All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 186: Take the initiative! This TM is level 20 unreincarnated! ? (

  Chapter 186 Take the initiative to attack! This TM is level 20 unreincarnated! ? (three in one, 1010)

  But all the outsiders who watched this match looked as if they had seen a ghost.

  Especially this side of Earth.

  People who were not optimistic about Chen Mo at first, all of them were stunned in place at this moment.

  Many people look at me and look at you, with an unbelievable look.

Although many people had some doubts about the people from the Hongluan galaxy flying away before, some people speculated that Chen Mo might have escaped into the realm of nothingness. possible.

   But now seeing this person coming again, they felt that Chen Mo must be dead this time.

  The opponent must have mastered the ability to restrain before coming again.

   As a result, just when they thought that Chen Mo was going to die, they thought for a few seconds that the name of the person from the Hongluan Galaxy was hacked first.

  Many people kept rubbing their eyes, wondering if they were dazzled or misread just now.

  Before many people reacted, Gambling Dog was the first to react.

  The group of people who had paid crazy money to bet that Chen Mo would not live for two hours before had already cried and shouted: "I'm not playing anymore, return the money to me quickly, this is a **** hog!!"

  As they cried, other people also reacted.

   Immediately, exclamations continued to come out.

   "Damn! Is this really a level 20 unreincarnated professional? Really, ah, a level 20 unreincarnated person on our earth actually gave a second-level full-level powerhouse to a second?"

   "Second is a good word, good guy, how many seconds did this person come here? Is there 5 seconds? He's dead, he's dead!!"

   "Look carefully at Lan Luduo's profession, the 15-star undead in desperate situation! He definitely has a lot of undead abilities, and it's all been taken away so quickly. How perverted is this awesome man on Earth!"

   "Hearing what you said, it's really true that according to this professional name, the other party shouldn't die so fast. This can be instant, it's terrifying!"

   "You people are changing really fast. You used to say that people went in to give away heads, but now you have become awesome and terrifying."

"Nonsense, can you predict that this great man can be so heaven-defying? Level 20! Unreincarnated! This can kill a strong man with a second rank and a full level of fifteen stars, and it is an instant kill! The more outrageous profession is An undead! Defying the sky and going crazy!"

"Who is this person? Can Tiandao announce it directly? I want to know what kind of occupation he is, why he can reverse so many attributes, and he who has not been reincarnated and reversed cuts in seconds and turns to a full-level powerhouse can be described as fantasy Already!"

   "From the current situation, if you want to see his information, you have to die, but I don't want him to die for such a powerful talent at level 20. This is a great hope for our earth!"

   "Is it possible that the lone God of War who triggered the voice of the Dao before coming here is him?"

   "Really, with his current fighting power of a 60th-level second-turn powerhouse in seconds, it is really quite easy for him to single-handedly defeat a team boss at level 10 within an hour."

   "It's ridiculously strong! Why is there no news about such a powerful person, and no one has discovered his strength?"

   "Maybe they are hiding it. After all, there are so many alien dogs on our earth. Even if he has the ability to surpass two levels and reversely cut 60-level second-rank powerhouses, what if the opponent is a third-rank or fourth-rank powerhouse?

   It is necessary for him to keep a low profile! "

   "It's true, as long as he grows up for a while, these alien dogs may have nothing to do with him."

   "In this way, I don't want him to be exposed. I hope this genius can grow into a strong one with peace of mind. In this way, the rise of our solar system is just around the corner.

  He can now have two levels of combat power, and it will be even more heaven-defying if he reaches level five!

   It's time to slaughter those dogs in the eternal star system! "


  When the people on Earth were extremely happy and excited about Chen Mo's performance, it was at the headquarters of the Academy Alliance.

  The three leaders who were sitting together to deal with the urgent documents just handed over by their subordinates also stood up excitedly after receiving the news.


"How can it be!"

   "Oh my God, there is such a thing!"

   "Unreincarnated at level 20, is it really possible to become a full-level fifteen-star professional?"

  Jiang Yun looked in disbelief at the information behind the solar system contestant in the second round competition area.

   "According to the situation we have obtained before, it is difficult to imagine, and it is impossible to imagine." Brenda shook her head and couldn't even conceive of this possibility at all.

   "The key news is that he was in seconds, and the front and back battles did not exceed 5 seconds. This Lan Ludo, who had the 15-star profession "Desperate Immortal", was killed!

   It's really incredible. "

  "According to the computer analysis, the profession with this name is very likely to have the ability of immortality, especially if it is a 15-star class, it is estimated that it is possible to have several immortal abilities.

   But he was still instant. "

   "Now I have confirmed that he is the little guy who triggered the voice of the Lonely God of War. What happened to our earth's recent luck? Is it because we have been suppressed too much in the Tower of Eternity, is it now that it is extremely peaceful?

  The heaven-defying newcomers came one after another! "

   "A five-star initial hidden profession that has just awakened, a person who has broken the difficulty of the SSS boundary-breaking assessment three times in a row, and this mysterious level 20 newcomer."

"Is it possible that this person is the one who broke the SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment three times in a row? I didn't think about connecting them before, but now that this kid is so outrageous, I think he may directly challenge a very high-level The copy of the level has accumulated a lot of experience points in one go, and after passing the level 15 breaking test, it was directly upgraded to level 20." Brenda guessed.

   I have to say that women's intuition is really accurate sometimes.

   Regarding her guess, Jiang Yun and Marcus couldn't help feeling that the possibility was very high for a while, but they didn't want it to be so.

   After all, if this is the case, there will be one less person on earth with a bright future.

   "I'm happy if I'm happy, but now is not the time to be happy, but I'm even more worried!

   This kid has the strength, but it is still too risky, choose to challenge two levels! If it falls, it will be a huge loss for our earth! "

   "Indeed, he has only successfully killed one opponent now. There are a total of 1,000 contestants this time. Except for himself, the other 999 people are a huge threat.

  Even if one of the threats is eradicated, it does not mean that he can live to the end safely..."

  Jiang Yun looked solemn.

  Before when he saw Chen Mo in the second transfer area, at most he thought it was the loss of a five-star professional.

   There are still more than one or two five-star professionals who die every year on Earth.

  It is a pity to die a five-star professional, but there is nothing special to be concerned about.

  But now everything is different.

   This is a monstrous talent who can surpass two levels of reverse slash in seconds, level 60, and turn into a five-star powerhouse.

  Each of them is an existence that cannot be obtained by burning incense and worshiping Buddha.

   Losing any of them would be a heavy blow to the solar system.

   They were naturally worried about Chen Mo.

  At this moment in the dungeon, Chen Mo didn't know how much commotion he had caused.

   After killing the people in the Hongluan galaxy, he continued to search for treasures.

  He has bound a death light compass now, and there are four treasures that can be bound.

  He needs to find four more treasures.

   This search was another close to an hour.

  Each time when the 1 hour is about to end, Chen Mo will re-summon until it reaches 200 times.

   After all, with a 90% cooldown reduction, he can spawn twice a second, and it won't take long to reach 200 times.

   Just leave it for ten minutes to brush.

  Due to the doubling of the refreshment amount of materials in this hour, Chen Mo found eight items.

  Six of them are life-saving items, and Chen Mo directly threw them into the backpack. For the time being, he has no need for life-saving ability.

  What he needs are some objects that can break the opponent's life-saving ability.

   and the remaining two objects.

  One of them is a death headband that can limit the opponent's resurrection ability.

   Although Chen Mo's death ring can restrict the resurrection of others, if the other party has the resurrection ability, they can still be resurrected.

   But this death headband is different. As long as you wear it, the target you kill can't be resurrected even if it has the ability to revive itself.

  In view of this, Chen Mo decided to bind and wear it.

   After all, the resurrection ability is also a troublesome point.

  The remaining item is an item that died together.

   Have no idea why such a thing exists.

  Maybe it is for some people who have the ability of immortality or people who have more resurrection ability.

  The name of this item is Orb of Same Return.

  Once it explodes, all units within 1000 meters, including yourself, will be directly attacked by instant death and die immediately!

  Chen Mo himself wears the ring of death, and has long been immune to all instant death abilities, so he will be fine when he activates the same return orb.

   It's just that Chen Mo is not sure whether this kind of thing is needed, so he throws it into the backpack first, and waits for the follow-up to see.

  At this time, Chen Mo was wearing a death headband and carrying a death light compass.

  He still wears the ring of death on his hand, as if he is preparing to kill the god!

  As the second hour passed, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded again.

  【Heavenly reminder: Two hours have passed in the dungeon, and there are still ten hours left. It is the hour and everyone's coordinates are about to be exposed. Please be prepared, this time the coordinates will be exposed continuously for 80 seconds!

  The materials in all areas of the current dungeon have been re-refreshed, and the amount of refreshes is twice as much as before. Please explore more, there may be new materials refreshed in the areas you have been to before! 】

  As the warning from the Dao of Heaven sounded, everyone's coordinates were exposed again. This time, Chen Mo saw that the person closest to him was only tens of kilometers away from him.

   It can be seen that these people really want to come and kill him.

  However, many people actually changed their direction and chose to stay away instead.

   Regarding this, Chen Mo could also understand what the other party was thinking at this time.

  Everyone gathers, and there may be a big fight soon.

  Instead of getting involved in a big fight and putting yourself in an unnecessary crisis, it is better to stay away first, find a few treasures that are handy, and prepare for the next big battle.

   At this time, there are about 300 people who are moving towards Chen Mo unswervingly, and there are more than 600 people who are not moving towards him.

   It can be seen that there are still many people who are wise and protect their lives.

   In other words, their self-confidence is not as strong as these three hundred people.

  The more than 300 people seemed to be completely invincible, and they were very determined to kill Chen Mo in the direction.

   Time passed by second by second, now that he has the ability to restrain the undead and revive, Chen Mo decided to strike first.

  Just wait for the moment when the coordinate points fail, remember a few points, teleport to them and deal with them first!

  Of course, you don’t have to remember, he still has infinite coordinate props, and you can know everyone’s coordinate position anytime, anywhere just by binding.

  After all the coordinates disappeared, Chen Mo thought about it for a while, and felt that controlling everyone's coordinates was only good, not bad. He had the ability to flash gods.

  Now I have two restraint abilities, which are almost the same. Even if I bind another infinite coordinate, there are still two binding positions, and I can leave two more spaces to deal with changes.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo directly chose to bind "Infinite Coordinates".

   Now, others can't see his coordinates, but he can see other people's coordinates.

   Of course, not everyone can see it.

   After all, infinite coordinates have been put in multiple.

   At this time, three more people picked up this kind of thing.

  It's not too late for them to pick it up now, at least they can know in advance that Chen Mo's strength is not as simple as it seems.

   Just after the 80-second coordinate point exposure time ended, they were shocked to find that the coordinates representing Chen Mo suddenly flashed and appeared next to a 60-level second-turn professional of the Dark Moon system.

  Because no one knew what profession the other person was before he died, Chen Mo could only choose blindly.

   But this time he picked the right one.

  Through perception, he found that the profession he chose this time is the doomsday mage.

   This is indeed an extremely perverted and powerful fifteen-star profession.

  She has a perverted forbidden spell that can easily cover several kilometers, or even dozens of kilometers. The largest forbidden spell he can cast so far can cover everything within a full range of 30 kilometers.

   That is to say, he only needs to move forward a certain distance, and he can kill Chen Mo directly at a super long distance.

"It's really a dungeon where experts gather. It's really not the most perverted, only more perverted. Not to mention the ridiculously large coverage, the high damage is against the sky, and the more important thing is that this guy can instantly cast the doomsday spell. This doomsday spell can also Multiple damages, with solid damage, and with DEBUFF!"

   Perceiving the other party's information, Chen Mo was numb.

  If I have such a perverted ability, then the entire dungeon will be blown up by it!

   It's all about making complaints, but Chen Mo's hands are not vague at all.

   Just when he teleported over to perceive the other party's situation, and the other party was shocked to say a few words, he didn't say a word of nonsense, and directly recalled all the skeleton monsters, and the time-space orb was turned, and he immediately opened the second!

  Even the undead in the desperate situation can't support this set, and this mere doomsday mage is naturally even more helpless.

  As a doomsday mage, at most he has an outrageously strong attack ability.

  Although there are some life-saving abilities, compared with the hopeless undead, it is a heaven and a hell.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on killing a contestant. You have gained 1 hit kill. Your current kill count is 2 points. You can get 2% damage increase effect and 2% damage reduction effect! 】

  【Tiandao reminder: All data related to the dead contestants of the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds will be deleted from the copy and recycled.

   The dropped items are recovered, and according to the total value of the opponent’s dropped items, you have obtained 1.5 million loot points! The current total loot points are 2.5 million points.

   can be used to redeem rewards at the end of the event, please note that if you are killed, the points will also be transferred to others! 】

   "Damn God, after killing the contestants in this dungeon, all the people and things are recycled. You can leave me an undead. If this person is made into a special undead, then I can blow up the dungeon."

   Soon everyone in the whole picture received another reminder from Heaven!

  【Heavenly Reminder: Dark Moon Contestant Moon Charm—Level 60 (Second-turn job, 15-star job "Mage of Doom") has died! There are 998 remaining contestants in the current dungeon! 】

   "Look, what happened! Our genius on Earth can actually teleport the entire map!"

   "Awesome! I just found out where he teleported to, and he instantly killed that person!"

   "Look at what occupation."

   "Mage of Doom, at first glance, he is a guy with poor life-saving ability, and he is not wronged if he dies. Those who are desperate and undead have been killed by our master, and the mage of Doom is nothing but wool."

   "Good guy, he is a 15-star profession, and you still look down on him so much. I'm afraid that if you go up to him, you will evaporate if a spell comes over."

   "By the way, why is our Earth suddenly so fierce? He actually took the initiative to attack directly. It's too fierce!"

   "That's right. Before, everyone thought he was the prey and wanted to hunt him down, but they didn't think that they were the prey. They didn't need to come here. Our bully took the initiative to deal with them."

   "How do you say that? The best hunters often appear in the form of prey. Haha, I think it is very suitable to describe the great man of our earth!"

"But how did he do it? I calculated it just now. The attribute gap between a level 20 non-reincarnation and a level 60 two-turned-five-star powerhouse is huge. Basically, it is impossible to break the defense. He is in seconds. One after another, it's outrageous."

   "It won't be some kind of instant kill ability."

   "Tiandao has strict control over the ability to kill in seconds. I don't think it's possible that it can't be triggered stably."

   "Then it may be the real damage ability. If you have real damage, it doesn't matter how much higher your attribute is than him, he can directly break the defense."

   "However, level 60 level 2 to 15 star professionals also have a lot of blood. You have not been reincarnated at level 20 to give you a full set of high-level equipment blessings. How many attribute points do you have? Can you cut it?"

   "This is really confusing, but don't think about things that don't make sense, just call awesome 666 and you're done!"

   "What is a heaven-defying evildoer? If it can be easily figured out, it won't be called a heaven-defying evildoer!"


   The outside world is amazed or admired or puzzled by Chen Mo's proactive behavior, and the same is true in the dungeon.

   But few people know.

  The only ones who knew that Chen Mo instantly killed a contestant after teleporting were the three who just picked up the infinite coordinates and bound them.

  They originally wanted to use this prop to locate Chen Mo's position, and then try to speed up and surpass others to take down Chen Mo first.

   In this way, you can accumulate 1 more click kills, which is also considered as 1 more advantage.

   As a result, I never thought that this originally locked target would be so terrifying!

   "This is a level 20 unreincarnated professional!?"

   One of them unbelievably pulled out the tip of the Heavenly Dao to check it out.

  Although it is said that what he killed was only a doomsday mage whose life-saving ability may not be very strong.

  But the opponent is a level 60, 2 to 15 star after all!

   It's not a second turn of rubbish!

   And this guy is actually Shun Miao's opponent!

   This alone is quite incredible.

   And as he saw Chen Mo kill the Doomsday Mage, he almost remembered the information about the person who was killed last time.

  At present, the person who can teleport in the entire copy has seen the professional of this solar system without seeing other people.

  The person who was killed before might have been killed by this solar system professional.

  He only felt a burst of incredible and inexplicable fear.

  Because an existence beyond the norm appeared in the dungeon, an existence that cannot be measured by common sense!

   Not only he thinks so, but also the other two people bound to infinite coordinates think so.

  They really couldn't understand why a level 20 unreincarnated professional had the ability to instantly kill a level 60 second-turned-five-star full-star professional.

  The opponent is even confident enough to take the initiative to attack!

   Just when they were amazed, they saw that Chen Mo flickered again.

   This time he appeared in front of another contestant.

   "What kind of occupation is this?"

  Chen Mo found that the alien he met this time had a strange job, called a bubble maker.

  It sounds like a friendly character playing with a child.

   But his professional strength is as high as 15 stars.

  After perceiving the opponent's ability clearly, Chen Mo was convinced.

   Good guy, call the most gentle name, do the most violent thing!

  This guy's bubble power is extremely powerful.

  There are large-scale solid damage explosion bubbles, there are bubbles that directly seal and imprison the enemy, and there are highly toxic bubbles that are poisonous enough to corrode the enemy into a pool of poisonous water...

   In short, a lot of abilities related to bubbles.

   Amazing damage, amazing control effect!

   He can even trap himself in the bubble, ignoring all external damage for 10 seconds.

   It belongs to the invincible ability of the absolutely abnormal level.

  Chen Mo rarely saw the ability to be invincible for such a long time.

  The other party is sitting in a bubble at this time.

  His bubble has the ability to float and fly, and the speed is very fast.

  He is currently the closest person to the coordinate position before Chen Mo teleported.

   "This ghost has so many professional abilities. Is it immune to all influences in the bubble? Is it immune to time-stop? If it can, it will be really against the sky!"

  Following Chen Mo's thought, the Tianshui alien who was traveling at full speed in the flying bubble was stopped by Chen Moshi.

   But although the bubble stopped, Chen Mo saw that the Tianshui alien was still able to move inside the bubble!

  [PS]: Today’s ten updates are completed, please recommend various tickets for monthly tickets~

  (end of this chapter)

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