Chapter 187 Death Threats! (2 in 1, 25)

   "Can't even Time Stop control him in the bubble?"

  Chen Mo really can't believe that the opponent's talent effect is so strong!

   This guy really ignores all influences in the bubble.

   But he is not without weaknesses, that is his weak bubble fire.

   Just as Chen Mo was about to continue his attack, the round alien in the bubble suddenly spoke.

   "Time stop? Interesting! I really didn't expect that I thought it was a welfare giver, but I dared to take the initiative to kill me? It seems that I thought you were wrong when you came in to die!"

   After finishing speaking, he sneered and said, "Unfortunately, you picked the wrong partner. I am the strongest in this instance!"

  Hearing this, Chen Mo laughed, whoever enters this dungeon does not feel that he is the strongest.

   But the opponent is indeed very strong, and this must be admitted.

   "It's useless to be angry, if you want to blame it, you have to blame your own bad luck."

  People from the Tianshui system are angry when they raise the corners of their mouths, and smile when they sink.

   is completely different from the people on Earth, so he misunderstood.

  Chen Mo didn't care about these, just smiled lightly, and with a thought, he instantly summoned the undead nine-tailed white fox beast king to his side.

  This guy’s bubbles are very strong, all long-range attacks will be blocked by the bubbles, and only fire attribute attacks or melee attacks can be destroyed.

  Chen Mo managed to spawn 800,000 long-range skeleton monsters, but at this time, none of them could attack him.

   Bubbles must be burst first.

  The moment the undead nine-tailed white fox came out, the purple high-temperature flames on the fox's tail burst into flames!


  Nine regiments of high-temperature foxfire burst out, and bombarded the bubbles of the Tianshui people.

  At the same time, Chen Mo himself also fired energy bullets. Due to his ability to control elements, he can change his attack attributes at any time.

   At this time, he changed the original non-attributed energy bullet to the fire attribute!

  When Chen Mo attacked, the opponent was not idle either. There was a small tube in his two short hands. As he put it in his mouth and blew it out, a lot of bubbles flew out immediately.

  These bubbles can penetrate the big bubbles outside without damage, and bombard Chen Mo.

  Now that he has a clear perception of the opponent's ability, Chen Mo naturally knows that the opponent's bubbles are not to be underestimated.

  However, even if Chen Mo doesn't have the ability to share fate and innate immortality, the violent shield he is wearing now is enough to protect him.

  The violent shield that has been upgraded to the red level is combined with Chen Mo's now awakened five-star combat career career star, and the amount of shields cast by Chen Mo's current energy value has reached more than 97 million.

   Almost close to 100 million!

  Even if the opponent's bubble damage is astonishing, the number of bubbles blown out in this breath is only a hundred or so.

  Each bubble detonation can cause a fixed damage of hundreds of thousands, and if a hundred or so explode at the same time, it will only cause tens of millions of fixed damage.

   Even the skin of the shield can't be scratched.

  Chen Mo didn't care at all.

   What he has to do right now is to completely destroy the opponent's protective bubble. His protective bubble is too annoying.

With a lot of fire damage coming, the opponent naturally did not sit still. While blowing out a bunch of solid injury bubbles to attack Chen Mo, he also blew out a lot of bubbles containing a lot of water vapor. These bubbles have the power to extinguish the flames. ability.

   "Boy, it seems that you have a powerful detection ability and know my weakness, but unfortunately, it's useless!"

  As the water vapor-containing bubbles first hit the energy bomb fired by Chen Mo, Chen Mo's fire-attributed energy bomb was easily extinguished with just a "chi la" sound!

  But the fox tail flame emitted by the nine-tailed white fox cannot be extinguished so easily.

  As the bubbles containing a lot of water vapor collided with the purple fox fire, there was also a chirping sound.

  But the purple fox fire was not extinguished, but all the water bubbles evaporated completely.


  The other party was obviously surprised.

  Chen Mo said with a smile: "This flame is not an ordinary flame!"

   Following Chen Mo's voice...

   Bang bang bang! !

  Nine groups of foxfires have already hit the huge protective bubble one after another.

  In an instant, the protective bubble burst and collapsed.

   And the nine groups of foxfires didn't stop moving forward, and directly hit the Tianshui people in the bubble in unison.

   It seems that Chen Mo's attack was not expected to be so troublesome, and the opponent directly took out a dark blue orb.

   From time to time, a terrifying chill permeated this orb...

  Chen Mo knows this thing, because he also has it.

  The moment he saw this thing, he immediately had a thought, flickering and ran away.

  At the same time, he ordered all the skeleton monsters to attack the Tianshui people without bubble protection.

  The Tianshui people who had just taken out the extremely cold orb to freeze Chen Mo saw Chen Mo disappearing in an instant. He thought that Chen Mo had entered invisibility, and he immediately activated the Invisibility Breaking Scroll obtained when he entered the dungeon.

   As a result, he didn't find Chen Mo's figure after using the hidden scroll, but he found 800,000 skeleton monsters in an instant, which almost didn't scare him.

  He directly activated the extremely cold orb, freezing everything around him, and at the same time used the teleportation talisman to run away.

   After all, there are 800,000 skeleton monsters, and each of them has a shield with extremely thick blood. He doesn't think that his bubble can empty these skeleton monsters in an instant.

  He naturally felt that it would be better to run away first.

   "Damn! How is it possible! How can a level 20 unreincarnated professional be able to summon 800,000 skeleton monsters with such high attributes?"

  Those who can enter this dungeon don't have the ability to detect.

   Except that Chen Mo himself is covered by the title of Chaos Trialer, his skeleton monster attribute can be easily detected.

  If he hadn't seen the terrifying attributes of the skeleton monster, this Tianshui professional wouldn't have run in such a hurry.

   This is an existence with 800,000 attack powers comparable to rank three.

  No matter how arrogant he is, he dare not say that he will be safe and sound under the siege of 803,000 ranks.

   And this is not an ordinary 803,000 turns, this is a 803,000 turns with a shield value of nearly hundreds of millions.

   Is this a head shot?

  He is indeed superior in strength, far surpassing his peers.

  Blowing out his bubbles in one breath can directly cause tens of millions of damage, and it is still solid damage. As a second-rank professional, this intensity is already very abnormal.

   But what's the use of this?

  He indulges in the ability to deal tens of millions of damage per second, and it is difficult to clear such a thick shield.

   It takes nine seconds to clear the shields of these skeleton monsters, but if you don't have a protective bubble, it only takes one second for them to kill you!

   Then how to fight?

  He really couldn't figure out why a person who hadn't been reincarnated at level 20 could summon so many and such awesome skeleton monsters, it simply didn't make sense.

   And the worst thing is, he originally had holy purification bubbles that could restrain dark creatures.

   It turns out that these skeleton monsters actually have some kind of sacred attribute. If they don't take the sacred restraint, it's really outrageous.

  He could not restrain himself even if he restrained it, and the seconds would never end.

  The only option is to escape.

   But unfortunately, Chen Mo has infinite coordinates, so it is useless for him to go anywhere at this time.

  Seeing that the other party's coordinates flashed and ran away, Chen Mo waited for a few seconds, and waited for the time when the skeleton monster was frozen to end, and then teleported to the side of the Tianshui alien professional again.

  With Chen Mo's thought, all the undead were called back to him.

   Attacked the Tianshui professional again.

   "Why, why are you so strong!! Even if you are not reincarnated, your attributes are not enough!"

  The Tianshui professionals couldn't believe it, and they were also very unwilling.

  The main reason is that he felt that he was a 15-star professional, but he was beaten by an unreincarnated 5-star.

   Very wronged.

   But in fact, Chen Mo is actually a ten-star, and at the same time has a powerful initial hidden five-star occupation, and a title attribute blessing!

   It is said to be more advanced, but in fact, everyone's attribute values ​​are similar.

  Of course, if they really compare, Chen Mo's attributes are still a bit worse than theirs.

   A 15-star powerhouse with a full level at the second turn, including the good equipment on his body, the attack attribute at this time is at least 20,000 to 30,000 higher than Chen Mo.

  The defense power is much higher, at least 50,000 to 60,000.

  If the opponent can also be blessed with titles like Chen Mo, and with top-notch equipment, the attributes will explode even more.

  However, even if it is a second-rank peak master, it is difficult to achieve such an achievement.

   Most of them, like this Tianshui professional, are already at the top.

  If he hadn’t met Chen Mo, he would have been strong enough to save his life, and he couldn’t even control him when he stopped. He had to have a strong output that could instantly deal tens of millions of fixed injuries in an instant, and he had to have strong control to directly trap people to death.

   Don't be too awesome.

   "If you want to know, then ask Heaven."

  Chen Mo didn't talk nonsense, and shot directly. He knew that the opponent still had a 10-second invincibility powerful body protection bubble, and a 5-second invincibility invincibility scroll was useless.

   He still has at least 15 seconds of invincibility time. Tell him the information by yourself, not to make yourself uncomfortable.

  After all, I don't know what props are hidden in this person's backpack.

   Killing is still the priority.

  Following Chen Mo's thoughts, the skeleton monsters immediately drew their bows and arrows, or stretched out their staffs, and launched a lot of attacks on the Tianshui professionals.

   Seeing that his life was in danger, the opponent naturally used all the life-saving means that he could use.

  I saw that he cast a huge bubble of protection with pale golden light at the fastest speed, covering himself.

  With the appearance of this bubble, whether it is the attack of the skeleton monster or the fox fire of the nine-tailed white fox, even if they "bang bang bang" hit the bubble, it is still difficult to destroy the bubble after all.

   "Invincible for 10 seconds, yes, you can extend your life for another 10 seconds, then what?"

  Chen Mo looked at the other party with a half-smile and said.

   "In this way, if you let me go, I can give you some good things. If you kill me, Heaven will take back everything, and you will get nothing at that time."

   "I didn't expect you to know this information. It seems that you survived to the end in the previous event."

   "No, someone in our galaxy did it."

   "Generally powerful SSS-level items are bound, and if you give me SSS-level items that cannot be bound, it is not a very good thing!"

  As soon as these words came out, the other party couldn't help being speechless for a while.

   It is true that the things that can be traded under normal circumstances are much worse than those that are bound.

  But there are also those that are not within the normal range.

   For example, the time-space orb and the star shift obtained by Chen Mo.

   These two super artifact components are not weak, and they are not bound.

  Of course, these belong to a very small number of alternatives.

   Conventional non-binding things are indeed slightly inferior.

   "Even if it's not bound, it's at least SSS-level. One more is better than one less. It will only give you some bad points if it is taken back by Heaven. What can you exchange for it?"

   "I have a lot of SSS-quality things, but I don't need them that much! As for the points, I already have something I want to exchange, so don't worry about it."

  Hearing Chen Mo say such Versailles words lightly, the other party almost choked!

  He recalled when he had not been reincarnated at level 20, how had he ever obtained a large number of SSS levels, even one or two were nothing.

  The other party's understatement, it seems that he really has a lot of good things in his hands.

   "You mean it's not negotiable?"

  The expression of the Tianshui professional became gloomy.

   "Since you chose to enter this dungeon, you should know that there is no retreat!"

  If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was invincible now, Chen Mo wouldn't even bother to talk nonsense to him.

  10 seconds, very short!

   The work of a few words is almost here.

   "Since you can investigate my attributes, you should know that I still have a sealed bubble that I haven't used."

   "Yes, so what?"

   "I have a death curse item. If I cooperate with this, I can make the effect of this sealing bubble permanent. You don't want to be trapped in a bubble forever by restricting all abilities."

  The sealing bubble of the opponent is indeed very strong. Once cast, it can trap the target unit in the bubble and seal all abilities. Under normal circumstances, the duration of the seal is only 5 seconds.

   But it is also a very strong control method, but unfortunately it cannot be used often.

  After all, the cost of casting is not small. To use this ability, you need the negative status of "consuming all the vitality of the caster and only retaining 1 point" and "cannot be affected by any recovery effect within 10 seconds".

  I don’t know what the Death Curse item is.

   According to the effect that the other party said, it is something that can change the duration of this sealing bubble to permanent.

   Just when Chen Mo was wondering what the purpose of this thing was, the other party had already taken the thing out of the backpack space.

  Chen Mo sensed it.

  Good guy, this prop is purely harming others and benefiting oneself.

   At the cost of his own death, cast a permanent curse on the opponent, making a negative impact on the opponent permanent.

  Under normal circumstances, after using this method, if you have the resurrection ability, you can still be resurrected.

  But Chen Mo wears a death headband and carries a death light compass.

  The special items in these two dungeons are not within the scope of masking information, and the other party can still perceive the effect.

   It is precisely because of the existence of these two things that the other party has concerns, otherwise they would have done it directly!

  (end of this chapter)

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