All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 194: The boss is actually myself! (3 in 1, 5/5)

  Chapter 194 The boss is actually me! (3 in 1, 55)

As the two agreed, the alien with blue skin also shared the map content obtained by his infinite coordinates with them in real time, so that they could observe Chen Mo's movements at all times and ensure the credibility of his words Spend.

   After all, Chen Mo is going to attack the next person now.

  Because Chen Mo was far away from Yunzhi and other people, everyone did not suspect that someone else helped kill Yunzhi.

  At this time, even if Chen Mo is looking for the nearest person, the distance is quite far away.

   It is much farther than the three-person team looking for people nearby.

   After a while...

   At this time, the group of three has grown into a group of ten.

  The ten of them felt a little bewildered when they thought about it.

   Ten of my top level 2 powerhouses chose to unite in order to deal with a zero-turned-level 20 professional.

  I feel a little ashamed to say it.

  But Naihe, this person is really too weird, and he can't do it unless he gets rid of it.

  No one wants to die without knowing why.

   The combat skills of the same level are not as good as people's death, they admit it!

   But if they were inexplicably killed by a person who turned from zero to level 20, then they would not rest in peace even if they died!

   With the establishment of the ten-member team, Chen Mo finally came to his target.

   The main reason is that Chen Mo did not fly at the maximum power, because he observed a strange thing on the road.

   At the beginning, two aliens met, but the two did not fight, and then they went hand in hand and found the third alien.

   Immediately, the three aliens did not fight, and the three of them went together again and started looking for the fourth alien...

  Seeing this weird behavior, Chen Mo couldn't help being puzzled for a while.

  This is a single-player dungeon, and the rewards are also single-player, and they kill each other to get better rewards.

   Why did these people join forces?

   Could it be that some incredible boss appeared in the dungeon?

  Boss with high income?

  That shouldn’t be the case. According to the urine nature of this dungeon, there will definitely not be a few people alive in the end.

  Is it necessary for them to cooperate?

  Even if the boss is killed, can the obtained rewards be taken out in the end?

   Or in other words, each of them is too confident?

  Both feel that finding someone else to fight the boss together is to make a wedding dress for themselves?

  In short, the behavior of this group of people is extremely weird.

   After observing for a while, Chen Mo found that this group of people had already accumulated ten people.

   It's really a bit inexplicable.

   But Chen Mo has not figured out their specific purpose yet.

   can only continue to observe their movements.

   Soon there was another kill prompt in the dungeon.

  Chen Mo easily killed the second rank and full star powerhouse nearby.

  This person is not weak, but his ability is more output-oriented.

   And it is a very abnormal output.

  He has some output skills that will make him invincible when released.

   And the output is too high to die.

  If it weren't for Chen Mo standing in place and making him unable to kill him, someone else would have died countless times.

  Although the opponent is invincible when he makes moves, this guy moves fast in succession, it is difficult to catch his non-invincible gap, but Chen Mo used his unexpected style of play.

  That is, 800,000 skeleton monsters surrounded him and exploded continuously.

   80 self-explosions per second are enough to explode continuously for 10,000 seconds.

  Almost three hours.

   Now, Chen Mo's skeleton monster has more than 650,000 blood points, so let's count it as 650,000.

  Eighty skeleton monsters self-detonate together, and the self-destruction damage that can be caused per second is 52 million.

   The self-explosion damage of the skeleton monster is solid damage even without the omnipotent converter.

  Solid damage ignores the defense and directly explodes the HP. If the opponent has no damage reduction ability, as long as he is not invincible for 1 second, it is enough to kill him.

  Even if the opponent has damage reduction, Chen Mo's skeleton monster has no damage increase ability, and the damage caused to him is fully offset, so the maximum effect of damage reduction is only 99%.

  Originally, solid injuries cannot enjoy critical strikes, but Chen Mo has a god-level critical strike aura!

  God-level crit aura can make any damage caused by friendly units around Chen Mo be a crit.

  The solid damage caused by the skeleton monster's self-explosion is naturally included in the scope of any damage.

   Even if it was a critical strike, the damage would only be doubled.

But the current skeleton monsters are different from the past. Today's skeleton monsters are affected by Chen Mo's balance staff sharing critical damage. At this time, once the fixed damage caused by the skeleton monster's self-explosion triggers a critical strike, it has to be increased by hundreds of times on the original basis. of!

  Chen Mo has 16236% explosive damage, which is 162 times the explosive damage.

  52 million increases the explosive damage by 162 times, and then reduces the damage by 99%, which is enough to cause 84.24 million damage.

   So it is counted as the highest damage reduction for him. As long as there is a gap where he is not invincible, he will receive a full 84.24 million solid damage points. Such a high damage is enough to blow him to death!

   In the end, there was no suspense. The other party died after struggling for a while.

   There is no difficulty in dealing with it.

  While Chen Mo killed easily, the ten people over there were more and more frightened.

  Besides the person with infinite coordinates, although the others thought Chen Mo was weird and thought that Yunzhi had no other possibility except to die in his hands, they were basically skeptical.

   But now, based on the information shared by the person with infinite coordinates, they are all convinced.

  Chen Mo can really easily kill a second-rank full-level full-star powerhouse by leapfrogging.

  If it is said that the map shared by the blue-skinned alien can be faked.

  The reminder that day cannot be faked.

  As they saw with their own eyes that the aliens in the Zhouyuan galaxy were killed by Chen Mo, they also received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Yuanguang, a contestant from the Zhouyuan Galaxy—Level 60 (Second-turn job, 15-star job "Invincible Demon Slayer") has died! There are 48 remaining contestants in the current dungeon! 】

   This person was the one they watched meeting Chen Mo just now.

  So, even if the person who just joined is suspicious and afraid that everyone will unite to deceive him, suspecting that the coordinate sharing may be fake, there is no doubt at this time.

  As for the people who joined before, they followed the aqua-skinned person along the way and found the person accurately. Naturally, they would not suspect that the coordinate information shared was fake.

  Finally witnessed Chen Mo jumping over the ranks and killing the enemy like a chicken. These people are very grateful for their decision. To deal with such a weird character, they should really unite now.

  From this point, it can also be determined that the team organizer did not lie before.

  He has really watched people in this solar system kill all the way until now.

   While they were still looking for more people to cooperate in order to ensure that Chen Mo was killed, several other people started killing each other again.

   Half an hour later, there were only thirty people left in the dungeon.

   And the time finally came to the tenth hour.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Ten hours have passed in the dungeon, and there are still two hours left. It is the hour and everyone’s coordinates are about to be exposed. Please be prepared, this time the coordinates will be exposed continuously for 3 minutes!

  The materials in all areas of the current dungeon have stopped refreshing!

  Everyone please use the special materials of the dungeon as soon as possible. When the last hour arrives, all the materials in your hands will be invalid. 】

   "Oh? All invalid?"

  Seeing this prompt, Chen Mo's eyes lit up instantly. Wouldn't the cheating rule of restricting teleportation before also be invalid?

   After all, it was made by others using special props.

  According to the meaning of Tiandao's reminder, in the last hour, all special materials will be invalid, and this should also be invalid.

  Chen Mo guessed so.

  Spirit flickering is a very powerful means for him to advance and retreat freely, and he is very uncomfortable being restricted now.

   Otherwise, there is no need to wait until now, I am afraid that the people in the dungeon have been cleaned up long ago.

  As the coordinates continued to be exposed, Chen Mo glanced at the ten people gathered together.

   At present, I still haven't figured out why these ten people suddenly gathered together.

  After all, he would never have imagined that this group of people would be so afraid of him, a 20-level scum like him.

  He moves on to the next goal.

  Because Chen Mo could see ten of them together, he naturally didn't want to run over and ask for trouble.

   After all, everyone can bind the treasures in five copies.

  If they all have something similar to the Extreme Cold Orb, and give him a 50-second continuous control, then he will really be finished.

   It's better to wait for all the props to expire in the last hour.

  Anyway, there are only two items on his body that can be bound again.

   There are simply no useful things worth binding that can be found.

  So Chen Mo doesn't care about the failure of props.

   The big deal is that the opponent has the ability of immortality and resurrection.

   But at least he has the ring of death, the person who kills cannot be resurrected by others, even if ten people join forces, they cannot resurrect the person who has no resurrection ability.

   At most, they can be resurrected themselves.

   Not a big problem.

  The alliance of ten people here feels that it is still not big enough and continues to find people, while Chen Mo is keeping away from the weird ten people while continuing to find people to kill.

   More than ten minutes later, Chen Mo killed two more contestants.

   One of them was more difficult, and Chen Mo fought with him for about six or seven minutes.

   This guy is outrageous, his immortal ability perfectly avoids the influence of the death light compass.

  He has many substitutes, as long as he dies, the substitute will replace his death.

  So even the Compass of Death Light is ineffective against him, because he is not immortal, but the ability to replace death.

   I don't know how many substitutes this guy has prepared.

  Chen Mo felt that he had killed at least a hundred of his lives before finally killing him.

  The most outrageous thing is that every time his stand-in dies and reappears, he will be invincible for 3 seconds!

  100 substitutes die, that is, 300 seconds of invincibility.

  The invincible time alone lasted 5 minutes, including Chen Mo's continuous seconds of his time, which caused Chen Mo to be delayed by him for a full six or seven minutes.

  This is the first time Chen Mo has seen such an outrageous enemy.

  I have seen immortality, but I have never seen this kind of immortality.

  Chen Mo didn't know, what he consumed at one time was a substitute that he kept for a lifetime.

In addition to receiving one avatar every official month, one can only be obtained by consuming the total amount of experience points required to upgrade the current level. After obtaining one in this way, it will take twice as much to obtain it later. The total experience value of the upgrade will be tripled in the follow-up.

   It was hard for them to save a hundred or so. They used dozens of them to deal with other people before, and there were a hundred left, but they were all dismissed by Chen Mo.

   Huo Huo is over, but he died in the end.

   It can be said that it is really miserable.

   At this time, the total number of kills accumulated by Chen Mo has reached more than 400.

   The accumulated points have reached 450 million.

   Halfway to his goal.

   It still looks very promising to reach 900 million.

   After all, his current total kill count is only over 400, which means that the 450 million is the loot points accumulated by more than 400 people.

  The remaining 20 or so people still hold hundreds of kills and their loot points.

  Following Chen Mo killed two more, plus they killed each other and killed a few more.

   At this time, there are only 21 people left in the dungeon.

   What made Chen Mo extremely speechless was that fifteen of them actually gathered together.

   This really made him a little confused.

  What are these people doing now?

   There is no one in the copy, but they are still in a group?

   Could it be that they reached some kind of temporary alliance, to eradicate everyone outside the team and then fight against those inside the team?

   But this idea is obviously wrong.

   After all, to do this, the number of people should not be so large.

  If you really think so, in fact, you can get around five people.

  It is necessary to accumulate ten people, fifteen people?

  This brain circuit is somewhat abnormal.

   Not quite understanding what these people were thinking, Chen Mo decided to deal with the other people who placed orders first.

   As time goes by, the number of people in the copy is getting smaller and smaller.

  There were 21 people just now, and three more were killed.

  At this moment, only Chen Mo and the other two who just killed someone are alone.

  The remaining fifteen people are completely allied and are acting together.

  Chen Mo looked at their direction of action. They seemed to be deliberately looking for the next alien, and they still wanted to form an alliance.

   This is getting more and more incomprehensible.

   Everyone in the copy is almost dead, and this group of people are still walking together in a group and not fighting?

  If you don't start beating yourself up, how can you reap the benefits?

   You have to kill yourself, it's exhausting!

   Soon Chen Mo found one of the remaining two singles, and killed him as well.

  Because this person has accumulated a very high number of kills so far, Chen Mo directly got 90 kills from him alone.

  The current number of kills is close to the six hundred mark.

  That is to say, the remaining sixteen people still have more than 400 kills.

  Especially the last one who was alone, Chen Mo estimated that he alone had hundreds of kills.

  At this time, there are only three forces in the dungeon, one is Chen Mo, one is a lone alien, and the other is an alliance of fifteen people.

  It has reached this stage, and the alliance is still approaching the remaining alien who is alone.

  Chen Mo didn't know whether they wanted to kill him or win him over.

  Besides, this group of people are so precise in finding someone to move, so there must be infinite coordinates.

  Obviously there are infinite coordinates, but this group of people did not come to find themselves, but to find a single master.

  Then I'm afraid they are really looking for a target for cooperation rather than killing people.

   After all, he was going to kill people, so shouldn't he come to him directly?

  Is it because they don't like me turning from zero to level 20 or what?

  If you want to kill someone, don't you kill him first?

  If they discovered some mysterious BOSS in the dungeon and summoned the strong to deal with it, then the logic of the current behavior is quite consistent.

  Try to gather as many experts as possible to fight the boss.

   So they're now moving towards the stronger of the two remaining guys.

  Chen Mo guessed that there was nothing wrong with it, they were just gathering people to fight the boss.

  But he didn't expect that the boss was actually himself.

  He was still thinking about whether he should sneak up behind them and see what boss they were fighting.

   Soon, the fifteen people met the last person.

   Not as Chen Mo expected.

  The last person also joined the team of fifteen.

   Now they became a team of sixteen people.

   After the formation of this team, Chen Mo thought they were going to start a boss.

   Unexpectedly, they turned around and walked in their own direction.

   "What's the situation? Even my zero turn can catch my eye, are you planning to pull me to fight the BOSS together?"

  Chen Mo was a little puzzled, but he didn't really want to go.

  Even if you fight the boss with them, once the boss is over, the community of interests will be disbanded.

  Then everyone shouldn't take his zero-turn little brother first?

  In a group of high-level fighters.

  He, a low-ranking little brother, might not even know how he died when he was trapped in it.

  Let’s wait until time runs out until all special props fail.

   Seeing the other party coming towards him, Chen Mo started to circle around with them.

At this time, the team of sixteen people formed an alliance, and saw that when he and the others wanted to approach, the other party was always moving away. Immediately, someone said: "He also has infinite coordinates. He knows that we are going to deal with him, and he is avoiding us on purpose." .”

   "Then what to do?"

   "Don't worry, wait for the poison circle to shrink again. In the last hour, the poison circle has shrunk to the extreme, and it is impossible for him to hide even if he wants to."

   "That's okay, then we don't have to hurry, let's talk about how to unite later.

  Although we know that it is impossible for everyone to fully disclose their abilities, but we can disclose some of the abilities that can be disclosed in general, so that we can discuss how to achieve the best cooperation.

   After all, this guy is so strange, if you don't cooperate well, you may not be able to deal with him. "

  They no longer regarded Chen Mo as a zero-turned-level 20 at all.

  After all, they have never seen a zero-turned-level 20 killing a second-turned-full-level star-killing chicken.

  It is more appropriate to directly treat this kind of person as a mysterious boss.

   When it comes to cooperation, everyone also thinks it makes sense.

  Some methods that are not trump cards, it is actually harmless to reveal a little bit casually.

   Immediately, everyone explained some of their methods one after another.

  Then the best minds on the team start putting together the plan.

  At this moment, Chen Mo found that the group of people who were planning to come to find him actually stopped in place.

   "It seems that they found that I have been walking far away, and they simply gave up on me. Are they going to start fighting the boss? Why do they all stay where they are? Could it be that this boss was summoned by special means."

  Because this group of people behaved so strangely at the end of the dungeon, Chen Mo couldn't help guessing.

   And the group of people over there have already discussed the method of cooperation for a while.

  They were just sitting there waiting for the last hour to arrive.

   But Chen Mo thought they had already started fighting the boss, so he approached them quietly.

   As a result, this kind of behavior frightened everyone.

   "Look at the map!"

   "What's the matter?" Seeing the sudden surprise of his teammates, the man glanced at the map, and then he was also surprised, "Huh? Why did he change direction!"

   "No, he's coming towards us!"

   "No way, there are sixteen of us here, how dare he come here?"

   "If he dared to take the initiative to come over, why did he run away just now?"

   "Could it be that he just ran away because he just killed someone, and some methods have entered the cooldown. Now that the cooldown is complete, he is ready to deal with us?"

   "That makes sense!"

  As soon as these words came out, the other people around felt that they were very reasonable, and all their hearts were raised in their throats.

   "That's terrible, everyone, hurry up and be on guard, don't be fooled by him."

  According to Chen Mo's previous performance, it is possible for him to reap human lives by any means.

   After all, this guy is too weird.

   If one of them accidentally gets fucked, it's game over.

  They naturally have to put out 120,000 points of vigilance.

   "He didn't come over fast, it seems that he really wanted to sneak over to bully us."

   At this time on the map, the distance between the two parties is still relatively far.

  Chen Mo didn't speed up to come over, but flew slowly while approaching here.

   After all, he already knows that some of these people have infinite coordinates. If these people are fighting the boss now, and he flies over quickly, wouldn't they be mistaken for them to come over to make trouble.

   In order not to disturb them, Chen Mo slowly approached.

   And the time is approaching the last hour, and he is going to wait for the last hour to pass.

  He thought of a more secure approach.

   When the last hour came, the dungeon props invalidation rules and restrictions disappeared, and directly used the Void Orb to escape into the Void Realm, and then used the flash of the gods to quickly flash past.

   In this way, you can ensure that they can't see themselves, and you can ensure that you can see them.

   Soon the reminder of the last hour of heaven sounded!

  At this time, everyone was fully on guard against Chen Mo, and they had no time to listen to Tiandao's reminder.

   Now all the props are invalid, and the infinite coordinates are invalid, but in the last hour, there are longer coordinates that reveal that everyone is still looking at Chen Mo all the time.

   Just when everyone was guarding against Chen Mo's arrival, they saw the coordinate point representing Chen Mo on the map. When they came to a distance of 10,000 meters away from them and others, the coordinate point suddenly disappeared.

   This scared everyone.

   Fortunately, someone with rich experience said: "Everyone, don't panic, the disappearance of coordinate points has nothing to do with invisibility, it usually means that you have escaped into the realm of nothingness!"

   "It's okay, I have a baby that can reflect the void world. If he dares to come close, I can take a picture of him." While speaking, someone directly threw a strange mirror into the air.

   "It's useless to simply take a picture, you have to be able to attack him."

   "Photographing it can at least prevent him from being attacked!"

   "If you attack him, I have the ability to directly attack the void world, let me come soon."

   "I have it too, and I can do it together."

   "I can shoot too!"

  These sixteen people are a large group of second-rank masters who died and nearly ninety-nine percent survived.

   That's everyone's unique skills.

   It's too simple to deal with them just by breaking into the void world with one hand.

  Of course, Chen Mo just wanted to get closer to see what boss they were fighting, and had no intention of directly attacking them.

  But the other party is already ready for his approaching behavior at this time.

  (end of this chapter)

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