Chapter 199 Amazing efficiency! (five in one, 1010)

  Chen Mogao sat on the ruler's throne, looking down at the orc priest from a huge height, which made the orc priest feel a strong sense of oppression.

  Before he came, he guessed that the Lord of the Undead had returned, and now that he really saw it, he was still a little flustered.

   After all, the orcs attacked the Land of the Dead before very powerfully.

  If it weren't for the fact that the stronghold of Undead City is difficult to capture, they wouldn't have dragged it until today.

  The main thing is that they can't stay in the land of the dead for too long, otherwise too much dark energy will accumulate in the body and the body will be corroded.

  So unable to attack for a long time, they can only retreat to clear away the dark energy before they can attack again.

   As a result, when I went back this time, my house was ransacked before the army could attack again.

   Having seen Chen Mo's supernatural power in their hometown just now, he didn't dare to look up at Chen Mo at this moment, for fear of offending him and causing him to make another scene in his own clan.

  He saluted very respectfully: "The orc priest Chakuku has seen Lord Master of the Undead."

   "Excuse me, you orcs came to my land of the dead to make trouble a few days ago, and I have paid you back today. Are you here so soon because you want to declare war?"

   "No, no..." Chakuku waved his hands in fright.

  Before the land of the undead was thin, the undead lord had such a terrifying ability that he almost overturned the orcs by himself. If it wasn't for the action of the beast god, the death and injury of the orcs would have increased several times.

   Now that the land of the undead is revived, this master of the undead will only be stronger than before.

  How dare he come to declare war.

   "No? Then why are you here?" Chen Mo rested his elbow on the throne, propped his cheek with his right hand and asked Chakuku with great interest.

   "I'm here to seek peace." Chakuku immediately explained his purpose.

   "Seek peace? Hehe, when you can win, you want to slaughter wantonly, and when you can't win, you want to ask for peace? Where do you think I am in the land of the dead!"

   Although Chen Mo's voice was not heavy, his tone revealed the coercion of a superior.

   Hearing this, Chakuku panicked and said, "Understood, it was our orc race who made a mistake first, so I came here with sincerity."

   "Then let me see what your sincerity is."

Unexpectedly, Chakuku actually took off the blood-curse talisman on his neck and held it up respectfully as a tribute, saying, "This is a blood-curse talisman, a gift from the blood god. I would like to give this to you." Give it to the adults."

   "My undead are all undead and have no blood. What's the use of this thing?" Although Chen Mo really wanted to see what this thing was for, he still held back.

"Your Excellency doesn't know, you can go to the Blood God Altar to open the Mysterious Blood Treasure with this item. I heard that there is a fragment of a heavy weapon of the undead clan hidden in the Mystical Blood Treasure. The villain just heard it, and I don't know if it is true or not, but I want to think about it. If it is true, it should be regarded as important news for adults."

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo immediately became very interested.

   Isn't this heavy weapon of the undead tribe just a fragment of his own professional artifact?

  He immediately said to Gudolph: "Submit it."

  Gudolph immediately stepped forward respectfully and took the blood curse talisman and handed it to Chen Mo.

[Blood Curse Rune]: Exclusive props for dungeons, exclusive for the orcs, special rune that contains 100 points of blood **** power, holding it can get the blessing of the blood god, and can consume one's own blood to perform skills. Skills cast in this way can be used Obtained by the blood **** enhancement, greatly increasing the power, but each time it is cast, it will lose 1 point of maximum health.

  Under the protection of the Blood Curse Rune, you cannot be detected by any unit. When you receive fatal damage, you can obtain the protection of the Blood God Immortality Curse. At the cost of losing 1 point of maximum HP per second, you will continue to enter the state of immortality!

   "I said that the blood **** is so generous, so wearing this will absorb the maximum life value!"

  Although this thing is said to be tricky, it has to be said to be very strong.

   Being able to maintain an undead state all the time, the method of increasing the loss of 1 point of maximum life per second is deducted. This method of improvement is actually not fast.

   It takes less than 30,000 blood to be deducted for four minutes. A top level 20 orc has a blood volume that is as thick as death, at least hundreds of millions. This method of deducting is enough to keep an expert from dying for a long time.

  But as Beast God said, this kind of self-strengthening with external force is obviously overdrawing oneself.

   It is not a serious method at all.

  Seeing that the other party even handed this kind of thing to him, Chen Mo remained suspicious in his heart.

   This orc tribe may not be very good at looking at the five big and three rough brains.

  But now with this behavior, Chen Mo always feels that they are borrowing a knife to kill someone.

   Want to have a conflict with the blood god?

  If both sides suffer, it will be a great thing for the orcs, which means removing two problems at once.

  Chen Mo doesn't like being tricked by others, so he speaks out directly.

   "It does seem very sincere, but I'm afraid you didn't really come to hand in the talisman. You want to borrow a knife to kill someone and let the blood **** deal with me?"

   "No." Upon hearing that the plan was exposed, Chakuku quickly waved his hands and said, "I will not hide from Lord Juggernaut, we don't want the blood **** to deal with you, but we want to use your power to get rid of the blood god!"

   "Are you kidding me? The Beast God is already so strong. The Blood God is probably on equal terms with him. I don't know who will get rid of him when I face him?"

   Having seen the strength of a beast god, Chen Mo is not interested in wrestling with a blood god.

   Isn't that rushing to die?

"My lord misunderstood. The blood **** is different from the beast god. This world has a lot of beliefs from the beast god, so he can directly descend to the deified clone, but there is not much blood **** belief in this world, and there is only one blood **** altar with him." He has important connections.

  If the blood **** altar can be destroyed, the most important connection between the blood **** and this world can be cut off. We will strengthen management in the future to prevent the blood **** altar from appearing again, which is equivalent to removing him. "

   "Aren't you very satisfied with the use of the blood god's power? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

   "Before the arrival of the Lord Beast God, I believe that the Lord saw it with his own eyes. We were sober after being scolded by him, but now it is difficult for us to get rid of the influence of the Blood God."

   "Why?" Chen Mo became interested.

   "Because we have been absorbed by the blood god, we all have a handle on the blood god.

  As long as you donate your blood to the Blood God, you will become a slave of the Blood God. Unless you can break the altar of the Blood God in this world, you can't get rid of it! "

   Chakuku regretted endlessly.

   Originally thought that this power was enough to protect the safety of the orcs, but after Chen Mo used the undead to destroy the city and slaughtered them today, they found that they worshiped loneliness.

  The power of the blood **** is not enough to protect the safety of their group.

   On the contrary, because of the existence of the blood god, many clansmen abandoned their cultivation, and their overall physical fitness dropped a lot.

   Now it's too late to wake up, and I can only ask outsiders for help.

"According to what you said, I have done a great favor to your orc clan. The fragment of the undead heavy weapon is your apology for attacking the land of the dead before. Then I will help your orc clan solve such a big trouble. Thank you! What is the gift?"

   "We beast race and undead race have nothing in common, so it's hard to come up with what adults need for you.

Once there was a legendary figure in our tribe. After his death, he left a legendary heart. This is extremely precious. It was originally an object enshrined by our tribe. If you don’t dislike it, we are willing to offer this thing , in exchange for the future of our ethnic group. "

   "Oh? Legendary Heart."

  Chen Mo immediately remembered that he needed a legendary heart in order to synthesize his One Heart Corpse Army skills to the next stage.

   This thing is not easy to get, and it is good to be able to prostitute one for nothing now.

   After all, even if they don’t give themselves anything, they have to go to the blood **** altar to open the mysterious blood stash, and obtain professional-specific artifact fragments.

   "I wonder what your lord thinks?" Zha Kuku looked at Chen Mo nervously.

   "Okay, then this alliance will be made with you."

  【Heavenly reminder: Due to your actions, the orc kingdom has changed its diplomatic strategy towards the land of the dead, the orc siege mission has been cancelled, and an alliance has been reached with you.

  You have obtained 10000 points of worship of the dead, and the current worship of the dead is 12569 points! 】

   "I just went to make trouble, but I gained ten times the admiration of the regular defense mission, and it was done in one step."

  Looking at Tiandao's reminder, Chen Mo was overjoyed immediately, he didn't expect to gain such a reward from making trouble.

   But in fact, he was no ordinary troublemaker. He killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and even directly hit two top orc masters to trigger the blood god's immortality curse.

  Forcing them to summon the beast **** even if they offended the beast god.

   This wave completely scares the orcs!

Before, Chen Mo was still thinking that the degree of worship of the undead was so slow that he would die. To open the mystery of the undead, he needed 10,000 points of worship of the undead. There are more than 2,000 extra points for Undead Worship.

   You only need to wait until the death energy in the land of the dead has recovered to 75%, and the reincarnation task this time can be completed directly.

  Chen Mo didn't even feel the difficulty at all.

This is also of course, his current combat power, even the full-level and full-star level of the second turn, can pick up sixteen slings, and doing a mere ten-star reincarnation mission, even if it is a hidden reincarnation mission, is not so difficult as to gang up on a dozen A two-turn full-level full-star go.

   It's just that the reincarnation task is easy to do, but the exclusive artifact task is not necessarily easy to do.

  He is not an ordinary job, but an initial hidden job.

  His profession-specific artifact is much more difficult to make than others.

  Currently, the dead air has not yet recovered, Chen Mo immediately said to Chakuku: "Your high-level officials should know about the alliance, and don't spread it to the bottom."

   "It's natural."

   There is still a word in Chakuku's stomach. If the tribe knows that they are allied with the undead tribe, the people below will be even more disappointed with the entire orc tribe.

   But right now there is no other way, this alliance has to be concluded.

  Chen Mo naturally didn't want them to say it, mainly to prevent their tribe from knowing that the tribe had already formed an alliance with the undead tribe, and they would be trapped when the fear energy decreased.

  The dead air in the land of the dead has not recovered yet.

  After confirming the alliance, Chen Mo asked Chakuku, "Where is the blood **** altar you mentioned?"

   "It's on the high hill behind our Norton kingdom."

  Chen Mo opened the map to check, and indeed saw a high mountain behind Norton Kingdom.

   "Is there anything guarding this blood **** altar?"

   "Yes, there are four blood slaves guarding you. Their strength is extraordinary. If you don't wear the blood curse rune, they will attack you directly."

   "Wearing this, can I enter it safely?"


   "What about the mysterious blood stash? There is no guardian?"

  "According to people from our tribe who have been inside, we didn't see anything guarding it, and we just threw some children into the secret cache. We don't know what happened after that."

   "Child?" Chen Mo glanced at Cha Kuku unexpectedly.

   "Tiger poison doesn't eat its offspring, it doesn't belong to our orc clan, it was snatched from other clans." Chakuku shook his head and said.

   "You really have a bottom line." Chen Mo sneered.

   didn't pay any attention to him.

  Now that you know about the professional artifact, it is natural to start working.

   "Okay, you can go back, I will take care of the blood **** altar."

   "Then thank you Master Master. I will send you the legendary heart immediately after I go back. We will also hunt more, so that the death energy in the land of the dead will increase."

  Watching Chakuku's resignation, Gudolph excitedly said: "A few days ago, they almost forced us to surrender. Today, after being taught such a lesson by Master Juggernaut, they immediately came to sue for peace. Master Juggernaut is really mighty!"

   "Okay, when your strength is as strong as your flattering skills, it will be great."

  Chen Mo smiled speechlessly, and then with a thought, he directly used the flickering of the gods to come to the position of the blood **** altar.

  Although Chakuku gave him the Blood Curse Rune.

   But feeling that this thing is very weird, Chen Mo decided not to wear it.

  Since the blood **** himself can't send a clone down, the remaining blood slaves will not be too strong.

  The so-called Blood God Altar was actually built in a natural cave.

  As soon as Chen Mo appeared here, he saw four strange creatures with red eyes appearing at the entrance of the cave.

   They don't look like humans, and they don't look like orcs.

  The whole body is covered with red hair, the eyes are red, and the nails are very long, which looks very weird.

  Chen Mo immediately perceived their attributes.

   It was discovered that it was equivalent to four level 40 one-turn full-star powerhouses, but they had quite a lot of blood, each with 1.7 billion blood.

  But Chen Mo's current skeleton monster is already comparable to the third turn, and he doesn't need to pay attention to the first turn.

  For ordinary level 20 professionals, these four blood slaves are really strong, but for Chen Mo, they are very good!

  With more than half of the number of summons recovered now, Chen Mo can already summon hundreds of thousands of skeleton monsters at his fingertips.

   Just as the four blood slaves were screaming and preparing to kill him, he and all the skeleton monsters entered a state of invisible presence and killed the four blood slaves.

  Since those orcs who wore the blood curse talisman before could see his invisible state, naturally these four blood slaves can also do it.

  Chen Mo didn't let the skeleton monsters enter the state of ecstasy in order not to be seen by them.

   Instead, there is no collision volume in the invisible state, which allows skeletons to be superimposed.

   After all, it is the entrance of a cave, and there are too many skeleton monsters to stand up.

   "Destroy them!"

   Following Chen Mo's order, 300,000 skeleton monsters immediately swarmed up, and they were crazy output to these four blood slaves.

  Chen Mo was not idle either, and casually threw a healing wave at the four blood slaves.

   Immediately, the healing wave jumped back and forth on the blood slave and the skeleton monster, and amazing damage popped up continuously.

   Within a short while, the four blood slaves were killed.

  But what Chen Mo didn't expect was that these four blood slaves were very strange.

  As soon as they were killed, they stood up again.

   And there should have been four undead with the same strength as them, but they didn't appear at all.

   It can be seen that these four blood slaves were not really killed.

   "This blood **** really has something. He can always make some immortal things. If that's the case, then let's trap them."

  Chen Mo directly dispatched hundreds of skeleton monsters to each blood slave, making them appear and surround them.

  I entered the cave with the remaining skeleton monsters.

  Just entering the cave, there is a strange sculpture in front of the eyes. In front of the sculpture is an altar made of black iron. There are layers of dark blood that have already solidified on the altar.

   There were dark purple, red, green, and all kinds of blood dried up and mixed on the altar.

  Around the altar…

  Through the pioneer's perception ability, Chen Mo easily found the hidden place of the mysterious blood stash, and he directly pasted the blood curse rune on it to open the entrance of the secret stash.


  With the sound of the stone door, the entrance to the secret store was opened.

   Suddenly, a disgusting smell overflowed from inside.

  It smelled of feces, rotting flesh, and blood, all kinds of disgusting and strange smells mixed together, almost made Chen Mo vomit.

  He saw that a blue-skinned child of unknown race was eating the corpse of the same blue-skinned child next to him in the cave.

   It can be seen that what Chakuku said before is true, and live sacrifices are often thrown in here.

   Imprisoned in it, naturally excrement and urine pile up, carrion lumps...

   Chen Mo frowned and felt it, he just wanted to find his professional artifact and leave.

   Right when he perceives what he wants.

  Suddenly a huge leech drilled out of the secret storage space. It was 100 meters long and 10 meters wide.

   This is the first time Chen Mo has seen such a strange leech.

  Through the perception of the pioneer's ability, Chen Mo discovered that this thing is actually a "Blood God Preacher".

  The attribute is very abnormal, it has surpassed the 40th level of the first level, comparable to the strength of the 40th level gold boss of the second level.

   And the ability is quite disgusting, as long as it has a higher HP than the target, all damage caused by the opponent's attack on it cannot exceed 1% of the maximum HP of the target.

This guy is now comparable to a level 40 gold boss at the second turn, with a blood volume of nearly 4 billion. The maximum health of Chen Mo and his skeleton monster is more than 600,000. If they can only cause damage of 1% of their maximum health each time , it can only cause more than 6,000 points at a time.

   This has to be fought until the Year of the Monkey, and this guy also has a strong ability to restore blood and **** blood.

  But Chen Mo has the title of God of the Brave, so he doesn't need to get used to the other party's bad habits.

   Just seal it off and you're done.

  In an instant, the powerful ability of this blood **** preacher was completely sealed by Chen Mo.

   "It seems that the belief of the Blood God in this world is spread by it.

  Then just kill it and destroy the Blood God Altar, and it will be done once and for all. "

  Chen Mo had just finished sealing the opponent's ability, and before Chen Mo could make a move, it actually sprayed a large puddle of black-red liquid towards Chen Mo immediately.

   Before the liquid touched Chen Mo, the stench permeated first.

  A strong smell of blood is nauseating.

  When Chen Mo saw a **** flickering, he dodged far away.

   At the same time, he directly ordered the skeleton monster to explode.

  This disgusting place should be cleaned up as soon as possible!

  Following Chen Mo's thoughts, red lights appeared on the skeleton monsters in an instant, "Bang bang bang!!"

  A series of violent explosions accompanied by a burst of shaking.

  The entire cave was bombed to pieces.

   Within a short while, the entire mountain was blown to the ground.

   And the so-called blood **** altar was blown to pieces.

  A large number of tiny leeches wriggled out of it, and Chen Mo felt goosebumps when he saw it.

  He immediately asked the skeleton monster to give them an explosion meal, and fried them to pieces again.

  As soon as the blood **** altar was blown up, the four blood slaves who hadn't died just now automatically turned into four puddles of blood.

  However, as the Blood God Altar was completely shattered, Chen Mo also received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Warning! You destroyed the blood **** altar, and the blood god's favorability for you has been reduced by 100 points. Be careful, if you meet him, he will cast a curse on you at any time! 】

   "It's really stingy. I killed the clone of the evil **** Zorca before, and I'm not so stingy."

  Chen Mo complained speechlessly.

  At this moment, Chen Mo saw that the huge leech hadn't been killed by the blast, and it split into countless small leeches and was about to run away.

  The favorability of the blood **** has already dropped, so there is no reason for Chen Mo to let it go.

   Send the skeleton monster directly to fry it with noodles.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You have successfully ended the spread of the belief of the Blood God in this world, and you have gained the favor of the gods who inherited the original belief in this world!

   Beast God's favorability towards you has increased by 100 points. 】

   "One down and one up, it's not bad, it's even."

   Seeing the reminder from Tiandao, Chen Mo smiled.

   I don't know the strength of the Blood God, but the Beast God is absolutely awesome.

  This is what he personally perceived through the skeleton monster.

  It must be a good thing to have his favor.

   It's just that I don't know where this favor can be used.

   After destroying the Blood God Altar, Chen Mo immediately sensed the location of his professional artifact fragment in the ruins.

   Soon he found it.

   This thing is pitch black, and if you don't perceive it carefully, you won't know that it is a professional artifact fragment.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have successfully collected the professional-specific artifact fragments (1), which has been recorded. When you have collected all the professional-specific artifact fragments, the professional-specific artifact rewards will be directly issued to you. 】

   "The so-called hidden mission is nothing more than that."

  Easy to solve the task, Chen Mo smiled and returned to the land of the dead.

  At this time, in the orc tribe, seeing that the mountain where the blood **** altar was located was directly blown to the ground, all the orc masters were amazed.

  None of them have figured out what happened yet.

  As a teleportation light lit up in the tribe, Chakuku had already returned to the tribe with the teleportation scroll.

  As soon as he returned home, he saw that the mountain where the Blood God Altar was located had been bombed to pieces.

Looking at a group of shocked masters of the same clan in the air, he also flew up with a shocked expression: "I didn't expect Lord Undead Lord to be so efficient. I haven't returned to the clan yet, and he destroyed the blood **** altar. .”

  Even if Chakuku wants to teleport home, it is not good to use the teleportation scroll directly in the land of the dead.

   After he walked out of the land of the dead, he used the teleportation scroll to teleport himself back to the tribe.

   As a result, the blood **** altar was destroyed before he even thought about walking out of the land of the dead.

   This efficiency is really amazing.

   And from this efficiency, he was even more afraid of Chen Mo.

  This means that the other party intends to destroy their orcs, and they can also have such an efficiency.

   "Master Priest, are you back? How is it going?"

  Beastman clan, the priest is a very high status existence, even the beastman king has to respect him when he sees him.

  As soon as Cha Kuku came back, everyone immediately flew to his side to inquire.

   "You have also seen that the blood **** altar has been destroyed, it is obviously a deal..."

   "What!? Was this destroyed by the undead master?"


   "So fast!? Didn't you just come back?"

  As soon as these words came out, Cha Kuku was also speechless, "Fortunately, he doesn't remember the villain's mistakes, and didn't kill us all, otherwise, with his strength, we orcs might be in danger!

   After all, Lord Beast God has disappointed us now. If the Lord of the Undead comes again, no one will protect us anymore. "

   "Great, how do you talk about success?"

   "In exchange for the legendary heart left by our family of heroes, we just talked about this matter. You must not go out to publicize this matter. This matter must be kept secret, otherwise the impact will be bad."

  As soon as these words came out, all the orc masters couldn't say anything.

  Indeed, even the legendary heart left in the body of the hero in his own clan has to be exchanged for peace, which is a great insult to a orc clan that advocates glory.

  In order to survive, they have no other choice.

  Seeing that Chen Mo has finished his work and his things have not been delivered yet, Cha Kuku dare not neglect.

  What if the other party gets angry and kills him?

  He immediately flew into the priest's hut, took out the legendary heart, and then quickly flew towards the land of the dead.

  At this time in the Land of the Dead, Chen Mo unexpectedly discovered that the collection speed of the fear collector was much faster than before.

   Naturally, it was much faster, and his move completely frightened the top management of the orc clan.

  Is it possible that this fear energy can accumulate quickly?

  The fear energy of a master is much more valuable than that of a rookie.

  But the level of fear of masters is not easy to reach a deep level all at once.

  Chen Mo rushed to the orcs for the first time, which was considered to have brought them the first layer of fear.

   Destroying the Blood God Altar in an instant this time pushed their fear to the second level.

  They only need to think about Chen Mo destroying the orc tribe at such a speed, and they will feel powerless and chill in their hearts.

   Natural fear also deepened.

   With the death of a large number of leeches, and the deepening fear of the orcs.

   The degree of recovery of dead energy in the land of the dead is getting higher and higher, and it has recovered to more than 75% in a short time.

   And it is still recovering quickly.

  Seeing that the death energy has recovered to the standard, the secret realm of the undead can finally be opened, and it is ready to receive new power!

  But the Legendary Heart hasn't arrived yet, Chen Mo was afraid that the dungeon would be over after he completed the main mission, so he waited for a while.

   Soon, Chakuku rushed to the land of the dead.

  Hearing that he was coming, Chen Mo was summoned immediately.

   Cha Kuku ran forward in a hurry, afraid of offending Chen Mo by being too late.

   "Master Master, this is the legendary heart that our tribe has always kept, please verify it."

   This time, Gu Daofu didn't need Chen Mo's signal, and directly took the things for him.

Chen Mo felt it for a while, and it was indeed the heart of legend. He immediately nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes, from now on, you orcs can do it for themselves. Don't always think about coming to our land of the dead to do things. Our land of the dead can be regarded as guarding I'm on one side, I didn't go out to harass you, you orcs just came to eliminate them based on their likes and dislikes, isn't there some reason."

   "Yes, yes, I will definitely educate them when I go back to ensure that no orc will be malicious to the undead in the future."

   "Okay, you can go."

  Chen Mo didn't care about the attitude of the orcs.

  After all, people will reason with you only if you have strength in hand.

  It’s really useless to say so much.

  He said this just for the possibility of coming to this world again in the next second turn, and to control it in advance.

   Having obtained the Legendary Heart, Chen Mo stopped writing, and got up directly into the basement of the apse of the palace.

  There is a secret door here.

   You need to have enough Undead Worship to open it.

  Chen Mo was satisfied at this time.

  Following Chen Mo to this huge secret door, he originally thought that this door was going to be pushed open.

   As a result, he stretched out his hand, only to find that his hand went through the gate.

   This surprised Chen Mo.

  He went straight through the gate and entered the world behind.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on coming to the inheritance space of the master of the undead. The previous master of the undead left his power to you. Do you want to accept the inheritance now?

   After accepting the inheritance, the task in the current dungeon world will be automatically settled, please confirm! 】

   "It turns out that there is one more chance to confirm before inheritance."

   Having obtained all the fragments of professional artifacts, there is no need to stay any longer, so Chen Mo directly chose to confirm.

   Following his determination, a surge of majestic energy poured into his body.

  Chen Mo only felt that something was opened deep in his soul, and energy poured in continuously.

   Just when he felt refreshed that his soul was about to ascend, the inheritance energy was completely exhausted.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations on accepting the inheritance from the former Master of the Undead, your current occupation has changed to "Master of the Undead - Ten Stars"! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Because of your successful career reincarnation, you got a chance to wash points. Do you want to wash points? 】

"It's almost time to wash it up. My physique has been increased so much before, and now the attributes are so high. In fact, there is no need to add so much to my physique. I can consider washing it and evenly distributing it to intelligence and spirit. The greatest improvement call combat power."

  Receiving Tiandao's reminder, Chen Mo thought about washing some things.

   At the very beginning, he added physical fitness just in case he was killed.

  But now that he is blessed with life-saving ability, he doesn't need to become flesh at all.

   And after seeing the powerful attributes of the skeleton monster, he felt that he was not much meat.

  The added blood is not enough to fight.

   It doesn’t make much difference whether you want it or not. It’s more practical to directly increase the strength of the skeleton monster by a large amount.

  Offense is the best defense.

  As long as you kill quickly, the enemy will have no output.

  Although the attributes of skeleton monsters are already quite high, there are many powerful opponents.

   There are also many bosses with high blood volume, and the attack is not too high.

   Besides, it’s not that high.

  Currently, the attack power of skeleton monsters below rank five may be considered enough, but if it is above rank five, it is not enough at all.

  This kind of attack power may not even have a fraction of others.

  So it can be said that the attack power can be increased as much as possible. When the life-saving ability is stable, the best solution is to maximize the output.

  After thinking it over, Chen Mo immediately chose the washing point, and then evenly distributed the attributes to intelligence and spirit.

  If you don’t wash it, you don’t know. After washing the points, Chen Mo found out that he has an astonishing amount of attribute points.

  My level 20 self has a total of 6,000 attribute points that can be added!

  Equally allocated to intelligence and spirit, each attribute can be allocated 3,000 points!

  After Chen Mo finished adding the attribute points, and then checked his Heavenly Dao prompt, he knew where the attribute points came from.

  【Prompt from heaven: Since your total professional star rating has reached 15 stars, every point you get when you level up can be freely added to the attributes and changed to triple! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Due to the effect of your SSS-level title’s original Transcendent effect, every point you get when you level up can be freely added to the attribute and changed to 4 times! Currently, you can get 300 freely added attribute points per level. 】

  With 15 stars and title blessings, his attribute points have already reached the multiples that can only appear after three turns.

   And he only has one turn at this time! So if he goes two steps higher, it's actually equivalent to not going beyond it. He just has so many attribute points.

   After finishing the attributes, Chen Mo immediately looked at his career change.

  【Tiandao Tip: Since your career has been upgraded to a new career, your career has been enhanced to a certain extent! 】

  【Occupation】: Master of the Undead (1 turn to 10 stars)

  【Professional Talent】: Lord of the Undead

  〖Master of the Undead〗: When there are undead units summoned by you within the range of "level * star * 200 meters" around you, you will not die for any reason. You have an undead containment space, which can contain the highest "level * star * 200" undead in the body. The undead received in the containment space will ignore the sustainable time and exist forever, but when released, the sustainable time will continue to be counted.

  【Professional-specific passive skills】: Dominant posture, undead assembly, death call, not unlocked (unlocked when breaking through the fourth-order bottleneck.)...

〖Undead Gathering·Golden Passive〗: When summoning undead, there will be a chance of one-half of the corresponding magnification to increase the number of summons with the corresponding magnification (the probability is calculated from the highest magnification, every 10 times is pushed, the maximum is "level * 20" times ).

  〖Death Call·Golden Passive〗: All units killed by you or your summons will be resurrected as special undead with their strength in life for you to drive!

Special undead can only be contained in a special containment space. Each special undead can survive for a maximum of 2 minutes outside the special containment space. duration of existence.

   It takes 50 seconds for the special undead contained in the special storage space to be recalled. Every 10 levels, you will get two special undead storage spaces, currently 1/4.

  【Professional-specific active skills】: Undead Summoning God, Juggernaut Command, Juggernaut Power, Unlocked (Unlocked when breaking through the fourth-order bottleneck.)

  〖Summon of the Undead God·Golden Active〗: It can be used once every 12 hours to summon a powerful undead, and the level of the undead changes synchronously with your level.

   There is a 100% chance to summon mid-level undead, a 20% chance to summon high-level undead, a 2% chance to summon super-level undead, and a 0.02% chance to summon god-level undead.

   The summoned powerful undead can exist permanently, but at most "your level * 2" can exist permanently at the same time. The powerful undead that cannot exist permanently will be sent back to the undead world after 2 hours. (When summoning, the detection probability starts from the highest rank).

〖Power of Domination·Golden Active〗: You can take back the power of all the undead units you have summoned for your own use, increase your own attribute value equal to the number of all the undead summons you have absorbed, and master their active skills, which lasts for 15 minutes. Let cool for 25 minutes.

  You will not be able to perform any related summons during the effect of the Juggernaut Divine Power. (Each low-level undead can increase the attribute value by 1%, each mid-level undead can increase the attribute value by 2%, each high-level undead can increase the attribute value by 5%, each super-level undead can increase the attribute value by 10%, each God-level undead can increase 100% attribute value.)

   "As expected, it is a hidden reincarnation task that can fully improve professional ability after completion, so cool!"

   It can be seen that Chen Mo's undead master profession has strengthened the strength of all other skills except for the passive skill of the master's posture, which is the limit itself.

   The maximum trigger multiplier of Undead Gathering has been doubled.

  Death Call has doubled the special undead storage space on the original basis.

  The summoning of the undead God skills has shortened the time by half, and can be summoned once every 12 hours.

   Not only that, even the chance of summoning a powerful undead has been doubled on the original basis!

  The number that can exist permanently is also doubled on the original basis.

   It can be said that it has been greatly improved in one go.

  However, the improvement of the master's power is a little less interesting than the undead summoning God.

  The former is an all-round improvement, while the latter simply increases the duration and reduces the cooldown.

  The improvement is not very big.

   But this skill is not a common skill, so Chen Mo doesn't care.

  The first few commonly used skills have been at least doubled in strength from the original basis, and he is already very satisfied.

   While Chen Mo was excitedly checking the changes in his professional skills, the light in front of his eyes changed, and he returned to the outside world.

   At this time, six hours have passed since he entered the instance.

  Although his time in the dungeon did not reach six hours, this kind of dungeon whose time flow rate is not synchronized is calculated according to the passage of fixed time.

  Chen Mo completed the task too quickly, which made him feel like he lost a lot of time.

  But if you do this task normally, you have to do it slowly, and it will take a long time.

  I left at noon, and it was already evening when I came back.

  As Chen Mo opened the door, Liu Yiyi had just finished dinner.

   "Hey, why did you cook so many dishes, didn't you say you don't need to keep them for me?" Looking at the table of dishes, Chen Mo asked with a smile.

   "In case you come back, it doesn't take much effort to cook two more dishes anyway, and you just come home too, come and sit down and eat." Liu Yiyi took the bowls and chopsticks and said with a smile.

  [PS]: I still owe 15 more.

  (end of this chapter)

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