Chapter 197 The hidden treasure box! (triple)

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully opened the super SSS gift package, congratulations on obtaining the bound item "Hidden Treasure Box Origin Level"! 】

   "The hidden treasure box, it sounds like it's used for invisibility..."

  Chen Mo immediately checked the effect of the item.

  【Hidden Treasure Box·Origin Level】

  [Item Passive Effect]: When carrying it, if you are in an invisible state, you will not receive any damage. (can be activated in the backpack)

  【Active effect of item】: When activated, after using it, all friendly units within the range of "level x star x 100 meters" can enter the state of occult state!

  During the duration of the invisible state, unless you actively reveal it, you will not be visible no matter what you do, and all invisible units cannot be sensed or broken by any unit whose divine power is lower than yours.

  No consumption, no cooldown, permanent duration. (can be activated in the backpack)

  [Item Introduction]: A mischievous toy made by the God of Mischief. I heard that he often uses this to steal into the Goddess Bathhouse!

"Permanent invisibility? You won't be visible. As long as other people's divine power is lower than mine, they can't even detect and break invisibility. Doesn't that mean that as long as I activate this ability, no one below Rank 5 will be able to detect me?" gone?"

   After seeing the effect of the item, Chen Mo was very excited.

   You must know that the highest number of aliens on earth is only four turns. With this thing, it is equivalent to ignoring all aliens.

  Of course, the premise is that there are no aliens among the aliens who have the same divine power as themselves.

"I have 10 points of divine power now. I am now at level 20. After I finish the boundary-breaking assessment, there is still a super **** trial to receive. After I complete it, I can increase my divine power by 10 points. Not so much divine power.

  Getting this thing in hand is equivalent to being invincible below the fourth rank! "

   Obtaining this item reminded Chen Mo of a stealth skill in his skeleton summoning skill.

  With the super SSS-level stealth ability, there is no need for that garbage stealth ability to exist.

  The special effects obtained by synthesis before can now be replaced through the [Synthetic Special Effect Replacement Function].

  The same goal can have ten chances.

  Since the invisibility is useless, it is better to immediately replace it with a more useful special effect.

   This special effect replacement function was actually unlocked by Chen Mo when the synthesis level was only level 3, but he hasn't used it until now.

   This is still the first attempt.

  As Chen Mo chooses to enable the function.

  Heavenly reminder also popped up in time.

[Heavenly reminder: You are using the synthesis special effect replacement function. What you are planning to replace is the special effect contained in the red quality skill. The price of this special effect replacement is 1 gold coin. Since your current synthesis level can enjoy a 50% discount price, this replacement The price is 50 silver coins. 】

   "It's quite expensive. It seems that the higher the grade, the higher the charge will be if you want to change it."

  Now Chen Mo is already a wealthy man, with 50 silver coins and a price of 50 million, he didn't care about it, and directly chose to replace it.

   Immediately, the Heavenly Dao reminder popped up again, and five new effects appeared in front of Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo looked over one by one and found a nice feature.

  [Assembly]: When the number of companions reaches the power of 100, the attack and attack speed will increase by the power of 100.

   That is to say, when there are 100 companions, it is a power of 100, and the attack and attack speed can be doubled, which is 200% of the original.

  When there are 10,000 companions, it is the second power of 100, and the attack and attack speed can be increased by 2 times, which is 300% of the original.

  When there are 1 million companions, it is the cube of 100, and the attack and attack speed can be increased by 3 times, which is 400% of the original.

  This is an increase in attack speed and attack power, and the improvement effect is quite good.

  Chen Mo estimated that he would soon be able to summon a million skeleton monsters, and it would not be difficult to achieve a triple increase.

  As for the other four special effects, they are all relatively ordinary, so Chen Mo was too lazy to ask for them, and directly locked on the assembly.

   Just as Chen Mo finished these, the Heavenly Dao reminder suddenly sounded again.

  【Tiandao Reminder: All the games of this PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds event have ended, and the betting income is being settled for you...】

[Tiandao Tip: In this event, you bet 20 eternal gold coins on the solar system contestants in the second turn competition area, and the number of bet target kills ranks first, and there are no other professionals in the same competition area except him. Congratulations, you have won ten times! betting income. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: You got 200 eternal gold coins! 】

  Chen Mo, who had just spent a fraction of his money, instantly added another 220 eternal gold coins.

  20 is the money he bet on himself.

   At this time, the total eternal gold coins he holds are 228 pieces.

   Still quite rich.

   This wave is not only earned by him alone.

   Many people on earth who bet on him also made a lot of money.

  Originally, they just bet with the mentality of supporting their own people.

  Who ever wanted to get ten times the benefits directly.

   It was a surprise.

  With money, Chen Mo is going to buy new skills tomorrow.

   He hasn't learned the level 15 and level 20 skills of the skeleton mage yet.

  The level 15 skill of the Skeleton Mage is called [Shadow Healing Wave Blue Quality], which is still at the lower level.

  After casting, it can cause damage or heal. It will cause damage to non-friendly targets, and it will cause healing when used on friendly targets.

   Initially, you can jump between each target up to ten times.

  The skill at level 20 is called [Elite Undead Call·Orange], which has reached the middle level.

   Can summon a permanent elite undead with a selectable class.

  Elite undead have higher attributes and have professional skills.

  But compared to Chen Mo's Undead Lord's "Undead Summoning God" skill, it is actually much weaker.

  The undead summoned by this skill is equivalent to the mid-level undead summoned by the "Undead Summon God" skill.

  After having the undead master profession, there is no need to learn this skill.

  The main thing is that level 20 skills can only be exploded in dungeons by themselves, and cannot be traded.

  If you want to synthesize a lot, you have to get three basic books first, and the synthesis potential of this skill is not high. After all, this skill is already an orange skill, and the number of times that can be synthesized to upgrade is limited.

  The improvement is not very great, and it may even be not as strong as the basic skeleton summoning skills.

  Chen Mo was simply too lazy to do it.

   Just get the level 15 skills.

  Think about tomorrow's plan,

  Chen Mo washed up, lay down on the bed and checked the affairs of the house, then fell asleep.

   Now that the money is in place, it's time to buy a house in a safer residential area.

  The next morning...

   "Momo, where did you go last night?" Chen Mo was caught by Liu Yiyi as soon as he went out.

   "I went to do some errands, and I forgot to tell you that I'm sorry to make you worry." Looking at Liu Yiyi with her hands on her hips, Chen Mo shrank his neck and said.

"You're an adult now. It's normal for someone to go out at night, but you have to tell me. Suddenly, I can't find anyone, you kid... I didn't respond to a text message, so I'm so worried!" Liu Yiyi shook her head helplessly. road.


  No matter how strong a person is, there is still some power to restrain him. Chen Mo's current strength, as long as he is not a rank five professional, he doesn't need to pay attention to it, but he still has to be suppressed by a life-type professional.

  Liu Yiyi didn't blame him, she told him a few words and asked him to come over for breakfast.

  During the meal, Chen Mo said with a smile: "Sister Yiyi, pack your things these two days, we are going to move."

   "Where are you going?"

   "Near the headquarters of the Academy Alliance, it's safe there."

   "The house over there costs five or six billion."

   "I'm not talking about municipal level." Chen Mo shook his head.

   Now Liu Yiyi was surprised.

   "Then what are you talking about?

   Could it be near the headquarters of the Huaguo College Alliance, where the house price is close to tens of billions! "

   "No, I want to buy you a house near the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance."

   "Where!?" Liu Yiyi couldn't help thinking that she had heard it wrong.

   "Global Academy Alliance." Chen Mo repeated.

  Liu Yiyi stretched out her slender hand in a daze, and pressed the back of her hand to Chen Mo's forehead.

   "You child, you don't have a fever, how can you talk nonsense?"

  Chen Mo said with a speechless smile, "I'm serious."

   "The housing price over there must be tens of billions." Liu Yiyi felt that Chen Mo was joking.

   "Almost, I checked, probably between 15 billion and 20 billion."

   "So expensive!? Where can I afford it?"

   "It's okay, there was a galaxy event yesterday, I made a lot of money betting, enough to buy it."

   Naturally, Liu Yiyi also heard about the activities in the Milky Way yesterday.

   After all, it was reported by the Voice of the Great Dao.

  But she didn't pay attention to this activity. In her opinion, these things are too far away from her, and she is busy enough with daily chores.

   "Even if you really made so much money, there's no need to buy it in such an expensive place. The headquarters of the Huaguo College Alliance is already very good. I heard that there are quite a few rank-4 powerhouses sitting there all year round."

Because the amount of money has already exceeded Liu Yiyi's cognition, 2 billion and 20 billion are astronomical figures for her. Before Chen Mo was so casual about spending billions, but now that he has 20 billion, Liu Yiyi also Not as shocked as before.

   "Having said that, the level of security is still slightly worse than that of the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance. I just want to minimize the possibility of you encountering danger."

   Chen Mo said calmly.

   But Liu Yiyi was still very moved by hearing these words.

   It is true that if she is safe, for Chen Mo, there will be less worry when going out.

  She nodded and said, "Then it's up to you."

  Chen Mo said with a smile: "At that time, you can pick and choose. I have seen a few places that are on sale yesterday, and they are all pretty good."

  The vicinity of the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance is divided into four residential areas.

   One of them is where the high-level relatives of the Academy Alliance live, and the guards are the strictest.

  The other three areas were sold to rich people.

  The houses here are not just bought, they have to pay a lot of management fees every year.

  If there is a fourth-rank professional in the family, then there will be no need to pay management fees in the future, and the right to use the house will be given permanently, even if the fourth-rank professional is dead.

   Unless you sell it yourself, the Academy Union will not take it back.

  Currently, there are three residential areas, many houses are for sale. There are people who originally lived in a poor family and have no successors. They can only rely on the sale of the houses here for money. There are also several new houses that have just been built and are being advertised for sale.

  The general selling price of old houses is around 15 billion.

  The new house will be several billion more expensive, maybe close to 20 billion or so.

   After breakfast, Chen Mo transferred 200 gold coins to Liu Yiyi and asked her to check the house types on the official website of the Global Academy Alliance Headquarters, while he went out to buy skill books.

   Now there is no need to be afraid of aliens, so Chen Mo doesn't bother to pretend to go out.

   In addition, what I want to buy this time is only the skill book needed by a normal skeleton mage, nothing to attract attention.

   It took a total of about 150 million before Chen Mo finally synthesized the shadow healing wave into red.

  At this time, the attribute of Shadow Healing Wave is...

  【Infinite Healing Wave·Red】

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage

  [Level Requirement]: Level 15

  【Cooldown】: 10 seconds

[Effect]: Consume 500 points of energy to apply an infinitely jumping healing wave to all units within the range of "professional star rating × 1000 meters" around you (jump to unaffected units first, if there are enemies around, they must be on the enemy's side Jump back and forth between.) The healing wave jumps every 0.01 seconds, and every time it touches a unit during the jump, it will cause a healing/damage to the jumping target unit.

   Causes a healing amount equal to your [self-law attack × professional star + 10000 points] to friendly targets, and the healing effect will also expand and affect all friendly units within 100 meters around the unit.

  If the HP of the target being healed is full, it will cause a fixed range damage equal to the maximum HP of the target being healed, and the range of the range of damage is 100 meters around the target unit.

   Deal damage to the enemy target equal to your "law attack × professional star + 10000 points", and the damage effect will also expand and affect all enemy units within 100 meters around the unit.

   If the HP of the damaged target is emptied, it will cause a fixed range damage equal to the maximum HP of the damaged target, and the range of range damage is 100 meters around the target unit.

Select special effects: wide (increase the overall range), haste (increase the beating speed), spread (expand the influence of each unit to 100 meters around), overflow injury (healing full blood causes fixed damage in the range, damage to empty blood causes fixed damage in the range), infinite (The number of jumps becomes unlimited)


  The normal healing wave can only jump dozens of times, and the range of influence is only 100 meters.

  After continuous synthesis, the scope of influence has now greatly increased, and the number of beatings has become infinite, and the beating speed has also become extremely fast, becoming 100 times per second.

  The improvement of the effect is still very powerful.

   "The skill preparation is almost done, and it's almost time to try the ten-star reincarnation challenge."

   After finishing everything, Chen Mo returned home.

   At this time, Liu Yiyi had already taken a fancy to the house, but she was afraid that Chen Mo would not like it, so she pulled Chen Mo to choose again, and Chen Mo naturally chose the one she liked.

  After the finalization, the two paid a deposit of 2 billion, and made an appointment to see the house in three days.

   At that time, by the way, settle the final payment and move in directly.

   After paying the deposit, Liu Yiyi still wondered if she was in a dream.

  She is about to live in a mansion worth 20 billion yuan, she really dare not even dream about it.

  However, the main thing is whether or not to be arrogant. The key is that the location is very safe.

  Global Academy Alliance Headquarters, who dares to act wild here.

  Even if there is, it can't be wild.

  There is a powerful magic circle with a huge range near the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance. After entering it, professionals have to be suppressed into ordinary people.

   Unless it is a strong player with more than four ranks.

  As for the powerhouses with rank four or above, as long as they are active outside, all of them have undergone extremely strict verification.

  The destructive power of a strong man of this level is too strong, how can a master of this level be allowed to wander around outside.

  So, the security of the headquarters of the Global Academy Alliance is beyond doubt.

   It is absolutely worth the money spent!

   After confirming the house, Chen Mo returned to his room, seeing that the time for today's "Summoning God" is coming soon.

  He is going to wait for this skill to be used before accepting the task of reincarnation.

   At the same time, he obtained two rare equipment upgrade stones, which raised the current level 10 balance wand to level 20.

  Balance the properties of the wand at this time.

  【Balanced Wand·Purple Gold】

  [Equipment Requirements]: Level 20

  [Equipment Attributes]:

  Ability Attack: (Professional Star + Equipment Level)*200*(1+Number of Reincarnations)

  Attack speed: (professional star + equipment level)*100*(1+reincarnation times)

  Energy recovery speed: (professional star rating + equipment level) * 100 * (1 + number of reincarnations) / 10 seconds

  Intelligence: (Professional Star + Equipment Level)*40*(1+Number of Reincarnations)

  Spirit: (Professional Star + Equipment Level)*40*(1+Number of Reincarnations)

  【Equipment Special Effects】: Energy Missile, Shared Life, Thousand Miles, Balance

  After upgrading to level 20, the properties of the balance wand have obviously changed.

   Not only the balance wand, Chen Mo's Glory Brave suit also had an extra line after he reached level 20.

   That is the bonus related to the number of reincarnations.

  Of course, Chen Mo has not yet reincarnated professionally, so the extra line of words means nothing.

   After all, 1+0 is still equal to 1.

   After upgrading the weapon, and after waiting for some time, the skill of "Summoning the Undead ●God" finally recovered.

  Chen Mo immediately cast it, but now the skeleton summoning skill is no longer invisible, so in order to prevent the room from being overcrowded, Chen Mo activated the hidden treasure box in advance.

   In this way, the undead summoned by him will continue to enter the invisible state.

  【Heavenly reminder: You cast "Undead Summoner God" to summon a powerful mid-level undead "Necromancer"! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations, you have triggered the 100 times summoning rate of undead gathering, and the number of summons this time has increased by 100 times! 】

  In an instant, 100 invisible necromancers appeared beside Chen Mo.

  【Necromancer · Intermediate Undead】

  [Attributes]: HP 1038864, energy 2597160, law attack 311659, dual defense 543845


  〖Soul Burn〗: Consume 10,000 energy points to cause the target unit to suffer blood loss equal to 5 times your magic attack, with a cooling time of 5 seconds.

  〖Dark Energy Bomb〗: Throw a dark energy bomb that bombards a range of 100 meters, causing area damage equal to your "law attack x 2", and making all enemy units in it into a dark state, with a cooling time of 10 seconds.

  【Special skills】: Special undead

  〖Special Undead〗: Share the abilities attached to all the skills of the same series as "Skull Summoning".

  〖Shared Ability〗: Explosive Bomb, Resurrection, Corpse Poison, Rally, Sacred, Concentric

  Although the necromancer only has two skills, the effect is not weak.

  One single point and one group attack, and they all have something.

  Single-point skills can cause blood loss.

  This blood loss is a relatively special kind of injury.

   There will be no determination of the source of the damage when causing this kind of damage, so all the anti-injury and counter-attack effects of the opponent will not take effect because of the damage you caused.

  At the same time, this kind of loss damage ignores defense. It feels a bit similar to solid injury, but it is somewhat different from solid injury.

  Because this damage is not considered to be cast by a certain unit, it is only counted as the natural loss of the opponent.

  So this damage is impossible to produce a crit.

   Even with Chen Mo's god-level crit aura, it's useless.

  Because the god-level crit halo blesses Chen Mo's friendly units.

  Drainable damage is non-applied unit damage.

  So you can't get crit at all, and naturally you can't get all the extra boosts such as damage increase.

   belongs to a type of damage that is stable but difficult to increase.

   But in many cases, this type of damage is actually very useful.

   Especially when encountering hedgehog-type enemies.

  Chen Mo once heard of a professional who stood still and was able to kill all those who beat him just by hitting him.

  It is very outrageous to be true.

   Against this kind of person, this damage can be of great use.

  Looking at a hundred necromancers, considering that the death knights were stronger than them, Chen Mo didn't give them permanent quotas, and directly put them all in the containment space for backup.

  After finishing all this, Chen Mo began to receive the task of ten-star reincarnation.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You are about to receive the professional ten-star reincarnation task. Whether you succeed or fail to receive this task, it will consume 18.76 million experience points. Are you sure? 】


  【Prompt from Heaven: It is detected that you are a five-star initial hidden job, your ten-star reincarnation mission will definitely be a ten-star hidden reincarnation mission, and the difficulty will be far greater than the normal ten-star reincarnation mission, do you continue to accept it! 】

   "Is there another saying?"

  Chen Mo was immediately overjoyed. You must know that the probability of triggering the hidden reincarnation mission is extremely low. You may only encounter one reincarnation mission with 10,000 five-star difficulty challenges.

  Although the difficulty encountered will be higher than that of the normal five-star reincarnation mission, the benefits are also greater.

  If a normal profession has exclusive skills, if you want to increase the strength of multiple abilities as much as possible, you need to choose the high-star difficulty career reincarnation challenge as much as possible.

  For example, you have eight exclusive skills. After you choose the five-star difficulty and pass the reincarnation challenge, you can choose five of your talents and eight skills to strengthen once.

  And if you encounter the hidden reincarnation mission, after passing it, all of your eight exclusive skills and your talent effects will be strengthened.

  Therefore, the income gap between the hidden reincarnation task and the normal reincarnation task is still obvious!

  Chen Mo can meet 100% of the time. Although it is more difficult than normal for him to reincarnate as a career, it can still be said to be a blood profit!

  He immediately chose to continue.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The experience points have been deducted successfully. The ten-star hidden reincarnation mission is officially released. You need to enter a special challenge space to challenge the ten-star hidden reincarnation mission. Do you want to go now? 】

  Recalling what happened yesterday, Chen Mo went out first and explained to Liu Yiyi: "Sister Yiyi, I also have something to go out today. I may be late, so you don't need to prepare my dinner."

   "So busy? Are you going on a date with your little girlfriend?"

   Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

   "Where is it? It's something else."

   "I have to go out at night, what else can I do." Liu Yiyi said with an expression that I understand.

  Chen Mo had nothing to say, no more excuses.

  After he turned around and went out, he directly entered the challenge space where the ten-star hidden reincarnation mission was, and disappeared at the door.

  Anyway, there is a state of hidden spirit, and he does not take the initiative to reveal it. No one can see him except the fifth-rank powerhouse, and he is not afraid of being exposed when he comes back.

  (end of this chapter)

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