Chapter 193 Seek cooperation! (2 in 1, 25)

  Everyone in the dungeon knows that Chen Mo is unusual.

   At this time, they have begun to pay special attention.

  The existence of Chen Mo is completely different from the existence of strong men of the same level.

   For the strong at the same level and at the same level, at least their attributes can be predicted within a certain range.

  You can at least have an idea of ​​their strength.

   There are ways to deal with them.

  But for a special existence like Chen Mo, you have no way to predict it.

  A normal zero-turned-level 20 professional can't even break defense two-turned-full-level full-star powerhouse, how can he achieve reverse slash.

  How can people predict an existence beyond common sense?

   This naturally made everyone very wary of it.

  There is a faint sense of common hatred.

  Copy outside…

   After seeing Chen Mo and Yun Zhi confront each other, Yun Zhi was dealt with in a short while, and cheers were everywhere on the earth.

  Especially after the detailed information of Yun Pheasant was revealed, it made the earth people feel a burst of excitement and joy.

   This dead man is a genius with full rank and full stars.

  Even if it is a five-star initial occupation, it may not be possible to reincarnate at the highest star level every time it is reincarnated.

  Although the reincarnation challenge can be done multiple times, many five-star initial occupations failed to reincarnate with ten stars. After knowing the abnormal difficulty, they retreated and chose nine or eight stars in order to save their lives.

  And some five-star professions died directly on the way to ten-star and nine-star jobs.

  Of course, there are also some top five-stars who insist on ten-stars. They are not afraid of death and challenge many times, and finally they really succeed.

  But every challenge has a higher risk of death.

   You are lucky if you are not dead.

   And the 15-star profession is equivalent to a strong man who has broken through two deadly barriers.

  Ten stars once and fifteen stars once.

   It is not easy to break through these two dead ends.

  In the group of initial five-star professionals, there are few such stars all the way.

   To be able to grow up to this day, this person will become a great weapon in the future, and he is already a strong person in the future.

   As a result, in this dungeon, she fell.

   And he didn't die in the hands of a master of the same level, but simply died in the hands of someone two levels lower than himself.

   For the people on Earth, this is naturally something worth celebrating.

   After all, the eternal star system is missing a genius, and the solar system is missing a great enemy in the future.

  For Yongxing Galaxy, this result can be described as a bolt from the blue.

  Before, some people praised Yunzhi for having the level of leapfrog fighting. In fact, she really has it. No matter whether it is single-handed or group fights, her fighting power is not weak. She still has many tricks that she has not used to face Chen Mo.

   But it's not that she doesn't want to use it, but that those tricks are of no use to Chen Mo, a reckless person.

   The combined attack of the 800,000-strong army was already the most ferocious attack, and none of it could hurt him in the slightest.

  Other abilities are even more meaningless to him.

   After all, he relied on the skeleton monster to make a move, not himself.

   Even giving him a bunch of DEBUFFs on his body is meaningless.

   Failure to clear his skeleton monsters is the biggest failure.

  Yunzhi himself felt aggrieved.

   To be dragged to death by a summoner in such a way.

  Of course people outside don't know how Yunzhi died.

  Knowing that she had the combat power to fight at a higher level, she still died at the hands of this inexplicable zero-turn professional in the solar system.

   How they don't feel shocked and angry.

   "Yunzhi was actually killed? Didn't she have a chance to escape even if she couldn't beat it?"

   "I don't know what means this earthling has. It's really weird. Take a look at the information about Yunzhi."

  Before, only a few high-level people could see the information about Yunzhi.

   After all, you have to protect the information of your galaxy genius.

  But now that everyone is dead, there is no need to hide it.

  With the disclosure of all Yunzhi's data, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

  Yun Pheasant's magician is very powerful. He can copy the opponent's moves, summon a large number of clones, use various combo skills with the clones, and use the clones to greatly strengthen himself.

   These all greatly buff her ceiling.

  At the same time, she also has a lot of DEBUFF abilities on the enemy.

  Whether it is a frontal attack or a weakened enemy before killing, she can do it.

   It can be said that whether it is a one-on-one or a group fight, they all have unparalleled combat effectiveness!

   This is the combat power learned without knowing whether Yunzhi has other hidden means.

   A person with such strength was actually killed by zero-turn professionals in the solar system. They really couldn't imagine how strong this zero-turn was.

   But right now, even if they know that there are powerful newcomers appearing on Earth, they can only stare blankly.

  Currently, the teleportation place is closed and cannot be forcibly opened. It is impossible to vent anger in the territory of the eternal galaxy solar system.

  The iron wall built by the people's territory can take advantage of the battle outside and form a group to attack. For the time being, the Eternal Star System is not so strong that it is so unscrupulous.

  The only thing we can do now is to limit the development of the solar system as far as possible in the periphery, and then slowly find a way to break through the territory of the solar system.

  Originally, the existence of the neighboring galaxy can be both an enemy and an ally, but at first they disliked that the solar system has only one living planet, which is too weak, and chose to fight against each other, wanting to directly embezzle the interests of the solar system.

  However, the wishful thinking failed, the potential of this neighboring galaxy with only one living planet far exceeded their imagination.

   Not only did they not conquer it easily, but now they have become sworn enemies, making them restless!

  Especially now, there is a superpower in the solar system who is about to rise.

   This made all the senior management of the Yongxing system feel a deep chill!

  On the earth, the three leaders are extremely happy at this time.

  It is really another great happy event after the appearance of the five-star initial hidden profession today that such a heaven-defying talent can appear on the earth.

   And he also killed a genius in the Yongxing system.

   It's like happiness on top of happiness, three happiness coming to the door!

  If it weren't for the urgent task of investigating the hidden occupations of the five-star initial stage, and it wasn't the time to relax, they couldn't help but pull people all over the world to celebrate together.

   But even if there are no other tasks, right now is not the time to open champagne directly.

   After all, there are still many second-rank strongmen in the dungeon.

  Although Chen Mo's current performance is quite outstanding, there is no guarantee that he will continue to be so smooth when he meets other people later.

   On the contrary, the more he performed, the more amazing he was, and the potential was unlimited.

  Then people all over the world are more worried about him.

  Everyone was afraid that something might happen accidentally to Chen Mo.

   Now he is not alone representing himself alone.

  At this time, he is the spiritual symbol of people all over the world.

  His existence has made people all over the world have unlimited expectations for the future of the earth.

  But if he falls in this killing mode.

  That is definitely an unbearable huge blow to the people of the world.

  After the joy and excitement over the fall of the genius of the Eternal Star System passed, everyone prayed that Chen Mo could get through this difficulty safely and make it to the end!

  In the dungeon, Chen Mo didn't know that he was already carrying such a heavy burden for no reason.

  He glanced at the coordinates of other personnel in the copy at this time through the infinite coordinates, and continued to walk towards the next target.

   At the same time, two of the other three people with infinite coordinates in the copy met.

  Both of them could see each other. Before, they all avoided crowded places and only picked up single ones to kill.

   They are also capable, and they did not survive purely by avoiding battles, otherwise they would not dare to come here.

  They just chose to take the safest style of play.

   These two people had at least twenty lives on their bodies.

   Only this time they approach each other not to fight each other.

   Instead, prepare to integrate the manpower to get rid of the weird solar system professionals first.

   Soon the two met at a distance.

  One is an alien with water-blue skin and eyes as big as two light bulbs.

  One is an alien with dark skin all over his body, triangular eyes with three pupils in between his brows, and strange lines on his body.

   "Wait a minute!"

  The moment the two met, they said the same thing almost at the same time.

  Seeing that the other party said the same thing, the two felt a little relieved.

   At this time, the water-blue skinned alien who used the rule of restricting transmission at the beginning said: "I have some information to share with you. If you can cooperate, we will cooperate first..."

  Hearing what the other party said, the other person who originally had information about Chen Mo said immediately, "Tell me."

   Soon, the alien with water-blue skin on the left told what Chen Mo did from beginning to end.

  However, after he finished speaking, he was afraid that the other party would not believe him, so he focused on explaining in detail the last scene in which Chen Mo killed Yunzhi, to emphasize that there was no possibility of other people intervening.

   To let the other party know that I am not talking nonsense, this zero to level 20 is really problematic.

   After all, suddenly someone came to you and told you that he saw a person who had turned from zero to level 20 and killed hundreds of people who had turned to level two and had full stars. Basically, a normal person would not believe it.

   It was a waste of his words.

   This alien with triangular eyes is also a person with infinite coordinates, so he has already seen Chen Mo's behavior clearly.

   It's just that now that the other party has explained this on his own initiative, he doesn't want to say that he has infinite coordinates.

   After all, temporary cooperation is temporary after all.

  It is good to be able to hide more information.

  He just followed the other party's words and said: "According to what you said, this person is indeed very strange."

   "Then let's deal with him first, how about we fight again? Otherwise, even if we have decided the winner, we will be killed by this weird zero-turn in the end, and we will all be wronged!"

   "Okay, I agree with your opinion, let's find other people to form an alliance together. Didn't you say that you have infinite coordinates? Then follow what you see, and we will find them one by one."

   "Okay, there is one one kilometer ahead on the right, let's go find him."

   After the water blue-skinned alien finished speaking, he took a meaningful look at the triangular-eyed alien.

  When the two first met, he remembered that the other party shouted and slowed down earlier than himself.

  Why did the other party suddenly shout like this?

  And after he finished everything, the other party didn't mention what he wanted to say after shouting and slowing down.

  Then he, like himself, originally wanted to talk about this zero-to-level 20 professional?

  If this is the case, will the other party also have infinite coordinates?

  Thinking of this, the water-blue-skinned alien became more wary of the triangular-eyed alien.

   This person is very good at hiding himself, not a kind person.

   But to put it bluntly, those who can enter this dungeon and know that they have to kill 999 other galaxies can get the highest reward. Who can be kind?

   are nothing but profit chasers.

  Although the two said to cooperate, there is no third party now. In order to prevent the other party from cheating on themselves, the two consciously avoided some distance.

  One is to prevent the other party from sneak attacking oneself, and the other is to show the other party a certain sincerity to show that you have no malice to approach.

  As the two walked together, they soon found the next alien.

   This time, the two explained together that the third alien had already had doubts about Chen Mo, so he naturally tended to trust him.

   However, after hearing that Chen Mo killed 101 people by himself, he was still shocked.

  He felt Chen Mo's weirdness, but he never thought that Chen Mo was so against the sky.

  But the more unbelievable it is, the more likely it is true.

   After all, two people made it clear that they came to you to discuss cooperation, and they also pointed out the problem with one person.

  But they suddenly throw out a thing that you would never believe is true?

   Wouldn't it greatly reduce the credibility of what I said before?

  This kind of speech that is not good for oneself, but to a large extent, may be the truth.

  That's why the other party revealed everything without any scruples.

   "A person who turned from zero to level 20 killed hundreds of contestants in this dungeon by himself."

  Even if this person already believed this to be true, he was still shocked and said: "Since the first dead person appeared in the dungeon, none of the people who died was below the level of full-level and full-star at rank two.

  How on earth did this guy manage to surpass two levels of reverse slash and turn into a top expert, and kill so many people! "

   "We don't know, but that's the truth. I know you think this is unbelievable, but this information is very important, and I have to say it. Otherwise, if anyone underestimates him, the consequences will be very dangerous."

   "I understand what you mean, let me trust you, according to what you said, this person is definitely not something that three or two of us can deal with!"

  The most important thing for him to believe was that Chen Mo finally killed Yun Pheasant.

   This matter is certain and there are no variables.

  So it also shows from the side that Chen Mo really has the strength of a 60-level second-rank full-star powerhouse.

   But it is really amazing that he cut more than one hundred times from the beginning to the end.

  Although he was still wary of the two, this person also agreed to the cooperation plan.

  (end of this chapter)

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