Chapter 195 Can 1 vs. 16 seconds? (three in one, 36)

  As the strange mirror in the sky continued to rotate, everyone soon saw Chen Mo's figure in the void world.

   One by one, they immediately cheered up and looked at him vigilantly.

  At this time, Chen Mo was also inexplicable.

  He originally thought that these guys gathered to fight the boss, but the sixteen people gathered here did nothing.

   Instead, they all looked at themselves vigilantly.

  When Tiandao reminded him that he was photographed by the mirror, Chen Mo reacted.

  Hey guy, where is this preparing to fight the BOSS?

   This is all defending yourself!

   "They look like they are facing a big enemy, but the boss is me?"

  At this time, the other party also began to discuss.

  Although Chen Mo's skeleton monster is invisible, the virtual mirror thrown by that person is quite powerful.

  Whether it's Chen Mo hiding in the void world, or the invisible skeleton monsters hiding in the void world, they are all photographed with nowhere to hide.

   "So many skeleton monsters!? Can zero-turn professionals summon them?"

   "Hiss! His skeleton monster's attributes are so perverted!"

   "The attack power of each skeleton monster is comparable to that of a third-rank professional! This is too fierce, how many are these? Hundreds of thousands."

   "I didn't expect him to have such a huge and abnormally strong skeleton army, no wonder he was able to counterattack the second-rank full-level full-star powerhouse."

   "But this alone may not be able to kill more than a hundred people, right? More than a hundred masters, is there no one who has the ability to restrain the summoner?"

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone felt that it was reasonable, and they also saw Chen Mo's strangeness.

  A mere kid who turned from zero to level 20 can actually summon such a perverted army of skeletons and escape into the realm of nothingness!

   Now the hateful thing is that his information cannot be detected.

  Every time he probed, it was as if he perceived chaos.

   This guy is probably blocked by Chaos Stone.

   The less he can perceive his specific attributes, the more disturbing it is.

  The information revealed on the surface is probably not even half of his means.

  In the beginning, everyone was wary of Chen Mo, but now that they saw the power of Chen Mo's summons, their evaluation of Chen Mo was even higher.

   This kid is definitely a very dangerous person.

   "The three who can attack the void world, you should try him first."

   Just when Chen Mo understood that everyone formed a team to deal with him, the other party had already made a move.

  Those three people with the ability to attack the void world launched attacks on Chen Mo almost at the same time, and they also attacked from three different angles to ensure that Chen Mo had no possibility of dodging.

  The group of people who were speechless actually formed a group to deal with Chen Mo, who was a zero-turn cute newcomer. Seeing that the three of them suddenly launched three lightning-fast attacks, the angle was tricky, and they couldn't dodge anyway, so they just didn't bother to dodge.

  An energy bomb, a dart, and a bullet.

  Three strikes with extremely fast attack speed hit Chen Mo, none of them missed.

  However, all the damage he suffered was transferred to the skeleton monster, and he himself was intact.

   And the skeleton monsters have hundreds of millions of shields, which can be cleared with a few random attacks, and they are also safe and sound.

   "This guy is really weird. Three attacks with full-level and full-star rank two hit one with a zero-turn level 20, and he can be safe and sound. This person is very strange. Everyone, be careful."

   "What should I do? The damage from three people alone is not enough to kill him. Judging by his appearance, he is completely calm."

   "Can this mirror force him out of nothingness?"

   "No." The owner of Zhaoxujing shook his head and said, "But if he doesn't come out, he can't deal with us."

   "Is this a stalemate until the end of the event?"

   "Perhaps it is a good thing for us to be able to stand in such a stalemate until the end of the event. After all, this guy is too weird. If we hadn't united as we are now, we might have been killed by him long ago."

   At this time, in the void world, although they were attacked, but found that the attacks of these three people were just that, Chen Mo ignored it, and instead directly probed everyone's abilities.

  Without the blessing of dungeon props, these people don't have a second powerful concealment ability that can hide from the detection of Chen Mo's full-level pioneer's perception ability.

   "It's really troublesome. All sixteen people have the ability of immortality and resurrection. There is even a profession like Child of Time, which can prevent time and space from being imprisoned around them. It is unrealistic to use time and space orbs to deal with them.

  They also have the ability to forcibly bind me to the vicinity like my God of Death Emblem, and it is not easy to deal with them by flashing back and forth with the gods.

   Have to think of another way to deal with them. "

  Chen Mo immediately looked through all his abilities, planning to find a way to quickly and easily deal with these people.

  Anyway, now that he is hiding in the realm of nothingness, these people have nothing to do with him.

  After carefully reviewing all his abilities, Chen Mo raised his lips slightly, and an interesting tactic popped up in his mind.

   Just as the people below were vigilantly guarding against Chen Mo's possible behavior, suddenly the surrounding space changed suddenly, and Chen Mo actually took the initiative to leave the realm of nothingness.

   "Watch out, he's out!"

  Seeing this scene, everyone immediately activated various abilities on Chen Mo.

   Among them, the locking ability is instantaneous, and Chen Mo had already expected it, so he didn't mean to dodge, and he was hit all at once.

   In this way, Chen Mo and the other party locked each other within a range of 100 meters around each other, and neither side could leave the other's 100-meter range.

   At the moment when two of them locked onto Chen Mo, Chen Mo also used his ability in time.

  Before, Chen Mo obtained a treasure ring of teleportation.

   Originally, this thing was dispensable for him who possessed the flickering spirit.

   Turns out it's working right now.

  As Chen Mo left the realm of nothingness and fell to the ground, he immediately activated the teleportation orb and left a teleportation mark on the ground.

   After finishing this, he smiled mysteriously at everyone, and then escaped into the realm of nothingness in an instant.

  Yin caused a bunch of skills thrown over just now to fail.

  Of course, due to the restriction of the locking skill, even if Chen Mo enters the realm of nothingness, he still can't get away from the person who locked him just a hundred meters away.

   But at this time he has no intention of leaving.

  He came out just to leave a teleportation mark, anyway, these guys in the void world couldn't attack him.

   Unless they have chaos damage.

   But obviously, it is very difficult to touch chaos damage at this level.

   It means that the three professionals who just attacked him have a little ability to attack the void world.

   It's just that although the damage of the three of them is high, it can't be higher than the shield with a thickness of hundreds of millions.

  Chen Mo's violent shield cooling time is only 3 seconds.

  3 seconds is enough to replenish a shield, and these three people obviously cannot deal with these skeleton monsters.

  But if sixteen people join forces, no amount of these skeleton monsters will be enough to kill them.

  These sixteen people have different abilities and can also cooperate strongly. Among them, they have the ability to increase damage to group enemies, and have the ability to greatly increase damage to enemies whose attack power and blood volume are higher than their own.

  The most disgusting opponent in it is the one who can cause fatal damage to summoned objects. His ability is designed to counter all kinds of summoned objects. No matter how thick the blood volume of the skeleton monster is, he can kill it in seconds.

  The most important thing is to be able to ignore the ability of the summoned object, directly seal the passive kill, immortality, and resurrection are useless.

   Even this guy's attack is still a group of seconds, which is very abnormal.

   In addition, this group of people also has the ability to confine flying props, which means that all attacks from long-range attacks will be broken.

  It is difficult to fight hard.

   This is the power of groups.

  If they meet Chen Mo alone, Chen Mo can easily deal with them.

  But they unite together to learn from each other's strengths, so it is difficult to find weaknesses.

   If you go out of the void to fight with them, the summoned objects' long-range attacks will not be effective, and if you want to fight melee, they will be cleared in an instant.

  Then Chen Moke is about to fall into a dangerous situation.

  But at this time Chen Mo thought of a more rogue style of play.

   That is to use the effect of the teleportation treasure ring to make him hide in the void, while the skeleton monster can be teleported to the outside world to attack these people.

   In this way, while the main body is safe and sound, it doesn't matter even if the skeleton monster is quickly emptied.

  As Chen Mo retreated to the void world, everyone didn't understand why he suddenly ran out to show off and then suddenly hid back to the void world.

But soon they saw that Chen Mo walked up to a skeleton monster, and they didn't know what he was doing. The next moment, 700,000 of the 800,000 skeleton monsters that were originally invisible around him suddenly disappeared from the void, and appeared in the outside world.

   "Crack la la la!!"

   There was a sound of bones colliding, and 700,000 skeleton monsters had already killed sixteen people.


   "It's okay, I can restrain the summons, everyone covers me, give me blessings, I will deal with them!"

   These sixteen people are not vegetarians either, as they said before, they are fully capable of stopping them.

  Follow the person who specializes in restraining summoned objects, and cooperate with other people to limit the charge of the skeleton monster.

   These 700,000 skeleton monsters couldn't even touch these people, and they were all wiped out just as they rushed in front of them.

  The key is that the person who restrains the summoned object can kill a large number of skeleton monsters with a single blow.

  The skeleton monster was completely wiped out before it got close, and all the passives were restrained by the opponent. Whether it was immortality, resurrection, or explosive bombs, none of them could take effect.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo was not in a hurry. He summoned a death knight from a distance and hid at the edge of the void world to ensure that he would not die, so he started to spawn skeleton monsters on the spot.

   "What is he doing?"

   Everyone couldn't understand Chen Mo's thoughts for a while.

   After reaching 400,000, he was satisfied.

  Following him, he patted on a skeleton monster again.

  In an instant, all the skeleton monsters around him disappeared again.

  But this time, the location where the skeleton monster appeared made them a little hard to guard against.

   Appeared in front of their eyes almost instantly, killing them.

"what's the situation!?"

  Everyone thought that these skeleton monsters would appear so far away before, but they never thought that this time they would appear directly in front of themselves and others, and their reaction was delayed for a while.

   This short half-beat is a deadly time!

  The moment these skeleton monsters appeared, Chen Mo didn't even give these people a chance to kill them.

   directly launched the skeleton monster to explode!

  Everything happened so suddenly, the first nine were too close to the appearance of the skeleton monster, and it was too late to dodge if they wanted to run.

  The people who were a little further behind just flew back and fled.

  It was originally a temporary team, so there is no friendship for teammates.

   Whenever something goes wrong, it is natural to run first.

   Just the moment these people turned and fled.

   Bang bang bang...! ! !

   A crazy series of explosions appeared, and the flames lit up the sky for a while, and the sound shook the world!

  The smoke and dust all over the sky, accompanied by a large amount of intensely flashing red light, actually illuminated a different kind of hazy beauty.

   If the skeleton monster is killed by the guy who restrains the summoned object, the resurrection of the skeleton monster will not take effect.

   And Chen Mo detonated it on his own initiative, so that the skeleton monster could be revived and exploded again.

  This kind of damage is amazing!

  The nine people who bear the brunt have been blown into seven corpses in an instant, and the remaining two have triggered the undead state and fled away quickly.

  As for the seven corpses, they originally wanted to wait for the explosion to pass before being revived, but that’s impossible. If they don’t revive the corpses quickly, they will be completely blown up, and they will have no chance to revive them.

   Forced to be helpless, they can only be resurrected.

   Immediately after resurrection they try to trigger the invulnerability scroll to escape.

   But it's a pity that in the last hour, all the dungeon props failed.

   Not only limited to the ones picked up, even the ones sent from the beginning of the dungeon are invalid.

  They can't even rely on invincibility to protect themselves and escape.

   Poor these people were directly killed by continuous self-explosion damage at the moment of resurrection.

  The reason why these people were recruited was mainly because Chen Mo's first wave of skeleton monsters seemed to be free. In fact, Chen Mo had a teleportation mark attached to one of the first batch of skeleton monsters.

   Following the death of the skeleton monster, the teleportation mark remained directly at the place of death.

   And that location is already very close to these people.

  This is the situation where the skeleton monsters sent in the second wave directly protrude from the face.

  Following Chen Mo's sneak attack, he sent the skeleton monsters to the eyes and noses of this group of people for continuous blasting, and the opponent's 16-person team, which was not very strong, was killed in an instant by seven people.

  The nine people who escaped far away and survived all looked at Chen Mo in horror.

  They already had a premonition of Chen Mo's strength, but they never thought that he had a lot of means.

  I thought the attack power of the skeleton monsters was outrageous enough, but I didn't expect these skeleton monsters to explode, and even the damage they exploded was astonishingly high!

   It is really hard to guard against!

  As for the outside world, everyone who saw this scene was amazed.

  Since this event, I have seen them all the way, and I know Chen Moqiang!

   It is definitely the strength to hang the second-rank full-level full-star powerhouse.

  But I didn't expect Chen Mo to be so domineering this time when the other party's sixteen people united together.

   The people in the Yongxing system who watched this scene were greatly shocked!

"How can this be!?"

   "It's too strong to be ridiculous."

   "It's too perverted! A zero-turned-level 20, one-on-one singled out 16 top-level second-turn masters who united together, and in a short period of time, actually directly killed seven of them!"

   "This kid's combat power is simply unfathomable!"

   "We can't find five fingers on the earth who can kill him."

  People in the Yongxing system originally saw a small team of second-tier top masters gathering, and they wondered if this small team had discovered Chen Mo's strangeness and decided to deal with him.

   After all, they are very clear that there is no so-called special boss in this dungeon.

   Earthlings have no information about the killing mode at all, so Chen Mo will make wild guesses.

  Eternal Star Galaxy guessed the purpose of this team almost immediately.

  Seeing that this team is determined to deal with Chen Mo, they are very happy.

  If these sixteen people can really unite and kill this sky-defying zero-turn 20-level professional in the solar system, it will really help them directly eliminate a serious problem.

  Everyone was watching with anticipation.

   The result was unexpected.

  Different from the people in the Yongxing system, the people on earth were all relieved after seeing Chen Mo's performance this time.

  They also never expected that within a short time after Chen Mo encountered these sixteen people, there would be news that seven aliens had been killed.

  This strength and efficiency are really amazing.

  Even the three leaders of the academy alliance couldn't help sighing when they saw this scene.

   They have lived for so long and presided over the overall situation of the earth for such a long time, and this is the first time they have seen a newcomer with such incredible strength.

  They couldn't even figure out where the upper limit of their genius on Earth was.

  But the more astonishing Chen Mo's performance was, the more delighted they were naturally.

   Only one person can light up the future of the solar system!

   A wave of routines killed seven people directly, and the nine surviving aliens looked at Chen Mo who was hiding in the void in horror.

  Originally, they all thought that they were the top players of the second rank, and each of them thought highly of themselves, thinking that they were the biggest winners in this instance.

  But I never thought that the zero-to-level 20 that I thought was here to give benefits is the real big boss of this dungeon!

   And it was so strong that it suffocated them.

  Everyone looked at Chen Mo, and couldn't get out of the atmosphere.

  Everyone has different thoughts for a while.

   Originally a team of sixteen people had nothing to do with this person, but now there are only nine people, how can they fight?

   Why don't we just run for our lives?

  Now all the dungeon props are out of order, as long as he finds a place to hide, if he doesn’t have infinite coordinates, even if he can teleport the whole map, he may not be able to find himself!

   At this time, the nine people looked at each other and found that everyone else seemed to think the same way.

  Then how can they control so much, if they don't run first, others will run first, leaving themselves as a scapegoat later.


  In an instant, nine people turned around at the same time and started running.

   "Oh? Did you give up the alliance directly?"

   Chen Mo laughed immediately when he saw this, didn't that give him great convenience?

   Now they are all shrunk down to a circular area with a radius of only one kilometer.

   With such a small range, even if he does not rely on infinite coordinates, he can find them by relying on his full-level pioneer perception ability.

  His current full-level pioneer perception ability can perceive a circle with a radius of 2 kilometers around him.

   And now the remaining active area of ​​the entire dungeon has been forced to only a kilometer by the surrounding poisonous fog.

   It can be said that Chen Mo can clearly perceive this last activity area from any position.

  He no longer needs infinite coordinates!

   Run and let them run.

   Instead, they are separated to deal with it.

   Two of them wanted to run, but when they turned around, they found that they were caught by something.

  It just occurred to me that in order to prevent Chen Mo from escaping, they gave Chen Mo the locking ability.

   This is locked by both parties.

  It is somewhat similar to Chen Mo's God of Death Emblem, and it can only be unlocked if certain conditions are met.

  The conditions for their performance are all time.

   Only when the lock time exceeds one hour, both parties can leave each other.

  Of course, if one of them dies during the locking period, then naturally there is no waiting time, and the locking will be unlocked automatically.

   I didn't expect that I would trap myself by a mistake, and now they all couldn't escape.

  The two regretted extremely.

  The other seven people saw that two of them were attracting the attention of the boss for themselves, so they naturally ran away in different directions.

  The remaining two looked at Chen Mo in despair.

  Chen Mo didn't ink with them either, and directly mobilized the skeleton monsters to encircle and beat them, instantly killing the two of them on the spot.

  One of them originally had the ability of immortality, but he was so desperate that he didn't even bother to activate it in the end.

   After struggling for a while and embarrassing himself for a while, he simply gave up.

  Early death and early release.

  As soon as the two died, Chen Mo immediately began to use his perception ability to fly to the next target.

   This group of people have all fallen and scattered, and now he doesn't need to hide in the void world anymore, he just leads the skeleton army to kill them hard!

   "How could you find me so quickly?"

  The person who was running away just now was shocked when he saw Chen Mo suddenly appearing in front of him.

  Chen Mo's perception range is quite large.

   Far beyond the imagination of this group of people.

  After all, not everyone can have a pioneer.

  That is to complete the SSS-level breakthrough assessment at level 5.

  Even if these people are full-level and full-star masters at the second turn, they are far from being so strong when they are at level 5.

   This title is extremely difficult to obtain.

   Very few people own it.

  They don't know the effect, so it's normal.

  Chen Mo didn't bother with him, just tapped the staff in his hand, gave the opponent the order to dominate, and then ordered the skeleton monsters under him to attack him.

  The **** order can make the designated person receive damage from Chen Mo's summoned object to increase by Chen Mo's level. Now Chen Mo's level is 20, which means 20 times the damage increase.

  With the opponent's current strength, even 99% injury-free can't stand it!

   Soon the first dead will appear!

  The next moment, the second, third, fourth...

  As the Heavenly Dao reminders sounded continuously, the rest of the people became more and more anxious.

  They try hard to hide in some places that are not easy to find.

   But completely useless.

  At this time, no matter where they are hiding, Chen Mo can perceive every detail.

   It's useless to hide anywhere.

  Following Chen Mo's domineering attack, an army of hundreds of thousands of skeleton monsters swept across.

   Finally, there is no one alive in the dungeon!

   And now there is only half an hour before the end of the dungeon.

   After all, they are all masters, and it took a little time for a few Chen Mo.

  As Chen Mo killed the last opponent, the Heavenly Dao reminder also rang simultaneously.

  (end of this chapter)

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