Chapter 188 was targeted? (3 in 1, 55)

   Now restrained by special items, once he casts the death curse props, he will not be able to live.

  That's why he proposed a deal to Chen Mo, otherwise he would have given Chen Mo a hard time without saying a word.

   But unfortunately, Chen Mo is not threatened by him.

   “A strong deal indeed.”

  Hearing this, the other party's eyes lit up immediately, thinking there was something going on.

   "Unfortunately, I don't accept it!"

  As the opponent's invincibility time expired, Chen Mo launched another attack.

  Hoohoo... In an instant, nine groups of purple foxfire bombarded the protective bubble.

  After the basic effect of the opponent's bubble disappears, it will continue to be in the state of the protective bubble, and it still needs to be broken with a fire attribute attack.

  So the opponent's life-saving ability is indeed quite strong.

  Seeing that the professionals in the solar system are determined to kill themselves, the Tianshui people are also angry.

   "Since you like to lose both sides, then I will help you."

  He didn't even bother to use the invincibility scroll, anyway, there was no point in delaying it for five seconds.

  Escape and can't escape, the opponent can obviously track the teleportation, it's useless to escape anywhere.

   Save your life and fail to save your life, the opponent is full of means to restrain yourself!

  Attack can't kill you, and the opponent's shield is terribly thick!

   In the end, there is no choice but to die with the other party.

   Originally, the threat of killing each other could have worked, but I don’t know why the other party is not afraid at all.

   This made the Tianshui professional very upset.

  If Chen Mo is not immune to the God Pendant now, he might cast a trap and let the opponent go for the time being.

   After all, once all abilities are sealed, he can't do anything in this instance.

   Maybe you might be accused of being directly poisoned to death by the poisonous poison in the drug running mode on the spot.

   But now, Chen Mo has the Immunity Pendant, ignoring any sealing ability.

  The other party's threat to him was useless.

  As they were driven to a dead end, the Tianshui professionals didn't want to live anymore.

  He first used the sealing bubble on Chen Mo. This skill is an instant locking skill, which is to directly deploy a sealing bubble centered on the opponent.

  The timing of dodging is very difficult to grasp, and it is basically impossible to dodge when encountering it for the first time.

  Chen Mo has the ability to perceive the whole area, and it is not easy to avoid this seal. It is no wonder that the other party dares to use this as a negotiation condition.

   But it's a pity that although the bubbles spread around Chen Mo smoothly, the seal didn't work at all.

   Just when the opponent used combo moves and activated the death curse props, he couldn't help being stunned.

  【Heavenly Tip: No negative effects that can be transformed into permanent effects have been detected on the opponent. 】

   Seeing this reminder of the Dao of Heaven, and then looking at the bubbles wrapped around Chen Mo, the Tianshui professionals were stunned for a while.

  But soon he won't have to be confused, his blood volume has been directly drained by himself after casting the sealing bubble.

  As the foxfire of the undead nine-tailed white fox beside Chen Mo broke through the protective bubbles around him and hit him, his whole body was instantly ignited with flames, and he was burned into a piece of coke.

  Until he died, he didn't understand why his strongest sealing bubble failed.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations for killing a contestant. You have gained 1 hit kill. Your current kill count is 3 points. You can get 3% damage increase effect and 3% damage reduction effect! 】

  【Tiandao reminder: All data related to the dead contestants of the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds will be deleted from the copy and recycled.

   The dropped items are recovered, and according to the total value of the opponent’s dropped items, you have obtained 1.8 million loot points! The current total loot points are 4.3 million points.

   can be used to redeem rewards at the end of the event, please note that if you are killed, the points will also be transferred to others! 】

   "I didn't expect that among the three, the undead is the poorest!"

  Among the three people, the undead only gave one million points, while the other two gave more than 1.5 million points.

   Following the death of the Tianshui professional, everyone received a reminder from Heaven again!

  【Tiandao reminder: Tianshui contestant Shui Dudu—level 60 (Second-to-professional, 15-star professional "Bubble Maker") has died! There are 997 remaining contestants in the current dungeon! 】

  At this time, everyone outside was curious about Chen Mo's battle this time.

  Because the previous two times Chen Mo was basically instant-killed, only this time it felt like he fought for a while.

   Moreover, both of them have teleported and shifted their positions.

  It seems to be caught in a stalemate battle.

  Everyone was very curious at first, what kind of profession is the other party that caused the two to fight so fiercely.

   As a result, I never thought it would be a profession with such a modest name.

  Seeing that Chen Mo has killed three people in a row, people all over the world can't help but feel extremely excited about it.

   This is the most heaven-defying talent in the history of the earth.

  Unreincarnated at level 20, it is easy to counterattack the powerhouses who have reached the full level of the second turn and full stars.

  It is unbelievable that it is true!

  When the people on Earth were extremely excited, Langu, who was in the headquarters of the Yongxing System, had already exploded his lungs!

   "Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!!"

  Boom! He shattered the table in front of him with his palm, got up angrily and cursed: "How can there be such a powerful 20-level professional on the earth, but you have no news. What are you eating!"

   "My lord, this person is very likely to be one of the people who triggered the Voice of the Great Dao before."

   "Nonsense! Let me tell you, with his strength, there is no problem in saying that all the voices of the Dao were triggered by him except for the voice of the great way who initially hidden his profession!

  Unreincarnated at level 20, reverse slashing the second-turn full-level full-star powerhouse is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables! How powerful! If this person continues to grow, how can our Eternal Star System survive in the Tower of Eternity? ! "

   "This person hides very deeply, it is impossible to find out."

   "According to his current performance, at least we know that this person is a person with extremely strong combat capabilities alone, and can rule out most of the auxiliary combat occupations!"

   "I'm afraid that level 20 combat occupations are not so easy to check, and all of us are now dispatched to investigate the five-star initial hidden occupation, and there is no other manpower to investigate this 20-level occupation."

"This person is still in the event dungeon now, but you can leave it alone for the time being, and go all out to track down the five-star initial hidden occupation, and when the event is over, gather people to find this sky-defying level 20 professional as quickly as possible, and do everything possible Do all you can to kill this man!"

  Langu was already a little crazy at this time, he said through gritted teeth.

   It's not his fault.

  Give him two huge stimuli in a row in one day.

  The appearance of a five-star initial hidden profession that he had never heard of before was already enough of a headache for him.

   As a result, suddenly there is such a speechless level 20 professional who can step up and reverse masters, and he has even more headaches!

  He still has a headache here, but the leadership above him has already spread the curses!

   This is an event that can be seen in the entire galaxy, and the senior management of the Yongxing galaxy naturally has a panoramic view of Chen Mo's performance!

  At this moment, the entire senior management of the Yongxing system felt a chill!

  A 20th-level existence that can surpass 2 levels and reversely cut a 60th-level full-star powerhouse without reincarnation.

   Let him continue to grow, what kind of terrifying situation will he reach?

   How can this be invincible at the same level?

   This is invincible even if you step up!

  Before he killed the first person, he was attacked by someone running over. It can also be said that he was lucky and had special means to counter-kill.

   But now he is actively attacking and chasing after other people's second-rank full-star and full-level masters to kill!

   And even chased and killed two in a row!

   A total of three were killed before and after, and the first two were in seconds.

  But in fact, the two games in the instant did not shock the senior management of the Yongxing system too much. Instead, the appearance of the third game, which lasted a long time, made the senior management of the Yongxing system feel incomparably terrified.

  If it is said that Chen Miao has some unique abilities to steal chickens, it only means that although he has combat power, he is not so incomprehensible.

   After all, a person with a strong offensive ability may not be very good in other aspects.

  For example, the doomsday mage Chen Mo met before, his attack ability is considered to be against the sky.

   But his life-saving ability is relatively average. Although he has some abilities such as shields, teleportation, and immortality, his life-saving ability is still not weak compared to the normal level of the same level, but compared to the masters of the same level, it is relatively small.

  So, those with strong offensive capabilities are actually not that scary. Such people can find ways to assassinate them.

   Be afraid, the opponent is not weak in all directions.

  It is really not easy to restrain yourself.

  So when they saw that Chen Mo was able to surpass the two masters in an instant, although they were also shocked, they were more or less acceptable.

  But if this person can surpass two levels in this level and still fight back and forth with a master of masters, then it will be abnormal!

   That means that this person has even reached the level of a second-tier full-level full-star master in his life-saving ability.

   Extremely against the sky!

  A professional who has not been reincarnated at level 20 has the life-saving ability comparable to that of a level 60 second-rotation or full-rotation 15-star powerhouse. The difficulty of this person has increased exponentially.

   Suddenly, such a terrifying person appeared in the solar system. After that, their eternal star system will still have to sleep and eat?

  So it is difficult for them not to be angry.

   Naturally, all of them came to question Langu who was in charge of this area.

  Langu himself was wronged too!

  I have been conscientiously restraining the earth side to death.

  As a result, a bunch of monsters and monsters have popped up suddenly in the last half month, and the source can't be found even after investigation.

   They have already obtained the transfer information of all the personnel, but they have not screened out a suitable one.

   It's no wonder they were confused.

   After all, what Chen Mo awakened in public was only a two-star skeleton mage. No one would have thought that one person would fuse two souls and awaken two professions.

   This is an innate blind spot that restricts their exploration.

  It is true that they cannot be blamed for their incompetence.

  But the upper layer doesn't care about this.

   To invest so much manpower and material resources is to try our best to limit the rise of the earth people.

   Now, without making a sound, an invincible newcomer appeared on the other side.

   And my own people don't even have any news about this person, how can this not make the high-level people angry!

   Langu naturally bears the brunt of being scolded for their anger.

   Langu has nothing to say about this, after all, in his own opinion, he is really incompetent.

  Such a powerful newcomer came out, but he couldn't find any information, and his ability to do things is really bad!

  At present, the only thing that can be involved with him is the matter of the Voice of the Lonely God of War.

  But that day, I don't know how many wild bosses there are in the world. They are aliens, and they are not from this planet.

   At most, they just focus on some key nodes, and then follow the clues to investigate when there is a problem.

I don't know how many bosses of this field team appear in a day, and after they appear, there will be an enchantment covering them, and the outside world can't see the situation inside at all. Many teams directly send back to the city after clearing monsters and picking up materials. There is no way to check rise.

  Based on the information they know so far, there are no battlefield traces left by the field team boss after the death of a single-player challenge trace.

  In the current situation, he should ask the upper management to continue to send more people in to help.

   And now the place of teleportation is directly sealed, and it cannot even be opened!

  When manpower was most needed, the result was that the manpower only decreased but not increased. Langu was very tired at this time.

  I don't know what to do anymore.

  There is a five-star initial hidden occupation on one side, which needs to be explored as much as possible.

   There is also a perverted level 20 unreincarnated professional to check.

too difficult.

   Especially the latter.

   If the latter, an agent of average strength, investigates him, I am afraid that there will be no return.

   It is necessary to send three or four ranks of strength.

  Insurance must be transferred four times.

  Turn 4 is the strongest level they can send to Earth.

   Each one is very precious, and they dare not reveal it easily.

  And rank four already belongs to the top masters below rank five, and a death is a loss.

  Sending a rank-four strongman to investigate this level 20 unreincarnated professional, there is a high risk of exposure, which is considered a huge price.

  It is difficult to have a perfect way to deal with the current affairs.

  As for the higher-ups of the earth, after experiencing this assassination, they followed the vines and began to pull out many of their dark threads. I don't know how many people will be lost after this wave of cleanup.

  Langu is completely devastated and exhausted now.

  At the Headquarters of the Academy Alliance, the three leaders couldn't help but be amazed to see that Chen Mo and a level 2 to 60 full-star powerhouse were able to fight for so long and finally beheaded.

   It stands to reason that the shorter the growth time, the more limited the direction of growth.

  For example, if you focus on improving the output ability, then your endurance and life-saving ability will be slightly inferior.

   If you focus on improving your life-saving ability, your output ability will be slightly inferior.

  This is due to the limitation caused by the low level and insufficient attributes.

  And now this mysterious level 20 professional can not only advance to a level 60 second-turn full-star powerhouse in an instant, but also fight back and forth with the sixty-level two-turn full-star powerhouse.

   What does this mean? This means that his abilities are normal and extremely comprehensive.

  A pentagonal fighter who can kill enemies beyond two levels, the development potential of this person is simply unimaginable.

   Not only Langu and the others are curious about why such an unknown strongman suddenly appeared, but the upper echelons of the earth are also curious.

Suddenly, such a master came out of nowhere. If they were not investigating the mysterious five-star initial hidden professional like Langu, they would have started to investigate this mysterious master of level 20 a long time ago. up.

   "It seems that our intelligence department is not very good. We haven't even received any news about such an important talent." Blinda looked at Chen Mo who performed so amazingly and said with a wry smile.

   "If you don't make a name, you will become a blockbuster. I'm afraid it's a talent cultivated secretly by the family. After all, we don't have any news about the academy alliance."

   "With such an astonishing rise of talents, the aristocratic family may completely overwhelm our academy alliance."

   "It doesn't matter, as long as the crisis in the Tower of Aion can be resolved now, whether it is a strong family or another independent organization, it is a good thing for our solar system.

   Now we really need such a booster! "

   "Let's send someone to investigate carefully later. If it is really a member of the aristocratic family, I am afraid the aristocratic family will have to show off to us long ago. After all, it is absolutely impossible to break into the aristocratic family and kill such a genius!"

   "I'm afraid that there will be several strong people around him who have turned five to protect him."

   "It will be great when our academy alliance can produce such talents."


   While there was a lot of discussion from the outside world, Chen Mo's killing in the dungeon still didn't stop.

   Soon, he had already killed the tenth target.

  But after all, they are all masters, and it is really not that easy to kill.

  From the first undead to the tenth killed now.

  Chen Mo can kill only half of the people in seconds.

  The remaining five have the same full immunity as the bubble maker, and an amazing invincible triggerer with fast response.

   are more difficult to deal with.

   But Chen Mo had an absolute advantage in numbers, so he still killed them one by one.

   After all, Chen Mo brought hundreds of thousands of young men whose attack power was comparable to rank three to deal with a group of peak rank two powerhouses.

   In fact, Chen Mo has the absolute advantage.

  The outside world can only see the weakness of his level, but not the abnormality of his summons.

  However, Chen Mo can't last long in such a comfortable state.

  Chen Mo had just finished killing the 20th one and was about to start the 21st journey, but he suddenly received such a reminder from Heaven that he couldn't help being stunned.

  【Heavenly Tip: Please pay attention! Please note! Someone used the dungeon exclusive item "Rule Limited Card"!

   Now announce a full map rule "all teleportation abilities are invalidated"! 】

   "Disable teleportation? How could anyone suddenly think of making such a rule?"

  Chen Mo felt a little weird.

   At this time, in a bush not far from Chen Mo's current location, a familiar figure was holding a rule-limited card in his hand.

  This person is one of the three people who have infinite coordinate props besides Chen Mo.

   Seeing that Chen Mo began to harvest indiscriminately by relying on the full-screen flashing ability, he has long been thinking about how to deal with Chen Mo.

   As a result, I never wanted him to pick up such a good thing.

  Although he used one of his binding opportunities to restrain Chen Mo, it was tantamount to wasting his opportunity to help all other contestants in the whole picture, but after all, he also helped himself, which is not a loss.

  If it is not used, it is very likely that Chen Mo will come to him next.

  Before entering the dungeon, he was really confident in his own strength, but he saw a pervert far beyond the norm harvesting lives everywhere.

   No matter how confident you are, you can't help but have doubts!

  It was really hard for him to imagine how a level 20 unreincarnated professional could so easily leapfrog to harvest the heads of masters.

  Because you don't know, you are afraid!

  He didn't dare to let Chen Mo continue to act like this. When he picked up this card, he immediately thought of restricting Chen Mo's teleportation.

   This rule is very important, it can give him more time to spread the fact that there is an extremely weird guy in the dungeon.

  This person is the target of everyone. If you tell this person that the weirdness must be eradicated first, it is actually better to unite with other personnel.

  After all, if they die at the hands of a master of the same strength, they are well deserved, but if they die inexplicably at the hands of a level 20 weird guy who has not been reincarnated, then they will not die in peace.

   At this time, the other two people who had obtained infinite coordinates were also pleasantly surprised to see that someone suddenly promulgated such an important rule.

   "This rule is well formulated! Otherwise, he doesn't know how many people he will kill! In this way, he has accumulated a very high number of kills, and the damage increase and reduction have been greatly improved, and it will become more and more difficult to deal with later."

  Chen Mo here...

  Being speechless by this rule, he suddenly remembered the star rule modification card he got earlier.

   "Can this card work against this rule?"

  Chen Mo immediately tried to use it.

  【Tiandao Tip: Sorry, the current dungeon is not a dungeon of stars, this card cannot be used! 】

   Regarding this reply, Chen Mo was not surprised, but felt a little pity.

  I had just refreshed myself, but I was **** by someone.

   "Did someone deliberately target me? Otherwise, why would such a strange rule be promulgated? Or is it that the person has found a target and is ready to attack, afraid that the other party will use the teleportation talisman to teleport away?"

  Chen Mo made a random guess, but he didn't firmly believe that someone deliberately tricked him.

  Now that I can't fly anywhere, I can only rely on walking.

  Chen Mo immediately checked the positions of other professionals through infinite coordinates, and began to walk towards the nearest professional.

  As a result, it was unexpectedly discovered that the behavior of this professional was a bit strange.

  The more I walked in his direction, the more he moved away from me, and the speed of leaving was quite fast.

   This person is the one who just issued all the rules. Seeing Chen Mo walking towards him suddenly, he can of course run as fast as he can. After all, facing an extremely weird target, anyone who encounters it will feel flustered.

  He is confident in his own strength, but he is really not sure about such inexplicable things.

  After all, the lesson of the blood of 20 people who died was before him. No matter how confident he is, he doesn't want to fight against such a weird character now when he doesn't know anything.

   At least wait for others to test this person's strength first!

  Even aliens understand the truth that dead friends don’t die.

  So he was running fast, afraid that Chen Mo would overtake him.

   Seeing the other party flying up, Chen Mo felt bewildered for a while, and then changed a target, and rushed towards another target that was closest to him.

  Seeing that Chen Mo changed direction, that person finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I was not targeted by this killing star. I have to notify him quickly. It's too weird and terrifying! It's like playing a game. Did Tiandao specially arrange a mysterious BOSS to do it?" Us!"

  (end of this chapter)

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