Chapter 198 Slaughter! (five in one, 510)

  【Heavenly reminder: You are about to start the ten-star hidden reincarnation mission. The time consumed by the mission process is not synchronized with the outside world. No matter how long the mission time passes, it is equivalent to six hours outside. Please be prepared. 】

  Chen Mo already understood this point, so he ignored it and chose to continue.

  【Heavenly reminder: I will send you to the copy of this mission soon...】

  As the light in front of him changed, Chen Mo appeared in a dark hall.

   "Master Master, you are finally back."

   Before Chen Mo could observe the surrounding environment, there was a strange creature wearing a black robe and thin skin all over his body, and respectfully worshiped him.

  At this time, Chen Mo's ear also sounded a reminder from Heaven.

  【Heaven’s reminder: The mission of the master of the dead has officially started, and the further power you are looking for about the master of the dead is hidden in the land of the dead.

  But today's land of the dead is no longer what it used to be, you can't open the secret realm of the dead and get the power you want!

   Please revive the glory of the land of the dead, and spread the power of the dead to the entire Norton Kingdom!

  Special reminder: In this dungeon, you may find clues about professional-specific artifacts, so pay more attention.

  The total dungeon time limit is 30 days, please pay more attention to time changes. 】

  Professional exclusive artifacts are owned by every profession. As for whether you can get them, it depends on your own ability.

   Once obtained, it can bring a huge boost to the professional talent effect!

  Professional-specific artifacts are finally obtained through collecting components through reincarnation missions.

   If you haven’t collected all of them by the fifth turn, then there is no hope of getting them again.

  That's why some professionals will focus on finding clues to professional-specific artifacts at the first time during the reincarnation task.

  However, in general, the higher the difficulty of the reincarnation task, the easier it is to obtain clues related to the professional artifact, and the lower the difficulty of the professional reincarnation task, the harder it is to obtain the clues related to the exclusive artifact.

  Of course, the career-specific artifact is also related to the initial career star rating. The higher the initial career star rating, the harder it is.

  Generally, for occupations below 3 stars, if you want to obtain professional artifacts, it is recommended to challenge the reincarnation task of your own occupation star plus the difficulty of 3 stars.

   In this way, the difficulty of reincarnation of the main line profession is moderate, and the clues related to the exclusive artifact are relatively easy to obtain.

  For some professionals, if they don’t find any clues about professional artifacts in the reincarnation mission, they may even actively choose to give up the mission, accumulate experience points and open another mission to continue to obtain it.

  Otherwise, it would not be easy to obtain the relevant clues of professional-specific artifacts.

  While challenging the main job reincarnation task, challenging this branch line will bring you a great increase in difficulty.

  So for exclusive artifacts, it is often recommended to give up the main line reincarnation mission and focus on the branch line of professional exclusive artifacts. After obtaining the professional exclusive artifact fragments, it is no problem to go back and spend experience to continue challenging the main line reincarnation task.

  The premise is that you can afford to consume time and experience, as well as take risks.

   Is the task of reincarnation so easy to deal with? Even choosing the lowest difficulty is fatal.

  You advance again and again, that is, taking your own life and taking risks again and again.

   How to choose, depends on everyone.

  Chen Mo was still paying attention to the professional artifacts, so he received another reminder from Heaven.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The focus of the revival of the Land of the Dead is to accumulate the energy of death and fear of other creatures. If you want to revive the Land of the Dead as soon as possible, it is recommended to spread the shadow of fear and death to the entire orc kingdom...】

   "Good guy, I seem to be a villain in this task."

   As a newcomer, Chen Mo first got to know the situation here with the guy next to him.

   It turns out that this person is called Gudolph, a lich, and one of the only three masters left in the Land of the Dead.

  The land of the dead used to be an existence that kept the entire continent at a respectful distance.

  But with the disappearance of the master of the undead, the land of the undead has become a soft persimmon, and the Norton kingdom of the orc empire sent people to wipe it out every now and then.

  The orcs have always hated the sneaky undead, so they intend to completely eradicate the land of the undead.

   With wave after wave of suppression, the land of the dead is almost wiped out now.

   "How many people will the orc army send at a time?"

   "There are still tens of thousands of them. If we didn't have the city of the undead as a barrier, I'm afraid that your ruler's throne will be demolished by them now."

   "Are there any specific properties for them?"

   "Yes, I recorded it with the recording crystal, you see..."

  As Gudolph took out a black crystal ball and wiped it with his hand, many orcs appeared in the crystal ball immediately.

  The heads of these orcs display their attributes.

   "So weak!"

   Just finished fighting with a team of 60-level, 2-rank, full-star powerhouses. Seeing the monster attributes in this dungeon, Chen Mo instantly felt so weak.

  Because this is a mission dungeon after all, the level of the monster is only level 20. Compared with the full level and full stars of the second round, the natural attributes seem to be much weaker.

   "Just these things can make you look like you are falling apart?"

  Chen Mo sensed Gudolph's attributes. This guy's attributes are not weak, even very strong.

  Chen Mo reckoned that he should have the strength to reach level 40.

   "These are just ordinary orc soldiers, and there are many strong orcs on their heads, especially the orc sword master, who is extremely powerful, and we dare not fight him hard.

  The orcs are not good at magic, but their physical bodies are tyrannical. Combined with the blood curse ability they have learned recently by burning blood and blood, it has greatly improved the strength of the overall orcs. Our undead can't resist their attacks at all. "

   "So that's the case, do you have the attributes to burn that orc sword master?"

   "I'm sorry Master Juggernaut, this orc sword master is wearing a blood curse rune, I can't burn his information."

   "Well, I know the general things. How long has it been since the last time the orcs came to the land of the dead?"

   "It's been almost a month, and they will strike again in a few days."

  【Heavenly reminder: The orc army will attack again in three days. Please take advantage of the stronghold of the city of the undead to resist this attack!

   Completing the defense mission will give you 1000 points of Undead Worship! (10,000 points of Undead Worship are required to open the Undead Realm.)]

  Chen Mo opened the map and checked. The Land of the Dead where he is is still some distance away from the Norton Kingdom.

   "Instead of waiting for them to come over, it is faster for us to counterattack directly."

   Chen Mo thought about it and said.

   "Counterattack? We don't have enough manpower, my lord, the death energy consumption in our undead land is too high, and it is already difficult to summon low-level undead."


  Chen Mo immediately tried to use his summoning skills.

   Soon he received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Please note that due to the low death energy in your environment, the number of undead you can summon has been reduced to 1%! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations, you have triggered the 50 times summoning probability of "Undead Gathering", and the number of summons this time has increased by 50 times! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully summoned 2000 skeleton monsters! 】

   "As expected of Master Juggernaut, you can easily summon so many skeleton monsters when the death energy is so thin!"

   Seeing Chen Mo casually summoning 2,000 skeleton monsters, Gu Daofu immediately came up to flatter him.

   "So that's the case. If I'm in an environment with too little death energy, my ability to summon undead will also be greatly affected. Fortunately, I have the passive ability of gathering undead, which can correct this effect."

   After confirming that he can still summon a lot of undead, Chen Mo felt relieved.

   Otherwise, he can only use the 20,000 undead contained in the containment space of his body to fight.

   Among the 20,000 undead, there are five undead knights, one hundred undead wizards, and the rest are all skeleton monsters.

   Released in one breath, the combat power is still very abnormal.

   It's just that the strength of the enemy is not yet known, nor does it know how much combat power is needed to deal with it.

  Chen Mo decided that it would be better to spy on the enemy first.

   After all, it is an entire kingdom of orcs, and its combat power should not be underestimated.

   "You stay here and guard the city of the undead. I will go to the orc kingdom to see the situation."

  Confirmed his summoning ability, instead of sitting still, Chen Mo decided to take the initiative.

   Otherwise, when the next wave of orcs attack, I don't know if we can defend this undead city.

   After all, it is a ten-star hidden mission, and Heavenly Dao even said that it is very difficult. I am afraid that it is not so easy to defend.

   And Tiandao also gave three days of preparation time, isn't it just to let myself use these three days to do something?

  Whether it is to strengthen the city of the undead, or something else, it must be possible as long as it can enhance the combat effectiveness of one's own side.

  Chen Mo decided to use these three days to recover some dead energy. In this way, all combat units in his land of the dead should be improved to a certain extent, which is still very good.

   "Master Master, do you want to go to the orc kingdom by yourself? Those orcs know the mysterious blood curse, and their combat power will be much stronger than it looks, so don't underestimate it!"

   "Don't worry, I'm just going to check it out, just guard this place."

   "Don't worry, Lord Master, I will fight to the death to protect the city of the undead!" Gudolph said, patting his chest with his staff.

  Chen Mo nodded, and took off directly to the orc kingdom.

  As Chen Mo expended energy to accelerate, he turned into a beam of light and shot towards the orc kingdom.

  In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived at the orc kingdom, which was tens of thousands of meters away.

   Arriving near the orc kingdom, Chen Mo directly opened the hidden treasure box and entered the hidden state.

  The orc kingdom is different from the human kingdom. They didn't build any tall walls. Their kingdom was basically composed of tribes.

   Most of the surrounding tribes are tall wooden fences.

  In the tribe, the green-skinned orcs are busy with their own affairs.

  Chen Mo turned around to find the location of the orc barracks.

  Massacre is definitely not necessary, how can there be undead if there are no living beings.

  Destroying the orc kingdom would be detrimental to the cycle of death.

  The main thing is to destroy the vitality of the orcs and bring them a little undead shock.

  After all, the task prompt also said that it is to spread fear and the shadow of death.

   There are no more creatures, who are you spreading the shadow of fear and death to?

   After turning around, Chen Mo finally found several orc barracks.

   It has to be said that the orcs have a strong reproductive ability, the race is very prosperous, and the number of soldiers in the barracks is extremely large.

  At the same time, they are inherently strong individually, and it can be said that they have the ability of all members to be soldiers.

   And in the state of all soldiers, and additionally select soldiers to come out, it is naturally stronger.

  Chen Mo compared them with normal human low-star professionals.

  At the same level, human beings are simply being beaten.

  Now that he found the barracks, Chen Mo directly landed on the nearby ground and spawned skeleton monsters.

  He felt that he didn't need to take advantage of the stronghold of Undead City at all.

  With the sky-defying attributes of my current skeleton monster, how can these 20-level guys be able to withstand it?

  After ten minutes of brushing, Chen Mo finally summoned 200 times more skeleton monsters.

  Looking at the 8,000 skeleton monsters around, Chen Mo put undead worship and violent shields on them, and sent them directly to attack the orc barracks.

  However, before sending them out, Chen Mo released their occult state.

   After all, he is here to spread the fear of the undead.

  If they don't know what killed them, wouldn't that spread loneliness.

  At this time, in the orc barracks, the orcs were still training with axes and hammers.

  Some of them are training their strength by lifting big rocks.

  Orcs' worship of physical strength is extremely high.

   But there are also some who are drinking blood, Chen Mo is speechless for a while, obviously they can light a fire, but they want to drink blood and eat raw meat?

   Don't know what the **** it is.

   Just when they were unaware, eight thousand powerful skeleton monsters suddenly killed the gate of their barracks.

   At this time, on the sentry tower, the sentries were all shocked and inexplicable when they saw this scene.

   "Enemy attack! Undead, undead!!"



  As they frantically sounded the alarm bell and sounded the warning horn, all the vital forces of the entire orc race rushed towards this side.

   When they sounded the alarm, all the orc soldiers had already taken their weapons and rushed towards the skeleton monsters.

  They still don't know that the skeleton monster that appeared this time is not the skeleton monster they killed in the land of the dead before.

   Those skeleton monsters before were just some false airs. When they passed by with an ax or a hammer, those skeleton monsters shattered and fell apart.

  The current skeleton monster is more powerful than they imagined.

   Just as they were rushing towards the skeleton monsters, eight thousand skeleton mages fired energy bombs at them.

   Bang bang bang! !

  As the energy bomb hit, the orc soldiers exploded instantly, turning into puddles of puddles of meat.

   "How is it possible! Why are these skeleton monsters so powerful!?"

  On the sentry tower, they were extremely surprised to see that the attack of the skeleton monster could instantly kill an orc soldier!

  The next moment, something that surprised them even more happened.

  Seeing bursts of black mist rising, all the orc soldiers who had just died and turned into fleshy pulp all gained undead bodies, turned into undead orc soldiers, stood up again, and attacked other orc soldiers around them.

   "Damn undead, turned our great orc warrior into a foul-smelling undead, hurry up and inform Lord Shaman!"

  The soldiers on the sentry tower immediately jumped off the sentry tower and rushed towards the depths of the tribe.

  At this time, Chen Mo saw a few orcs flying into the air.

   "It seems that these few are the masters in the Beastman Kingdom."

   Soon those orc masters flew over.

  I saw one of them, a mighty-looking orc with fangs in his mouth, holding a long sword in his hand, and rushed towards the skeleton monster quickly.

   "Is this the orc sword master?"

  Chen Mo immediately perceived the opponent's attributes.

  【Heavenly reminder: Since the other party is guarded by the blood curse rune, no information can be detected. 】

   "Can't even detect any information about him with SSS-level detection ability? This blood curse rune is really something."

  Chen Mo glanced at the small bag hanging on the Juggernaut's chest, guessing that it contained the blood curse rune.

  As the Juggernaut held a sharp sword, he turned into a sword light and cut directly into the skeleton group, and his whole body turned into a flashing sword light, cutting across the skeleton monsters in an invincible state.

   "What skill? So fierce? Can it kill me with skeleton monsters?"

  Chen Mo was a little surprised, as the sword master slashed, the skeleton monster died instantly.

  Chen Mo seriously suspected that there was something wrong with the sword in the opponent's hand.

  As the skeleton monster died, bursts of red light immediately lit up with the sound of bang bang bang.

  The surrounding orc soldiers were blown to death immediately, and all of them turned into undead orc soldiers stood up again, and killed other nearby barracks.

  As for the orc sword master, he retreated far away unscathed after a single blow.

   "Don't come here!"

   When he fled, he also shouted back the other masters who were about to fly over.

   "Didn't that kill him? Was he invulnerable during the attack?"

  Chen Mo suddenly remembered the guy he met in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds event who would be invincible as long as he used the corresponding moves. The performance of the orc sword master was very similar to that person.

   To deal with this kind of character, you only need to have a large number of skeleton monsters around him to blow up.

  Although the orc sword master slashed very happily just now, only a few hundred skeleton monsters were killed.

   There are still many skeleton monsters alive, and they immediately attacked the orc sword master.

   A lot of energy bombs flew towards the orc sword master at an extremely fast speed.

  Even the orc sword master dare not be careless in the face of Chen Mo's skeleton monster.

  Since rushing over just now, he has discovered that these skeleton monsters are different.

  Otherwise, he wouldn't have immediately hid far away after sending out the invincible slash, and even drove his companions away.

  Seeing how powerful the skeleton monster was, he naturally didn't dare to take these attacks head-on.

   But before he could escape, a thin **** curtain appeared in front of him, blocking all flying objects.

   Chen Mo looked up and saw an orc shaman flying over.

   "This guy also has a blood curse rune? Where did he get this thing? It's also mass-produced."

  Chen Mo feels that these guys are not simple, maybe there is some power behind them.

   "Barto, are you okay?"

  After the orc shaman questioned the orc sword master, he waved his staff, and all the energy bombs fired by the blocked skeleton mages were knocked down to the ground.

   "I'm fine, it's just that these skeleton monsters are too strange, and their strength is beyond imagination. It must be that the undead master of the land of the dead has returned to the world."

   "Indeed, according to the previous evaluation of the land of the dead, the death there is fading, and it is no longer what it used to be. It shouldn't be possible to have such a powerful undead. It's dangerous now."

   "Go and inform Lord Beast God."

   "I have already sent people there, but I don't know when the Beast God will see our notice."

   "Then what should we do now? When these skeleton monsters kill our clansmen, they will also transform our clansmen into damned undead. It's just that we can deal with this wave. If it continues, I'm afraid it will be difficult to solve."

   While the two were discussing, all the skeleton monsters suddenly disappeared.

   Let the skeleton monsters show their faces, and let them know what is attacking, and then you can directly deal with them in a state of invisible state.

   "They still have such an advanced stealth ability? It is definitely the return of the undead master."

  Chen Mo didn't expect that the two orcs could still see their own skeleton monsters after they had already entered the state of ecstasy.

  Chen Mo once again set his eyes on the blood curse talisman on their chests, this thing is so weird.

   But it's useless to see it!

  Chen Mo directly hit the skeleton monsters with an infinite healing wave.

   Now, the orc sword master and orc shaman finally discovered that there is actually a mysterious person hidden behind these skeleton monsters.

  They tried to perceive Chen Mo's attributes, but unfortunately, even having the blood curse rune was useless. Their perception of Chen Mo could only perceive chaos.

   But at this time they have no time to deal with Chen Mo.

  As the healing wave touched the first skeleton monster, within 0.01 second, it jumped onto the body of the orc sword master. In an instant, the blood volume of the orc sword master dropped a lot.

   At this time, this terrifying energy actually spread directly, and even the orc shaman next to the orc sword master was affected, and a section of blood was lost.

   This is the first time to jump, and Healing Wave can jump 100 times in 1 second.

  In an instant, the healing wave kept jumping back and forth at a very fast speed among different skeleton monsters, orc sword masters, and orc shamans.

The jumping logic skill description of Infinite Healing Wave is very clear. Every time it jumps between the enemy and the enemy, that is, after jumping on the friend, it must jump on the enemy next time, and then jump on the friend again. Go back to the enemy next time.

  The second jumping rule is to give priority to selecting targets that have not been jumped to.

   This priority selection is based on the two sides of the enemy and the enemy.

   Instead of having ten people on the friendly side and only two on the enemy side, after jumping twice, the enemies will all jump on the friendly side.

This priority jump means that when there are 1 to 10 people on your side and two enemies are A and B, your side will jump in turn between 1 to 10 people, and each time you jump back to the enemy, you will jump between A and B. cycle between people.

  That is to say, 1A2B3A4B... until 9A10B and then back to 1A2B.

   This is the power of infinite jump.

   If there is only one opponent, it will jump back and forth on him alone, and the damage will be full!

   Although Chen Mo's damage is not as high as that of the skeleton monster, it is still quite high.

  Even if the Orc Juggernaut and Orc Shaman have a blood volume comparable to that of a gold boss, it's useless.

Under the influence of the abnormal 0.01-second healing wave, in just one second, they will suffer at least 50 solid injuries from the maximum blood volume of the skeleton monster, and 50 times Chen Mo's "law attack × professional star" Level + 10000 points' damage, and this damage spreads every time, jumping to one person hurts two people at the same time.

  Even if they don't take critical damage, Chen Mo can deal 37129000 points of damage to them in just 1 second.

And Chen Mo, who has a god-level crit halo, will definitely be a crit every time he takes damage. Counting his own crit damage that is a hundred or dozens of times higher, the damage is even more astonishing. One second is enough for Chen Mo to deal with these two. The orc powerhouse did more than 6 billion damage.

  Unless they are a level 20 group boss, they will die if they can't last even a second.

   But what's strange is that Chen Mo's injuries kept jumping on them, but they didn't die immediately.

I saw bursts of strange red light from the bags on their chests, and then a majestic blood gushed out from the two of them. In an instant, the eyes of the orc sword master and orc shaman became red, and energy burst out from their bodies. Entered the undead state.

  The next moment, the orc sword master suddenly twisted his body, and unexpectedly spun out a terrifying storm of blood-colored blades. This storm of blades swept towards the skeleton monster in an instant with him as the center.

  In just a split second, all the skeleton monsters around were swept to death.

   And the healing wave jumped on him and was swallowed directly.

  Chen Mo also received a reminder from Heaven at the same time.

  【Heavenly reminder: Since the opponent is in a state of magic immunity, your healing wave cannot affect it and has been interrupted. 】

   "What the **** is this blood curse rune? It's so perverted?"

   Seeing that the other party showed great power and wiped out his skeleton monsters in seconds, Chen Mo directly summoned a batch of skeleton monsters on the spot and sent them up again.

   "I want to see how long you can survive."

When the orc sword master cast the **** blade storm and twirled wildly, the orc shaman beside him was not idle. As his staff pointed to the ground, a circle of **** area appeared on the ground, as long as the skeleton monster stepped in Among them, they will be held by **** hands, unable to move in place!

   Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't care, and summoned again, this time directly letting the skeleton monster fly through the air.

  However, Chen Mo underestimated this weird scarlet area.

  Even if it flies into the air, it will be forcibly pulled by **** hands that come out of nowhere and cannot move forward.

   "These two guys really have something."

  Seeing that the two of them showed off their supernatural powers, Chen Mo decided not to attack them for now.

  Can these two people still develop their abilities for a day?

   Moreover, if I don't get entangled with them, can they still catch up with me?

  Chen Mo smiled indifferently and turned into a beam of light, flying towards the other orc barracks next to him, and began the slaughter.

   Within a short time, more than 100,000 orc soldiers were killed.

  The number of undead orc soldiers has increased by more than 100,000.

  Seeing that the undead are killing more and more, the orc sword master and orc shaman are useless even if they don't die. They can only chase after them to clean them up.

   Besides them, some characters like orc priests rushed over.

  Seeing that these guys had blood curse runes on their chests, Chen Mo lost even the interest in killing them.

   After all, I still don’t know why these guys can’t die. I still have to figure out the reason, but I’m here today. I’m sorry for making such a trip if I don’t cause them a big mess.

  As Chen Mo continued to kill the orc soldiers, the reminders of the Dao of Heaven kept ringing in his ears.

  【Prompt from heaven: You killed an orc soldier, and the death energy of the land of the dead increased by 1 point...】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your actions have brought great panic to the orc kingdom. The terrifying reputation of the undead is spreading, and the fear of the orcs is accumulating. The current fear level is 20%...】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your actions have brought great panic to the kingdom of orcs. The shadow of death is lingering in their hearts. Your fearful reputation is spreading, and the fear of the orcs is accumulating. The current fear level is 20.01%...】


  The fear level of the orcs began to rise continuously. As for the use of this fear level, Chen Mo is not yet clear.

  But the recovery of dead energy is helpful for Chen Mo to display his abilities.

  With the death of more than 100,000 orc soldiers, Chen Mo's summoning skills are no longer limited to 1% as before, but have recovered to 10%.

  This made Chen Mo's fighting power much stronger.

  Originally this dungeon mission was for him to defend the orcs from attacking the city and then counterattack.

   As a result, now he is about to overthrow the orc kingdom.

  The army of millions of orcs in the orc kingdom was directly slaughtered by Chen Mo about 20%.

   At this time, Chen Mo didn't intend to stop.

   I can't kill some of your important characters, and I can't deal with you little ones!

   Directly kill the remaining bare commanders for them, and see what they use to attack the land of the dead.

   "Damn it, there is no way to go on like this. Our cleaning speed is not as fast as his killing. If this goes on like this, all of our orc soldiers will become stinking undead!"

   "Has Lord Beast God not replied yet?"


   "Can't you contact him by force?"

   "I'm afraid it will offend him." The orc shaman hesitated and shook his head.

   "What time is it? If Lord Beast God doesn't intervene, our tribe will be killed!"

  The orc sword master said after turning into a red sword light and slashing through a group of undead orc soldiers.

  The orc shaman flew in the air, looking at the undead orc soldiers who were originally orc soldiers, he was also entangled for a while, and finally decided to take a risk.

  Even if you offend Lord Beast God and punish him, there is nothing you can do about it.

As the orc shaman picked up the animal tooth and pierced his palm, a stream of dark purple blood flowed out from his palm. His left hand was quickly stained with blood and was drawing something in the void. A few seconds later, Chen Mo He looked up into the air in shock.

  Because he felt a terrifying power appear.

  He left a death knight on the spot to observe the follow-up, and then flew back to the city of the undead with a flash of a god.

  Before, he didn't have a **** flashing over just because he was not familiar with the situation here, and it was not easy to fly around.

  As Chen Mo returned to the city of the undead, an extremely huge green face with terrifying fangs appeared above the Norton Kingdom.

   "Gilph, what are you calling me forcibly with the Beast God Curse?"

  The huge green face opened its mouth, and the sound shook the world, causing all the orcs to kneel and kowtow unconsciously.

  Even if there are undead attacking them, they still give priority to kowtowing to the huge face in the air.

   It's amazing.

   It seems that they found the undead making trouble in the orc territory.

  Suddenly, a huge green phantom palm descended from the sky towards the Norton Kingdom and shot it directly.

   But the magic is that this huge palm that fell from the sky penetrated all the buildings and orcs, but smashed all the undead that were still active.

  Including the skeleton monsters summoned by Chen Mo.

   Even these skeleton monsters didn't even have a chance to activate their immortality and resurrection abilities, and they turned into nothingness directly.

   "It's really abnormal, is this the power of a real god?!"

Since Chen Mo and the skeleton monster have concentric abilities, they can perceive everything that the skeleton monster perceives. He clearly sensed a wave of extinguishing-level energy sweeping across the skeleton monster's body, making it impossible for the skeleton monster to exert any ability. destroyed into nothingness.

   "Master Beast God, I dare to disturb Lord Beast God because of these strange undead! They suddenly attacked our Norton Kingdom and killed our kingdom soldiers wantonly. We cannot stop them, so we can only ask for your assistance."

   "Hmph, who told you to harass the land of the undead, now that the master of the undead is back, it is natural to settle accounts with you, you have done stupid things yourself, wipe your **** yourself!

  This seat still needs to rest, don't call me because of this matter next time.

By the way, you all worship the blood **** in private, right? This guy is not a good guy. As an orc, he doesn't think about making progress and relying on his own strength to exercise his own strength. He always thinks about using crooked methods to strengthen himself, after all, the way to death , do it yourself! "

   After finishing speaking, the Beast God glanced at the death knight hiding in the distance left by Chen Mo, and then disappeared.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo knew that the Beast God knew that he was eavesdropping.

  But he still said that he didn’t care about it, so did he really care about it?

  Chen Mo thinks it may not be the case.

   And what caught his attention even more was the matter of the Blood God.

   This guy doesn't know what the **** it is.

   According to the blood curse rune, this perverted thing should be given to them by the blood god.

   If he continues to slaughter, the beast **** will not care, these guys will not ask a blood **** to help, right?

  The appearance of the beast **** just now really scared him.

  The terrifying coercion of divine power, the more divine power you have, the more clearly you can feel the gap.

  Chen Mo felt that he had 10 points of divine power in front of the opponent, so weak it was like having nothing.

  Ghosts know how much divine power this beast **** has.

  And this might just be the phantom of the other party's avatar, it can contain so much divine power, and the main body doesn't know how strong it will be.

   Fortunately, he didn't directly intervene, otherwise there would be no need to play.

  At this time, in the Beastman Kingdom, Chen Mo made trouble and was criticized by the Beast God.

  Many orcs bowed their heads in shame.

   It is true that the existence of the blood curse has given them a strong increase in combat power.

   But these forces are external forces, not exercised by themselves.

   is heresy.

   It's just that they were lost in the pleasure of gaining powerful power in an instant.

   have already forgotten their original intentions.

   Now being scolded by Lord Beast God, they couldn't help feeling ashamed.

   But this time, if it weren't for the blood curse rune, they would have been wiped out long ago.

  Thinking of this, many people feel a little shaken.

  Chen Mo saw all these through the eyes of the death knight.

   "It seems that these guys are not prepared to cut off the connection with the Blood God. The main task this time is to spread fear and the shadow of death to the powerful undead, and it seems that they have nothing to do with the Blood God.

   Then the blood **** appeared for no reason, could it be related to the professional artifact? "

  Chen Mo couldn't help but think so.

   Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense to make such a move.

  If it is related to the blood god, how do I carry out this task?

   Let the orcs voluntarily give up worshiping the blood race?

   While Chen Mo was thinking about the side missions, the Heavenly Dao reminder was still ringing.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your fear of the orc kingdom has reached 50%. The fear collectors in Undead City have collected a lot of energy. You can convert this fear energy into dead energy to supply the entire Undead Land.

  As long as there is a steady stream of fear energy, you can continuously transform it into more dead energy. 】

  【Heaven’s Tip: The recovery level of the concentration of dead air in the land of the dead has reached 50%. When the recovery level of the concentration of dead energy reaches 75%, the mystery of the undead can be opened, but the worship of the dead is required to open the mystery of the dead. 】

  As the Heavenly Dao prompts sounded continuously, Chen Mo felt that he seemed to be in place in one step.

  If you do this, it won’t take a few days for the dead energy to return to 75%.

   After all, the orcs directly demolished their homes and killed so many soldiers, even the beast gods were alarmed. This fear was enough to linger in their hearts for a long time.

   Presumably, the energy of fear will gather continuously.

   is the only thing to consider at the moment. Undead Secret Realm requires Undead Worship. This thing is not easy to handle!

  Chen Mo thinks that he should wander around the city to let others know that he has brought back the intensity of death energy, and then the worship of the undead will increase?

Not long after he came back, Gu Daofu was so excited that he rushed in front of him impolitely and exclaimed, "Master Master, you are indeed Lord Master! You have just returned, and there is a lot of death energy in our land of the undead!" Restoration, and the fear collectors in the city have also detected a large amount of fear energy that is continuously collecting fear energy and transforming it into more death energy, it must be the work of you, master juggernaut."

   Seeing the sycophants coming, Chen Mo immediately nodded and said: "That's right, I just used some tricks when I went out."

  As soon as Chen Mo finished speaking, Gudolph said excitedly: "I want to convey this good news to all the undead soldiers immediately, and let them know that our land of the undead is about to be revived!"

  Hearing this, Chen Mo immediately felt happy. This feeling is good, and the degree of worship of the undead will definitely increase by a wave.

  He immediately said: "Then you step back."

   "Yes, this subordinate is resigning."

  As Gudolph hurried out, after a while, Chen Mo received the news that his undead worship degree had increased.

   But not much.

   More than an hour later, in the hall of the Undead City, just when Chen Mo felt that the worship of the undead was slowly increasing, Gu Daofu suddenly ran into the hall and said, "Master Master, the priest of the orc clan came to ask for an audience."

   "Priest of the orc race? Why is he here? Let him in."

  (end of this chapter)

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