Chapter 196 Level 10 synthetic level! (three in one, 66)

   "It's too fierce, it really kills from the beginning to the end, even if they are beaten by a group in the end, they will fight back against the wind and kill their team directly!"

"It's really amazing. After seven seconds, those nine people ran around like lost lambs. Pity our genius on Earth seems to have regained his teleportation ability, and he can teleport around to catch them. Haha they ran Can't run away."

   "It was so quick to catch one, and another one was killed so quickly."

  Everyone followed and reported excitedly, and soon they saw that there were no other survivors in the dungeon.

  As Chen Mo finished killing everyone, the people of the world were completely boiling at this moment.

  Although Chen Mo instantly killed seven opponents before, they already felt that Chen Mo should be able to get through this dungeon without incident.

   But at that time, the dungeon was not completely over after all, and everything was variable. What if among the nine escaped people there was someone who pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger to hide his strength.

   Until safety is confirmed at the last moment, there is no complete peace of mind.

   Now, they finally saw that Chen Mo had cleaned up the last person.

  At this time, people all over the world who are paying attention to this killing event can be regarded as completely put their hearts in their stomachs.

   Somewhat excited and even happily hugged the people around him and spun around.

   Cheers are heard all over the world.

   At this time, it was not Chen Mo who reaped the joy of victory alone, but the people all over the world accompanied him to reap this joy.

  For the people of the world, what they have gained this time is that a genius with a bright future and an incomparable heaven-defying future has appeared on the earth!

   This joy is beyond words!

  The earth has been suppressed by aliens for so long, who hasn't held back their anger yet.

  Especially for those whose family members had children who died at the hands of aliens, their eyes were full of tears at this time.

   They finally saw the hope of avenging their children!

   And this hope is very big, very dazzling!

  It is enough to illuminate the mourning hearts of people around the world who have been suffocated for so long.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on killing the last contestant, you have obtained 1000 click kills! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Recovering the dropped items is complete. According to the total value of the opponent’s dropped items, you have obtained 2.9 million loot points! At the same time, you have obtained all the 60.5 million points of spoils accumulated by the opponent before, and your current total points of spoils are 1,352,350,000 points! 】

   "The 1.3 billion points can not only be exchanged for three SSS-level pet eggs, but can even be exchanged for other good things."

   Just as Chen Mo was checking the points, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded again.

[Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on being the last and only survivor of this dungeon, you will be able to get an SSS-level spree as a reward, and since you are a step-up challenge, according to your current number of reincarnations, you can get twice as much extra As a reward, you have additionally obtained two SSS-level spree packs. 】

   "It's cool, I got three SSS-level gift packages at once."

  Seeing the reward, Chen Moxi smiled, but soon he had a bold idea.

   "What will happen if I synthesize three SSS-level gift packages?"

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help but get a little excited, ready to try it out later.

   At this time, the reminder of Heavenly Dao is still continuing.

  【Prompt from Heaven: For every 1 click kill, you can get 1% of the experience points required for the next level upgrade. You currently have a total of 1000 click kills, and you can get a total of 1000% of the experience points required for the next level upgrade!

  Because you are a step-up challenge, according to your current number of reincarnations, you can get twice the extra reward, and you get an additional 2000% experience level required for lower-level upgrades.

  You have gained a total of 14160000 experience points! 】

"It turns out that the experience value reward is based on the percentage of the experience value I need to upgrade to the next level. My lower level is only level 21. How much experience points do I need to upgrade from level 21 to level 22? If I can upgrade to level 62 with the experience required from level 61 It's worth it."

  Chen Mo is not very satisfied with the experience rewards.

   After all, if other people in the dungeon win, the experience gained will be so high that he doesn't know how much.

   But in general, the experience points given are already very much.

   After all, it is given 30 times the experience value required to upgrade to level 21.

   Enough for Chen Mo to go back and challenge the ten-star reincarnation.

  Of course, the premise is that he can go through it once, otherwise he fails, and the loss of experience points is still very painful.

  【Heavenly Reminder: The loot exchange store has opened, please use your loot points to exchange. 】

  With the opening of the loot exchange shop, Chen Mo immediately exchanged three SSS-level pet eggs without further ado.

   Immediately began to think about the use of the remaining points.

  Because there are so many things, the number of pages turned is as many as 999,999... There is almost no end. Chen Mo feels that he can see that his life span is exhausted by looking at each page.

  After browsing a few pages in order of value from high to low, Chen Mo's eyes were tired, and finally he decided to exchange for another SSS-level pet egg.

   This thing is very precious. There are very few people on the earth. Taking one back may be able to cultivate another strong person.

  And as long as this thing is sold, it is so precious that its value is incalculable.

   There is no harm in bringing one home.

  After changing four SSS-level pet eggs, Chen Mo still has more than 150 million points left.

  He chose the filter function, ready to see what is worth redeeming for 50 million points, and it would be good to get three back to combine.

  Suddenly, a lot of things that can be exchanged for 50 million points appeared in front of him.

   There are really many good things in it.

   Unexpectedly, even if it is only 50 million, there are many things that can be exchanged.

  Some rare materials can be exchanged directly.

   But after turning a few pages, Chen Mo was attracted by a fruit.

  [Longevity Fruit·Price 50 million loot points]: After taking it, the lifespan decay rate is reduced to 100 times of the original.

   This thing may not be very useful for combat professionals, but it is a treasure for lifestyle professionals! Reducing the rate of life decay by 100 times is equivalent to increasing the lifespan by 100 times in disguise.

   It is even better than directly increasing lifespan by 100 times.

  Because the direct promotion is only one-time, but this is enjoyed all the time.

  The lifespan you increase in the future will be slowed down by a hundred times.

  After eating this fruit, eating one longevity fruit is equivalent to eating a hundred.

   This value is simply inestimable.

  Chen Mo immediately chose to exchange for three coins.

  Bring it back to Sister Yiyi, grandpa and grandma to eat.

  So that they don't have to worry about life expectancy every now and then.

  After the redemption, there are still 2.35 million points scattered. Chen Mo chose to exchange a lot of junk materials with 1 point.

  He is going to use crazy synthesis to brush up his synthesis level.

   After all this was done, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded again.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have consumed all the loot points, and a copy will be sent to you soon, please be prepared. 】

   Following the end of the Heavenly Dao reminder, Chen Mo saw a three-second countdown.

   Soon the picture in front of his eyes changed, and he returned to his room.

   Nearly 12 hours have passed, and it is already early morning.

  But more than 70% of the people in the world have not slept yet. They are either alone at home, or gather together in small groups to discuss the matter of Chen Mo's great display of power in the copy.

  A person who turned from zero to level 20 easily killed a team of sixteen people who were ranked second to top experts, and finally chased them down!

   It's really cool to see them!

  Many people were drinking, eating skewers, and watching in groups while eating. At this point in time, everyone was very excited.

   Even after seeing the news of Chen Mo's victory, they were still immersed in excitement and could not calm down for a long time.

  Many people watched with their families and talked excitedly while watching.

   There are also some young people who see their blood boiling.

   After all, Chen Mo's performance is what they expected!

  They also dream that one day they can achieve Chen Mo's achievements!

  Chen Mo unintentionally greatly inspired the enterprising spirit of this generation of young people, all of which are additional gains.

  At this time, Chen Mo’s home...

  The object of heated discussion among people all over the world has returned to his room.

  As soon as he returned to the room, Chen Mo received the message from Liu Yiyi.

  [Remarks Sister Yiyi]: Momo, where have you been? Why didn't you tell me when you went out at night?

   Seeing the information, Chen Mo immediately sensed Liu Yiyi's whereabouts.

  I saw that she had fallen asleep at this time, and there were notes and food left by her on the table.

  【Momo, I have already made the dessert you want to eat in the afternoon and put it in the refrigerator. If you want to eat it, you can take it out and eat it. 】

   Perceiving the contents of the note, Chen Mo walked out of the room with a smile and came to the refrigerator.

  I saw a soft cake shaped like a small mushroom was conspicuously placed in the middle.

   This cake is said to be a cake, but it has a jelly-like Q bomb. Chen Mo has never seen it before, so he cut a little bit and tasted it.

  The mouthfeel was sweet, soft, glutinous and milky, and it was delicious. He couldn't help eating two more pieces, and left half for Sister Yiyi before closing the refrigerator door and returning to his room contentedly.

   Pulling the curtains, Chen Mo began to check the harvest in the dungeon this time.

  He first took out three SSS-level pet eggs.

   "I don't know if it can be synthesized. If it can be synthesized, then I will become the only person in the world who owns a super SSS pet."

  Chen Mo rubbed his little hands excitedly, and exhaled the synthesis interface with anticipation in his heart!

  Following him, he put three SSS-level pet eggs on Yiyi.

   Soon the synthesis prompt will appear.

  ...You put 【SSS-level pet egg】*3!

  【Checking formula...】

  【It was detected that three pieces of the same material were put in, and your talent has played an effect. There is no need to master the formula for this synthesis! 】

  【Start this synthesis quality test...】

  【The quality of this synthesis is super **** quality, and additional special materials need to be added—super **** fusion agent】


   "Super **** fusion agent? What is it? I haven't heard of it."

  Chen Mo immediately clicked on the material to check it out.

  [Super God fusion agent]: Requires synthesis level to reach level 5, unlock special synthesis material shop to buy it!

   "It turned out to be something in the special synthetic material store that is unlocked after the synthesis level is increased. I said that I have never heard of this thing, and I don't know where to get it. It is quite easy to handle."

   But it's easy to handle, the key is how much this thing is worth.

   If it is expensive against the sky, it will still be difficult to deal with.

  But for now, let's talk about the synthesis level first.

   Before spending 2.35 million points in exchange for a large amount of materials, Chen Mo took out all of them and synthesized them.

   Soon the news of his synthesis level improvement popped up.

   After a while, he reached level 5. At this moment, Chen Mo immediately clicked on the newly unlocked special material store function.

   I saw that there are some special materials that I have never heard of before. Chen Mo estimated that these things are only needed for his own special synthesis.

  He found the "Super God Fusion Agent" at the first time, and the next moment, his eyes went dark and he was speechless.

   "1000 eternal gold coins? Robbery!!"

  At this price, the expensive Chen Mo called it outrageous.

  But considering that it is a material needed to synthesize a super **** grade, I suddenly feel that this value has become a lot more reasonable.

   But no matter what, he still can't afford it.

   Fortunately, he saw that this new special material store function has a discount display.

   "Continue to increase the synthesis level to see if it can be cheaper, it is so expensive that ghosts can afford it!"

  Chen Mo immediately continued to synthesize.

  Following the crazily sounding reminders of the Dao of Heaven again, Chen Mo continued to synthesize.

   It wasn't until he reached level 10 in one breath that the news finally stopped.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your synthesis level has reached the current upper limit of level 10, and you cannot continue to break through at present. 】

  As the synthesis level reached level 10, Chen Mo immediately checked the previously unlocked functions, and found that not only the special material store had unlocked the benefits, but also other previous functions had been greatly improved.

  [Synthesis level]: current level 10

  〖Synthesis Entries Boost〗: If there are optional entries after synthesis, the number of entries will be one out of ten.

  〖Batch synthesis function〗: According to the existing formula, you can batch select your materials within 10,000 meters around you for batch synthesis.

  〖Token Synthesis Function〗: If you have obtained the relevant formula, you can directly synthesize the items in the existing formula without preparing raw materials.

However, according to the lack of materials, you need to consume eternal coins to supplement. The price is based on the average transaction price of all relevant items in the current galaxy yesterday. If there is no transaction record item, the top price will be charged according to the rarity. Items that have reached the SSS level cannot be used. Token functionality.

  The current synthesis level, the token fee rate is 50%

〖Synthetic Special Effect Refresh Function〗: If you are not satisfied with the special effect options of the synthesized item, you can choose to refresh ten times for free, after which you need to pay eternal coins for each refresh, the more refresh times, the more expensive the payment, and the current synthesis level can get 50 % discount.

  〖Synthetic Special Effect Replacement Function〗: Synthesized items can be changed ten times for a fee.

  The existing enhanced special effects can be replaced once each time, and one of the five re-randomized special effect options can be selected for replacement.

   The five special effect options that are re-randomized will not be randomized to the special effect entry that needs to be replaced.

  The re-randomized five special effects can be refreshed, but free refresh is not provided, and eternal coins need to be paid.

  The current synthesis level can get 50% discount.

  〖Special Material Store Function〗: At the current level, you can get three chances to buy special materials at a price of 1% every official month, and you can enjoy a 50% discount when you usually buy special materials.

   "Every 50 days, there are three chances to buy special materials at 1% price, not bad!

  I can buy a bottle of super **** fusion agent for only 10 gold coins now! "

  This price is still affordable for Chen Mo.

  He couldn't wait to buy a bottle immediately.

  As Chen Mo exhaled again, the synthesis interface began to fuse. This time, with the addition of super **** fusion agent, everything went well, and the fusion began!

  After skipping the frame, the composite result came out quickly.

  【Congratulations, the synthesis is successful! 】

  【Please take out the item you synthesized "Super SSS Pet Egg"! 】

   "It's really a super SSS-level pet egg!"

  Chen Mo's face was full of excitement, and he didn't know what would hatch.

  Chen Mo immediately checked the information on the super SSS pet eggs.

  【Super SSS pet egg】: It contains a very extraordinary energy. It seems that there is a very special little guy in it, and there are still 100 million hours before its hatching time.

   "Heavenly, the hatching time can't be waited until old age and death. It seems that super SSS-level pets are not so easy to get, and you have to get a lot of hatching stones."

  Each hatching stone can halve the hatching time of pet eggs.

  So looking at the incubation time close to hundreds of millions, if it continues to be halved, it will come down very quickly.

   Only need 22, you can shorten the time to only one day.

   But to put it lightly, this hatching stone is not so easy to get, and it is not cheap to sell outside.

  The selling price of one is at least 1 billion.

   It is not something that ordinary people can afford.

  Many people would rather wait for time than buy hatching stones.

   After all, it is too expensive.

  However, not all pet eggs of any quality can have such a long incubation time as Chen Mo's pet eggs.

   Low-grade pets have a very short incubation time.

  Generally, hatching stones are only used for pet eggs above SS level.

  For example, Chen Mo still owns an SSS-level pet egg.

   Its incubation time is a million hours.

  The normal SS grade pet egg hatching time is 10,000 hours.

  S-class pet eggs only need one hundred hours to hatch.

  One hundred hours, only a few days, everyone can still afford to wait.

  But 10,000 hours is a few hundred days. Some impatient bosses will choose to use one or two hatching stones to reduce some waiting time.

  As for SSS-level pet eggs, it is natural to consume hatching stones crazily to reduce the hatching time, or wait until the end of time.

  The hatching stone is too expensive, and Chen Mo hasn't reached the third rank yet, and he can't bind it even after opening the pet, so he simply put it in the backpack first, and look at it later.

   After synthesizing super SSS pet eggs with satisfaction, Chen Mo immediately took out three SSS gift bags.

  This is a big gift package that can give out three god-level quality items.

  Using it to synthesize it into a treasure, Chen Mo is really so reluctant.

  But if you can get a super SSS baby, but others can't ask for it, your ability is almost comprehensive now.

  Continue to add a little side help, which is actually not that big.

   Unless you can get the one you like, but this can only be a matter of chance.

   Instead of this, it is better to pursue better things.

   Of course, whether you can pursue it or not depends on whether the synthesis ability can take effect on the three SSS-level gift packages.

  As Chen Mo put in three SSS-level gift bags, a prompt popped up on the synthesis interface.

[Tiandao Tip: Warning, there are two branches of materials used in this synthesis, your synthesis will have a chance to become "Optional SSS Level Gift Package" and "Super SSS Level Gift Package", the probability is 50% and 50%, please Choose whether to continue compositing. 】

   "Hiss! Testing people!"

   Seeing the hint from Heaven, Chen Mo was dumbfounded.

  He already has difficulty in choosing, so let him deal with this one.

  In case one SSS-level gift package is combined, and three become one, it is basically a loss.

  Although it has never been able to choose and can only be opened randomly, it has become a type that can be selected, which is a little more controllable.

   But still a blood loss.

   But as long as a super SSS gift package is produced, it will be blood money.

   After all, it is super SSS-level stuff, but I have never heard of anyone owning it.

   Under normal circumstances, this thing can only be touched by breaking into the Tower of Eternity.

  After a lot of hesitation, Chen Mo finally decided to fight!

   "If you hesitate, you will lose, and if you do it, you are done!"

  Chen Mo immediately chose to continue.

  ...You put in [SSS-level gift package]*3!

  【Checking formula...】

  【It was detected that three pieces of the same material were put in, and your talent has played an effect. There is no need to master the formula for this synthesis! 】

  【Start this synthesis quality test...】

  【The quality of this synthesis is super **** quality, and additional special materials need to be added—super **** fusion agent! 】

   "Do you also want a super fusion potion?"

  Since there were still two chances to buy at 1% price, Chen Mo reluctantly spent another 10 gold coins to buy the Chaoshen Fusion Potion.

  At this moment, he can be said to be bleeding heart, if he can come up with an "optional SSS-level gift package" for himself, then he will really cry out loud.

   Not only did he lose two SSS-level gift bags, he also lost 10 gold coins.

  As all the materials were ready, the synthesis interface began to change, and all the materials had been involved in a vortex at this time, this time Chen Mo did not skip the animation.

   After all, this time it cost a lot of money.

  He was afraid of seeing failure too soon, so he chose to let the animation finish.

   But even if he doesn't skip, the animation is only a few seconds, and soon the hint of Heaven will pop up!

Chen Mo didn't even dare to look at it. He covered his eyes and took a sneak peek through his fingers. After reading each word and finally saw the word "super", he moved his hands away excitedly and looked at Composite result!

  【Congratulations, the synthesis is successful! 】

  【Please take out the item you synthesized "Super SSS Gift Pack"! 】


  He immediately took out the reward.

  Super SSS gift pack, the outer packaging is a bit different from the SSS gift pack.

  The SSS-level gift pack had a hint of colorful light, while the super-SSS-level gift pack could be described as brilliant, almost blinding Chen Mo's eyes.

   Once you have something, how can you resist opening it? Chen Mo immediately tried to open it.

  【Heavenly reminder: You are opening a super SSS gift package, you have a chance to get super god-level equipment, colorful skill books, and origin-level items. Please choose the opening method. 】

  【Method 1: Open without binding, the rewards obtained after opening are in an unbound state and can be traded freely, but the level restrictions are unknown, the occupation restrictions are unknown, and the attributes are equivalent to normal drops. 】

  【Method 2: Binding is enabled, the rewards obtained after activation are bound and cannot be traded freely, but they will definitely be suitable for your current level and occupational scope, and the attributes may change. 】

   "Colorful skill book? Origin-level item? This is really the first time I've heard of it.

   I didn’t expect to open a super SSS gift package, and unlocked some new knowledge for me.

  It turns out that the golden skills are colorful skills.

   Mythic level and above are Origin level. "

   After understanding these, Chen Mo immediately chose to bind and open, and looked forward to the result of the activation!

  (end of this chapter)

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