10,000 skeleton monsters to guard the defense equipment, and the remaining 90,000 skeleton monsters directly attacked the rushing beast tide.

  Over there, 90,000 skeleton monsters raided the middle of the beast tide in the forest. Here, 90,000 skeleton monsters swung their staffs in unison and fired energy bombs at the monsters rushing towards the ground!

"Puff puff…!!"

  As the energy bombs continued to hit, these monsters with low defense and low HP were killed and injured all at once.

  After they died, their corpses fell and stumbled a large number of charging monsters.

   All of a sudden! Bang bang bang! It knocked down a large area in all directions.

  Chen Mo was a little speechless. Didn’t a stampede happen and he trampled a large number of himself to death?

   Too unrealistic!

   Of course, it can also be explained that these monsters withdrew their strength when they stepped on their companions.

   Just like Su Tianxin hit Fang Datong's forehead before, she didn't use all her strength.

  But it's not a bad thing that these monsters don't kill each other.

  Chen Mo is now different from the past, as long as the units killed by him and his summons will trigger his profession-specific skill Death Command!

  A large group of monsters that had just been killed directly rose from black mist, and all of them stood up again lifelessly and turned into undead with exactly the same strength as before.

  Although they can only survive for 1 minute if they are not included in the special containment space by Chen Mo, this 1-minute survival time is enough for massive output.

   I saw the ground in front of the tower, and it was already in chaos!

  A large number of monsters were mercilessly bombarded by the long-range skeleton mage in the sky with energy bombs, and then turned into undead, stood up and charged towards their original companions.

   And these undead monsters are also Chen Mo's summons at this time, and the monsters they kill will also stand up again in the form of undead.

  For a while, it was like a plague spreading.

  Originally, the beast tide had an absolute numerical advantage, but as the skeleton monsters began to kill the monsters, more and more monsters began to transform into undead monsters, and the battle situation began to undergo subversive changes.

  Although many undead monsters were killed by monsters, it does not prevent the wool from coming out of the sheep.

   Not a single skeleton monster on Chen Mo's side died, all the dead were undead monsters transformed from monsters.

These undead monsters have only one minute of survival time, and they cannot be included in the ordinary storage space, and their strength is not worthy of Chen Mo's extremely rare special storage space, so keeping them is useless at all. maximize.

   Originally, Chen Mo thought that the key to this dungeon was to protect all the defense equipment.

   As a result, relying on the death call now, there is a faint tendency to push back.

   In front of the tower, there are basically no monsters.

   And this trend is getting further and further.

   Gradually, no living monsters can be seen at the entrance of the forest.

   Not to mention the living ones, not even a dead monster body can be seen.

   After all, all the monsters were killed by Chen Mo, and they became undead monsters directly.

   And the undead beast will dissipate immediately after it dies.

   Naturally, there was no body of a monster left behind.

  At this time, there were no traces of the beast tide outside the forest, but the battle was fierce in the wild forest.

  A large number of monsters and undead monsters bit together.

   Both sides are brave and fearless, and the killing is called a tragic one.

   Basically a one-to-one exchange.

   But the result of the one-to-one swap is that the original monster became an undead monster and stood up.

In addition to this, Chen Mo's army of skeleton mages is constantly firing energy bombs to kill monsters, which makes the undead monsters kill more and more. Although the normal monsters on the opposite side are still endless, they will sooner or later be defeated by such a fighting rhythm. To crush.

  In this way, inch by inch, meter by meter, the beast tide was not only contained, but even the reverse beast tide began to march deeper into the forest.

  The first wave of beasts lasted for half an hour.

   The number of monsters that rushed out was too numerous to count.

   At the end of the fight, Chen Mo didn't count any losses, but the number of his undead monsters actually reached millions!

  He is not as gentle as a monster. These undead monsters drive forward, which directly breaks everything along the way.

  In an instant, a long treeless area was opened up in the forest.

  All the trees on the road were knocked down and trampled and embedded in the ground.

   After driving all the way forward for another distance, these undead monsters finally all died out after the duration was up.

  The thousands of skeleton monsters that Chen Mo sent out in advance to continue the investigation had already flown to a distance of 10,000 meters.

  Here, Chen Mo found an extremely huge portal.

  It can be seen that a large number of monsters that caused the beast tide rushed out of this huge portal.

   "Can I go directly to the portal?"

   Seeing this portal, Chen Mo couldn't help but have a whim.

  Anyway, he didn't feel bad when his skeleton monster died. He directly controlled the skeleton monster to enter the portal.

   I don’t know if I don’t enter the portal, but once I enter the portal, Chen Mo is completely dumbfounded.

   The space behind the portal is a vast and boundless wilderness.

   And in this huge and boundless wilderness, there is a large group of densely packed monsters, the number of which is simply incalculable.

  But conservatively estimated, at least more than hundreds of millions!

   "It's outrageous, so many! If this rushes over at once, let alone towns, the entire wild forest will be razed to the ground!"

   But now that he has found the opponent's base camp, Chen Mo can't help but wonder if he can destroy them in advance, so that the next few waves may not have to be guarded.

  24 hours is not short, and it would be a good thing if it could end earlier.

  Although no matter how long he stays in the assessment space, it is 1 minute outside, but his own time in this space is real.

  If he could end it sooner, he naturally didn't want to work hard here.

  However, there are only thousands of skeleton monsters coming in. Chen Mo feels that there are not enough. After all, this place is not like the forest before.

   There are hundreds of millions or even billions of monsters here, but the transformation of thousands of them is not fast enough. It can be said that they will be wiped out in an instant.

  Besides, there are many warcraft and winged beasts with anti-air capabilities in this space. It is impossible for skeleton monsters to rely on flying to be invincible.

   Therefore, we must try our best to create a large number of undead beasts at one time, so that they can be spread quickly.

  Chen Mo immediately came to the front of the portal with a flicker of a god.

  As his true self arrived here, he could gather all the summoned objects back to his side with a single thought.

  The next moment, he returned to the town with a flash of a god, and after ensuring that he was in the safest position, he sent all 200,000 skeleton monsters and five extra death knights into the portal.

  He didn't dare to go in himself.

   After all, his talent is that he is immortal when there are undead around him.

   If hundreds of millions of monsters go crazy, they don't know how abnormal it is, especially the existence of the last few beast masters, they are extraordinary at first glance.

  If these guys have special abilities that can clear their undead in an instant like the Great Terror, then they are not cheating.

  Chen Mo is more cautious.

  If you can not take risks, you will not take risks.

   Enter the portal with 200,000 skeleton monsters and five death knights.

   Facing the monster that was so dark that it was shaking like sea water in a black ocean, Chen Mo considered where to start.

   Is it the front or the middle.

   Or select multiple areas at once, causing confusion?

  After thinking about it for a while, Chen Mo decided to divide the 200,000 skeleton monsters and five death knights into five groups, with 40,000 skeleton monsters and one death knight in each group, shooting in the middle area respectively.

   If the transformation starts from the middle like this, it can quickly expand in all directions like ripples.

   Just when Chen Mo thought about it and sent the skeleton monster to move, suddenly a strange beam of light emerged from the mouths of a large number of monsters in the herd and irradiated the skeleton monster in the air.

   At this time, Chen Mo also received a reminder from Heaven that the invisibility of the skeleton monster has been broken!

   "I didn't expect that there are anti-hidden abilities in the group of monsters."

  Before the Beastmaster at the back started to make a move, ordinary monsters directly broke the invisibility effect of his group of skeleton monsters.

   With the invisibility forced, suddenly flew out from the boundless herd of beasts and attacked all over the sky to cover this group of skeleton monsters!

  A mere group of 40,000 skeleton monsters faced the attacks of an unknown number of monsters, even with extremely thick shields, it was useless, and the damage they suffered in an instant exceeded hundreds of millions.

   Directly, even the blood volume of the shield was completely emptied.

   Fortunately, they also have the blessing of immortality, allowing them to survive for 5 seconds longer.

  Death knights can absorb damage for a longer period of time before dying because of the sign of returning light. They can survive a few seconds longer than skeleton monsters, but the number is too small, and the extra seconds of survival are useless.

   Ho Ho Ho! !

  Seeing that his skeleton monster has been exposed, all the monsters in the entire area roared wildly, and Chen Mo didn't bother to choose the middle one!

   "It's about the same position, let's do it!"

   Chen Mo remotely manipulated his mind, and in an instant, 200,000 skeleton monsters and five death knights all appeared and launched a crazy attack on the monsters below.

  As they appeared, a bunch of warcraft and flying warcraft capable of attacking in the air all attacked them angrily.

   Whoosh whoosh...!

  For a while, the monsters either sent out a bunch of spikes, or fired a bunch of energy cannons, or spit out flames, frost, lightning, and other random attacks, and then smashed at the group of skeleton monsters.

   Don't kill too easily.

   If the number reaches a certain level, it is really a crushing level of combat power.

  The flying monsters weren't even in place, and the 200,000 skeleton monsters and five death knights were all drained of health.

  However, the shields on their bodies also rebounded and killed the same number of monsters.

  Plus they attack and kill.

  In just 1 second, except for the death knight, all the skeleton monsters on Chen Mo's side had their shields broken and their blood volume completely empty, and hundreds of thousands of monsters died in an instant.

  As a large black mist rose, the hundreds of thousands of monsters that had just died immediately got up again and attacked the surroundings.

   They turned into undead monsters and suddenly got up, and the surrounding monsters naturally no longer regarded them as companions, and rushed towards them together.

   Fortunately, they are all on the ground, and they are not attacked as much as the skeleton monsters in the air at the same time.

   They are also able to make some mass tradeoffs.

  The skeleton monsters in the air can only survive for 5 seconds, so hurry up and output quickly.

  For a moment, the skeleton monsters in the sky were completely overwhelmed by the attacks of hundreds of millions of strange creatures, and they couldn't see where they were at all.

  The crackling sound continued to explode in the air, which was even more exciting than the fireworks scene.

  But they couldn't die within five seconds, as they continued to output and the undead monsters on the ground were constantly exchanging with the surrounding normal monsters.

  Chen Mo has transformed more and more undead monsters.

   Soon five seconds passed.

   At this time, Chen Mo had transformed millions of undead beasts.

  But the transformation is fast, and the death is also fast, and the transformation speed is continuously suppressed.

  Especially after the skeletons in the air die, when those long-range output divert their attention to the undead monsters on the ground, the conversion speed is not as fast as the death speed.

   Fortunately, besides having the ability of immortality for 5 seconds, the skeleton monster also has the ability of resurrection.

   One second after they died, they immediately stood up again.

  Although their blood volume is only 1 point after resurrection, all their other abilities are refreshed after resurrection, which means that even if they are fatally injured again at this time, they can still survive for 5 seconds!

   With another 5 seconds of undead time, these skeleton monsters began to output desperately again.

   The transformation speed of the undead monsters that had been suppressed has increased again.

   In a short while, the number of undead monsters on Chen Mo's side has climbed to more than two million.

   "This speed is still not enough. Damn it, there are too many monsters. It would be nice if my undead monsters could also inherit all the abilities summoned by skeletons. Then they can really transform into flat pushes like crazy."

  Chen Mo complained, and then the gods flickered to the front of the portal again.

   This batch of skeleton monsters will die soon, and he needs to replenish them.

   With only one second remaining for these skeleton monsters, Chen Mo directly let them land on the ground.

   In this way, they can bomb the ground after they die, and can kill many monsters with high attack and low health at one time.

  Bringing 200,000 of them together, at least a million undead beasts can be blown out.

   "It's really tiring to go out early. The dungeon that was 100% passable can be done with such enthusiasm, but it's also a good time to accumulate experience in dealing with enemies that are more numerous than me."

  As all the skeleton monsters died and exploded, Chen Mo, who had been waiting in front of the portal for a long time, didn't care, and used the Concentric Corpse Army skill again!

   It turned out that this time was luckier than the last time. Heavenly Dao reminded him that he actually triggered a hundred times the summoning effect of the undead assembly passive!

   "Good guy, this wave is not going to be scrapped for you!"

  As they were given a set of "Worship of Immortality" and "Rage Shield", Chen Mo ordered the 400,000 skeleton monsters to rush into the other side of the portal.

  He must replenish his combat power as soon as possible, otherwise the undead monsters that have just increased will be suppressed and emptied soon.

  (end of this chapter)

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